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Submitting a manuscript to the series

The Elements in Law, Economics and Politics series editors are accepting unsolicited submissions to the series. 

Submission of a paper will be held to imply that it contains original unpublished work and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere. Authors who have submitted or published work that is similar or closely related to their submitted manuscript elsewhere at any point, including in published conference proceedings, must immediately notify the editors. 

Please see Cambridge’s Preprint Policy for exceptions.

Unsolicited submissions to the series should be sent to the series editors in the first instance. Please email either a complete paper or a long abstract (max 1000 words) to the Managing Editor, Dr. Valentino Moscariello at [email protected] and the Editor in Chief, Professor Carmine Guerriero, at [email protected]. Each submission will then be assessed by the entire group of Series Co-editors before it is formally submitted through the ‘ScholarOne’ online system. Following this, the peer review process will include review by two of the Series Co-editors, two Associate Editors and one external reviewer. Once accepted, submissions are published and available quickly (within three months)

All submissions to this Elements series must include a completed Author Questionnaire. Click below to download the questionnaire:

Checklist for Submission

Please read the following checklist and ensure that each item is completed before submitting your manuscript:

Cambridge Elements Manuscript Submission Checklist 

Practical instructions for submission

Please prepare your typescript text using a word-processing package (save in .doc or .rtf format) or TeX. Then save the entire manuscript, including tables and figures, as a .pdf for online submission. If your article is accepted, you will be asked to provide the original TeX or word-processing and figure files.

Procedure after Submission

Articles submitted for review may be desk rejected by the editors upon initial submission if they do not satisfy the conditions outlined in the guidelines, including ethical standards and commitments to sharing data. Articles may also be desk rejected if they are evidently of insufficient academic quality or interest, or lie outside the scope of the Elements in Law, Politics and Economics series.

If a paper passes this preliminarily assessment, then normally it will be sent out to referees, to be considered under a double-blind review process. The series editors will make the final decision, taking account of the referee’s reports. The decision will normally be either:

(a) acceptance of the paper without further revision,

(b) acceptance subject to minor editorial revisions to be checked by the editor-in-chief

(c) conditional acceptance of the paper subject to revisions to be checked by the editors and not by referees

(d) a request for a substantially revised version that will be sent out again to the referees, or

(e) rejection without the option of resubmission.

Cambridge Elements information for authors

You can find more information on Cambridge Elements here.

Cambridge Elements Frequently Asked Questions

Cambridge Elements author user guides

You can find the Cambridge Elements author user guides here.

Information about Cambridge Elements

A Guide to Cambridge Elements

Cambridge Elements Author Guidelines, Formatting Instructions, and Style Guide

Please follow the guidance in the documents below when preparing your manuscript for submission:

Cambridge Elements Author Guidelines

Cambridge Elements Formatting Instructions

Cambridge Elements Author Style Guide

ORCID Identifier

An ORCID iD is a requirement for authors submitting to the Elements in Law, Economics and Politics series. Learn more about ORCID and Crossref’s automatic update functionality.

Open Access

Please visit for information on Cambridge University Press open access policies, compliance with major funding bodies, and guidelines on depositing your manuscript in an institutional repository.

In the case of the Elements in Law, Economics and Politics series, each Element will be offered open access for the first two weeks of publication and permanently, thereafter, upon the payment of a fee.