This paper reviews a selection of nine indicators for assessing the
biological state of a fish population monitored only by using trawl surveys
in which catchability is assumed constant from time to time and place to
place. The intention is to inform or remind of the range of possibilities
and of associated practical and statistical issues. The indicators, grouped
according to relationships with abundance, length, age, weight, and
reproduction, are documented in a standard format covering estimation,
interpretability, sensitivity, considerations for reference points where
possible, and an example of their application. Lastly, selected indicators
together with year-class curves fitted to abundance indices-at-age are
applied to the North Sea cod to demonstrate the feasibility of an assessment
based on only one trawl survey. Results support findings of the
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) working group on
the assessment of demersal stocks in the North Sea and Skagerrak.