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Editorial board


Susan Hahne

Dr. Susan Hahné (PhD FFPH (UK) EPIET MD) Editor-in-Chief

National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, the Netherlands

[email protected]

Susan is an infectious disease epidemiologist, public health specialist and medical doctor.  Her passion for infectious disease epidemiology started when she did an EPIET fellowship (1999-2001) and her subsequent training with the UK Faculty of Public Health. During this time she realised she wanted to work in infectious disease epidemiology, and she has done so ever since. Her work has been mostly focused on surveillance, outbreak investigation, research and teaching considering the epidemiology and control of vaccine preventable diseases. She published over 150 peer-reviewed papers,  contributed to a number of book chapters and supervised several PhD students.

She collated her experience in her latest textbook ‘Vaccination Programmes’, an endeavour she completed with Paddy Farrington and Kaatje Bollaerts. She is pleased to report this book is now available free of charge.  She is currently senior epidemiologist at the RIVM’s Centre for Infectious Disease, Epidemiology and Surveillance, in the Netherlands.

After having been an Associate Editor for Epidemiology & Infection between 2007 and 2014, she is now Editor-in-Chief since 2024.

Deputy Editor

Michael Edelstein

Michael Edelstein Deputy Editor

Faculty of Medicine, Bar-Ilan University, Israel

Prof. Michael Edelstein is a medical doctor specialised in public health, with expertise in vaccine epidemiology, surveillance systems and outbreak investigations, in both routine and emergency contexts. He is a professor of Epidemiology and Public Health at Bar-Ilan University where his focus is on health inequalities within immunization programmes. In addition to his academic position, he regularly consults on immunization matters for the Israel Ministry of Health, the World Health Organization and other national and international public health organizations in Europe, Africa and beyond.

Associate Editors

Laura Gieraltowski

Laura Gieraltowski Associate Editor

Dr. Laura Gieraltowski is the Lead of the Foodborne Outbreak Response Team in the Outbreak Response and Prevention Branch at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia. She leads the team that helps coordinate the national network of epidemiologists and other public health officials who investigate outbreaks of foodborne and other enteric illnesses. Dr. Gieraltowski is a graduate of CDC's Epidemic Intelligence Service Program. She received a PhD in Epidemiology from the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health and has a Masters of Public Health degree in behavioral health sciences from Emory University Rollins School of Public Health. She has worked at the CDC since 2009 and has been involved in numerous multistate outbreak investigations leading to the identification and recall of food products.

Expertise: Multistate enteric disease outbreak investigation and response, Applied/field infectious disease epidemiology, Emergency response/preparedness, Health communications during emergency response, Data management and statistical analyses

Helen Johnson

Helen Johnson Associate Editor

University of Cambridge, UK

Helen Johnson is an infectious disease modeller specialising in the use of advanced analytical and Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods to support decision-making, including approaches to account for uncertainty, reduce bias and ensure representation. From 2017, she led the mathematical modelling at the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) in Stockholm and later at the European Commission in Brussels, advising decision-makers on pandemic policy, including social distancing measures, border closures, pharmaceutical procurement and vaccination strategy. An applied mathematician, she has advanced the use of Bayesian methods for inferring the causes and determinants of health outcomes. As Director of Safinea, she advises national governments and intergovernmental organisations on disease forecasting, vaccine procurement and prioritisation, and the adoption of new technologies to support public health policy and operations. She is a Research Associate at the Bennett Institute of Public Policy at the University of Cambridge.

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Pikka Jokelainen Associate Editor

Statens Serum Institut, Denmark

Dr Pikka Jokelainen’s main professional interests are One Health and zoonoses. She works at Statens Serum Institut, a public health institute that also has veterinary preparedness functions, and she is involved in a large European One Health EJP project

Eduardo MassadEduardo Massad Associate Editor

University of Sao Paolo, Brazil

Eduardo is Professor of Medical Informatics in the Department of Pathology at the University of Sao Paulo. His research interests include viruses, infection, rabies, vaccinations and HIV.

Professor Massad is a medical professional with extensive experience in the field of infectious disease epidemiology and the mathematical modelling of infectious diseases. He has done a wide range of modelling work spanning Dengue, Yellow Fever, Hepatitis A, vaccine preventable diseases, parasitology, HIV and antimicrobial resistance.

Lucy RobertsonLucy Robertson Associate Editor

Norwegian University of Life Sciences

Lucy is Professor in Parasitology at the Department of Food Safety and Infection Biology within the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. The focus of her group is directed towards epidemiology of intestinal parasites, particularly those with zoonotic potential, detection and identification in environmental matrices (especially water and food), outbreak and contamination control, viability assessment and method development, and interactions of parasites with host nutrition. She is currently a member of the BioHaz panel at the European Food Safety Authority and also Chairs the COST Action A European Network for Foodborne Parasites (EURO-FBP), where the main objective is to decrease the impact on human health from foodborne parasites (FBP) through establishing a risk-based control programme for FBP containing robust and appropriate protective strategies.

