1 Introduction
The motivation for this paper is two-fold: the construction of Galois representations and of Hecke operators at primes over p in the setting of mod p Hilbert modular forms for a totally real field F. By mod p Hilbert modular forms, we mean sections of automorphic line bundles of arbitrary weight over mod p Hilbert modular varieties of level prime to p. We will explain this below more precisely, discuss what was done previously, and describe how the results here complete the picture for Hecke operators and feed into an argument that does so for Galois representations.
First, let us recall the nature of the difficulty in constructing Hecke operators at p in characteristic p. One issue already arises in the setting of classical modular forms. For simplicity, assume
$N> 4$
and let
denote the modular curve
$\Gamma _1(N)\backslash \mathfrak {H}^{*}$
, so that
may be viewed as parametrizing pairs
, where E is a generalized elliptic curve over
$\mathbb {C}$
and P is a point of E of order N (see, for example, [Reference Deligne and RapoportDR73]). Similarly, for p not dividing N and
$\Gamma _1(N;p) = \Gamma _1(N) \cap \Gamma _0(p)$
, the modular curve
$X_1(N;p) = \Gamma _1(N;p)\backslash \mathfrak {H}^{*}$
parametrizes data of the form
, where
is as above and C is a subgroup of E of order p, and there are two natural degeneracy maps
$\pi _1,\pi _2: X_1(N;p) \to X_1(N)$
, with
$\pi _1(E,P,C) = (E,P)$
$\pi _2(E,P,C) = (E/C, P\bmod C)$
. The space of modular forms of weight k with respect to
$\Gamma _1(N)$
may be identified with
$H^0(X_1(N),\omega ^{\otimes k})$
, where the line bundle
$\omega = 0^{*}\Omega ^1_{E/X_1(N)}$
is the pull-back of
$\Omega ^1_{E/X_1(N)}$
along the zero section
$0: X_1(N) \to E$
. The Hecke operator
can then be defined as the composite

divided by p, where the first map is pull-back, the second is induced by the universal isogeny over
, and the third is the trace. To define
integrally or in characteristic p, one can work instead with integral models of the curves and show (as in [Reference ConradCon07, §4.5], for example) that the resulting composite morphism

of sheaves is divisible by p (assuming
$k \ge 1$
This paper offers an alternative to the standard approach just described to the construction of Hecke operators at p. In particular, it allows for a more general and direct definition of the morphism which produces (1.1) after multiplication by p. Our perspective thus breaks the mindset reflected in [Reference CalegariCal20, §3.4], which described all prior constructions by saying that the ‘correct’ definition of T involves first defining a map coming from a correspondence and then showing that it is ‘divisible’ by the correct power of p.
To construct integral and mod p Hecke operators at primes over p over more general Shimura varieties, one encounters the further difficulty that the degeneracy maps no longer necessarily extend to finite flat morphisms on the usual integral models, so the definition of a trace morphism requires a more sophisticated application of Grothendieck–Serre duality. Emerton, Reduzzi and Xiao take this approach in [Reference Emerton, Reduzzi and XiaoERX17a] to defining Hecke operators at primes over p for Hilbert modular forms, integrally and mod p, but for a restricted set of weights. However, Fakhruddin and Pilloni set up a general framework in [Reference Fakhruddin and PilloniFP23] and prove results for Hilbert modular forms that are optimal in terms of the weightsFootnote 1 considered, but they assume p is unramified in F.
This paper contains both a conceptual innovation and a technical improvement on previous work, yielding an optimal result. The innovation takes the form of a Kodaira–Spencer isomorphism describing the dualizing (or canonical) sheaf on integral models of Iwahori-level Hilbert modular varieties. In addition to being strikingly natural and simple to state, it can also be viewed as encoding integrality properties of Hecke operators at p. The technical advance is a cohomological vanishing theorem for the dualizing sheaf, showing that its higher direct images relative to certain degeneracy maps are trivial. This generalizes such a result in [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23], where it is proved under the assumption that p is unramified in F, and we apply it here to define Hecke operators integrally and in characteristic p, obtaining them directly from morphisms of coherent sheaves rather than (rescaled) morphisms of complexes in a derived category, as in [Reference Emerton, Reduzzi and XiaoERX17a] and [Reference Fakhruddin and PilloniFP23].
The cohomological vanishing is also useful in proving the existence of Galois representations associated to mod p Hilbert modular eigenforms of arbitrary weight. The construction of such Galois representations is proved independently by Emerton, Reduzzi and Xiao in [Reference Emerton, Reduzzi and XiaoERX17b], and by Goldring and Koskivirta in [Reference Goldring and KoskivirtaGK19], under parity conditions on the weight. These conditions are inherited from the obvious parity obstruction to algebraicity for automorphic forms on
${\operatorname {Res}}_{F/{\mathbb {Q}}}\operatorname {GL}_2$
; however, they are unnecessary, and unnatural, in the consideration of automorphic forms in finite characteristic. The construction of Galois representations for mod p Hilbert modular forms of arbitrary weight is carried out in [Reference Diamond and SasakiDS23] under the assumption that p is unramified in F, with the cohomological vanishing result in [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23] playing a crucial role in the argument. The generalization proved in this paper can similarly be used, in conjunction with the methods of [Reference Diamond and SasakiDS23] and [Reference Emerton, Reduzzi and XiaoERX17b], to prove the existence of Galois representations associated to mod p Hilbert modular eigenforms in full generality.
The cohomological vanishing results also have applications to the study of integral models for Iwahori-level Hilbert modular varieties. Indeed, similar arguments to those for the dualizing sheaves also show that the higher direct images of their structure sheaves vanish, and together with Grothendieck–Serre duality, this implies the flatness of the finite morphisms in the Stein factorizations of the degeneracy maps. As a result, we obtain Cohen–Macaulay models for the Iwahori-level varieties which are finite flat over the smooth models for the varieties of prime-to-p level.
We now describe our results in more detail.
We fix a prime p and a totally real field F, and let
${\mathcal {O}}_F$
denote the ring of integers of F. Fix also embeddings
${\overline {{\mathbb {Q}}}} \to \overline {{\mathbb {Q}}}_p$
${\overline {{\mathbb {Q}}}} \to \mathbb {C}$
, and let
${\mathcal {O}}$
denote the ring of integers of a sufficiently large finite extension K of
$\mathbb {Q}_p$
$\overline {{\mathbb {Q}}}_p$
Let U be a sufficiently small open compact subgroup of
$\operatorname {GL}_2(\mathbb {A}_{F,\mathbf {f}})$
$\operatorname {GL}_2({\mathcal {O}}_{F,p})$
. A construction of Pappas and Rapoport [Reference Pappas and RapoportPR05] yields a smooth model Y over
${\mathcal {O}}$
for the Hilbert modular variety with complex points

$\mathfrak {H}$
is the complex upper-half plane and
$\Sigma $
is the set of embeddings
$F \to {\overline {{\mathbb {Q}}}}$
. The scheme Y is equipped with line bundlesFootnote
$\omega $
$\delta $
arising from its interpretation as a coarse moduli space parametrizing abelian schemes with additional data including an
${\mathcal {O}}_F$
-action. Since Y is smooth over
${\mathcal {O}}$
, its relative dualizing sheaf
${\mathcal {K}}_{Y/{\mathcal {O}}}$
is identified with
$\wedge ^{[F:\mathbb {Q}]}\Omega ^1_{Y/{\mathcal {O}}}$
, and in [Reference Reduzzi and XiaoRX17] (see also [Reference DiamondDia23, §3.3]), Reduzzi and Xiao establish an integral version of the Kodaira–Spencer isomorphism, taking the form

${\mathfrak {p}}$
be a prime of
${\mathcal {O}}_F$
containing p. Denote its residue degree by
$f_{\mathfrak {p}}$
and let

Augmenting the moduli problem for Y with suitable isogeny data then produces a model
$Y_0({\mathfrak {p}})$
for the Hilbert modular variety of level
$U_0({\mathfrak {p}})$
, equipped with a pair of degeneracy maps
$\pi _1,\pi _2:Y_0({\mathfrak {p}}) \to Y$
. The morphisms
$\pi _1$
$\pi _2$
are projective, but not finite or flat unless
$F_{\mathfrak {p}} = \mathbb {Q}_p$
The scheme
$Y_0({\mathfrak {p}})$
is syntomic over
${\mathcal {O}}$
, and hence has an invertible dualizing sheaf
${\mathcal {K}}_{Y_0({\mathfrak {p}})/{\mathcal {O}}}$
. Our Iwahori-level version of the Kodaira–Spencer isomorphism is the following (Theorem 3.5; see there for the precise meaning of Hecke-equivariant).
Theorem A. There is a Hecke-equivariant isomorphism

The idea of the proof is that, for sufficiently small U, the Hecke correspondence

is a closed immersion whose conormal bundle can be described using deformation-theoretic considerations similar to those applied to the diagonal embedding
$Y \to Y \times Y$
in the proof of the Kodaira–Spencer isomorphism for level prime to p. We mention also that Theorem A can be expressed in terms of upper-shriek functors as an isomorphism

and that
$\pi _1^{*}\delta $
$\pi _2^{*}\delta $
are canonically isomorphic, so that
$\pi _1$
$\pi _2$
can be interchanged in these statements.
We now describe our cohomological vanishing results. For simplicity, we focus on the vanishing of
$R^i\pi _{1,*}{\mathcal {K}}_{Y_0({\mathfrak {p}})/{\mathcal {O}}}$
$i> 0$
. Since
$\pi _{1,K}: Y_0({\mathfrak {p}})_K \to Y_K$
is finite, the problem reduces to proving the vanishing of
$R^i\overline {\pi }_{1,*}{\mathcal {K}}_{\overline {Y}_0({\mathfrak {p}})/\overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p}$
, where
$\overline {\pi }_1: \overline {Y}_0({\mathfrak {p}}) \to \overline {Y}$
is the reductionFootnote
$\pi _1$
. Then
$\overline {Y}_0({\mathfrak {p}})$
is a local complete intersection which may be written as a union of smooth subschemes
$\overline {Y}_0({\mathfrak {p}})_J$
indexed by subsets J of
$\Sigma _{\mathfrak {p}}$
, where
$\Sigma _{\mathfrak {p}}$
is the set of embeddings
$F_{\mathfrak {p}} \to \overline {{\mathbb {Q}}}_p$
. The technical heart of this paper is a complete description of the fibres of the restriction of
$\overline {\pi }_1$
$\overline {Y}_0({\mathfrak {p}})_J$
, proving the following (Corollary 4.14; see there for the definition of m and
$\delta $
, and Theorem 4.13 for an even more precise version).
Theorem B. Every nonempty fibre of
$\overline {Y}_0({\mathfrak {p}})_J \to \overline {Y}$
is isomorphic to
$(\mathbb {P}^1)^m \times S^\delta $
, where
$S = {\operatorname {Spec}\,}(\overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p[T]/T^p)$
and m and
$\delta $
are determined by J.
This generalizes Theorem D of [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23], where it is proved under the assumption that p is unramified in F. Work in this direction, for arbitrary behavior of p, was also carried outFootnote
in [Reference Emerton, Reduzzi and XiaoERX17a, §4]. The approach taken here to the general case relies on a brute force analysis of the local deformation theory of the fibres, undertaken in §§4.3–4.5. With this in hand, the proof is similar to the one in [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23], as is the deduction of cohomological vanishing via the ‘dicing’ argument introduced there. Furthermore, we observe here that similar arguments give the vanishing of
$R^i\pi _{1,*}{\mathcal {O}}_{Y_0({\mathfrak {p}})}$
$i> 0$
, and combining these results with Grothendieck–Serre duality gives the following (see Corollaries 5.4 and 5.7):
Theorem C. The sheaves
$R^i\pi _{1,*}{\mathcal {K}}_{Y_0({\mathfrak {p}})/{\mathcal {O}}}$
$R^i\pi _{1,*}{\mathcal {O}}_{Y_0({\mathfrak {p}})}$
vanish for
$i> 0$
, and are locally free of rank
$1 + p^{f_{\mathfrak {p}}}$
. Furthermore, there is a Hecke-equivariant isomorphism

