We propose a new diagnostic test for linear and nonlinear time series
models, using a generalized spectral approach. Under a wide class of
time series models that includes autoregressive conditional
heteroskedasticity (ARCH) and autoregressive conditional duration (ACD)
models, the proposed test enjoys the appealing
“nuisance-parameter-free” property in the sense that model
parameter estimation uncertainty has no impact on the limit
distribution of the test statistic. It is consistent against any type
of pairwise serial dependence in the model standardized residuals and
allows the choice of a proper lag order via data-driven methods.
Moreover, the new test is asymptotically more efficient than the
correlation integral–based test of Brock, Hsieh, and LeBaron
(1991, Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, and
Instability: Statistical Theory and Economic Evidence) and Brock,
Dechert, Scheinkman, and LeBaron (1996,
Econometric Reviews 15, 197–235), the well-known BDS
test, against a class of plausible local alternatives (not including
ARCH). A simulation study compares the finite-sample performance of the
proposed test and the tests of BDS, Box and Pierce (1970, Journal of the American Statistical
Association 65, 1509–1527), Ljung and Box (1978, Biometrika 65, 297–303),
McLeod and Li (1983, Journal of Time
Series Analysis 4, 269–273), and Li and Mak (1994, Journal of Time Series Analysis 15,
627–636). The new test has good power against a wide variety of
stochastic and chaotic alternatives to the null models for conditional
mean and conditional variance. It can play a valuable role in
evaluating adequacy of linear and nonlinear time series models. An
empirical application to the daily S&P 500 price index highlights
the merits of our approach.We thank the
co-editor (Don Andrews) and two referees for careful and constructive
comments that have lead to significant improvement over an earlier version.
We also thank C.W.J. Granger, D. Tjøstheim, and Z. Xiao for helpful
comments. Hong's participation is supported by the National Science
Foundation via NSF grant SES–0111769. Lee thanks the UCR Academic
Senate for research support.