A field survey on maize stemborers, stemborer damage, maize plant physical conditions, and maize yield was conducted in eastern Kenya under natural conditions. Chilo partellus was the dominant stemborer accounting for 89.5 % of all borers. Stemborer damage greatly reduced maize yield, with tunnel lengths greater than 20 cm causing a 40 % reduction of potential yield. A 33 % yield loss was found in plants with more than one stemborer exit hole. Each stemborer (at harvest time) was correlated with a 8–10 % yield loss. Good plant physical characteristics significantly increased grain yield. Principle component analysis showed that stemborer damage, plant height and stem diameter were key factors affecting maize grain yield. Regression analysis indicated that one centimetre of stemborer tunnel reduced yield by 3 g/plant. Multiple regression analysis implied a 13.3 ± 1.5 g yield loss (8–10 % of potential yield) due to the damage of a single stemborer. Comparison with average yields in the study area suggested that our results were representative of losses on farmers' fields.