As in [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23], we in fact treat the degeneracy map
$\varphi : Y_1({\mathfrak {P}}) \to Y$
${\mathfrak {P}}$
is the radical of
$p{\mathcal {O}}_F$
$Y_1({\mathfrak {P}})$
is a model for the Hilbert modular variety of level
$U_1({\mathfrak {P}})$
, this being what is needed for the construction of Galois representations. The case where
${\mathfrak {P}}$
contains the radical, for example
${\mathfrak {P}} = {\mathfrak {p}}$
, is a mild generalization, and this implies the result for
$\pi _1$
. It follows also that the models for the Hilbert modular varieties of level
$U_1({\mathfrak {p}})$
$U_0({\mathfrak {p}})$
defined by

are finite and flat over Y, and hence Cohen–Macaulay. We remark that if p is unramified in F, such a model for level
(and indeed
) was constructed by Kottwitz and Wake in [Reference Kottwitz and WakeKW17]; it is natural to ask how these models may be related. Since our (finite flat over Y) models are defined via Stein factorization and
$Y_0({\mathfrak {p}})$
is normal, we obtain the following, perhaps surprising, further consequence (Corollary 5.12), pointed out to us by G. Pappas:
Corollary D. The normalization of Y in
$Y_0({\mathfrak {p}})_K$
is flat over Y.
Note also that combining Theorems A and C with the Kodaira–Spencer isomorphism over Y and the isomorphism
$\pi _1^{*}\delta \cong \pi _2^{*}\delta $
gives an isomorphism

and hence a canonical morphism

which we call the saving trace. Over
it coincides with the composite

divided by
$p^{f_{\mathfrak {p}}}$
, where the first morphism is induced by the universal isogeny and the second is the trace relative to
$\pi _{1,K}$
. (See (5.21); note that for
$F = \mathbb {Q}$
, this recovers the divisibility of (1.1) by p in the case
The saving trace can be used to define the Hecke operator
$T_{\mathfrak {p}}$
on Hilbert modular forms with coefficients in an arbitrary
${\mathcal {O}}$
-algebra R; for simplicity, we restrict our attention in this introduction to
$R = \overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p$
. First, recall that for any
$\mathbf {k} = (k_\theta )_{\theta \in \Sigma } \in \mathbb {Z}^\Sigma $
(and sufficiently small U), there is an associated automorphic bundle
$\overline {{\mathcal {A}}}_{\mathbf {k}}$
$\overline {Y}$
${\mathcal {A}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {0},\overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p}$
in §2.3; in particular,
$\overline {{\mathcal {A}}}_{\mathbf {1}} = \overline {\omega } = \omega _{\overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p}$
). If
$F \neq \mathbb {Q}$
, so that the Koecher Principle holds, then
$M_{\mathbf {k}}(U;\overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p) = H^0(\overline {Y},\overline {{\mathcal {A}}}_{\mathbf {k}})$
is the space of Hilbert modular forms over
$\overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p$
of weight
$\mathbf {k}$
and level U; if
$F = \mathbb {Q}$
, one needs to compactify
$\overline {Y}$
and extend
$\overline {{\mathcal {A}}}_k = \overline {\omega }^{\otimes k}$
to define
$M_k(U;\overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p)$
. Taking the direct limit over all (sufficiently small) U containing
$\operatorname {GL}_2({\mathcal {O}}_{F,p})$
, we obtain a
$\operatorname {GL}_2(\mathbb {A}_{F,\mathbf {f}}^{(p)})$
$M_{\mathbf {k}}(\overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p)$
. We remark that even forms of paritious weight
$\mathbf {k}$
in characteristic p do not necessarily lift to characteristic zero; indeed, this is already the case for
$F = \mathbb {Q}$
$k_\theta \ge 1$
for all
$\theta \in \Sigma _{\mathfrak {p}}$
(a mild hypothesis in view of the main result of [Reference Diamond and KassaeiDK23] and [Reference Deo, Dimitrov and WieseDDW24, Prop. 1.13]), then the universal isogeny induces a morphism
$\overline {\pi }_{2}^{*}\overline {{\mathcal {A}}}_{\mathbf {k} - \mathbf {1}} \to \overline {\pi }_{1}^{*}\overline {{\mathcal {A}}}_{\mathbf {k}-\mathbf {1}}$
$\overline {Y}_0({\mathfrak {p}})$
. Twisting its direct image by the saving trace
$\overline {\pi }_{1,*}\overline {\pi }_2^{*}\overline {\omega } \cong (\pi _{1,*}\pi _2^{*}\omega )_{\overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p} \to \overline {\omega }$
$Y_{\overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p}$
then yields a morphism

and hence an endomorphism
$T_{\mathfrak {p}}$
$M_{\mathbf {k}}(U;\overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p)$
(see (5.25)). Taking the limit over U thus defines a
$\operatorname {GL}_2(\mathbb {A}_{F,\mathbf {f}}^{(p)})$
-equivariant endomorphism
$T_{\mathfrak {p}}$
$M_{\mathbf {k}}(\overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p)$
. See Theorem 5.13 for a statement applicable to more general weights, coefficients and cohomology degrees.
2 Hilbert modular varieties
2.1 Notation
Fix a prime p and a totally real field F of degree
$d = [F:\mathbb {Q}]$
. We let
${\mathcal {O}}_F$
denote the ring of integers of F,
${\mathfrak {d}}$
its different,
the set of primes over p. For each
${\mathfrak {p}} \in S_p$
, we write
$F_{\mathfrak {p}}$
for the completion of F at
${\mathfrak {p}}$
, and we let
$F_{{\mathfrak {p}},0}$
denote its maximal unramified subextension,
$\mathbb {F}_{\mathfrak {p}}$
the residue field
${\mathcal {O}}_F/{\mathfrak {p}}$
$f_{\mathfrak {p}}$
the residue degree
$[F_{{\mathfrak {p}},0}:{\mathbb {Q}}_p] = [\mathbb {F}_{\mathfrak {p}}:\mathbb {F}_p]$
, and
$e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
the ramification index
$[F_{\mathfrak {p}}:F_{{\mathfrak {p}},0}]$
. We also fix a choice of totally positive
$\varpi _{\mathfrak {p}} \in F$
so that
$v_{\mathfrak {p}}(\varpi _{\mathfrak {p}}) = 1$
$v_{{\mathfrak {p}}'}(\varpi _{\mathfrak {p}}) = 0$
for all other
${\mathfrak {p}}' \in S_p$
. In particular,
$\varpi _{\mathfrak {p}}$
is a uniformizer in
$F_{\mathfrak {p}}$
, and for each
${\mathfrak {p}} \in S_p$
, and let
$E_{\mathfrak {p}}(u) \in W(\mathbb {F}_{\mathfrak {p}})[u]$
denote its minimal polynomial over
$F_{{\mathfrak {p}},0}$
, whose ring of integers we identify with
$W(\mathbb {F}_{\mathfrak {p}})$
We adopt much of the notation and conventions of [Reference DiamondDia23] for notions and constructions associated to embeddings of F. In particular, for each
${\mathfrak {p}} \in S_p$
, we let
$\Sigma _{{\mathfrak {p}}}$
denote the set of embeddings
$F_{{\mathfrak {p}}} \to \overline {{\mathbb {Q}}}_p$
, and we identify
$\Sigma := \coprod _{{\mathfrak {p}} \in S_p} \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {p}}}$
with the set of embeddings
$F \hookrightarrow \overline {{\mathbb {Q}}}_p$
via the canonical bijection. We also let
$\Sigma _{{\mathfrak {p}},0}$
denote the set of embeddings
$F_{{\mathfrak {p}},0} \to \overline {{\mathbb {Q}}}_p$
, which we identify with the set of embeddings
$W(\mathbb {F}_{\mathfrak {p}}) \to W(\overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p)$
, or equivalently
$\mathbb {F}_{\mathfrak {p}} \to \overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p$
, and we let
$\Sigma _0 = \coprod _{{\mathfrak {p}} \in S_p} \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {p}},0}$
For each
${\mathfrak {p}} \in S_p$
, we fix a choice of embedding
$\tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},0} \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {p}},0}$
, and for
$i \in {\mathbb {Z}}/f_{\mathfrak {p}}{\mathbb {Z}}$
, we let
$\tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i} = \phi ^i\circ \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},0}$
$\phi $
is the Frobenius automorphism of
$\overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p$
. We also fix an ordering
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,1},\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,2},\ldots ,\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,e_{\mathfrak {p}}}$
of the embeddings
$\theta \in \Sigma _{\mathfrak {p}}$
restricting to
$\tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
, so that

Finally, we let
$\sigma $
denote the permutation of
$\Sigma $
defined by
$\sigma (\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}) = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j+1}$
$j \neq e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
$\sigma (\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,e_{\mathfrak {p}}}) = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i+1,1}$
Choose a finite extension K of
${\mathbb {Q}}_p$
sufficiently large to contain the images of all
$\theta \in \Sigma $
; let
${\mathcal {O}}$
denote its ring of integers,
$\varpi $
a uniformizer, and k its residue field.
$\tau \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {p}},0}$
, we define
$E_\tau (u) \in {\mathcal {O}}[u]$
to be the image of
$E_{\mathfrak {p}}$
under the homomorphism induced by
$\tau $
, so that

For any
${\mathcal {O}}_F \otimes {\mathcal {O}}$
-module M, we obtain a corresponding decomposition
$M = \bigoplus _{\tau \in \Sigma _{0}} M_\tau $
, and we also write
$M_{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
$M_\tau $
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
. Similarly, if S is a scheme over
${\mathcal {O}}$
${\mathcal {M}}$
is a quasi-coherent sheaf of
${\mathcal {O}}_F \otimes {\mathcal {O}}_S$
-modules on S, then we write
${\mathcal {M}}_\tau = {\mathcal {M}}_{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
for the corresponding summand of
${\mathcal {M}}$
For each
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j} \in \Sigma $
, we factor
$E_{\tau } = s_\theta t_\theta $
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$

note that the ideals
$(s_\theta )$
$(t_\theta )$
${\mathcal {O}}[u]/(E_\tau )$
are each other’s annihilators, and that the corresponding ideals in
${\mathcal {O}}_{F,{\mathfrak {p}}} \otimes _{W(\mathbb {F}_{\mathfrak {p}}),\tau } {\mathcal {O}}$
are independent of the choice of the uniformizer
$\varpi _{\mathfrak {p}}$
2.2 The Pappas-Rapoport model
We now recall the definition, due to Pappas and Rapoport, for smooth integral models of Hilbert modular varieties of level prime to p,
We let
${\mathbb {A}}_{F,\mathbf {f}} = F \otimes \widehat {\mathbb {Z}}$
denote the finite adeles of F, and we let
${\mathbb {A}}_{F,\mathbf {f}}^{(p)} = {\mathbb {Q}} \otimes \widehat {{\mathcal {O}}}_F^{(p)} = F \otimes \widehat {\mathbb {Z}}^{(p)}$
, where
$\widehat {{\mathcal {O}}}_F^{(p)}$
$\widehat {\mathbb {Z}}^{(p)}$
) is the prime-to-p completion of
${\mathcal {O}}_F$
$\mathbb {Z}$
), so
$\widehat {\mathbb {Z}}^{(p)} = \prod _{\ell \neq p} \mathbb {Z}_\ell $
$\widehat {{\mathcal {O}}}_F^{(p)} = {\mathcal {O}}_F \otimes \widehat {\mathbb {Z}}^{(p)} = \prod _{v\nmid p} {\mathcal {O}}_{F,v}$
Let U be an open compact subgroup of
$\operatorname {GL}_2(\widehat {{\mathcal {O}}}_F) \subset \operatorname {GL}_2({\mathbb {A}}_{F,\mathbf {f}})$
of the form
, where
$U_p = \operatorname {GL}_2({\mathcal {O}}_{F,p})$
. Consider the functor which associates, to a locally Noetherian
${\mathcal {O}}$
-scheme S, the set of isomorphism classes of data
$(A,\iota ,\lambda ,\eta ,{\mathcal {F}}^\bullet )$
, where
$s:A \to S$ is an abelian scheme of relative dimension d;
$\iota : {\mathcal {O}}_F\to {\operatorname {End}\,}_S(A)$ is a homomorphism;
$\lambda $ is an
${\mathcal {O}}_F$ -linear quasi-polarization of A such that for each connected component
$S_i$ of S,
$\lambda $ induces an isomorphism
${\mathfrak {c}}_i{\mathfrak {d}} \otimes _{{\mathcal {O}}_F} A_{S_i} \to A_{S_i}^\vee $ for some fractional ideal
${\mathfrak {c}}_i$ of F prime to p;
$\eta $ is a level
$U^p$ structure on A; that is, a
$\pi _1(S_i,\overline {s}_i)$ -invariant
$U^p$ -orbit of
$\widehat {{\mathcal {O}}}_F^{(p)}$ -linear isomorphisms
$$ \begin{align*}\eta_i :(\widehat{{\mathcal{O}}}_F^{(p)})^2 \to {\mathfrak{d}} \otimes_{{\mathcal{O}}_F} T^{(p)}(A_{\overline{s}_i})\end{align*} $$
$\overline {s}_i$ on each connected component
$S_i$ of S, where
$T^{(p)}$ denotes the product over
$\ell \neq p$ of the
$\ell $ -adic Tate modules, and
$g \in U^p$ acts on
$\eta _i$ by pre-composing with right multiplication by
$g^{-1}$ ;
${\mathcal {F}}^\bullet $ is a collection of Pappas–Rapoport filtrations; that is, for each
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i} \in \Sigma _0$ , an increasing filtration of
${\mathcal {O}}_{F,{\mathfrak {p}}} \otimes _{W(\mathbb {F}_{\mathfrak {p}}),\tau } {\mathcal {O}}_S$ -modules
$$ \begin{align*}0 = {\mathcal{F}}_\tau^{(0)} \subset {\mathcal{F}}_\tau^{(1)} \subset \cdots \subset {\mathcal{F}}_\tau^{(e_{\mathfrak{p}} - 1)} \subset {\mathcal{F}}_\tau^{(e_{\mathfrak{p}})} = (s_*\Omega_{A/S}^1)_\tau\end{align*} $$
$j=1,\ldots ,e_{{\mathfrak {p}}}$ , the quotient
$ {\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{(j)}/{\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{(j-1)}$ is a line bundle on S on which
${\mathcal {O}}_F$ acts via
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}$ .
is sufficiently small, then the functor is representable by an infinite disjoint union
$\widetilde {Y}_U$
of smooth, quasi-projective schemes of relative dimension d over
${\mathcal {O}}$
. Furthermore, we have an action of
$\nu \in {\mathcal {O}}_{F,(p),+}^\times $
$\widetilde {Y}_U$
defined by composing the quasi-polarization with
$\iota (\nu )$
, and the action factors through a free action of
${\mathcal {O}}_{F,(p),+}^\times /(U\cap {\mathcal {O}}_F^\times )^2$
by which the quotient is representable by a smooth quasi-projective scheme of relative dimension d over
${\mathcal {O}}$
, which we denote by
. We also have a natural right action of
$g \in \operatorname {GL}_2({\mathbb {A}}_{F,\mathbf {f}}^{(p)})$
on the inverse system of schemes
$\widetilde {Y}_U$
defined by pre-composing the level structure
$\eta $
with right-multiplication by
, and the action descends to one on the inverse system of schemes
. Furthermore, we have a compatible system of isomorphisms of the
$Y_U(\mathbb {C})$
(for any choice of
${\mathcal {O}} \to \mathbb {C}$
) with the Hilbert modular varieties

