A highly provoked defense and answer to the spiritless, soft-living flesh at Wittenberg, [Luther] who has most lamentably befouled pitiable Christianity in a perverted way by his theft of holy Scripture.
By Thomas Müntzer, Allstedter.
From the caverns of Elijah, whose zeal spares no one, 3 Kings 18 [see 1 Kg. 19:19ff.], Matthew I7[:1ff.], Luke 1 [:11, 26f.], and Revelations 11 [:13].
Written in the year 1524.
Oh God, save me from the false accusations of men so that I may keep your commandments. And so that I may proclaim die truth that was born in your son, lest die stratagems of the evildoers endure longer.
To the most illustrious, first-born prince and all—powerful lord, Jesus Christ, the gracious king of all kings, the brave duke of all believers, my most gracious lord and faithful protector — and to his troubled, only bride, poor Christendom. All praise, name, honor and dignity, title and all glory are yours alone, you eternal son of God, Philippians 2[:9–11], because your holy spirit has constantly had the fate of seeming to those graceless lions, the scribes, to be a most enraged devil, John 8[:48], even though you possessed this spirit beyond measure from the beginning, John 3 [:14]. And all of the elect have received this spirit from your bounty, John 1[:16], and thus it lives in them, 1 Corinthians 3[:16] and 6[:19.], 2 Corinthians 1[:21f.], Ephesians 1[:13], and Psalm 5[:12f.].