Professor Peter Clift - University College London, UK
Keywords: Geology of Asia and Asian marginal seas, Geology of the Caledonides in the British Isles, subduction tectonics, sedimentary provenance, sediment geochemistry, paleoclimatology, chemical weathering, marine geology
Executive Editors
Dr Emese Bordy - University of Cape Town, South Africa
Keywords: Sedimentology
Dr Tim Johnson - Curtin University, Australia
Keywords: Metamorphic petrology, crystalline rocks, early Earth processes, Archaean geodynamics
Professor Olivier Lacombe - Sorbonne Université, France
Keywords: Structural geology and tectonics; Mountain belts and sedimentary basins; Folds, faults and fractures; Microstructures; Stress and strain; Rock mechanics; Paleopiezometry; Fluid-rock interactions and fluid flow in the shallow crust
Dr Sarah Sherlock - Open University, UK
Keywords: Igneous petrology
Dr Bas Van de Schootbrugge - Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Keywords: Palaeontology, Palynology, Mass-extinctions, Ocean Anoxic Events, Proxies, Stable Isotopes, Paleoceanography & Paleoclimate
Associate Editors
Dr Antonio Alvarez-Valero - University of Salamanca, Spain
Keywords: Petrologist-geochemist, integrating different approaches (petrography + mineral chemistry + reaction balance + phase diagram modelling + stable and noble gas isotopes), magma genesis and crustal partial melting with implications on volcanic evolution in different systems (extinct and active; basic and acid; onland and submarine)
Professor Maria de Fatima Bitencourt - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Keywords: Granites and related rocks from south Brazil and Uruguay, as well as the African connection, syntectonic magmatism, post-collisional magmatism, shear zones, magmatic structures at meso to microscale, geological mapping, migmatites and magma genesis
Dr Laura Bracciali - British Geological Survey, UK
Keywords: Sediment provenance, geochronology, geology of the Himalayas and surface processes
Professor Alan Collins - University of Adelaide, Australia
Keywords: Past plate tectonics and tectonic geography of the Proterozoic. Gondwana-forming orogens, sedimentary geochemistry and geochemical proxies for earth surface systems. Geology of Tethys, Africa, South America, Asia and Australasia. Sedimentology and Basin analysis. Proterozoic basins.
Dr Irene Cornacchia - Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse IGG-CNR, Italy
Keywords: Cenozoic evolution of Mediterranean carbonate systems, shallow-water carbonates, carbonate sedimentology, carbonate facies and microfacies analyses, stable isotope stratigraphy, radiogenic (Sr and Nd) isotope systematics applied to stratigraphic studies, paleoceanography and paleoclimate
Dr Kathryn Fitzsimmons - University of Tübingen, Germany
Keywords: Terrestrial sedimentology, geochronology, quaternary
Dr Kathryn Goodenough - British Geological Survey, UK
Keywords: Mineral resources, critical metals, igneous petrogenesis, crustal evolution
Dr George Guice- Smithsonian Institution, USA
Keywords: Ore geology, mafic/ultramafic igneous petrology and high-temperature geochemistry
Dr Geoffrey Howarth- University of Cape Town, South Africa
Keywords: Igneous petrology, kimberlites, meteorites and ore geology
Dr Lily Jackson - University of Wyoming, USA
Keywords: Sedimentary Geology, Tectonics, sedimentology, zircon geochronology, Geology of the Andes
Dr Eleanor Jennings - Birkbeck, University of London, UK
Keywords: Igneous geochemistry, igneous petrology, mineral chemistry, volcanology, mantle geochemistry, melt generation, core geochemistry, planetary differentiation and high temperature planetary geochemistry
Dr Johan Le Goff - Labocea, Brest, France
Keywords: Carbonate Sedimentology, Submarine depositional processes, Stratigraphic architecture, Modern and Ancient Carbonate Slopes
Professor Xian-Hua Li - Institute of Geology and Geophysics CAS, China
Keywords: Isotope geochronology and geochemistry, Igneous geochemistry, Precambrian geology and continental evolution of China, Isotopic microanalysis
Professor Guido Meinhold - Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
Keywords: Source-to-sink studies / Sedimentary Provenance Analysis, Basin analysis, Regional geology, Palaeogeography. Regional specialities: Baltoscandia, Central Europe, Eastern Mediterranean, North Africa, Middle East
Dr Indrani Mukherjee - University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Keywords: pyrite geochemistry, early earth, Middle Proterozoic, nutrients, ancient oceans, mineral exploration, trace elements, SEDEX-Zn-Pb, Sed-Cu, eukaryotes, LA-ICP-MS
Professor Dejan Prelevic - University of Belgrade, Serbia
Keywords: Magmatic Processes, Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Experimental Petrology, Geodynamics, High-Temperature Geochemistry, the geology of the Mediterranean area
Dr Renata Schmitt - University of Bern, Switzerland
Keywords: Tectonics and geochronology
Dr Simon Schorn - Karl-Franzens Universität Graz, Austria
Keywords: Metamorphic petrology, granulites, eclogites & eclogitization, reaction textures, thermal consequences of (de)hydration & melting, thermodynamic modelling, calculated chemical potential relationships, zircon- & monazite U-Pb geochronology
Dr Lara Sciscio - Jurassica Museum, Switzerland
Keywords: Sedimentology, Triassic-Jurassic boundary, palaeontology, palaeoenvironments, continental ichnology
Professor Paul Spry - Iowa State University, USA
Keywords: Economic geology (metallic minerals), mineralogy, and metamorphic petrology
Dr Shiming Wan - Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Keywords: Marine sedimentology and paleoclimatology. Sediment from source to sink, Weathering and erosion, River evolution, Eolian dust, East Asian monsoon evolution, Tectonic-climate interactions, Carbon cycle, Clay minerals, Sediment geochemistry, Cenozoic and Quaternary climate change, East Asian marginal seas, West Pacific
Dr Bo Wang - Department of Earth Sciences, Nanjing University, China
Keywords: Rheology and deformation of rocks, tectonic evolution of orogenic belts; Mechanism of magma emplacement in different tectonic settings; Accretionary orogenesis and intracontinental overprintings in Central Asia and South China.
Professor Yongdong Wang - Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Professor Chun-Jing Wei - Peking University, China
Keywords: Metamorphic petrology, Precambrian geology and orogenic evolution