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Jussi Sane Associate Editor

Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), Finland

Jussi Sane works for the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe focusing on health emergency preparedness, capacity building and technical  assessments. He also holds a visiting researcher affiliation at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). Until August 2020, Jussi Sane was a Chief Specialist at THL where he led a team responsible for communicable disease preparedness and response. Dr Sane in an epidemiologist and virologist (PhD) by training and a graduate from the European Programme for Intervention Epidemiology Training. He is an adjunct professor of infectious disease epidemiology, at Tampere University (Finland) research activities focusing on vector-borne and vaccine-preventable infections, and global health.

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Rajiv Sarkar Associate Editor

Indian Institute of Public Health - Shillong, India

Rajiv Sarkar as an Assistant Professor at the Indian Institute of Public Health, Shillong, India. He is an epidemiologist by training, with experience and expertise in field-based (observational and interventional) and real-world epidemiological studies. His specific research interests include gastrointestinal infections, neglected tropical diseases, geographic information systems, and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH).

Rajiv has co-authored more than 75 publications in peer-reviewed journals. He was awarded an Early Career Fellowship from the DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance: an initiative funded jointly by The Wellcome Trust, UK and the Department of Biotechnology, India in 2013; and was recognised as an Emerging Leader in International Infectious Diseases by the International Society for Infectious Diseases in 2016.

Holly SealeHolly Seale Associate Editor

University of New South Wales, Australia

Dr. Holly Seale is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Public Health and Community Medicine, the Program Co-Director of the Master of Infectious Diseases Intelligence course, and the Chair of the UNSW Human Research Ethics Committee (Committee B).

Holly’s research is focused on the sociological aspects of infectious diseases and infection prevention, encompassing individual, societal and organisational factors that influence compliance with infection prevention strategies/approaches/interventions developed to improve uptake. It includes pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical prevention strategies, consumers such as hospital/community healthcare workers, special at-risk groups (people with underlying illness, migrants/refugees), students and the general public.

She is particularly interested in the perceptions and behaviours of different groups of health professionals regarding infectious diseases, particularly VPDs and disease prevention strategies, such as immunisation. Dr Seale is also involved with a range of other research projects focused on issues around vaccination of high risk populations including migrant travellers/refugees, immunosuppressed children and other under-immunised groups.

Holly is a Member of Franklin Women (NSW), ASID, PHAA, APACI, ISG and also serves on the Editorial Board of BMC Infectious Diseases.

Carlos SeasCarlos Seas Associate Editor

Cayetano Heredia University, Peru

Principal Investigator at CHU at the Institute of Tropical Medicine.

Dr Seas graduated in Medicine at CHU and finished his fellowship in Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medieine in 1993 at CHU. He did a Postgraduate Training in Clinical Research on Diarrheal Diseases at the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research in Dhaka, Bangladesh in 1993-1994. His main clinical research  is on diarrheal diseases, tuberculosis and Staphylococus aures infections. He is a member of the Infectious Disease Society of America and serves as a journal referee for: Clinical Infectious Diseases, Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal, The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, PLoS ONE, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases, Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Emerging Infectious Diseases, The Journal of Infection, AIDS research and Human Retroviruses.

Tim WreghittTim Wreghitt Associate Editor

Until January 2011 Dr Tim Wreghitt (OBE) was Regional Microbiologist for the Health Protection Agency (HPA) in the east of England. He has been a Clinical Scientist in the HPA and an Honorary Consultant Virologist at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge for over 30 years. Until 2011, he was responsible for public health microbiology in the east of England.

Tim currently works as a part time locum Consultant Virologist at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge and as a Clinical Virology Consultant offering services in medicolegal expert witness reports, clinical virology, public health microbiology, medical advice on virology and commissioning pathology services.

Peng Wu

Peng Wu Associate Editor

University of Hong Kong, China

Dr Peng Wu currently is an Assistant Professor in the School of Public Health of the University of Hong Kong and a member of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Control at the University of Hong Kong. Her primary research interest is in epidemiology of infectious diseases, including respiratory viral, bacterial and other emerging infections, and antimicrobial resistance. Her recent research projects focus on investigation of disease burden and transmission dynamics, assessment of control measures, and optimization of implementation of interventions. She has published over 150 peer-reviewed articles and was included in the “Top 1% highly cited scientists” by Clarivate Analytics in 2022 and 2023.


