An Ovation to the People concerning the Death of their Sovereign
Dear Countrymen, and Loyal Mourners,
We may see our loss by our love, and our love by our grief, and our grief by our tears; but we have reason for our general mourning and sorrow in every heart, that our dread Sovereign is taken from us. He was our earthly god, as our protector, defender, assister, subsister, ruler and governor; he protected us with his justice, defended us with his arms, assisted us with his prudence, subsisted us with his love, ruled us with his power and governed us by his laws; and such a prince he was, as he was dreadful to his enemies, helpful to his friends and careful of his subjects; he hath enlarged his dominions with the sword and enriched his people with the spoils, and hath increased his power both by sea and land, and so strengthened and fortified his kingdoms as his subjects have no cause to fear any foreign invasion, but may safely sit with pleasure under their own vines: and so wise and good a prince he was, that though he be gone, yet he hath left peace and plenty amongst his people, and power, dominion, and strength to his successors, with which Heaven grant they may inherit his wisdom, moral virtues, divine graces, heroic spirit, good fortunes, and great fame, that though our old Sovereign is gone to the Gods above, yet our new Sovereign may be as a God to us here; for which let us pray to our Sovereign saint, to intercede for us to the Gods on high, to endue their deputy on earth with divine influences and humane wisdom, to govern and rule us as he did.
A Young Noblemans Funeral Ovation
Beloved Brethren,
We are met together as funeral guests to a dead man, who died in the flower of his age, and whilst he lived was favoured of nature, birth, breeding, and fortune; for he was handsome of body, understanding in mind, noble of birth, knowing in learning, and rich in wealth.