under which the action of
$\operatorname {GL}_2({\mathbb {A}}_{F,\mathbf {f}}^{(p)})$
corresponds to right multiplication.
2.3 Automorphic bundles
$\underline {A} = (A,\iota ,\lambda ,\eta ,{\mathcal {F}}^\bullet )$
denote the universal object over
$\widetilde {Y}_U$
. Recall that
${\mathcal {H}}^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A/\widetilde {Y}_U)$
is a (Zariski-)locally free sheaf of rank two
${\mathcal {O}}_F \otimes {\mathcal {O}}_{\widetilde {Y}_U}$
-modules, and hence decomposes as
$\oplus _{\tau \in \Sigma } {\mathcal {H}}^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A/\widetilde {Y}_U)_\tau $
, where each
${\mathcal {H}}^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A/\widetilde {Y}_U)_\tau $
is locally free of rank two over
${\mathcal {O}}_{\widetilde {Y}_U}[u]/(E_\tau )$
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}$
, we let
${\mathcal {L}}_\theta $
denote the line bundle
${\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{(j)}/{\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{(j-1)}$
$\widetilde {Y}_U$
. We let
${\mathcal {G}}_\tau ^{(j)}$
denote the pre-image of
${\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{(j-1)}$
${\mathcal {H}}^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A/\widetilde {Y}_U)_\tau $
$u - \theta (\varpi _{\mathfrak {p}})$
, so that
${\mathcal {P}}_\theta := {\mathcal {G}}_\tau ^{(j)}/{\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{(j-1)}$
is a rank two vector bundle on
$\widetilde {Y}_U$
, containing
${\mathcal {L}}_\theta $
as a sub-bundle. We let
${\mathcal {M}}_\theta = {\mathcal {P}}_\theta /{\mathcal {L}}_\theta = {\mathcal {G}}_\tau ^{(j)}/{\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{(j)}$
${\mathcal {N}}_\theta = {\mathcal {L}}_\theta \otimes _{{\mathcal {O}}_{\widetilde {Y}_U}} {\mathcal {M}}_\theta = \wedge ^2_{{\mathcal {O}}_{\widetilde {Y}_U} }{\mathcal {P}}_\theta $
. For any
$\mathbf {k}$
$\mathbf {m} \in \mathbb {Z}^\Sigma $
, we let
$\widetilde {{\mathcal {A}}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m}}$
denote the line bundle

$\widetilde {Y}_U$
. We also let
$\widetilde {\omega } = \widetilde {{\mathcal {A}}}_{\mathbf {{1}},\mathbf {0}}$
$\widetilde {\delta } = \widetilde {{\mathcal {A}}}_{\mathbf {{0},\mathbf {1}}}$
. Note that
$\widetilde {\omega }$
may be identified with
$\wedge ^d_{{\mathcal {O}}_{\widetilde {Y}_U}} (s_*\Omega ^1_{A/\widetilde {Y}_U})$
; we remark that, less obviously,
$\widetilde {\delta }$
may be identified with
$\wedge ^{2d}_{{\mathcal {O}}_{\widetilde {Y}_U}} ({\mathcal {H}}^1_{{\operatorname {dR}}}(A/\widetilde {Y}_U))$
(and more naturally with
$\mathrm {Disc}_{F/\mathbb {Q}} \otimes \wedge ^{2d}_{{\mathcal {O}}_{\widetilde {Y}_U}} ({\mathcal {H}}^1_{{\operatorname {dR}}}(A/\widetilde {Y}_U))$
There is a natural action of
${\mathcal {O}}_{F,(p),+}^\times $
on the vector bundles
${\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{(j)}$
${\mathcal {G}}_\tau ^{(j)}$
over the one on
$\widetilde {Y}_U$
, inducing actions on
${\mathcal {L}}_\theta $
${\mathcal {P}}_\theta $
${\mathcal {M}}_\theta $
${\mathcal {N}}_\theta $
; however, the restriction to
$(U\cap {\mathcal {O}}_F^\times )^2$
is nontrivial, so it fails to define descent data on these sheaves to
(see [Reference DiamondDia23, §3.2]). More precisely, if
$\nu = \mu ^2$
for some
$\mu \in U \cap {\mathcal {O}}_F^\times $
, then
$\nu $
acts on
${\mathcal {L}}_\theta $
${\mathcal {P}}_\theta $
${\mathcal {M}}_\theta $
${\mathcal {N}}_\theta $
) by
$\theta (\mu )$
$\theta (\nu )$
). Thus, if
$\mathbf {k} + 2\mathbf {m}$
is parallel, in the sense that
$k_\theta + 2 m_\theta $
is independent of
$\theta $
, then we obtain descent data on
$\widetilde {{\mathcal {A}}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m}}$
$\mathrm {Nm}_{F/{\mathbb {Q}}}(U\cap {\mathcal {O}}_F^\times ) = \{1\}$
), and we let
${\mathcal {A}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m}}$
denote the resulting line bundle on
; note in particular this applies to
$\widetilde {\omega }$
$\widetilde {\delta }$
, yielding the line bundles on
which we denote
$\omega $
$\delta $
. More generally, if R is an
${\mathcal {O}}$
-algebra in which the image of
$\prod _\theta \theta (\mu )^{k_\theta + 2m_\theta }$
for all
$\mu \in U \cap {\mathcal {O}}_F^\times $
, then
$\widetilde {{\mathcal {A}}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m},R}:= \widetilde {{\mathcal {A}}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m}} \otimes _{{\mathcal {O}}} R$
descends to a line bundle on
$Y_{U,R}: = Y_U \times _{{\mathcal {O}}} R$
which we denote by
${\mathcal {A}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m},R}$
; note in particular that if
$p^N R = 0$
for some N, then this applies to all
$\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m}$
whenever U is sufficiently small (depending on N).
We also have natural left action of
$\operatorname {GL}_2({\mathbb {A}}_{F,\mathbf {f}}^{(p)})$
on the various vector bundles over its right action on the inverse system
$\widetilde {Y}_U$
. More precisely, suppose that
$g \in \operatorname {GL}_2({\mathbb {A}}_{F,\mathbf {f}}^{(p)})$
is such that
$g^{-1}Ug \subset U'$
, where U and
are sufficiently small open compact subgroups of
$\operatorname {GL}_2({\mathbb {A}}_{F,\mathbf {f}})$
$\operatorname {GL}_2({\mathcal {O}}_{F,p})$
. Let
$\underline {A}' = (A',\iota ',\lambda ',\eta ',{\mathcal {F}}^{\prime \bullet })$
denote the universal object over
$\widetilde {Y}_{U'}$
, and similarly let
${\mathcal {L}}_\theta ^{\prime }$
, etc., denote the associated vector bundles. As described in [Reference DiamondDia23, §3.2], the morphism
$\widetilde {\rho }_g: \widetilde {Y}_U \to \widetilde {Y}_{U'}$
is associated with a (prime-to-p) quasi-isogeny
$A \to \widetilde {\rho }_g^{*}A'$
inducing isomorphisms
$\widetilde {\rho }_g^{*}{\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{\prime (j)} \stackrel {\sim }{\to } {\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{(j)}$
, which in turn give rise to isomorphisms
$\widetilde {\rho }_g^{*}{\mathcal {L}}^{\prime }_\theta \stackrel {\sim }{\to } {\mathcal {L}}_\theta $
, etc., satisfying the usual compatibilities. Furthermore, if
$\mathbf {k} + 2\mathbf {m}$
is parallel, then the resulting isomorphisms
$\widetilde {\rho }_g^{*}\widetilde {{\mathcal {A}}}^{\prime }_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m}} \stackrel {\sim }{\to } \widetilde {{\mathcal {A}}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m}}$
descend to isomorphisms
$\rho _g^{*}{{\mathcal {A}}}^{\prime }_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m}} \stackrel {\sim }{\to } {{\mathcal {A}}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m}}$
, where
$\rho _g: {Y}_U \to {Y}_{U'}$
is the morphism obtained by descent from
$\widetilde {\rho }_g$
, and more generally, we obtain isomorphisms
$\rho _g^{*}{{\mathcal {A}}}^{\prime }_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m},R} \stackrel {\sim }{\to } {{\mathcal {A}}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m},R}$
whenever the image in R of
$\prod _\theta \theta (\mu )^{k_\theta + 2m_\theta }$
for all
$\mu \in U' \cap {\mathcal {O}}_F^\times $
$R = \mathbb {C}$
$\mathbf {k} + 2\mathbf {m}$
is parallel, then we recover the usual automorphic line bundles on
$Y_U({\mathbb {C}})$
whose global sections are Hilbert modular forms of weight
$(\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m})$
and level U, along with the usualFootnote
Hecke action of
$\operatorname {GL}_2({\mathbb {A}}_{F,\mathbf {f}}^{(p)})$
on their direct limit over U.
Finally, recall from [Reference DiamondDia23, §3.2] that the quasi-polarization and Poincaré duality induce a perfect alternating pairing on
${\mathcal {P}}_\theta $
(depending on the choice of
$\varpi _{\mathfrak {p}}$
), and hence a trivialization of
${\mathcal {N}}_\theta $
, but their products do not descend to trivializations of the bundles
${\mathcal {A}}_{\mathbf {{0}},\mathbf {m},R}$
$\mathbf {m} \neq \mathbf {0}$
). These are, however, torsion bundles, which are furthermore non-canonically trivializable for sufficiently small U. The Hecke action on their global sections is given by [Reference DiamondDia23, Prop. 3.2.2].
2.4 Iwahori–level structure
${\mathfrak {p}} \in S_p$
, we let
$I_0({\mathfrak {p}})$
denote the Iwahori subgroup

In this section, we recall the definition of suitable integral models of Hilbert modular varieties with such level structure at a set of primes over p.
Fix an ideal
${\mathfrak {P}}$
${\mathcal {O}}_F$
containing the radical of
$p{\mathcal {O}}_F$
, so that
${\mathfrak {P}} = \prod _{{\mathfrak {p}} \in P} {\mathfrak {p}}$
for some subset P of
. We are mainly interested in the cases
$P = \{{\mathfrak {p}}\}$
$P = S_p$
, but the additional generality introduces no difficulties, and it may be instructive (and amusing) to note how some of our results specialize to well-known ones in the case
$P = \emptyset $
. Let U be an open compact subgroup of
$\operatorname {GL}_2({\mathbb {A}}_{F,\mathbf {f}})$
as above, so that
$U = U_p U^p$
$U_p = \operatorname {GL}_2({\mathcal {O}}_{F,p})$
is a sufficiently small open subgroup of
$\operatorname {GL}_2(\widehat {{\mathcal {O}}}_F^{(p)})$
, and we let

d We let
$\varpi _{\mathfrak {P}} = \prod \varpi _{\mathfrak {p}}$
$f_{\mathfrak {P}} = \sum f_{\mathfrak {p}}$
$d_{\mathfrak {P}} = \sum e_{\mathfrak {p}} f_{\mathfrak {p}}$
$\Sigma _{\mathfrak {P}} = \coprod \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {p}}}$
$\Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0} = \coprod \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {p}},0}$
, with the product, sums and unions taken over the set of
${\mathfrak {p}}$
${\mathfrak {P}}$
For a locally Noetherian
${\mathcal {O}}$
-scheme S, we consider the functor which associates to S the set of isomorphism classes of triples
$(\underline {A}_1,\underline {A}_2,\psi )$
, where
$\underline {A}_i = (A_i,\iota _i,\lambda _i,\eta _i,{\mathcal {F}}_i^\bullet )$
define elements of
$i = 1,2$
$\psi :A_1 \to A_2$
is an isogeny of degree
$p^{f_{\mathfrak {P}}}$
such that
$\ker (\psi ) \subset A_1[{\mathfrak {P}}]$ ;
$\psi $ is
${\mathcal {O}}_F$ -linear (i.e.,
$\psi \circ \iota _1(\alpha ) = \iota _2(\alpha )\circ \psi $ for all
$\alpha \in {\mathcal {O}}_F$ );
$\lambda _1\circ \iota _1(\varpi _{\mathfrak {P}}) = \psi ^\vee \circ \lambda _2 \circ \psi $ ;
$\psi \circ \eta _1 = \eta _2$ (as
$U^p$ -orbits on each connected component of S);
$\psi ^{*}{\mathcal {F}}_2^\bullet \subset {\mathcal {F}}_1^\bullet $ (i.e.,
$\psi ^{*}{\mathcal {F}}_{\tau ,2}^{(j)} \subset {\mathcal {F}}_{\tau ,1}^{(j)}$ for all
${\mathfrak {p}} \in S_p$ ,
$\tau \in \Sigma _{0,{\mathfrak {p}}}$ and
$j = 1,\ldots ,e_{{\mathfrak {p}}}$ ).
For such an isogeny
$\psi $
, consider also the isogeny
$\xi :A_2 \to {\mathfrak {P}}^{-1}\otimes _{{\mathcal {O}}_F} A_1$
such that
$\xi \circ \psi : A_1 \to {\mathfrak {P}}^{-1} \otimes _{{\mathcal {O}}_F} A_1$
is the canonical isogeny with kernel
$A_1[{\mathfrak {P}}]$
. The compatibility with the quasi-polarizations
$\lambda _1$
$\lambda _2$
then implies the commutativity of the resulting diagram of p-integral quasi-isogenies (over each connected component of the base S):

