The Diely occurrence of metamorphosed As-rich manganese mineralisation is located in the Spišsko-gemerské rudohorie Mountains near the Poráč village and comprises Early Palaeozoic metamorphic rocks of the Gemeric Unit in the Western Carpathian region. Mineralisation is situated in the narrow tectonically delineated belt of Rakovec Group rocks consisting of mafic metavolcanic material generated during the back-arc submarine volcanic activity of the Early Ordovician–Silurian period. The Mn mineralisation is hosted in siliceous laminated lenses (metacherts) embedded in metabasalts and its tuffs. Manganese ore consists of quartz, braunite, rhodonite, nambulite, rhodochrosite, kutnohorite, OH-bearing garnets with dominant andradite composition, hematite, aegirine, aegirine–augite, ferri-ghoseite, ferri-winchite, baryte and pyrophanite. The mineralisation is cross-cut by a system of narrow younger veins composed dominantly of As-enriched minerals of the pyrosmalite group (schallerite, mcgillite and friedelite), tiragalloite, manganberzeliite, brandtite, sarkinite and svabite, associated with hematite, rhodochrosite, kutnohorite, baryte and quartz. Formation of manganese mineralisation at the Diely occurrence was caused by migration of seawater into the basaltic oceanic crust where increasing temperatures and acidity generated hydrothermal fluids enriched in manganese. The Mn-bearing hydrothermal fluids were enriched in Li, providing an additional substituent in the mineralisation. Following initial stages, the subsequent Variscan and Alpine tectonometamorphic events resulted in formation of three main mineralisation stages distinguishable by paragenetic relations and the mineral composition. Based on metamorphic association and amphibole geobarometric calculations, the peak metamorphic conditions reached was upper greenschist facies. The Diely occurrence near Poráč represents a unique metamorphosed manganese mineralisation with abundant arsenates and arsenosilicates previously unknown in the Western Carpathian region.