A corrected version of Figure 12 is provided here. The updated figure has several erroneous labels removed
Fig. 12. Cross-section of the 98 mm diameter ice core showing the generalized cut plan used at the NSF-ICF during the (a) 2015 CPL (5–555 m depth) and the (b) 2016 and 2017 CPLs (555–1751 m depth). After the 2015 CPL, the cut plan was modified to provide two equal-area sticks for water stable-isotope analysis (Iso). Over 10 300 samples have been cut to date and distributed to 16 individually funded investigators from 13 US institutions for analysis. The thick red line represents the ice removed by the planer before the electrical properties are measured on the core. Chem = chemistry; Iso = water stable isotopes; Be10 = beryllium-10; Phys Prop = physical properties.