This in turn implies the commutativity of the diagram

for each
$\tau \in \Sigma _0$
, where
${\mathcal {H}}_{\tau ,i}$
is the
$\tau $
-component of the locally free
${\mathcal {O}}_F\otimes {\mathcal {O}}_S$
${\mathcal {H}}^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A_i/S)$
, the superscript
${}^\vee $
denotes its
${\mathcal {O}}_S[u]/(E_\tau )$
-dual, and the
$\mu _{\tau ,i}$
are the
$\tau $
-components of the isomorphisms obtained from the polarizations and Poincaré duality (see [Reference DiamondDia23, (4)]). The condition that
$\psi ^{*}{\mathcal {F}}_{\tau ,2}^{(j)} \subset {\mathcal {F}}_{\tau ,1}^{(j)}$
for all j therefore implies that
$\xi _\tau ^{*}({\mathfrak {P}}\otimes _{{\mathcal {O}}_F}({\mathcal {F}}_{\tau ,1}^{(j)})^\perp ) \subset ({\mathcal {F}}_{\tau ,2}^{(j)})^\perp $
, so it follows from [Reference DiamondDia23, Lemma 3.1.1] that

The functor defined above is representable by a scheme
$\widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
, projective over
$\widetilde {Y}_U$
relative to either of the forgetful morphisms.Footnote
In the next section, we prove that the schemes
$\widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
are syntomic of relative dimension d over
${\mathcal {O}}$
(see also [Reference Emerton, Reduzzi and XiaoERX17a, Prop. 3.3]). Note that we again have a free action of
${\mathcal {O}}_{F,(p),+}^\times /(U\cap {\mathcal {O}}_F^\times )^2$
for which the quotient is representable by a quasi-projective scheme of relative dimension d over
${\mathcal {O}}$
, which we denote by
$Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
, and a natural right action of
$\operatorname {GL}_2({\mathbb {A}}_{F,\mathbf {f}}^{(p)})$
on the inverse system of the
$\widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
) descending to one on the inverse system of
$Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
. Furthermore, the schemes
$Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
are independent of the choices of
$\varpi _{\mathfrak {p}}$
, and we again have isomorphisms of their sets of complex points with Hilbert modular varieties

under which the action of
$\operatorname {GL}_2({\mathbb {A}}_{F,\mathbf {f}}^{(p)})$
corresponds to right multiplication.
Consider also the forgetful morphisms
$\widetilde {\pi }_i: \widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})} \to \widetilde {Y}_U$
$(\underline {A}_1,\underline {A}_2,\psi )$
$\underline {A}_i$
$i =1,2$
, and their product

descending to morphisms
$\pi _i:Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})} \to Y_U$
$h: Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})} \to Y_U \times _{{\mathcal {O}}} Y_U$
, which are again independent of the choices of
$\varpi _{\mathfrak {p}}$
Proposition 2.1. For sufficiently small U, the morphisms
$\widetilde {h}$
and h are closed immersions.
Proof. Since
$\widetilde {h}$
is projective, it suffices to prove that it is injective on geometric points and their tangent spaces. Furthermore, the assertion for h follows from the one for
$\widetilde {h}$
Suppose then that
$(\underline {A}_1,\underline {A}_2,\psi )$
$(\underline {A}_1^{\prime },\underline {A}_2^{\prime },\psi ')$
correspond to geometric points of
$\widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
with the same image under
$\widetilde {h}$
. Thus, there are isomorphisms
$f_i:A_i \to A_i^{\prime }$
which are compatible with all auxiliary data. Let
$\xi :A_2^{\prime } \to A_1$
be the unique isogeny such that
$\xi \circ \psi '\circ f_1 = p$
, and consider the
${\mathcal {O}}_F$
-linear endomorphism
$\alpha := \xi \circ f_2 \circ \psi $
(where we identify
${\mathcal {O}}_F$
with a subalgebra of
${\operatorname {End}\,}(A_1)$
$\iota _1$
). We wish to prove that
$\alpha = p$
, as this implies that
$f_2 \circ \psi = \psi '\circ f_1$
, giving the desired injectivity on geometric points.
First, note that the compatibility of
$\psi '$
with quasi-polarizations implies that
$\xi ^\vee \circ \lambda _1 \circ \varpi _{\mathfrak {P}} \circ \xi = p^2\lambda _2^{\prime }$
. Combining this with the compatibility of
$\psi $
with quasi-polarizations, it follows that
$\alpha ^\vee \circ \lambda _1 \circ \alpha = p^2\lambda _1$
. In particular,
$F(\alpha )$
is stable under the
$\lambda _1$
-Rosati involution of
${\operatorname {End}\,}^0(A_1)$
, which sends
$\alpha $
$p^2\alpha ^{-1}$
. By the classification of endomorphism algebras of abelian varieties, it follows that either
$\alpha \in F$
, in which case
$\alpha = \pm p$
, or
$F(\alpha )$
is a quadratic CM-extension of F, in which case
$\alpha $
is in its ring of integers and
$\alpha \overline {\alpha } = p^2$
Next, note that the compatibility of
$\psi $
$\psi '$
with level structures implies that if
$U \subset U({\mathfrak {n}})$
, then
$\alpha \circ \overline {\eta }_1 = p\overline {\eta }_1$
, where
$\overline {\eta }_1: ({\mathcal {O}}_F/{\mathfrak {n}})^2 \cong A_1[{\mathfrak {n}}]$
is the isomorphism induced by
$\eta _1$
. It follows that
$\alpha - p$
$A_1[{\mathfrak {n}}]$
, and therefore so does
$\overline {\alpha } - p$
$\overline {\alpha } = \alpha $
$\alpha \in F$
). Letting
$\beta $
denote the element
$\alpha + \overline {\alpha } - 2p \in {\mathcal {O}}_F$
, it follows that
$\beta $
$A_1[{\mathfrak {n}}]$
, and hence
$\beta \in {\mathfrak {n}}$
. Furthermore, since
$\alpha $
is a root of

and either
$\alpha = \pm p$
$F(\alpha )$
is a CM-extension of F, it follows that
$|\theta (\beta )| \le 4p$
for all embeddings
$\theta :F \hookrightarrow \mathbb {R}$
. If
${\mathfrak {n}}$
is such that
$N_{F/\mathbb {Q}}({\mathfrak {n}})> (4p)^{[F:\mathbb {Q}]}$
, this implies that
$\beta = 0$
, and hence,
$\alpha = p$
We have now proved that
$\widetilde {h}$
is injective on geometric points. The injectivity on tangent spaces is immediate from the Grothendieck–Messing Theorem, a version of which we recall below for convenience and for later use.
Let S be a scheme and
$i:S \hookrightarrow T$
a nilpotent divided power thickening. If
$t: B \to T$
is an abelian scheme of dimension d, then the restriction over S of the crystal
$R^1t_{\mathrm {crys},*}{\mathcal {O}}_{B,\mathrm {crys}}$
is canonically identified with
$R^1{\overline {t}}_{\mathrm {crys},*}{\mathcal {O}}_{\overline {B},\mathrm {crys}}$
, where
$\overline {t}: \overline {B} \to S$
is the base-change of
$t:B \to T$
. The image of
$t_*\Omega ^1_{B/T}$
under the resulting isomorphism

is thus an
${\mathcal {O}}_T$
${\mathcal {V}}_B$
$(R^1\overline {t}_{\mathrm {crys},*}{\mathcal {O}}_{\overline {B},\mathrm {crys}})_{T}$
whose restriction to S corresponds to
$\overline {t}_*\Omega ^1_{\overline {B}/S}$
under the canonical isomorphism

The Grothendieck–Messing Theorem (as in [Reference GrothendieckGro74, Ch. V, §4]) states that the functor sending B to
$(\overline {B},{\mathcal {V}}_B)$
defines an equivalence between the categories of abelian schemes over T and that of pairs
$(A,{\mathcal {V}})$
, where
$s: A \to S$
is an abelian scheme and
${\mathcal {V}}$
is an
${\mathcal {O}}_T$
-subbundle of
$(R^1s_{\mathrm {crys},*}{\mathcal {O}}_{A,\mathrm {crys}})_{T}$
such that
$i^{*}{\mathcal {V}}$
corresponds to
$s_*\Omega ^1_{A/S}$
under the canonical isomorphism of
$i^{*}(R^1s_{\mathrm {crys},*}{\mathcal {O}}_{A,\mathrm {crys}})_{T}$
${\mathcal {H}}^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A/S)$
. A morphism of pairs
$(A,{\mathcal {V}}_1) \to (A',{\mathcal {V}}')$
being a pair of morphisms
$(A \to A', {\mathcal {V}}' \to {\mathcal {V}})$
satisfying the evident compatibility, it follows that if
$t:B \to T$
$t':B' \to T$
are abelian schemes and
$\psi :\overline {B} \to \overline {B}'$
is a morphism of their base-changes to S, then
$\psi $
extends (necessarily uniquely) to a morphism
$B \to B'$
if and only if the morphism

${\mathcal {V}}'$
${\mathcal {V}}$
. In particular, the functor sending B to
$\overline {B}$
is faithful, which is all that is needed in the proof of Proposition 2.1.
For later reference, we note if the data
$\underline {A} = (A,\iota ,\lambda ,\eta ,{\mathcal {F}}^\bullet )$
corresponds to an element of
$\widetilde {Y}_U(S)$
, then to give a lift to an element of
$\widetilde {Y}_U(T)$
is equivalent to giving a lift
${\mathcal {E}}^\bullet $
of the Pappas–Rapoport filtrations to
$(R^1s_{\mathrm {crys},*}{\mathcal {O}}_{A,\mathrm {crys}})_{T}$
, by which we mean a collection of
${\mathcal {O}}_{F,{\mathfrak {p}}} \otimes _{W(\mathbb {F}_{{\mathfrak {p}}}),\tau } {\mathcal {O}}_T$

$(R^1s_{\mathrm {crys},*}{\mathcal {O}}_{A,\mathrm {crys}})_{T,\tau }$
for each
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
such that
${\mathcal {E}}_\tau ^{(j)}/{\mathcal {E}}_\tau ^{(j-1)}$ is a line bundle on T on which
${\mathcal {O}}_F$ acts via
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}$ .
$\iota ^{*}{\mathcal {E}}_\tau ^{(j)}$ corresponds to
${\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{(j)}$ under the canonical isomorphism
$$ \begin{align*}\iota^{*}(R^1s_{\mathrm{crys},*}{\mathcal{O}}_{A,\mathrm{crys}})_{T} \cong (R^1s_{\mathrm{crys},*}{\mathcal{O}}_{A,\mathrm{crys}})_{S} \cong {\mathcal{H}}^1_{\operatorname{dR}}(A/S)\end{align*} $$
$j=1,\ldots ,e_{{\mathfrak {p}}}$
. The bijection is defined by sending the data of a lift
$\underline {\widetilde {A}} = (\widetilde {A},\widetilde {\iota },\widetilde {\lambda },\widetilde {\eta },\widetilde {{\mathcal {F}}}^\bullet )$
to the lift of filtrations corresponding to
$\widetilde {{\mathcal {F}}}^\bullet $
under the canonical isomorphism

The injectivity of the map is a straightforward consequence of the Grothendieck–Messing Theorem; for the surjectivity, one needs also to know that the quasi-polarization
$\lambda $
extends to the lift of A associated to
$(A,{\mathcal {V}})$
${\mathcal {V}} = \oplus _\tau {\mathcal {E}}_\tau ^{(e_{{\mathfrak {p}}})}$
, which is ensured by [Reference VollaardVol05, Prop. 2.10]. Since the theorem provides an equivalence of categories, it follows also that if a triple
$(\underline {A}_1,\underline {A}_2,\psi )$
corresponds to an element of
$\widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}(S)$
, then to give a lift to an element of
$\widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}(T)$
is equivalent to giving lifts
${\mathcal {E}}_i^\bullet $
of the Pappas–Rapoport filtrations
${\mathcal {F}}_i^\bullet $
$(R^1s_{i,\mathrm {crys},*}{\mathcal {O}}_{A_i,\mathrm {crys}})_{T}$
, such that
${\mathcal {E}}_1^\bullet $
${\mathcal {E}}_2^\bullet $
are compatible with