Mark Zuckerman Associate Editor

King's College Hospital NHS Hospital, UK

Mark Zuckerman is a consultant medical virologist and honorary senior lecturer at the South London Specialist Virology Centre at King's College Hospital, London and King's College London Medical School.

Social Media Editor

Laura Masters Editorial Board photo

Laura Masters Social Media Editor

Laura is a Research Fellow in the School of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Western Australia. Her research is in the field of virology, where she has worked on projects aimed at understanding more about the complex interactions between viruses and their hosts, with focus on cytomegalovirus. Laura has also worked in arbovirus surveillance, and more recently with respiratory viruses, including human coronaviruses. Laura has always been keen on communicating science. She writes science articles for the general public for a local online publication, and is involved in public outreach, including a stint working at a science centre communicating science to children and their families. While serving on the Board of Directors for the Australian Society for Medical Research, Laura handled the Media and Communications portfolio, which included curating the society's social media pages. She is currently a Communications Ambassador for the Australian Society for Microbiology.

Editorial Board Statisticians 

Editorial Board Photo

Lydiane Agier Editorial Board Statistician

Université Gustave Eiffel, France

Dr. Lydiane Agier is an experienced researcher in statistics and epidemiology. She obtained her Ph.D. from Lancaster University (Division of health statistics) and has worked several years in INSERM, the major French health research institute, where she was involved in the very first studies investigating the early-life exposome. She now focuses her research on the causes of road accidents and their impact on health, for which she designs and implements large surveys. She has an interest in the spatio-temporal modelling of infectious diseases, in environmental epidemiology, and in the environmental impact of academic research.

She has written and co-authored over 30 publications in peer-reviewed journals in applied areas of statistics. She has also worked as an external consultant for WHO, and as a lecturer in statistics in several French universities.

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Salma Ayis Editorial Board Statistician 

King's College London

Dr. Salma Ayis is an experienced Senior Lecturer with a demonstrated history of working in research in academia and industry. Skilled in Epidemiology, Statistical Modelling, Research Design, Lecturing, and Medical Research. Strong education professional, graduated from King's College. Salma’s research is focused on public health and health services research investigations. This covers, the impact of societal, environmental, and behavioral factors on the progression of illness, and the impact of these on access of care. Teaching the epidemiology of communicable disease to the Master of Public Health Students, for the past six years, has further Salma’s interest in the field. Dr. Ayis’ work with clinicians and health researchers for many years, has developed her insight and interest in the research of several health conditions, physical and mental and this provided an opportunity to use several advanced methods of statistics, econometrics, and psychometrics that help to investigate often complex research questions.

Ben CowlingBen Cowling Editorial Board Statistician

University of Hong Kong

Professor Cowling has been the Head of the Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of Hong Kong since 2013 where his primary research focus is infectious disease epidemiology. He is a member of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Control at HKU SPH. In recent years he has designed and implemented large field studies of influenza transmission in the community and the effectiveness and impact of control measures including vaccination. His research aims to integrate information on transmission dynamics at the individual level, with disease burden, severity and dynamics at the population level. His latest research has focused on the modes of respiratory virus transmission, influenza vaccination effectiveness, immunity to infections, and the potential causes and implications of interference between respiratory viruses. He has strong links with China CDC, and the NIGMS-funded Harvard Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics. Ben is a fellow of the Royal Statistical Society and a Fellow of the UK Faculty of Public Health.

Ross Harris Board PhotoRoss Harris Editorial Board Statistician

UK Health Security Agency

Ross Harris is a senior statistician working in public health, with a focus on infectious diseases.

He has written and co-authored over 60 publications in peer-reviewed journals and contributed to PHE reports, including the annual report on HCV in England, for which he is an editor. He has also worked as an external consultant for ECDC, WHO and other organisations.

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Professor Gabrielle Kelly Editorial Board Statistician

University College Dublin, Ireland

Professor Gabrielle Kelly is a statistician in the School of Mathematics and Statistics in University College Dublin (UCD). She is a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society, a Chartered Statistician (CStat) and a former President of the Irish Statistical Association (2017-18). She obtained her Ph.D. in Statistics from Stanford University and has worked in Columbia University (Division of Biostatistics), and in University College London (Department of Statistics and Department of Genitourinary Medicine in conjunction with Middlesex Hospital). 

Professor Kelly has published extensively in both theoretical and applied areas of statistics, with over 100 publications in refereed journals. She has been involved in the design and analysis of many human and veterinary clinical studies, in the mathematical modelling of epidemics, and in public health investigations of familial associations. She has an interest in zoonoses and has worked jointly with veterinary colleagues and research agencies on studies related to intra- and inter-species disease transfer. She also served on the Animal Research Ethics Committee in UCD for several years.

