This article proposes Bayesian adaptive trials (BATs) as both an efficient method to conduct trials and a unifying framework for the evaluation of social policy interventions, addressing the limitations inherent in traditional methods, such as randomized controlled trials. Recognizing the crucial need for evidence-based approaches in public policy, the proposed approach aims to lower barriers to the adoption of evidence-based methods and to align evaluation processes more closely with the dynamic nature of policy cycles. BATs, grounded in decision theory, offer a dynamic, “learning as we go” approach, enabling the integration of diverse information types and facilitating a continuous, iterative process of policy evaluation. BATs’ adaptive nature is particularly advantageous in policy settings, allowing for more timely and context-sensitive decisions. Moreover, BATs’ ability to value potential future information sources positions it as an optimal strategy for sequential data acquisition during policy implementation. While acknowledging the assumptions and models intrinsic to BATs, such as prior distributions and likelihood functions, this article argues that these are advantageous for decision-makers in social policy, effectively merging the best features of various methodologies.