Galaxy cluster X-ray cavities are inflated by relativistic jets that are ejected into the intracluster medium by active galactic nuclei (AGN). AGN jets prevent predicted cooling flow establishment at the cluster centre, and while this process is not well understood in existing studies, simulations have shown that the heating mechanism will depend on the type of gas that fills the cavities. Thermal and non-thermal distributions of electrons will produce different cavity Sunyaev Zel’dovich (SZ) effect signals, quantified by the ‘suppression factor’ f. This paper explores potential enhancements to prior constraints on the cavity gas type by simulating suppression factor observations with the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). Cluster cavities across different redshifts are observed to predict the optimum way of measuring f in future observations. We find that the SKA can constrain the suppression factor in the cavities of cluster MS 0735.6+7421 (MS0735) in as little as 4 h, with a smallest observable value of
$f \approx 0.42$. Additionally, while the SKA may distinguish between possible thermal or non-thermal suppression factor values within the cavities of MS0735 if it observes for more than 8 h, determining the gas type of other clusters will likely require observations at multiple frequencies. The effect of cavity line of sight (LOS) position is also studied, and degeneracies between LOS position and the measured value of f are found. Finally, we find that for small cavities (radius < 80 kpc) at high redshift (
$z \approx 1.5$), the proposed high frequencies of the SKA (23.75–37.5 GHz) will be optimal, and that including MeerKAT antennas will improve all observations of this type.