Editorial Board 

Preben AavitslandPreben Aavitsland Editorial Board Member

Norwegian Institute of Public Health

Preben is senior consultant at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, municipal medical officer in Arendal city, and professor of infectious disease prevention and control at the University of Oslo, Norway. He has previously served at the Advisory Forum of the Europen Centre for Disease prevention and Control (ECDC). He was a member of the WHO International Health Regulations Review Committees after the 2009 influenza pandemic and the 2014-15 Ebola epidemic. His recent published work has covered topics such as pandemic vaccination strategies, influenza, surveillance data, chlamydia, post-surgery infection risks and policy decisions relating to infection and epidemiology.

David J Allen

David J. Allen Editorial Board Member

Assistant Professor in Virology, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

David is Assistant Professor in Virology at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, and prior to this was Unit Head at the Enteric Virus Unit, Virus Reference Department, at Public Health England. His current research interests are primarily in enteric virus infections, using classical and molecular virology approaches and sequencing technologies to understand the determinants of these viruses that drive their highly dynamic epidemiology.

Roy AndersonSir Roy M. Anderson Editorial Board Member

Imperial College London

Sir Roy is Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology in the School of Public Health, Imperial College London and Director of the London Centre for Neglected Tropical Disease Research.

Sir Roy served as Director of the Wellcome Centre for Parasite Infections (at Imperial College London) and Director of the Wellcome Centre for the Epidemiology of Infectious Disease (at the University of Oxford). He is the author of over 450 scientific articles and has sat on numerous government and international agency committees advising on public health and disease control including the World Health Organisation and UNAIDS. He is a non-executive director of GlaxoSmithKline.

Sir Roy was elected Fellow of the Royal Society in 1986, a Founding Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences in 1998, and a Foreign Associate Member of the National Academy of Medicine at the US National Academy of Sciences in 1999. He was knighted in the 2006 Queen's Birthday Honors.

Lisa BebellLisa Bebell Editorial Board Member

Harvard Medical School, USA

Lisa Bebell is a medical doctor affiliated with Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, USA. After completing residency training in internal medicine, she specialized in infectious diseases and critical care medicine. Currently, Lisa devotes the majority of her time to clinical research. In partnership with local researchers in Uganda, Lisa carries out translational and epidemiology research projects on pregnancy-related infections. Her current work focuses on the placenta as a mediator of poor outcomes in HIV-exposed infants and the placenta's role in early-life immunulogic outcomes. Lisa has published manuscripts on filovirus infections in pregnancy, antimicrobial resistance, and epidemiology of maternal and neonatal sepsis in resource-limited settings.


Paolo Bonanni Editorial Board Member

University of Florence

Dr Bonanni is professor of Hygiene in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Florence, Italy, and Director of the Specialization School in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine at the University of Florence.

His scientific activity has covered the epidemiology and prevention of infectious diseases, particularly viral hepatitis, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, influenza, measles, rubella, varicella, and, most recently, bacterial invasive diseases and human papillomavirus (HPV), including clinical trials and economic evaluation of vaccination strategies. He has been responsible for a research unit in European Union funded projects on antibiotic resistance, surveillance of vaccine-preventable hepatitis, vaccine safety and screening and treatment of migrants for hepatitis B and C.

He was a member of the National Vaccination Commission of the Italian Ministry of Health between 2007 and 2008, and has acted as an expert consultant for the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). He was also a member of the European Technical Advisory Group of Experts (ETAGE) at WHO-Euro between 2012 and 2017, and he still collaborates with WHO on specific topics.

He is a standing adviser of the Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board (VHPB) and Director of the University of Florence Post-Graduate Course on 'Vaccines and Vaccination Strategies', established in 2001.

Norman NoahAndrew Breed Editorial Board Member

Department of Agriculture, University of Queensland, Australia

Andrew is a veterinary epidemiologist at the Australian government’s Department of Agriculture and Water Resources and Honorary Associate Professor at the University of Queensland’s School of Veterinary Science.

His research interests include wildlife disease epidemiology, viral zoonoses, animal disease surveillance and phylogenetics. He has extensive experience working on avian influenza and viral zoonoses of bats in Australia, Europe, Asia and Africa. He worked for eight years at the Animal and Plant Health Agency in the UK following completing a PhD with the Australian Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centre for Emerging Infectious Disease. He is a Diplomat of the European College of Zoological Medicine and recognised veterinary specialist in Wildlife Population Health.

