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Abstracts of the 22nd European Congress of Psychiatry

Volume 29 - Issue S1 - 2014

Page 44 of 70

P31 - Schizophrenia

EPW09 - Psychopharmacology and Pharmacoeconomics 1

P01 - Addictive Behaviours

P29 - Psychotherapy

EPW34 - Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 3

FC13 - Free Communications Session 13: Mental Health

EPW34 - Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 3

E06 - e-Poster Oral Session 06: Child Psychiatry and Personality Disorders

P24 - Prevention of Mental Disorders

P21 - Personality and Personality Disorders

EPW02 - Depression 1

EPW10 - Anxiety, Somatoform Disorders and OCD

P37 - Women, Gender and Mental Health

P24 - Prevention of Mental Disorders

S518 - Patient needs and rights in the light of the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities

P04 - Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

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