There are few subjects within the range of archæological inquiry which present to us greater interest than that which arises from a consideration of the antiquities of Egypt, and particularly of those points which bear reference to the religion, the ceremonies, and the customs of the ancient Egyptians in connexion with the dissolution of the body, and the modes adopted to arrest the progress of decay. The reasons which induced them to take such extraordinary care in the preservation of the bodies of their deceased is, I believe, to be sought for in their religious opinions; and, it is most probably to be explained, upon their adoption of the doctrine of the transmigration of the soul. Upon this subject it is not my intention here to enlarge, as I have already treated of it in my “History of Egyptian Mummies.” I am anxious, however, upon this occasion, to introduce to the Society an account of the examination of a Mummy, belonging to the Museum in the Island of Jersey, which presents to our notice some peculiarities differing from those which have been hitherto observed in the process of embalming. I owe to our respected member, my friend Sir George Staunton, intelligence of this Mummy, which was brought from Thebes by the late John Gosset, Esq. who travelled in Egypt in 1835 in company with E. Lane, Esq. the author of a most excellent work on Modern Egypt. Mr. Gosset died at Paris returning from his travels; and his entire collection of Egyptian Antiquities, consisting of several articles of great curiosity and interest, has been presented by his father, Isaac Gosset, Esq. to the Island of Jersey, and has formed the commencement of a Museum, which promises to rise rapidly into distinction.