2.5 Local structure: an example
In the next section, we will recall the analysis of the local structure of
$\widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
. First, however, at the suggestion of the referee, we consider the case where F is a quadratic extension ramified at p. This will already illustrate the key ideas and techniques; the general case is then mainly a matter of transforming them into an inductive argument.
To further fix ideas and make the analysis more concrete, let
$F = \mathbb {Q}(\sqrt {p})$
${\mathfrak {P}} = {\mathfrak {p}} = \varpi _{{\mathfrak {p}}}{\mathcal {O}}_F$
, where
$\varpi _{{\mathfrak {p}}} = \sqrt {p}$
. We also let
${\mathcal {O}} = \mathbb {Z}_p[\varpi ]$
$\Sigma = \{\theta _1,\theta _2\}$
, where
$\varpi ^2 = p$
$\theta _1(\varpi _{\mathfrak {p}}) = \varpi $
$\theta _2(\varpi _{\mathfrak {p}}) = -\varpi $
, so that
${\mathcal {O}}_F \otimes {\mathcal {O}} \cong {\mathcal {O}}[u]/(u^2-p)$
, in which
$s_1 = u - \varpi $
$t_1 = u + \varpi $
in the notation of §2.1.
Suppose now that
$y \in \widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {p}})}({\mathbb {F}}_p)$
, and let S denote the local ring
${\mathcal {O}}_{\widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {p}})},y}$
$(\underline {A},\underline {A}',\psi )$
denote the corresponding triple over S. Thus, the
$H^0(A,\Omega ^1_{A/S})$
is free of rank two over S, equipped with a filtration of S-modules

such that
$(u-\varpi )F^{(1)} = 0$
$(u+\varpi )F^{(2)} \subset F^{(1)}$
, and
$L_2:= F^{(2)}/F^{(1)}$
are each free of rank one. Viewing
$H^0(A,\Omega ^1_{A/S})$
as a submodule of the free rank two
$H^1_{\mathrm {dR}}(A/S)$
, and letting
$G^{(1)} = (u+\varpi )H^1_{\mathrm {dR}}(A/S)$
(or equivalently, the kernel of
$u-\varpi $
$H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A/S)$
) and
$G^{(2)} = (u+\varpi )^{-1}F^{(1)}$
(i.e., the preimage of
$H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A/S)$
$u+\varpi $
), we obtain inclusions of free S-modules

such that each successive quotient is free of rank one over S.
Furthermore, the free rank two S-modules
$P_1:= G^{(1)}$
$P_2:= G^{(2)}/F^{(1)}$
are equipped with perfect alternating pairings
$\langle \cdot ,\cdot \rangle _i$
whose construction we briefly recall (see [Reference DiamondDia23, §3.1] for more details). Firstly, Poincaré duality and the polarization on A yield an isomorphism

and hence a perfect alternating pairing
$\langle \cdot ,\cdot \rangle _{{\operatorname {dR}}}$
$H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A/S)$
${\mathcal {O}}_F\otimes S = S[u]/(u^2 - p)$
. Furthermore, one finds that this induces an isomorphism

and our perfect pairing on
$P_1 = G^{(1)}$
(over S) is then obtained from the isomorphisms

defined by multiplication by
$u+\varpi $
. However, one finds that
are orthogonal complements, and the perfect pairing on
$P_2 = G^{(2)}/F^{(1)}$
is then obtained from the resulting isomorphism

Similarly, we have the filtration

which we use to define S-modules
$L_i^{\prime }\subset P_i^{\prime }$
such that
$L_i^{\prime }$
$P_i^{\prime }/L_i^{\prime }$
, free of rank one and
$P_i^{\prime }$
is equipped with a perfect alternating pairing. Furthermore, the
$S[u]/(u^2-\varpi )$
-linear map
$\psi _{\operatorname {dR}}^{*}:H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A'/S) \to H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A/S)$
induces morphisms
$\psi _i^{*}:P^{\prime }_i \to P_i$
restricting to
$L_i^{\prime } \to L_i$
, and the equation
$\psi \circ \lambda '\circ \psi ^\vee = \varpi _{{\mathfrak {p}}}\lambda $
$\lambda $
$\lambda '$
are the polarizations on A and
) implies that

and hence,
$\langle \psi _i^{*}(x),\psi _i^{*}(z)\rangle _i = \theta _i(\varpi _{\mathfrak {p}})\langle x,z\rangle ^{\prime }_i = \pm \varpi \langle x,z\rangle ^{\prime }_i$
$x,z\in P_i^{\prime }$
Consider the behavior of the maps
$\psi _i^{*}$
at the closed point (i.e.,
$\psi _{i,0}^{*}:{P}^{\prime }_{i,0} \to {P}_{i,0}$
), where we use
${\cdot }_0$
to denote
$\cdot \otimes _S{\mathbb {F}}_p$
. We find that
${\psi }_{i,0}^{*}$
has rank one (see the argument in the general case), and since
${\psi }_{i,0}^{*}({L}_{i,0}') \subset {L}_{i,0}$
, it follows that
${\psi }_{i,0}^{*}({L}_{i,0}') = 0$
${\psi }_{i,0}^{*}({P}_{i,0}') = {L}_{i,0}$
. To fix ideas even further, let us suppose that both these hold for
$i = 1$
, and that only the first holds for
. We will prove that in this case, the completion of S at its maximal ideal
${\mathfrak {n}}$
is isomorphic to the
${\mathcal {O}}$

In order to do so, we will construct a homomorphism
$\widehat {R} \to \widehat {S}$
using a parametrization of the S-lines
$L_i \subset P_i$
$L_i^{\prime } \subset P_i^{\prime }$
with respect to suitable choices of bases for the ambient S-planes. We will then use the Grothendieck–Messing Theorem to prove inductively that the resulting homomorphism
$R_n \to S_n$
is an isomorphism for all
$n\ge 1$
, where
$S_1 = S/(\varpi ,{\mathfrak {n}})$
$S_n = S/{\mathfrak {n}}^n$
$n\ge 2$
, and
is defined similarly.
First, note that our assumptions on the
$\psi _{i,0}^{*}$
imply that
$F_{0}^{\prime (2)} = uH^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A_0^{\prime }/{\mathbb {F}}_p)$
. Indeed, we have

so that
${F}_0^{\prime (2)} \subset {G}_0^{\prime (1)}$
, and comparing dimensions gives equality. However,

and comparing dimensions implies
${\psi }_{{\operatorname {dR}},0}^{*}({G}_0^{\prime (2)})= {G}_0^{(1)}$
, but
${\psi }_{{\operatorname {dR}},0}^{*}({G}_0^{\prime (2)})\not \subset {F}_0^{(2)}$
, so
${F}_0^{(2)} \neq {G}_0^{(1)}$
. It follows that
is a cyclic
${\mathbb {F}}_p[u]/(u^2)$
-module and
${F}_0^{(1)} = u{F}_0^{(2)}$
. We may therefore choose bases
$H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A_0/{\mathbb {F}}_p)$
$H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}({A}_0^{\prime }/{\mathbb {F}}_p)$
${\mathbb {F}}_p[u]/(u^2)$
-modules so that

$\langle \cdot \rangle $
denotes generation as
${\mathbb {F}}_p[u]/(u^2)$
-modules). Elementary manipulations show that we can furthermore choose these bases so that the matrix of
$\psi _{{\operatorname {dR}},0}^{*}$
${{\scriptsize {\left ( \begin {array}{cc} {{0}} & {{1}} \\ {{-u}} & {{0}} \end {array} \right )}}}$
$\langle x,z \rangle _{{\operatorname {dR}},0} = \langle x',z' \rangle ^{\prime }_{{\operatorname {dR}},0} = 1$
We then have bases for
defined by

so that
$L_{1,0} = {\mathbb {F}}_p e_{1,0}$
$L_{1,0}' = {\mathbb {F}}_p e_{1,0}'$
$\langle e_{1,0},f_{1,0} \rangle _{1,0} = \langle e^{\prime }_{1,0},f^{\prime }_{1,0} \rangle ^{\prime }_{1,0}=1$
, and the matrix of
$\psi _{1,0}^{*}$
takes the form
${ {\scriptsize {\left ( \begin {array}{cc} {{0}} & {{1}} \\ {{0}} & {{0}} \end {array} \right )}}}$
. Consider the isomorphisms
$P_{1,0} \otimes _{{\mathbb {F}}_p} S_1 \cong P_{1,1}$
$P^{\prime }_{1,0} \otimes _{{\mathbb {F}}_p} S_1 \cong P^{\prime }_{1,1}$
obtained from the canonical isomorphisms

(systematically using
$\cdot _n$
$\otimes _S S_n$
). Their functoriality properties further ensure that the matrix of
$\psi _{1,1}^{*}$
has the same form as above with respect to the corresponding bases for
, which we denote
, and that
$\langle e_{1,1},f_{1,1} \rangle _{1,1} = \langle e^{\prime }_{1,1},f^{\prime }_{1,1} \rangle ^{\prime }_{1,1}=1$
. However
$e^{\prime }_{1,1}$
are no longer bases for
; instead we have
$L_{1,1} = S_1(e_{1,1} - s_{1,1}f_{1,1})$
$L_{1,1}' = S_1(e_{1,1}'-s_{1,1}'f_{1,1})$
for some (unique)
$s_{1,1},s_{1,1}' \in {\mathfrak {n}} S_1$
. An elementary matrix calculation then shows that we may lift the chosen bases
$(e_1^{\prime },f_1^{\prime })$
$P_1^{\prime }$
over S so that
$\langle e_1,f_1 \rangle _1 = \langle e_1^{\prime },f_1^{\prime } \rangle _1^{\prime } = 1$
and the resulting matrix of
$\psi _1^{*}$
${{\scriptsize {\left ( \begin {array}{cc} {{0}} & {{1}} \\ {{-\varpi }} & {{0}} \end {array} \right )}}}$
. We then have
$L_1 = S(e_1 - s_1 f_1)$
$L_1^{\prime } = S(e_1^{\prime } - s_1^{\prime }f_1)$
for some uniquely determined
$s_1,s_1^{\prime } \in {\mathfrak {n}}$
, and the fact that
$\psi _1^{*}(L_1^{\prime }) \subset L_1$
means that

and therefore
$s_1s_1^{\prime } = -\varpi $
Similarly, using the bases for
$P_{2,0}^{\prime }$
defined by

$L_{2,0} = {\mathbb {F}}_p e_{2,0}$
$L_{2,0}^{\prime } = {\mathbb {F}}_p e_{2,0}^{\prime }$
$\langle e_{2,0},f_{2,0} \rangle _{2,0} = \langle e^{\prime }_{2,0},f^{\prime }_{2,0} \rangle ^{\prime }_{2,0}=1$
, and the matrix of
$\psi _{2,0}^{*}$
takes the form
${{\scriptsize {\left ( \begin {array}{cc} {{0}} & {{0}} \\ {{0}} & {{1}} \end {array} \right )}}}$
. Note however that the canonical isomorphism
$\alpha $
does not (necessarily) send
$L_{1,0} = F^{(1)}_0$
$L_{1,1} = F^{(1)}_1$
, and therefore does not yield an isomorphism between
$P_{2,0}\otimes _{{\mathbb {F}}_p}S_1$
. However letting
$S_{1/2} = S/I$
, where
$I = (s_1,s_1^{\prime },{\mathfrak {n}}^2)\subset (\varpi ,{\mathfrak {n}}^2)$
, we find that
$\alpha $
$\alpha '$
still induce isomorphisms
$P_{2,0}\otimes _{{\mathbb {F}}_p}S_{1/2}\cong P_{2,1/2}$
$P^{\prime }_{2,0}\otimes _{{\mathbb {F}}_p}S_{1/2}\cong P^{\prime }_{2,1/2}$
. We may then lift the resulting bases for
$P^{\prime }_{2,1/2}$
to ones, say
$(e_2^{\prime },f_2^{\prime })$
$P_2^{\prime }$
, such that
$\langle e_2,f_2 \rangle _2 = \langle e_2^{\prime },f_2^{\prime } \rangle _2^{\prime } = 1$
and the matrix for
$\psi _2^{*}$
has the form
${{\scriptsize {\left ( \begin {array}{cc} {{-\varpi }} & {{0}} \\ {{0}} & {{1}} \end {array} \right )}}}$
. Defining
$s_2,s_2^{\prime } \in {\mathfrak {n}}$
$L_2 = S(e_2-s_2 f_2)$
$L_2^{\prime } = (e_2^{\prime } - s_2^{\prime }f_2^{\prime })$
, the fact that
$\psi _2^{*}(L_2^{\prime }) \subset L_2$
now translates into the equation
$s_2^{\prime } = -\varpi s_2$
We now define the homomorphism
$\rho : \widehat {R} \to \widehat {S}$
$X_1 \mapsto s_1$
$X_1^{\prime } \mapsto s_1^{\prime }$
$X_2 \mapsto s_2$
, and we will sketch the proof that it is an isomorphism.
We first prove that
$\rho $
is surjective, or equivalently, that the
${\mathbb {F}}_p$
-vector space
${\mathfrak {n}}/(\varpi ,{\mathfrak {n}}^2)$
is spanned by
, or equivalently, if
$\delta :S_1 \to T:= {\mathbb {F}}_p[\epsilon ]/(\epsilon ^2)$
is an
${\mathbb {F}}_p$
-algebra homomorphism such that
$\delta (s_{1,1}) = \delta (s_{1,1}') = \delta (s_{2,1}) = 0$
, then
$\delta $
factors through
${\mathbb {F}}_p$
. This in turn is equivalent to the assertion that for such a
$\delta $
, the triple
$(\underline {\widetilde {A}},\underline {\widetilde {A}}',\widetilde {\psi }) := {\delta }^{*}(\underline {A}_1,\underline {A}_1^{\prime },\psi _1)$
, is isomorphic to the base-change (via
${\mathbb {F}}_p \hookrightarrow T$
) of
$(\underline {A}_{0},\underline {A}_{0}',\psi _{0})$
. By the Grothendieck–Messing Theorem,Footnote
this in turn is equivalent to the assertion that for
$i = 1,2$
, the T-modules
$ F_1^{(i)}\otimes _{S_1} T$
$F_{1}^{\prime (i)}\otimes _{S_{1}} T$
correspond (respectively) to
$F_0^{(i)}\otimes _{{\mathbb {F}}_p} T$
$F_0^{\prime (i)}\otimes _{{\mathbb {F}}_p} T$
under the canonical isomorphisms