Timothy BrewerTimothy Brewer Editorial Board Member

University of California, Los Angeles

Dr Brewer is Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology at the University of California, Los Angeles.  His research interests include using analytic methods to optimize the control of infectious diseases in populations, particularly the prevention and control of multiple drug-resistant tuberculosis, global risk factors for emerging diseases and the improvement of worldwide outbreak surveillance programs. He has served in advisory roles and/or review panels for the World Health Organization, the National Institutes of Health, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention among others. Dr. Brewer previously was the Program Director for the International Society for Infectious Diseases, and a past Chair of the Board of Directors for the Consortium of Universities for Global Health.

Jan ClementJan Clement Editorial Board Member

University of Leuven

Jan, a nephrologist by formation, was the founder in 1985 of the Belgian Zoonoses Workgroup, sponsored by NATO, which performed research in the field of "new" zoonotic infections being  a potential threat to certain professions working in open field conditions i.e. hantavirus, Lyme disease, tick- borne encephalitis (TBE), leptospirosis, etc.. These activities lead him to the foundation in 1990 of the Belgian National Reference Centre (NRC) for Hantavirus Infections, and to a function as Senior Research Associate at the Laboratory of Epidemiogical and Clinical Virology, University of Leuven, Belgium. Dr Clement reported the first grand scale sero-epidemiological study on hantaviruses in Belgium (1985), and the first serological confirmation of clinical hantavirus cases in Germany (1987), the Netherlands (1989), the New World (Recife, Brazil 1993), Ireland (1994), and India (2006). Jan is author or co-author of 155 papers and of 29 chapters in medical books or Proceedings and reviews for a large number of distinguished journals, including The Lancet, Emerging Infectious Diseases and Vector-borne and Zoonotic Diseases.

Michael DavidMichael David Editorial Board Member

University of Pennsylvania

Dr David was an undergraduate at Amherst College. He then studied medicine at Yale University (M.D., 2001) and Russian history at the University of Chicago (Ph.D., 2007) with a dissertation on the history of tuberculosis control in Russia, 1900-1941. He completed the Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars' Program (2004-6) and a Fellowship in clinical infectious diseases at the University of Chicago (2006-9). He studied biostatistics and epidemiology at Chicago (M.S., 2007) after his Yale residency in internal medicine (2001-4). Since 2004, he has studied the epidemiology of Staphylococcus aureus in the U.S., including studies in jails, rural Alaska, hospitals, households, and in cystic fibrosis patients, particularly with a focus on community-associated (CA-) methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) infections. He is interested in all aspects of the molecular and clinical epidemiology of S. aureus colonization and infection, the underpinnings of the fitness of CA-MRSA strains, hospital infection control, and the history of infectious diseases. 

Christopher FairleyChristopher Fairley Editorial Board Member

Monash University, Australia

Christopher Fairley is Director of the Melbourne Sexual Health Centre at Alfred Health and Professor of Public Health at Monash University. He holds three specialist medical fellowships from the College of Physicians (Infectious Diseases), Faculty of Public Health and Chapter of Sexual Health Medicine. He is an editor of the Journal ‘Sexual Health’. His principle research interests are the public health control of sexually transmitted diseases and the effectiveness of clinical services. He has supervised 27 doctoral students to completion. He has 640 review journal publications and sits on the boards of IUSTI and ISSTDR.

David FismanDavid Fisman Editorial Board Member

University of Toronto

David is a Professor and Acting Chair in the Division of Epidemiology at the University of Toronto. Professor Fisman is a Full Member of the School of Graduate Studies and is cross-appointed to the Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto.  He is an attending physician in Infectious Diseases at the University Health Network. His current research interests lie at the intersection of infectious disease modelling and health economics, and in the relationship between environmental change and infectious disease incidence.

Anthony FooksAnthony Fooks Editorial Board Member


Dr Fooks is the Lead Scientist for International Development at the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) in the UK. His research interests include pathogens at the veterinary / human interface with particular attention to the evolution / epidemiology, infection dynamics and host immunity of zoonotic RNA viruses. He has published more than 300 publications in virology.

In 2002, Dr Fooks was appointed a director of a World Health Organisation Communicable Disease Surveillance and Response Collaborating Centre and in 2006 he was designated an OIE expert for rabies. He holds an Honorary Visiting Professorship (Virology) in the Department of Clinical Infection, Microbiology and Immunology, Institute of Infection & Global Health at the University of Liverpool and also an Honorary Visiting Professorship (Viral Zoonoses) at St George’s University of London in the UK.

Sherilee HarperSherilee Harper Editorial Board Member

University of Guelph, Canada

Sherilee Harper is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Population Medicine at the University of Guelph. She uses ecosystem approaches to health research to examine Indigenous environmental health outcomes in the context of climate change, and she collaborates with Indigenous partners to prioritise climate-related health actions, planning, interventions, and research. 


