This study analyzes National Cyber Security Strategies (NCSSs) of G20 countries through a novel combination of qualitative and quantitative methodologies. It focuses on delineating the shared objectives, distinct priorities, latent themes, and key priorities within the NCSSs. Latent dirichlet allocation topic modeling technique was used to identify implicit themes in the NCSSs to augment the explicitly articulated strategies. By exploring the latest versions of NCSS documents, the research uncovers a detailed panorama of multinational cybersecurity dynamics, offering insights into the complexities of shared and unique national cybersecurity challenges. Although challenged by the translation of non-English documents and the intrinsic limitations of topic modeling, the study significantly contributes to the cybersecurity policy domain, suggesting directions for future research to broaden the analytical scope and incorporate more diverse national contexts. In essence, this research underscores the indispensability of a multifaceted, analytical approach in understanding and devising NCSSs, vital for navigating the complex, and ever-changing digital threat environment.