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  • ISSN: 1528-8870 (Print), 2049-7636 (Online)
  • Editors: Dr Emilija Leinarte University of Cambridge, UK, Professor Okeoghene Odudu University of Cambridge, UK, and Dr Sophie Turenne University of Cambridge
  • Editorial board
The Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies (CYELS) offers authors and readers a space for sustained reflection and conversation about the challenges facing Europe and the diverse legal contexts in which those challenges are addressed. It identifies European Legal Studies as a broad field of legal enquiry encompassing not only European Union law but also the law emanating from the Council of Europe; comparative European public and private law; and national law in its interaction with European legal sources.

The Yearbook is a publication of the Centre for European Legal Studies, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge.

Cambridge University Press Law