(induced by
$\alpha $
$\alpha '$
). Since
$F^{(1)}_1 = L_{1,1} = S_1(e_{1,1}-s_{1,1}f_{1,1})$
$\delta (s_{1,1}) = 0$
, we have that
$ F_1^{(1)}\otimes _{S_1} T = T(e_{1,1}\otimes 1)$
, and by construction,
corresponds to
$e_{1,0} \otimes 1$
$\alpha $
. Similarly, we see that
$F_{1}^{\prime (1)}\otimes _{S_{1}} T$
corresponds to
$F_0^{\prime (1)}\otimes _{{\mathbb {F}}_p} T$
. Note also that
$\delta $
factors through
, so the same argument shows that

corresponds to
$L_{2,0}\otimes _{{\mathbb {F}}_p} T = (F_0^{(2)}/F_0^{(1)})\otimes _{{\mathbb {F}}_p}T $
under the isomorphism induced by
$\alpha $
, and hence that
$ F_1^{(2)}\otimes _{S_1} T$
corresponds to
$ F_0^{(1)}\otimes _{{\mathbb {F}}_p} T$
. Finally, the fact that
$L^{\prime }_{2,1/2}\otimes _{S} T = T(e^{\prime }_{2,0}\otimes 1)$
follows automatically from the description of
$\psi _2^{*}$
, so we similarly obtain the desired conclusion for
$F_1^{\prime (2)}\otimes _{S_1} T$
In order to prove that
$\rho _1:R_1 \to S_1$
is an isomorphism, we could again consider the map on tangent spaces, but in order to be more indicative of the inductive step treating
$\rho _n$
, we will interpret the argument as the construction of a surjective homomorphism
$S_1 \to R_1$
. Note that if
$\widetilde {y} \in \widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {p}})}(R_1)$
is a lift of y, then the induced map
$S = {\mathcal {O}}_{\widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {p}})},y} \to R_1$
factors through
. Furthermore, by the Grothendieck–Messing Theorem (with
$i:{\operatorname {Spec}\,}({\mathbb {F}}_p) \hookrightarrow {\operatorname {Spec}\,}(R_1)$
), to give such a lift is equivalent to giving lifts

of the Pappas–Rapoport filtrations compatible with
$\psi _{{\operatorname {dR}},0}^{*}\otimes 1$
. More precisely, we require that the
$\widetilde {F}^{(i)}$
$\widetilde {F}^{\prime (i)}$
) be free
such that
$\widetilde {F}^{(i)}\otimes _{R_1}{\mathbb {F}}_p = F_0^{(i)}$ and
$\widetilde {F}^{\prime (i)}\otimes _{R_1}{\mathbb {F}}_p = F_0^{\prime (i)}$ ;
$u\widetilde {F}^{(i)} \subset \widetilde {F}^{(i-1)}$ and
$u\widetilde {F}^{\prime (i)} \subset \widetilde {F}^{\prime (i-1)}$ (where
$\widetilde {F}^{(0)} = \widetilde {F}^{\prime (0)} = 0$ );
$(\psi _{{\operatorname {dR}},0}^{*}\otimes 1)(\widetilde {F}^{\prime (i)}) \subset \widetilde {F}^{(i)}$ .
We will write down such lifts in terms of the bases
$(\widetilde {x},\widetilde {z})$
$(\widetilde {x}',\widetilde {z}')$
, where
are the bases already chosen for
$H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A_0/{\mathbb {F}}_p)$
$H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A_0^{\prime }/{\mathbb {F}}_p)$
$\widetilde {x} = x \otimes 1$
, etc. Letting
$\widetilde {P}_1 = uH^1_{{\operatorname {dR}}}(A_0/{\mathbb {F}}_p)\otimes _{{\mathbb {F}}_p} R_1$
$\widetilde {P}^{\prime }_1 = uH^1_{{\operatorname {dR}}}(A^{\prime }_0/{\mathbb {F}}_p)\otimes _{{\mathbb {F}}_p} R_1$
, note that the matrix of the
-linear map
$\widetilde {\psi }_1:\widetilde {P}_1^{\prime } \to \widetilde {P}_1$
induced by
$\psi _{{\operatorname {dR}},0}^{*}$
with respect to the bases
$(u\widetilde {x},u\widetilde {z})$
$(u\widetilde {x}',u\widetilde {z}')$
${{\scriptsize {\left ( \begin {array}{cc} {{0}} & {{1}} \\ {{0}} & {{0}} \end {array} \right )}}}$
. It follows that

are free
-modules such that
$\widetilde {\psi }_1^{*}(\widetilde {F}^{\prime (1)}) \subset \widetilde {F}^{(1)}$
, where
$\overline {X}_1$
denotes the image of
, etc. Letting
$\widetilde {P}_2$
denote the free rank two
$(u^{-1}\widetilde {F}^{(1)})/\widetilde {F}^{(1)}$
and similarly defining
$\widetilde {P}^{\prime }_2$
, one finds that the matrix of the
-linear map
$\widetilde {\psi }_2:\widetilde {P}_2^{\prime } \to \widetilde {P}_2$
induced by
$\psi _{{\operatorname {dR}},0}^{*}$
${{\scriptsize {\left ( \begin {array}{cc} {{0}} & {{0}} \\ {{0}} & {{1}} \end {array} \right )}}}$
with respect to the bases

(Note that
$\overline {X}_1\widetilde {x}'+u\widetilde {z}' \in u^{-1}\widetilde {F}^{\prime (1)}$
$u(\overline {X}_1\widetilde {x}'+u\widetilde {z}') = u\overline {X}_1(\widetilde {x}'-\overline {X}^{\prime }_1\widetilde {z}')$
.) We thus find that

yields lifts of the Pappas–Rapoport filtrations with the desired properties (where
$\langle \cdot \rangle $
here denotes generation as
-modules). As already explained, this yields a homomorphism
$S_1 \to R_1$
. Furthermore our definition of the parameters
ensures that
$s_{1,1} \mapsto \overline {X}_1$
$s_{1,1}' \mapsto \overline {X}_1^{\prime }$
$s_{2,1} \mapsto \overline {X}_2 \bmod (\overline {X}_1,\overline {X}_1^{\prime })$
, so the map is surjective. Since
are Artinian, and
$\rho _1:R_1 \to S_1$
is also surjective, it follows that the lengths of
are the same, and therefore that
$\rho _1$
is an isomorphism.
Suppose now that
$n \ge 1$
and that
$\rho _n:R_n \to S_n$
is an isomorphism. In order to prove that
$\rho _{n+1}$
is an isomorphism, it suffices (arguing as above) to showFootnote
that the composite
$S \twoheadrightarrow S_n \stackrel {\rho _n^{-1}}{\longrightarrow }R_n$
lifts to a surjective homomorphism
$S \to R_{n+1}$
. Using the thickening
${\operatorname {Spec}\,}(S_n) \hookrightarrow {\operatorname {Spec}\,}(R_{n+1})$
, with
$H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_n/R_{n+1})$
instead of
$H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A_0/{\mathbb {F}}_p)\otimes _{{\mathbb {F}}_p} R_1$
, the construction of lifts of the Pappas–Rapoport filtrations on
$H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A_n/S_n)$
is similar to the one above, once one has abstracted the argument establishing the existence of suitable bases for
$\widetilde {P}_i$
$\widetilde {P}^{\prime }_i$
(see the proof in the general case). While the isomorphism
$H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_0/R_1) \cong H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A_0/{\mathbb {F}}_p)\otimes _{{\mathbb {F}}_p} R_1$
was implicitly used in the proof of the surjectivity of the resulting homomorphism
$S_1 \to R_1$
, no such isomorphism is available relative to the thickening
${\operatorname {Spec}\,}(S_n) \hookrightarrow {\operatorname {Spec}\,}(R_{n+1})$
, nor is it needed, since the surjectivity of the resulting homomorphism
$S_{n+1} \to R_{n+1}$
is immediate from that of its composite with
$R_{n+1} \to R_n$
2.6 Local structure: in general
We now proceed to analyze the local structure of
$\widetilde {Y}_0({\mathfrak {P}})$
for arbitrary F and
${\mathfrak {P}}$
, provingFootnote
in particular that the schemes are reduced and syntomic (i.e., flat local complete intersections, over
${\mathcal {O}}$
Let y be a closed point of
$\widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
in characteristic p. We let S denote the local ring
${\mathcal {O}}_{\widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})},y}$
${\mathfrak {n}}$
its maximal ideal,
the residue field,
$S_1 = S/({\mathfrak {n}}^2,\varpi )$
$S_n = S/{\mathfrak {n}}^n$
$n> 1$
. We let
$(\underline {A},\underline {A}',\psi )$
denote the corresponding triple over S, and similarly write
$(\underline {A}_n,\underline {A}_n^{\prime },\psi _n)$
for the triple over
$n \ge 0$
. For each
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i} \in \Sigma _0$
, we view the Pappas–Rapoport filtrations as being defined by
$S[u]/(E_\tau )$
$F_\tau ^{(j)} \subset H^0(A,\Omega ^1_{A/S})_\tau $
and their quotients
$F_{\tau ,n}^{(j)} \subset H^0(A_n,\Omega ^1_{A_n/S_n})_\tau $
$S_n[u]/(E_\tau )$
$n \ge 0$
, and similarly with A replaced by
. For each
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j} \in \Sigma $
, we let
$L_{\theta } = F_\tau ^{(j)}/F_\tau ^{(j-1)}$
$P_{\theta } = G_\tau ^{(j)}/F_\tau ^{(j-1)}$
, where
$G_\tau ^{(j)}$
denotes the preimage of
$F_\tau ^{(j-1)}$
under multiplication by
$u - \theta (\varpi _{{\mathfrak {p}}})$
$H^1_{{\operatorname {dR}}}(A/S)_\tau $
, so that
$L_\theta $
is a rank one summand of the free rank two S-module
$P_\theta $
. We similarly define
$L_\theta ^{\prime }$
$P_\theta ^{\prime }$
, and systematically use
$\cdot _n$
to denote
$\cdot \otimes _S S_n$
By definition, the isogeny
$\psi :A \to A'$
induces morphisms
$\psi _\theta ^{*}:P_\theta ^{\prime } \to P_\theta $
$\theta \in \Sigma $
such that
$\psi _\theta ^{*}(L_\theta ^{\prime }) \subset L_\theta $
. Note that
$\psi _\theta ^{*}$
is an isomorphism for
$\theta \not \in \Sigma _{\mathfrak {P}}$
. Recall also from [Reference DiamondDia23, §3.1] that Poincaré duality and the quasi-polarizations give rise to perfect alternating pairings on
$P_\theta $
$P_\theta ^{\prime }$
, which we denote by
$\langle \cdot ,\cdot \rangle _\theta $
$\langle \cdot ,\cdot \rangle _\theta ^{\prime }$
. Furthermore, the compatibility of
$\psi $
with the quasi-polarizations implies the commutativity of the resulting diagram

Note in particular if
$\theta \in \Sigma _{\mathfrak {P}}$
, then the
-linear map
$\psi _{\theta ,0}^{*}:P_{\theta ,0}' \to P_{\theta ,0}$
is not invertible (since
$\wedge ^2_{S_0}\psi _{\theta ,0}^{*} = 0$
); we will show that it has rank one. To that end, let
$W = W(S_0)$
and consider the free rank two
${\mathcal {O}}_F\otimes W$
$D:=H^1_{\operatorname {crys}}(A_0/W)$
. Thus, D decomposes as
$\oplus _\tau D_\tau $
where each
$D_\tau $
is free of rank two over
$W[u]/(E_\tau )$
, and we let
$\widetilde {G}_\tau ^{(j)}$
denote the preimage of
$G_{\tau ,0}^{(j)} = u^{-1}F_{\tau ,0}^{(j-1)}$
$D_\tau $
under the canonical projection to
$D_\tau /pD_\tau \cong H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A_0/S_0)_\tau $
. Note that if
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
, then we have a sequence of inclusions

such that
$\dim _{S_0}(\widetilde {G}_\tau ^{(j)}/pD_\tau ) = \dim _{S_0}(G_{\tau ,0}^{(j)}) = j+1$
and the projection to
$H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A_0/S_0)_\tau $
$\widetilde {G}_\tau ^{(j)}/u\widetilde {G}_\tau ^{(j)}$
$P_{\theta ,0}$
$j=1,\ldots ,e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}$
. Similarly, decomposing
$D':=H^1_{\operatorname {crys}}(A^{\prime }_0/W)$
$\oplus _\tau D^{\prime }_\tau $
, and defining
$\widetilde {G}_\tau ^{\prime (j)}$
as the preimage of
$G_{\tau ,0}^{\prime (j)}$
$D^{\prime }_\tau $
, the isogeny
$\psi _0:A_0 \to A_0^{\prime }$
induces an injective
${\mathcal {O}}_F\otimes W$
-linear homomorphism
$D' \to D$
whose cokernel is killed by u and has dimension
$f_{\mathfrak {P}}$
. Furthermore, the restrictions
$\widetilde {\psi }_\tau ^{*} :D^{\prime }_\tau \to D_\tau $
are isomorphisms for
$\tau \not \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}$
, and restrict to homomorphisms
$\widetilde {G}_\tau ^{\prime (j)} \to \widetilde {G}_\tau ^{(j)}$
whose cokernel projects onto that of
$\psi _{\theta ,0}^{*}$
for each
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i} \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}$
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}$
. Therefore, it suffices to prove that the cokernel of each
$\widetilde {G}_\tau ^{\prime (j)} \to \widetilde {G}_\tau ^{(j)}$
, necessarily nontrivial if
$\tau \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}$
, has length (at most) one over W. For
, this follows from the identifications
$u^{e_{\mathfrak {p}} - 1}D_\tau = \widetilde {G}_{\tau }^{(1)}$
$u^{e_{\mathfrak {p}} - 1}D^{\prime }_\tau = \widetilde {G}_{\tau }^{\prime (1)}$
, which implies that the sum over
$\tau $
of the lengths of the cokernels is
$f_{\mathfrak {P}}$
. For
$j> 1$
, it then follows by induction from the injectivity of
$\widetilde {\psi }_\tau ^{*}$
and the fact that
$\widetilde {G}_\tau ^{(j)}/\widetilde {G}_\tau ^{(j-1)}$
$\widetilde {G}_\tau ^{\prime (j)}/\widetilde {G}_\tau ^{\prime (j-1)}$
each have length one.
We then define

