The LaTex template files for submission can be found following the links below:
LaTeX template files for submission
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma is the open access alternative to the leading specialist mathematics journals. Editorial decisions are made by dedicated clusters of editors concentrated in the following areas: • Foundations of mathematics • Discrete mathematics • Algebra • Number theory • Algebraic and complex geometry • Differential geometry and geometric analysis • Topology • Analysis • Probability • Differential equations • Computational mathematics • Applied analysis • Mathematical physics • Theoretical computer science. This classification exists to aid the peer review process. Contributions which do not neatly fit within these categories are still welcome. For further information on the Forum of Mathematics please see the Forum of Mathematics information page. On acceptance of a paper, authors should forward to the Editorial Office at [email protected] the LATEX source code including the figures and all author-defined macro and style files, together with a pdf produced using the same file. Please find the LaTex template file for Forum of Mathematics, Sigma by clicking on the link on the Instructions for Contributors page.
The preferred language of papers in Forum of Mathematics is English but papers in other languages will be considered at the discretion of the Editors. Both British English or American English spelling is accepted.
Papers should be typed with generous margins. Pages must be numbered. The first page should give the
• Title
• The authors’ name and institution (please declare all applicable affiliations in the manuscript and source files)
• The 2020 Subject Classification codes (primary and secondary)
• Short abstract.
Figures and captions should be included as .eps files within the LaTeX source with the usual figure environment. Each text figure must be numbered as Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. and its intended position clearly indicated in the manuscript. The preferred resolutions for submission of electronic artwork are: halftone images, 300 dpi; line tone, 600 dpi; bitmap, 1200 dpi. Please go to for a comprehensive guide to supplying illustrations.
Tables should be numbered above the table as Table 1, Table 2, etc. Indicate the position of each in the text as for figures.
Please identify all funding sources (by name and contract number, as appropriate).
References should be listed at the end of the paper and numbered in alphabetical order (by surname of the first author). References should be cited numerically in the text. Only those works that are cited should be included in the references list. A reference to a paper should give the date of publication, the title of the periodical in italics, the number of the volume, and the beginning and end pages of the paper. Journal titles should be abbreviated as in Mathematical Reviews. A reference to a book should give the date of publication, the title in italics, and then in roman type, (the editors if applicable) the publisher’s name and place of publication. Examples: Journal A. Smith, ‘The number of ordinary sets in regular graphs’, Combin. Probab. Comput. 31 (2010) 12–320. Book B. Smith and T. Jones, New bounds for Smith's theorem, in Analytic Number Theory (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2009), 180–204. NB. Any papers mentioned in the text that have not been at least submitted for review, should be cited as eg. ‘T. Smith, unpublished observations’ and must not appear in the reference list.
Author’s PDF
The corresponding author will be sent a pdf of the final published article. Citation of Forum of Mathematics, Sigma papers Articles will be cited in the normal way, but in place of a page number, articles will be cited by article number (each article will begin on page 1). The article number is the standard citation form for online-only journals, and will each year follow the sequence e1, e2, e3, etc., in order of acceptance. A paper published in Pi, for example, would be cited as follows: Smith J S (2013). A general solution to all Hilbert problems Forum of Mathematics, Pi 1 e17 16 pages. There will be no issues, and accepted papers will be published online as soon as copyedited and typeset.
Usage Statistics
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Supplementary Materials:
Supplementary materials will be published with the same metadata as your parent article, and are considered a formal part of the academic record, so cannot be retracted or modified other than via our article correction processes. Supplementary materials will not be typeset or copyedited, so should be supplied exactly as they are to appear online. Please make sure you are familiar with our detailed guidance on supplementary materials prior to submission