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Review process

This journal uses a double-anonymised model of peer review. Neither author nor reviewers know the identity of each other. 

Archaeological Dialogues Review Process

When submitted to AD manuscripts will be acknowledged on receipt. They will be evaluated first by the editorial board. If scope, quality and language are appropriate they will then be sent to two or more anonymous referees. The editorial board will make a final decision on whether the paper can be accepted, accepted subject to modifications, or rejected. 

In all cases the author(s) will be given feedback on their submission. 

The process of evaluation may take up to six months. In the case of a discussion article (see below) comments are then solicited from a range of relevant experts. These are then sent to the author who has the opportunity to make a written reply to the comments.

Research Article Review Process

Archaeological Dialogues operates a double-blind peer review policy for Research Articles and the initial submission of Discussion Articles. Submissions should be anonymized and stripped of identifying information, and should be accompanied by a title page providing the following information:

  • Corresponding author, email & affiliations
  • Co-Authors, emails & affiliations
  • Acknowledgements
  • Competing interests declaration

Solicited Article types

Provocations, Reactions, Review Essays and Interviews are not subject to full peer review but are reviewed by the editorial board.


To appeal an editorial decision, please contact the Editors (at [email protected]) and specify the reason for your appeal. 

Your appeal will be reviewed by the Editors and/or an Editor who did not review the manuscript. The final decision regarding your appeal will rest with the AD Editors and Advisory Board.