A legendary figure in Maya archaeology, Edwin M. Shook, passed
away at his home in Antigua, Guatemala, on March 9, 2000. Ed
was one of the most prodigiously active figures in Mesoamerican
archaeology during the twentieth century and may well have worked
at more archaeological sites than any other Mesoamerican scholar.
His career spanned more than 60 years and included associations
with luminaries such as Alfred V. Kidder, Sylvanus Morley, Tatiana
Proskouriakoff, Ledyard Smith, and Gustavo Stromsvik, to name
just a few. In addition to his many outstanding contributions
as a scholar, Ed will be remembered for his generosity and
friendship. He was a friend and mentor to many generations of
Mesoamerican field workers in archaeology, ethnography, and
the natural sciences. No one fortunate enough to have spent
an evening in his company will forget his enthralling stories
of adventure, exploration, and discovery.