Note that
$\Sigma _{\mathfrak {P}} = \Sigma _y \cup \Sigma ^{\prime }_y$
, and define

We will show that a suitable parametrization of the lines
$L_\theta $
$L_\theta ^{\prime }$
by the variables
$X_\theta $
$X_\theta ^{\prime }$
defines an
${\mathcal {O}}$
-algebra homomorphism
$R \to S$
inducing an isomorphism
$W \otimes _{W(k)} \widehat {R}_{\mathfrak {m}} \stackrel {\sim }{\to } \widehat {S}_{\mathfrak {n}}$
, where
${\mathfrak {m}}$
is the maximal ideal of R generated by
$\varpi $
and the variables
$X_\theta $
$X_\theta ^{\prime }$
$\theta \in \Sigma $
. (Recall that k is the residue field of
${\mathcal {O}}$
, so that
$R/{\mathfrak {m}} = k$
, and that
denotes the ring of Witt vectors of k.)
$\alpha $
denote the composite of the canonical isomorphisms

(where we write
$H^1_{\operatorname {crys}}(A_0/S_1)$
$(R^1s_{0,\mathrm {crys},*}{\mathcal {O}}_{A_0,\mathrm {crys}})(S_1)$
), and similarly define

$\alpha $
$\alpha '$
${\mathcal {O}}_F\otimes S_1$
-linear and compatible with
$\psi _0^{*}$
$\psi _1^{*}$
. It follows that for each
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i} \in \Sigma _0$
$\alpha $
$\alpha '$
decompose as direct sums of
$S_1[u]/u^{e_{{\mathfrak {p}}}}$
-linear isomorphisms
$\alpha _\tau $
$\alpha ^{\prime }_{\tau }$
such that the diagrams

commute. We then consider the chain of ideals

$I_\tau ^{(j)}$
is defined by the vanishing of the maps

induced by
$\alpha _\tau $
$\alpha _\tau '$
$\ell = 1,\ldots ,j$
. For
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}$
, we let
$S_\theta = S/I_\tau ^{(j-1)}$
, so that
$\alpha _\tau $
$\alpha _\tau '$
restrict in particular to
$S_\theta [u]$
-linear isomorphisms

and hence to
$S_\theta [u]$
-linear isomorphisms

We thus obtain
$S_\theta $
-linear isomorphisms
$\alpha _\theta $
$\alpha _\theta ^{\prime }$
such that the diagram

commutes. Furthermore,
$\alpha _\theta $
is compatible with the pairings
$\langle \cdot ,\cdot \rangle _{\theta ,0}$
$\langle \cdot ,\cdot \rangle _\theta $
, and similarly,
$\alpha _\theta ^{\prime }$
is compatible with
$\langle \cdot ,\cdot \rangle ^{\prime }_{\theta ,0}$
$\langle \cdot ,\cdot \rangle ^{\prime }_\theta $
We claim that bases
${\mathcal {B}}_\theta = (e_\theta ,f_\theta )$
$P_\theta $
${\mathcal {B}}_\theta ^{\prime } = (e_\theta ^{\prime },f_\theta ^{\prime })$
$P_\theta ^{\prime }$
may be chosen so that
$e_\theta \otimes _S S_\theta = \alpha _\theta (L_{\theta ,0} \otimes _{S_0} S_\theta )$ and
$e^{\prime }_\theta \otimes _S S_\theta = \alpha ^{\prime }_\theta (L^{\prime }_{\theta ,0} \otimes _{S_0} S_\theta )$ ;
$\langle e_\theta ,f_\theta \rangle _\theta = \langle e^{\prime }_\theta , f^{\prime }_\theta \rangle ^{\prime }_\theta = 1$ ;
• the matrix of
$\psi _\theta ^{*}$ with respect to
${\mathcal {B}}_\theta $ and
${\mathcal {B}}_\theta ^{\prime }$ is
(2.4)according to whetherFootnote 11$$ \begin{align} \left( \begin{array}{cc} {1} & {0} \\ {0} & {\theta(\varpi_{\mathfrak{P}})} \end{array} \right),\quad \left( \begin{array}{cc} {\theta(\varpi_{\mathfrak{P}})} & {0} \\ {0} & {1} \end{array} \right)\quad\mbox{or}\quad\left( \begin{array}{cc} {0} & {1} \\ {-\theta(\varpi_{\mathfrak{P}})} & {0} \end{array} \right) \end{align} $$
$\theta \in \Sigma \setminus \Sigma _y^{\prime }$ ,
$\Sigma _y^{\prime } \setminus \Sigma _y$ or
$\Sigma _y \cap \Sigma _y^{\prime }$ .
Indeed, first choose bases
${\mathcal {B}}_{\theta ,0} = (e_{\theta ,0},f_{\theta ,0})$
$P_{\theta ,0}$
${\mathcal {B}}_{\theta ,0}' = (e_{\theta ,0}',f_{\theta ,0}')$
$P_{\theta ,0}'$
so that
$L_{\theta ,0} = S_0e_{\theta ,0}$
$L_{\theta ,0}' = S_0e_{\theta ,0}'$
$\langle e_{\theta ,0},f_{\theta ,0} \rangle _{\theta ,0} = \langle e^{\prime }_{\theta ,0},f^{\prime }_{\theta ,0} \rangle ^{\prime }_{\theta ,0} = 1$
$\psi _{\theta ,0}^{*}$
has the required form (
$\!\bmod \,{\mathfrak {n}}$
), and lift the bases
$(\alpha _\theta (e_{\theta ,0} \otimes 1),\alpha _\theta (f_{\theta ,0}\otimes 1))$
$(\alpha ^{\prime }_\theta (e^{\prime }_{\theta ,0} \otimes 1),\alpha ^{\prime }_\theta (f^{\prime }_{\theta ,0}\otimes 1))$
arbitrarily to bases
${\mathcal {B}}_\theta $
${\mathcal {B}}_\theta ^{\prime }$
over S satisfying the condition on the pairings. The matrix T of
$\psi _\theta ^{*}$
with respect to
${\mathcal {B}}_\theta $
${\mathcal {B}}_\theta ^{\prime }$
then has the required form mod
$I_\tau ^{(j-1)}$
and satisfies
$\det (T) = \theta (\varpi _{\mathfrak {P}})$
. We may then replace
${\mathcal {B}}_\theta $
${\mathcal {B}}^{\prime }_\theta $
${\mathcal {B}}_\theta U$
${\mathcal {B}}_\theta ^{\prime } U'$
for some
$ U,\,U'\,\in \ker (\operatorname {SL}_2(S) \to \operatorname {SL}_2(S_\theta ))$
so that the resulting matrix
has the required form.
We now have
$L_\theta = S(e_\theta - s_\theta f_\theta )$
$L^{\prime }_\theta = S(e^{\prime }_\theta - s^{\prime }_\theta f^{\prime }_\theta )$
for unique
$s_\theta , s^{\prime }_\theta \in {\mathfrak {n}}$
, and the fact that
$\psi _\theta ^{*}(L_\theta ^{\prime }) \subset L_\theta $
means that
$s_\theta = \theta (\varpi _{\mathfrak {P}})s^{\prime }_\theta $ if
$\theta \in \Sigma \setminus \Sigma _y^{\prime }$ ;
$s^{\prime }_\theta = \theta (\varpi _{\mathfrak {P}})s_\theta $ if
$\theta \in \Sigma _y^{\prime } \setminus \Sigma _y$ ;
$s_\theta s^{\prime }_\theta = - \theta (\varpi _{\mathfrak {P}})$ if
$\theta \in \Sigma _y \cap \Sigma ^{\prime }_y$ .
Thus, the
${\mathcal {O}}$
-algebra homomorphism
${\mathcal {O}} [X_\theta ,X_\theta ^{\prime }]_{\theta \in \Sigma } \longrightarrow S$
defined by
$X_\theta \mapsto s_\theta $
$X^{\prime }_\theta \mapsto s^{\prime }_\theta $
factors through R. We will prove that the resulting morphism
$\rho : W\otimes _{W(k)} \widehat {R}_{{\mathfrak {m}}} \to \widehat {S}_{\mathfrak {n}}$
is an isomorphism.
We let
$R_1 = W \otimes _{W(k)} R/({\mathfrak {m}}^2,\varpi )$
$R_n = W \otimes _{W(k)} R/{\mathfrak {m}}^n$
, so we obtain morphisms
$\rho _n: R_n \to S_n$
. It suffices to prove that each of these is an isomorphism, which we achieve by induction on n.
We start by showing that
$\rho _1$
is surjective (i.e., that the homomorphism induced by
$\rho $
on tangent spaces is injective). First, note that
$I_\tau ^{(j)} = (I_\tau ^{(j-1)},s_\theta ,s^{\prime }_\theta )$
for all
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}$
. Indeed, by construction, the ideal
$I_\tau ^{(j)}/I_\tau ^{(j-1)}$
$S_\theta $
is defined by the vanishing of the maps

induced by
$\alpha _\theta $
$\alpha ^{\prime }_\theta $
, and these are precisely
$s_\theta $
$s^{\prime }_\theta $
$\bmod \, I_{\tau }^{(j-1)}$
) relative to the bases
$\alpha _\theta ^{-1}(e_\theta \otimes 1)$
$(f_\theta + L_\theta ) \otimes 1$
$\alpha _\theta ^{\prime -1}(e_\theta ^{\prime }\otimes 1)$
$(f_\theta ^{\prime }+L^{\prime }_\theta ) \otimes 1$
. It follows that the image of
$\rho _1$
contains each
$I_\tau ^{(e_{{\mathfrak {p}}})}$
, so letting T denote the quotient of S by the ideal generated by
$I_\tau ^{(e_{{\mathfrak {p}}})}$
for all
$\tau \in \Sigma _0$
, it suffices to prove the projection
$T \to S_0$
is an isomorphism (i.e., that the triple
$(\underline {A},\underline {A}', \psi ) \otimes _{S} T$
is isomorphic to
$(\underline {A}_0,\underline {A}^{\prime }_0, \psi _0)\otimes _{S_0} T$
). By the definition of T, we have that
$F_{\tau ,0}^{(j)} \otimes _{S_0} T$
corresponds to
$F_{\tau ,1}^{(j)} \otimes _{S_1} T$
$\alpha _\tau \otimes _{S_1} T$
for all
$\tau $
and j, and similarly for
$F_{\tau ,0}^{\prime (j)}$
$F_{\tau ,1}^{\prime (j)}$
$\alpha _\tau '$
, so the conclusion is immediate from the equivalence established at the end of §2.4.
To deduce that
$\rho _1$
is an isomorphism, it suffices to prove that
$\lg (R_1) \le \lg (S_1)$
, which will follow from the existence of a surjection
$S \to R_1$
. We construct such a surjection by defining suitable lifts of the Pappas–Rapoport filtrations
$F_{0}^\bullet $
$F_{0}^{\prime \bullet }$
$H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_0/R_1)$
$H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_0^{\prime }/R_1)$
. For
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}$
, we let
$R_\theta = R_1/J_\tau ^{(j-1)}$
where the ideals
$J_\tau ^{(j)}$
are defined inductively by
$J_\tau ^{(0)} = (0)$
$J_\tau ^{(j)} = (J_\tau ^{(j-1)}, X_\theta , X^{\prime }_\theta )$
. We will inductively define chains of
$R_1[u]/u^{e_{{\mathfrak {p}}}}$

