With the correct equipment and technique, shooting is a quick and humane method of despatch and it has particular application in the humane destruction of casualty animals. This booklet published by the Humane Slaughter Association describes the principles and practice of using free-bullet firearms for the humane killing of large farm animals. It provides a very valuable source of information for veterinarians, slaughtermen, police firearms officers, and others who may be directly or indirectly involved in humane killing of livestock. After sections on anatomical considerations, physical principles (eg the calculation of muzzle energy) and the physiological effects of shooting including clear information on the signs of an effective shot, brief reviews are provided on types of firearm and ammunition with guidance as to their suitability for various purposes. There are then four pages describing the correct shooting positions (location and angle of entry) for humane despatch of cattle, deer, horses, sheep, pigs and goats. These are clearly illustrated, using photographs of midline sections through heads, to show the position and size of the brain in relation to external features. The booklet also contains information on the selection of appropriate firearms and ammunition, safety aspects, carcase disposal and routine maintenance of equipment. It is written clearly and concisely in handbook style and is well illustrated. With the exception of the information on legislation (which deals specifically with UK law), the subjects covered are relevant to humane despatch of livestock anywhere in the world and the booklet is highly recommended for all who may be involved in this work.