Reviews and Book Notes
Representations in Archaeology. Jean-Claude Gardin and Christopher S. Peebles, editors. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1992. ix + 394 pp., figures, tables, maps, references. ’70.00 (cloth); ’29.95 (paper).
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- 20 January 2017, pp. 375-376
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The Origins of Agriculture: An International Perspective. C. Wesley Cowan and Patty Jo Watson, editors. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C., 1992. xvi + 224 pp., figures, tables, references cited, index. ’49.95 (cloth); ’19.95 (paper).
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 20 January 2017, pp. 783-784
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Quandaries and Quests: Visions of Archaeology's Future. Luann Wandsnider, editor. Occasional Paper No. 20. Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, 1992. x + 273 pp., figures, tables, references. ’25.00 (paper).
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- 20 January 2017, pp. 562-563
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A Marxist Archaeology. Randall H. McGuire. Academic Press, San Diego, 1992. xviii + 326 pp., figures, table, references, index. ’79.95 (cloth).
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- 20 January 2017, pp. 157-158
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Principles of Geoarchaeology: A North American Perspective. Michael R. Waters. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 1992. xxiv + 398 pp., figures, tables, appendixes, references, index. ’40.00 (cloth).
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- 20 January 2017, pp. 784-785
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Experiencing the Past: On the Character of Archaeology. Michael Shanks. Routledge, London, 1992. vii + 231 pp., figures, photographs, notes, bibliography, index. ’39.95 (cloth).
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- 20 January 2017, pp. 158-159
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Ethnoarchaeological Approaches to Mobile Campsites: Hunter-Gatherer and Pastoralist Case Studies. C. S. Gamble and W. A. Boismier, editors. Ethnoarchaeological Series No. 1. International Monographs in Prehistory, Ann Arbor, 1991. vii + 420 pp., figures, tables, references. ’40.00 (paper).
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- 20 January 2017, pp. 376-377
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Ceramic Production and Distribution: An Integrated Approach. George J. BeyIII and Christopher A. Pool, editors. Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, 1992. xviii + 342 pp., figures, tables, references. $65.00 (cloth).
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- 20 January 2017, pp. 563-564
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Distributional Archaeology. James I. Ebert. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, 1992. xvi + 296 pp., figures, tables, appendix, references, index. ’32.50 (cloth).
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- 20 January 2017, pp. 159-160
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Archaeology and the Information Age: A Global Perspective. Paul Reilly and Sebastian Rahtz, editors. Routledge, London, 1992. xxiv + 395 pp., figures, references, index. $89.95 (cloth).
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- 20 January 2017, p. 564
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Archaeological Method and Theory, Vol. 5. Michael B. Schiffer, editor. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 1993. 284 pp., figures, tables, references. ’40.00 (cloth).
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- 20 January 2017, pp. 785-786
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Radiocarbon After Four Decades: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. R. E. Taylor, A. Long, and R. S. Kra, editors. Springer-Verlag, New York, and Radiocarbon, Tucson, 1992. xviii + 596 pp., figures, tables, references, index. ’89.00 (cloth). - Proceedings of the 14th International Radiocarbon Conference. Austin Long, editor. Radiocarbon 34(3). Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, 1992. xxiii + 942 pp., figures, tables, references. ’65.00 (paper).
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- 20 January 2017, pp. 377-378
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New York City Neighborhoods: The 18th Century. Nan A. Rothschild. Academic Press, San Diego, 1990. xv + 264 pp., maps, tables, appendixes, references, index. ’44.50 (cloth).
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- 20 January 2017, pp. 160-161
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Resources, Power, and Interregional Interaction. Edward M. Schortman and Patricia A. Urban, editors. Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology. Plenum Press, New York, 1992. xii + 259 pp., figures, tables, references, index. ’45.00 (cloth).
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- 20 January 2017, pp. 786-787
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Pottery Function: A Use-Alteration Perspective. James M. Skibo. Plenum Press, New York, 1992. xv + 205 pp., figures, tables, appendixes, references, index. ’35.00 (cloth).
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- 20 January 2017, pp. 378-379
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Space, Time, and Archaeological Landscapes. Jacqueline Rossignol and Luann Wandsnider, editors. Plenum Press, New York, 1992. xvi + 298 pp., figures, tables, references, index. $47.50 (cloth).
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- 20 January 2017, p. 565
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Les mines d'argent du duché de Lorraine au XVIéme siècle: Histoire et archéologie du Val de Lièpvre (Haut-Rhin). Jacques Grandemange. Documents d'Archéologie Francaise No. 26. Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris, 1990. 120 pp., figures, tables, glossary, bibliography. Fr 186 (paper).
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- 20 January 2017, pp. 161-162
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Rock Art in New Mexico. Polly Schaafsma. Museum of New Mexico Press, Santa Fe, 1992. vii + 175 pp., photographs, maps, works cited, index. ’29.95 (paper). - A Field Guide to Rock Art Symbols of the Greater Southwest. Alex Patterson. Johnson Books, Boulder, Colorado, 1992. xv + 256 pp., illustrations, indexes, bilblography. ’15.95 (paper). - Indian Rock Art of the Columbia Plateau. James D. Keyser. University of Washington Press, Seattle, 1992. 139 pp., photographs, maps, figures, glossary, bibliography, index. ’35.00 (cloth); ’17.50 (paper).
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- 20 January 2017, pp. 379-380
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Death, Society, and Ideology in a Hohokam Community. Randall H. McGuire. Investigations in American Archaeology. Westview Press, Boulder, 1992. xii + 209 pp., figures, tables, appendix, references, index. ’35.00 (paper).
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 20 January 2017, pp. 787-788
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From Bones to Behavior. Ethnoarchaeological and Experimental Contributions to the Interpretation of Faunal Remains. Jean Hudson, editor. Occasional Paper No. 21. Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, 1993. xvii + 354 pp., figures, tables, references. $30.00 (paper).
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 20 January 2017, pp. 565-566
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