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Editorial board

Amin Samman, City University of London, UK


Nina Boy, Heidelberg University, Germany

Nathan Coombs, University of Edinburgh, UK

Associate Editors

Sandy Hager, City University of London, UK

Adam Hayes, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Emily Rosamond, Goldsmiths University of London, UK

Leon Wansleben, Max Planck Institute Cologne, Germany

Carola Westermeier, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany

Reviews and Communications Editor

Leah Downey, University of Cambridge, UK

Editorial Assistant

Rufus Rock, Independent Scholar, UK

Editorial Advisory Board

Daniel Beunza, Bayes Business School, UK

Christian Borch, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Benjamin Braun, Max Planck Institute Cologne, Germany

Angus Cameron, Independent Scholar, UK

Bruce Carruthers, Northwestern University, USA

Brett Christophers, Uppsala University, Sweden

Paul Crosthwaite, University of Edinburgh, UK

Christian de Cock, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Christine Desan, Harvard Law School, USA

Daniela Gabor, University of the West of England, UK

Marieke de Goede, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Iain Hardie, University of Edinburgh, UK

Samuel Knafo, University of Sussex, UK

Peter Knight, University of Manchester, UK

Karin Knorr-Cetina, University of Chicago, USA

Martijn Konings, University of Sydney, Australia

Andreas Langenohl, University of Giessen, Germany

Paul Langley, Durham University, UK

Marc Lenglet, NEOMA Business School, France

Donald MacKenzie, University of Edinburgh, UK

Linsey McGoey, University of Essex, UK

Yuval Millo, University of Leicester, UK

Fabian Muniesa, Mines ParisTech, France

Anastasia Nesvetailova, UNCTAD, Switzerland

Ronen Palan, City University of London, UK

Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, University of California San Diego, USA

Janet Roitman, The New School, USA

Carolyn Sissoko, University of the West of England, UK

Ute Tellmann, TU Darmstadt, Germany

Matthias Thiemann, Sciences Po Paris, France

Adam Tooze, Columbia University, USA

Duncan Wigan, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

James Williams, York University, Canada