A Sleepy Speech to Students
Fellow Students,
Who study to think, and think to dream; as there are three sorts of worlds, so there are three kinds or sorts of life, viz. the material, poetical and drowsy world, and the dreaming, contemplating and active life; but of all these three worlds and three lives, the drowsy world and dreaming life is most wonderful, for it is as a life in death and a death in life; and this drowsy world and dreaming life is a type of an unknown world and an unknown life, for sleep is a type of death, and dreaming is a type of the rewards and punishments in the other world; good dreams are like as the rewards for the blessed, and bad dreams are like as punishments for the wicked, the one receives pleasure and joy, the other fear and torments, and these joys, pleasures, fears and torments are as sensible to the senses, and as apparent to the understanding and knowledge, as when awake; also memory and remembrance, and the same appetites and satisfactions are as perfect in dreams as when awake, the passions of the mind as forcible, the dispositions and humours of the nature as various, the will as obstinate, the judgement as deep, the wit as quick, the observation as serious, reason as rational, conception as subtle, courage as daring, justice as upright, prudence as wary, temperance as sparing, anger as violent, love as kind, fear as great, hopes and doubts as many, joys as füll, hate as deadly, faith as strong, charity as pitiful, and devotion as zealous in perfect dreams as awake: also they are as uncharitable, wicked, foolish, cowardly, base, debased, furious and the like in perfect dreams as awake; but dreams in sleeping senses are shorter than the actions of waking senses, and not so permanent, for they suddenly fade and their sudden fading oftentimes makes a confusion and more disorder than in the waking and active life; but to speak of the sleeping senses generally and particularly, have we not the same appetites and satisfactions? Are not we sensible of dying, living, suffering, enjoying, mourning, weeping, rejoicing, laughing? Are we not as sensible of pain and ease?