Craig W. Hedberg Editorial Board Member

University of Minnesota, USA

Craig's research focuses on foodborne illness and infectious disease outbreaks.  He has worked on several national groups to prevent foodborne illness, and serves as academic lead for Minnesota's Integrated Food Safety Center of Excellence. His work also focuses on surveillance, outbreak investigation, and public health preparedness. Prior to academia, he was the supervisor of the Vectorborne and Zoonotic Diseases Unit at the Minnesota Department of Health.

He has won the Outstanding Public Health Impact Award at the School of Public Health in 2016 and has professional associations with the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, Minnesota Environmental Health Association and the International Association for Food Protection.

David HeymannDavid Heymann Editorial Board Member

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

David Heymann is currently Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; head of the Centre on Global Health Security at Chatham House, London; and chairman of Public Health England, UK.

Previously he was the World Health Organization's assistant director-general for Health Security and Environment, and representative of the director-general for polio eradication; prior to that he was executive director of the WHO cluster of Communicable diseases. Before joining WHO in 1989, Heymann spent 2 years in India 13 years in Africa working on research issues in tropical and communicable diseases and smallpox eradication, on secondment from the US Centers for Disease Control.

Yvan HutinYvan Hutin Editorial Board Member

World Health Organization

Dr J-F. Hutin is a Technical Officer in charge of Strategic Information at the Global Hepatitis Programme (GHP) of the World Health Organization (WHO) Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. After a MD training and a residency in hepato-gastroenterology, he joined the Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) of the United States’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and completed a PhD in epidemiology at the University of Basel. As part of his public health career, he has worked in Burkina Faso, Uganda, India, China and Sweden. His areas of expertise include epidemiology and prevention of viral hepatitis and Field Epidemiology Training Programmes (FETPs).

Chikwe Ihekweazu

Chikwe Ihekweazu Editorial Board Member

Dr. Chikwe Ihekweazu is the Director General of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) and was until January 2018, the Acting Director of the Regional Centre for Disease Control for West Africa. Dr Ihekweazu trained as an infectious disease epidemiologist and has over 20 years’ experience working in senior public health and leadership positions in several National Public Health Institutes, including the South African National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD), the UK's Health Protection Agency, and Germany’s Robert Koch Institute (RKI). Dr Ihekweazu has led several short-term engagements for WHO, mainly in response to major infectious disease outbreaks around the world.

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Kathryn H. Jacobsen Editorial Board Member

University of Richmond, USA

Kathryn H. Jacobsen is the William E. Cooper Distinguished University Chair and Professor of Health Studies at the University of Richmond (Richmond, Virginia, USA). She was previously a professor of epidemiology and global health at George Mason University (Fairfax, Virginia, USA). Her research focuses on the population health transitions that occur with socioeconomic development, globalization, and environmental change. Her primary areas of emphasis as an infectious disease epidemiologist include hepatitis A virus, emerging infectious diseases, and vaccine beliefs and practices. 

Alisa Kjaergaard Editorial Board Photo

Alisa Kjaergaard Editorial Board Member

Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark

Dr. Alisa Kjaergaard is a medical doctor specialized in Clinical Chemistry and employed as a research fellow at Steno Diabetes Center Aarhus, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark. She holds a PhD in molecular/genetic epidemiology from the Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Copenhagen University Hospital-Herlev and Copenhagen University, Denmark. Her research interests span from traditional observational epidemiology (e.g., biomarkers) to genetic epidemiology, with the emphasis on the Mendelian randomization approach.

Michael LynchMichael Lynch Editorial Board Member

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA

Michael is a Medical Epidemiologist in the Global Immunization Division at the US Centers for Disease Control. From 2008-2017 he served with the CDC Malaria Branch in several capacities, including 4 years detailed to the Global Malaria Programme at WHO Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland and as a regional coordinator for the US President’s Malaria Initiative. Mike began his career with CDC in 2002 as an Epidemic Intelligence Service officer, and continued as a staff epidemiologist from 2004 to 2008, with the Enteric Diseases Epidemiology Branch, where he coordinated national foodborne disease outbreak response and conducted field investigations of enteric infections. Before joining CDC, he practiced internal medicine for 10 years in Boston, Massachusetts. 

Raina MacIntyreRaina MacIntyre Editorial Board Member

University of New South Wales, Australia

Professor MacIntyre is Professor of Global Biosecurity. Her work falls under 4 areas: Personal protective equipment, vaccinology, epidemic response/emerging infectious diseases and biosecurity.

She is best known for research in the detailed understanding of the transmission dynamics and prevention of infectious diseases. Her research includes personal protective equipment and adult vaccination, focussing on the elderly, including influenza, pneumococcal disease, HPV and herpes zoster. She has also done research on using risk-analysis methods for bioterrorism and for analysing emerging infectious diseases outbreaks such as MERS-CoV. She is also interested in the ethics of medicine; specifically in dual-use research of concern. 

