A field study was conducted in 1994 and 1995 to determine the effect of MON 12037, linuron, and ametryn on purple nutsedge density in field corn in a 2-yr rotation with cotton. Each corn treatment included cultivation and noncultivation. A standard treatment for purple nutsedge control was applied to all cotton plots in the second season of the corn–cotton rotation. Purple nutsedge shoot densities were reduced in cultivated MON 12037, noncultivated MON 12037, and cultivated ametryn in the corn–corn and corn–cotton rotations. Purple nutsedge tuber population was reduced in the corn–corn rotation by MON 12037 with and without cultivation, cultivated linuron, and cultivated ametryn treatments relative to the noncultivated check. In the corn–cotton rotation, purple nutsedge tuber population was reduced only by the cultivated MON 12037 and cultivated ametryn treatments relative to the noncultivated check.