Supplementary materials
Material that is not essential to understanding or supporting a manuscript, but which may nonetheless be relevant or interesting to readers, may be submitted as supplementary materials. Supplementary materials will be published online alongside your article, but will not be published in the pages of the journal. Types of supplementary materials may include, but are not limited to, appendices, additional tables or figures, datasets, videos, and sound files.
Supplementary materials will be published with the same metadata as your parent article, and are considered a formal part of the academic record, so cannot be retracted or modified other than via our article correction processes. Supplementary materials will not be typeset or copyedited, so should be supplied exactly as they are to appear online. Please make sure you are familiar with our detailed guidance on supplementary materials prior to submission.
Where relevant we encourage authors to publish additional qualitative or quantitative research outputs in an appropriate repository, and cite these in manuscripts.
Journal house style is outlined below. Please make sure your manuscript conforms to these guidelines.
Primary and secondary text headings should be left aligned. Primary headings should be boldface; secondary headings should be italicised. Articles should not use more than two levels of headings.
Quotations must correspond exactly with the original in wording, spelling, and punctuation. Short quotations within-text must be noted by double quotation marks; longer quotations or extracts should be indented from the left margin and require no quotation marks. Changes and additions to quotations must be identified by square bracketing; ellipses (…) must be used to identify omissions; emphasis added or omitted must be indicated. Quotations must specify the page or location of the quote.
Figures and tables
Figures and tables must be placed in-line and as close as possible to the first reference made in the text. Tables should be formatted for legibility and comprehensibility.
Within-text citations
Citations should be as specific as possible, citing particular chapters, sections, page numbers, or locations whenever possible, including for electronic sources. All citations should be specified in the text in the following manner:
- If the author is named in the text, cite by year of publication:
- Jean-Joseph Goux (1999) has argued …
- If necessary, pagination should follow the year of publication, separated by a colon:
- Goux (1999: 116) demonstrates …
- If the author is not named in the text, cite by last name and year of publication:
- Some have suggested … (Martin, 2021).
- Dual authors should be joined by “and”; multiple authors should be listed in full on first citation and indicated by “et al.” thereafter:
- Certain authors suggest … (Bryan and Rafferty, 2006). Others have instead argued … (de Cock, Baker, and Volkmann, 2011). This entails … (de Cock et al., 2011: 158-9).
- If an author has multiple references for any single publication year, indicate specific works by use of lower case letters (e.g., Konings, 2018a; 2018b).
- Series of references should be enclosed within parentheses, ordered chronologically or alphabetically by author, and separated by semicolons:
- Proponents of the position tend to … (de Cock et al., 2011; Birch and Muniesa, 2020).
- Citations for information found on a webpage or from other electronic sources should follow the common in-text pattern of author, year and, if available, page number. If the electronic source does not have page numbers, authors should use internal divisions such as section numbers, locations, or chapter headings to assist the reader in finding the original information:
- (Taxi to Caracas, 2020: Paragraph 3)
- Repeat citation each time it is necessary. Avoid “ibid.”, “op. cit.”, and so on. Be sure that every cited work is included in the list of references and that the spellings of author names and dates of publications are accurate in both citations and references.
Any acknowledgements should appear at the end of the manuscript prior to notes and references.
All notes must be endnotes, not footnotes, with their location in the text clearly marked by superscript numbers (1, 2, 3). Endnote text should appear at the end of the manuscript before the list of references.
A list of references must be included and should begin on a new page following the main text. Works should be listed alphabetically by author, or by institution or title for any material not attributed to a specific author or authors. References should conform to the formats illustrated below:
- Birch, K. and Muniesa, F. (eds.) (2020) Assetization: Turning Things into Assets in Technoscientific Capitalism. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Bryan, D. and Rafferty, M. (2006) Capitalism with Derivatives: A Political Economy of Financial Derivatives. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
- De Cock, C., Baker, M., and Volkmann, V. (2011) Financial phantasmagoria: Corporate image-work in times of crisis. Organization, 18(2): 153-72.
- Goux, J.-J. (1999) Cash, check, or charge? In: Woodmansee, M. and Osteen, M. (eds.) The New Economic Criticism: Studies at the Intersection of Literature and Economics. London: Routledge, 114-28.
- Konings, M. (2018a) How finance is governed: Reconnecting cultural and political economy. Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory, 19(2): 135-51.
- Konings, M. (2018b) Capital and Time: For a New Critique of Neoliberal Reason. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
- Martin, K. (2021) Occupy Wall Street spirit returns as traders upset the elites. Financial Times, 28 January. 07dc66b0b9e8. Accessed 21 July 2023.
- Taxi to Caracas (2020) Venezuela’s currency control system. Accessed 21 July 2023.