Raina leads a NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence in Epidemic Response, ISER which addresses gaps in global systems for epidemic response and biosecurity. She has extensive field outbreak investigation experience, is on the Global Accreditation Board of TEPHINET, and has extensive experience in shoe-leather epidemiology and outbreak investigation. She has adjunct appointments at ASU, and at SJTU School of Medicine.

profileShannon Majowicz Editorial Board Member

School of Public Health and Health Systems at the University of Waterloo

Shannon is Assistant Professor in the School of Public Health and Health Systems at the University of Waterloo. Her research aims include preventing foodborne and related diseases and enhancing public health practice broadly and within environmental health. She investigates burden and risks of these illnesses, interventions and focuses on food-related outcomes: infectious disease, chronic conditions and nutrition. She explores food safety strategies that account for the multiple health outcomes associated with the production and consumption of food.

Before joining SPHHS she was employed for 10 years as an epidemiologist for the Government of Canada.

Jodie McVernonJodie McVernon Editorial Board Member

University of Melbourne, Australia

Professor McVernon is a Monash University Medical Graduate with subspecialty training in Paediatrics, Public Health and Vaccinology. She has extensive expertise in clinical vaccine trials, epidemiologic studies and mathematical modelling of infectious diseases, gained at the University of Oxford, Health Protection Agency London and University of Melbourne. She is Professor and Director of Doherty Epidemiology at the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, and heads the Modelling and Simulation Group within the Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health. Her research group uses mathematical and computational models to synthesise insights gained from basic biology, epidemiological data and sociological research. These models advance understanding of the observed epidemiology of influenza and other infections in populations and inform predictions of the likely success of interventions to limit transmission and disease. 

Elizabeth MillerElizabeth Miller Editorial Board Member

Immunization Department, Health Protection Agency, Center for Infections, World Health Organisation, UK

To date, Professor Miller has authored over 250 peer reviewed publications relating to vaccines and immunization programmes. She has been involved with trials of acellular pertussis, MMR, Hib, meningococcal C vaccines and more recently with the new pneumococcal and HPV vaccines as well as A/H1N1 pandemic vaccines. Her other research interests include seroepidemiology and mathematical modeling, vaccine safety studies and viral infections in pregnancy.

Philip MonkPhilip Monk Editorial Board Member

Public Health England

Dr Monk trained and worked as a GP before training in Public Health and becoming a consultant in 1992. He led the investigation into a cluster of vCJD which announced its conclusions in 2001. He also led the investigation and management of a large school based outbreak of TB in 2001. He was a member of the NICE Guideline Development Group for CG 102 meningitis (bacterial) and meningococcal septicaemia in under 16s. He has been involved in the translation of whole genome sequencing for TB into routine use in public health in England.

Profile picturePhilip P. Mortimer Editorial Board Member

Philip is the former director of the Virus Reference Division of the Central Public Health Laboratory Colindale.

For a long time he has researched the 19th and 20th century history of microbiology and epidemiology, and more recently published on zoonoses including Covid-19.

His research interests also include the hazards associated with the consumption of raw milk.

Kristy MurrayKristy Murray Editorial Board Member

Baylor College of Medicine, USA

Kristy is the Assoc. Vice-Chair for Research for the Dept of Pediatrics, a tenured Assoc Prof in Pediatric Tropical Medicine, and one of the founding faculty of the National School of Tropical Medicine, where she serves as an Assistant Dean. Her research over the past 20 years has been focused on vector-borne and zoonotic diseases, including West Nile, dengue, Chagas, and rabies. In 2013, she received the Bailey Ashford Medal from ASTMH for her work in tropical medicine.

Profile picture

Samson Okello Editorial Board Member

Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Uganda

Dr. Samson Okello is a clinical lecturer and epidemiologist at the Department of Internal Medicine at Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Uganda. His research interests include interaction between HIV and cardiovascular disease, microbial etiology of upper GI cancers, and hepatitis in key populations.

Pablo OkhuysenPablo Okhuysen Editorial Board Member

University of Texas, USA

Professor Okhuysen has over 20 years’ experience in the study of enteric infectious diseases. He has conducted clinical and translational research in subjects with norovirus infection, Traveler’s diarrhea, cryptosporidiosis and HIV and received the Oswald Avery Award for Early Accomplishment from the Infectious Diseases Society of America in 2007. In 2013 he joined the MD Anderson Cancer Center and established a new laboratory dedicated to the study of enteropathogens in immunocompromised and cancer patients. He is an active member of the NIH funded Texas Medical Center Digestive Diseases Center.

Gopal Rao editorial board photoGuduru Gopal Rao Editorial Board Member

Northwick Park Hospital, UK

Dr Guduru Gopal Rao OBE qualified from the Armed Forces Medical College, Pune, India. He is currently the Head of Clinical Microbiology and lead Clinician for Infection Control at London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust and an honorary senior lecturer at the Imperial College, London. He ha extensive practical experience in the prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections in the NHS and has advised the Department of Health, England on the introduction and implementation of hand hygiene, MRSA screening and prevention of C. difficile infections.

Katharina StaerkKatharina Staerk Editorial Board Member

Royal Veterinary College

Professor Staerk graduated as a veterinarian from Zurich Veterinary School and obtained post-graduate qualifications from the Federal Institute of Technology (Switzerland) and Massey University (New Zealand). Over the last two decades, she has conducted applied research on infectious diseases and zoonoses as well as risk analysis, surveillance and animal health decision making in relation to animal-derived food. She has worked in diverse environments including government, private industry and academia in several countries. Katharina has repeatedly served on international working groups and expert panels.

James StuartJames Stuart Editorial Board Member

University of Bristol

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Dr Stuart is an honorary professor at the University of Bristol, UK, and honorary senior lecturer at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK. 

After qualifying in medicine in 1974, James worked for ten years as a clinical doctor in the UK and rural South Africa before specialising in public health and epidemiology of infectious diseases, particularly meningococcal disease. He has been involved in the investigation and control of outbreaks of meningococcal disease in the UK and international level, and has published extensively on the epidemiology of meningococcal disease and carriage.

In recent years he was involved in a major research project into meningococcal carriage during the introduction of a conjugate serogroup A vaccine rolled out across the meningitis belt of Africa. He has assisted the WHO to revise outbreak response guidelines in the meningitis belt, and is helping develop a strategy for use of Ebola vaccines in outbreaks of Ebola Virus Disease.

Robert TauxeRobert Tauxe Editorial Board Member

National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, USA

Robert is the Director in the Division of Foodborne, Waterborne and Environmental Diseases at the Natonal Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases. The Division monitors the frequency of these infections in the US, investigates outbreaks and develops strategies to reduce the disease disability and deaths that they cause. He is interested in bacterial enteric diseases, epidemiology and pathogenesis of infectious diseases, epidemiologic and clinical consequences of bacterial genetic exchange, antimicrobial use and resistance to antimicrobial agents, and teaching epidemiologic methods.

Robert has memberships with the American Epidemiology Society, the American College of Physicians and the American Society for Microbiology and the American Academy of Microbiology. He is a Fellow of the Infectious Diseases Society of America and member of the National Advisory Committee on Microbial Criteria for Foods.

Alexandre P. ZavasckiAlexandre P. Zavascki Editorial Board Member

Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Alexandre is a Professor of Infectious Diseases from the Medical School of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, and an ID physician of Infectious Diseases Service of its affiliated teaching hospital. His main interests are hospital-acquired infections, and clinical and microbiologic studies on antimicrobial resistance. He has been acting as an advisor on bacterial resistance for the Brazilian Society of Infectious Diseases and Brazilian National Agency of Public Health Vigilance. He is also a research fellow of the The National Council of Scientific and Technological Development.

Guoqiang ZhuGuoqiang Zhu Editorial Board Member

Yangzhou University

Guoqiang Zhu is a Professor within the College of Veterinary Medicine. His research interests include Veterinary Microbiology and Microbial Disease, Animal Pathogen and Molecular Pathogenesis, Interaction between microorganisms and host cells (particularly in bacterial adhesins-related field and E-coli and adhesion vaccine).

Honorary Editor

Norman NoahProfessor Norman Noah Former Editor-in-Chief of Epidemiology and Infection

London School of Tropical Medicine

Norman is an infectious disease epidemiologist.  After initially specialising in general medicine, and gaining a specialist degree (MRCP), he ‘saw the light’ and moved specialities to infectious disease epidemiology. He worked as a Consultant Infectious Disease Epidemiologist in the Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre at the Public Health Laboratory Service (now Public Health England) from 1977 to 1989 and gained extensive experience in outbreak investigation, vaccine studies, and surveillance of infectious disease. He also conducted research and teaching, and had several papers, reviews and editorials published in international medical journals, as well as chapters in books. He has written a textbook titled ‘Controlling Communicable Disease’ which was commissioned by the Open University and published by McGraw. He has also edited other books and contributed chapters to books.

He was appointed Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health at Kings College School of Medicine and Dentistry and ran the department there from 1989-98. He is now Professor Emeritus of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and edited Epidemiology and Infection 2002-2024.

Editorial Office

Anouska Colledge

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