such that the following hold for
$j = 1,\ldots ,e_{{\mathfrak {p}}}$
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}$
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j)}$ and
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime (j)}$ are free (of rank j) over
$R_1$ ;
$u\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j)} \subset \widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j-1)}$ ,
$u\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime (j)} \subset \widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime (j-1)}$ and
$\psi _{0,\mathrm {crys}}^{*}(\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime (j)}) \subset \widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j)}$ ;
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j-1)} \otimes _{R_1} R_\theta $ corresponds to
$F_{\tau ,0}^{(j-1)} \otimes _{S_0} R_\theta $ and
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime (j-1)} \otimes _{R_1} R_\theta $ corresponds to
$F_{\tau ,0}^{\prime (j-1)} \otimes _{S_0} R_\theta $ under the canonical isomorphisms
$H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A_0/S_0)\otimes _{S_0} R_\theta \cong H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_0/R_1)\otimes _{R_1} R_\theta $ and
$H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A^{\prime }_0/S_0)\otimes _{S_0} R_\theta \cong H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A^{\prime }_0/R_1)\otimes _{R_1} R_\theta $ , which therefore induce injective
$R_\theta $ -linear homomorphisms
$$ \begin{align*}\begin{array}{ll} & \beta_\theta: P_{\theta,0} \otimes_{S_0} R_\theta \longrightarrow (H^1_{\mathrm{crys}}(A_0/R_1)_\tau/\widetilde{F}_\tau^{(j-1)}) \otimes_{R_1} R_\theta\\ \mbox{and}\quad & \beta_\theta^{\prime} : P_{\theta,0}' \otimes_{S_0} R_\theta \longrightarrow (H^1_{\mathrm{crys}}(A^{\prime}_0/R_1)_\tau/\widetilde{F}_\tau^{\prime(j-1)}) \otimes_{R_1} R_\theta; \end{array}\end{align*} $$
$(\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j)}/\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j-1)}) \otimes _{R_1} R_\theta $ is generated over
$R_\theta $ by
$\beta _\theta (e_{\theta ,0} \otimes 1 - f_{\theta ,0} \otimes X_\theta )$ and
$(\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime (j)}/\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime (j-1)}) \otimes _{R_1} R_\theta $ is generated over
$R_\theta $ by
$\beta ^{\prime }_\theta (e^{\prime }_{\theta ,0} \otimes 1 - f^{\prime }_{\theta ,0} \otimes X^{\prime }_\theta )$ .
Suppose then that
$1 \le j \le e_{{\mathfrak {p}}}$
and that

have been constructed as above. We let
$\widetilde {G}_\tau ^{(j)} = u^{-1}\widetilde {F}_{\tau }^{(j-1)}$
, that is, the preimage of
$\widetilde {F}_{\tau }^{(j-1)}$
$H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_0/R_1)_\tau $
under u, and
$\widetilde {P}_\theta = \widetilde {G}_\tau ^{(j)}/\widetilde {F}_{\tau }^{(j-1)}$
. Since
$H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_0/R_1)_\tau $
is free of rank two over
$R_1[u]/(u^{e_{\mathfrak {p}}})$
, we see that
$\widetilde {F}_{\tau }^{(j-1)} \subset u H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_0/R_1)_\tau $
, so that
$\widetilde {G}_\tau ^{(j)}$
$\widetilde {P}_\theta $
are free (of ranks
, respectively) over
. Similarly, we let
$\widetilde {G}_\tau ^{\prime (j)} = u^{-1}\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime (j-1)}$
$\widetilde {P}_\theta ^{\prime } = \widetilde {G}_\tau ^{\prime (j)}/\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime (j-1)}$
. The conditions on
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j-1)}$
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime (j-1)}$
imply that the third bullet holds, that
$\psi _{0,\mathrm {crys}}^{*}$
induces an
-linear homomorphism
$\widetilde {\psi }^{*}_\theta : \widetilde {P}_\theta ^{\prime } \to \widetilde {P}_\theta $
, and that
$\beta _\theta $
$\beta _\theta ^{\prime }$
define isomorphisms
$P_{\theta ,0} \otimes _{S_0} R_\theta \stackrel {\sim }{\longrightarrow } \widetilde {P}_\theta \otimes _{R_1} R_\theta $
$P^{\prime }_{\theta ,0} \otimes _{S_0} R_\theta \stackrel {\sim }{\longrightarrow } \widetilde {P}^{\prime }_\theta \otimes _{R_1} R_\theta $
compatible with
$\psi ^{*}_{\theta ,0}$
$\widetilde {\psi }^{*}_\theta $
. Furthermore, the construction of
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j)}$
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime (j)}$
satisfying the remaining conditions is equivalent to that of invertible
$\widetilde {L}_\theta \subset \widetilde {P}_\theta $
$\widetilde {L}^{\prime }_\theta \subset \widetilde {P}^{\prime }_\theta $
such that
$\widetilde {\psi }_\theta ^{*}(\widetilde {L}_\theta ^{\prime }) \subset \widetilde {L}_\theta $ ;
$\widetilde {L}_\theta \otimes _{R_1} R_\theta = \beta _\theta (e_{\theta ,0} \otimes 1 - f_{\theta ,0} \otimes X_\theta )R_\theta $ ;
$\widetilde {L}^{\prime }_\theta \otimes _{R_1} R_\theta = \beta ^{\prime }_\theta (e^{\prime }_{\theta ,0} \otimes 1 - f^{\prime }_{\theta ,0} \otimes X^{\prime }_\theta )R_\theta $ .
Exactly as for de Rham cohomology (see [Reference DiamondDia23, §3.1]), we obtain a perfect pairing

from the homomorphisms induced by the quasi-polarization on
and Poincaré duality on crystalline cohomology. Furthermore, the pairing is compatible with the corresponding one on
$H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(B/R_1)_\tau $
, where B and the resulting quasi-polarization are associated to an arbitrarily chosen extension of

to a lift
$\widetilde {F}^\bullet $
of the Pappas–Rapoport filtrations to
$H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_0/R_1)$
. We may therefore apply [Reference DiamondDia23, Lemma 3.1.1] to conclude that
$(\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j-1)})^\perp = u^{j+1-e_{{\mathfrak {p}}}} \widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j-1)} = u^{j-e_{{\mathfrak {p}}}}\widetilde {G}_\tau ^{(j)}$
, and hence obtain a perfect alternating
-valued pairing on
$\widetilde {P}_\theta $
, compatible via
$\beta _\theta $
$\langle \cdot , \cdot \rangle _{\theta ,0}$
. We similarly obtain a perfect alternating
-valued pairing on
$\widetilde {P}_\theta ^{\prime }$
compatible via
$\beta _\theta ^{\prime }$
$\langle \cdot , \cdot \rangle ^{\prime }_{\theta ,0}$
. Furthermore, the compatibility of
$\psi _0$
with the quasi-polarizations again implies that
$\det \widetilde {\psi }^{*}_\theta = \theta (\varpi _{\mathfrak {P}})\, (=0)$
with respect to the pairings.
The same argument as in the construction of the bases
${\mathcal {B}}_\theta $
${\mathcal {B}}_\theta ^{\prime }$
then yields lifts of

to bases
$(\widetilde {e}_\theta ,\widetilde {f}_\theta )$
$\widetilde {P}_\theta $
$(\widetilde {e}^{\prime }_\theta ,\widetilde {f}^{\prime }_\theta )$
$\widetilde {P}^{\prime }_\theta $
with respect to which the matrix of
$\widetilde {\psi }_\theta ^{*}$
is as in (2.4). Defining
$\widetilde {L}_\theta = (\widetilde {e}_\theta - X_\theta \widetilde {f}_\theta )R_1$
$\widetilde {L}^{\prime }_\theta = (\widetilde {e}^{\prime }_\theta - X^{\prime }_\theta \widetilde {f}^{\prime }_\theta )R_1$
then completes the construction of
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j)}$
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime (j)}$
satisfying the desired properties.
We may now apply the Grothendieck–Messing Theorem (as described at the end of §2.4) to obtain a triple
$(\widetilde {\underline {A}},\widetilde {\underline {A}}',\widetilde {\psi })$
$(\underline {A}_0,\underline {A}_0^{\prime },\psi _0)$
. Furthermore, the properties of the filtrations
$\widetilde {F}^\bullet $
$\widetilde {F}^{\prime \bullet }$
ensure, by induction on j for each
$\tau $
, that the resulting morphism
$S \to R_1 \to R_\theta $
factors through
$S_\theta $
and induces isomorphisms

$(e_\theta \otimes 1,f_\theta \otimes 1)$
$(\widetilde {e}_\theta \otimes 1,\widetilde {f}_\theta \otimes 1)$
$(e^{\prime }_\theta \otimes 1,f^{\prime }_\theta \otimes 1)$
$(\widetilde {e}^{\prime }_\theta \otimes 1,\widetilde {f}^{\prime }_\theta \otimes 1)$
, so that
$s_\theta \mapsto X_\theta $
$s^{\prime }_\theta \mapsto X^{\prime }_\theta $
$\!\bmod \, J_\tau ^{(j-1)}$
). We therefore conclude that the morphism
$S \to R_1$
is surjective, and hence that
$\rho _1:R_1 \to S_1$
is an isomorphism.
Suppose then that
$n \ge 1$
and that
$\rho _n:R_n \to S_n$
is an isomorphism. The surjectivity of
$\rho _{n+1}$
is already immediate from that of
$\rho _n$
, so it suffices to prove that
$\lg (R_{n+1}) \le \lg (S_{n+1})$
, which will follow from the existence of a lift of
$\rho _n^{-1}$
to morphism
$S \to R_{n+1}$
, which necessarily factors through a surjective morphism from
As in the case
, we proceed by defining suitable lifts of the Pappas–Rapoport filtrations
$F^\bullet _{n}$
$F^{\prime \bullet }_{n}$
to the crystalline cohomology of
$A_n^{\prime }$
evaluated on the thickening
$R_{n+1} \to R_n \stackrel {\sim }{\to } S_n$
(with trivial divided power structure), but the argument is now simpler since the isomorphism on tangent spaces has already been established. More precisely, we inductively define chains of
$R_{n+1}[u]/(E_\tau )$

such that the following hold for
$j = 1,\ldots ,e_{{\mathfrak {p}}}$
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}$
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j)}$ and
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime (j)}$ are free (of rank j) over
$R_{n+1}$ ;
$(u - \theta (\varpi _{\mathfrak {P}}))\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j)} \subset \widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j-1)}$ ,
$(u- \theta (\varpi _{\mathfrak {P}}))\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime (j)} \subset \widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime (j-1)}$ and
$\psi _{n,\mathrm {crys}}^{*}(\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime (j)}) \subset \widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j)}$ ;
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j)} \otimes _{R_{n+1}} S_n$ corresponds to
$F_{\tau ,n}^{(j)}$ and
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime (j)} \otimes _{R_{n+1}} S_n$ to
$F_{\tau ,n}^{\prime (j)}$ under the canonical isomorphisms
$H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A_n/S_n) \cong H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_n/R_{n+1})\otimes _{R_{n+1}} S_n$ and
$H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A^{\prime }_n/S_n) \cong H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A^{\prime }_n/R_{n+1})\otimes _{R_{n+1}} S_n$ .
Suppose then that
$1 \le j \le e_{{\mathfrak {p}}}$
and that

have been constructed as above. Let
$\widetilde {G}_\tau ^{(j)} = (u-\theta (\varpi _{\mathfrak {p}}))^{-1}\widetilde {F}_{\tau }^{(j-1)}$
$\widetilde {P}_\theta = \widetilde {G}_\tau ^{(j)}/\widetilde {F}_{\tau }^{(j-1)}$
and similarly define
$\widetilde {P}^{\prime }_\theta $
, so that
$\widetilde {P}_\theta $
$\widetilde {P}_\theta ^{\prime }$
are free of rank two over
. Furthermore, we have canonical isomorphisms

$\psi _{n,\mathrm {crys}}^{*}$
induces an
-linear homomorphism
$\widetilde {\psi }^{*}_\theta : \widetilde {P}_\theta ^{\prime } \to \widetilde {P}_\theta $
compatible with
$\psi _{\theta ,n}^{*}$
. The construction of the required
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j)}$
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime (j)}$
is then equivalent to that of invertible
$\widetilde {L}_\theta \subset \widetilde {P}_\theta $
$\widetilde {L}^{\prime }_\theta \subset \widetilde {P}^{\prime }_\theta $
such that
$\widetilde {\psi }_\theta ^{*}(\widetilde {L}_\theta ^{\prime }) \subset \widetilde {L}_\theta $ ;
$\widetilde {L}_\theta \otimes _{R_{n+1}} S_n = \beta _\theta (e_{\theta ,n} - s_\theta f_{\theta ,n} )S_n$ ;
$\widetilde {L}^{\prime }_\theta \otimes _{R_{n+1}} S_n = \beta ^{\prime }_\theta (e^{\prime }_{\theta ,n} - s^{\prime }_\theta f^{\prime }_{\theta ,n} )S_n$ .
The same argument as for
$u^{j-e_{{\mathfrak {p}}}}$
) yields perfect alternating
-valued pairings on
$\widetilde {P}_\theta $
$\widetilde {P}^{\prime }_\theta $
compatible via
$\beta _\theta $
$\beta _\theta ^{\prime }$
$\langle \cdot ,\cdot \rangle _{\theta ,n}$
$\langle \cdot , \cdot \rangle ^{\prime }_{\theta ,n}$
, and with respect to which
$\det \widetilde {\psi }^{*}_\theta = \theta (\varpi _{\mathfrak {P}})$
. We may thus lift
$\beta _\theta (e_{\theta ,n},f_{\theta ,n})$
$\beta _\theta ^{\prime }(e^{\prime }_{\theta ,n},f^{\prime }_{\theta ,n})$
to bases
$(\widetilde {e}_\theta ,\widetilde {f}_\theta )$
$\widetilde {P}_\theta $
$(\widetilde {e}^{\prime }_\theta ,\widetilde {f}^{\prime }_\theta )$
$\widetilde {P}^{\prime }_\theta $
with respect to which the matrix of
$\widetilde {\psi }_\theta ^{*}$
is as in (2.4). Defining
$\widetilde {L}_\theta = (\widetilde {e}_\theta - X_\theta \widetilde {f}_\theta )R_{n+1}$
$\widetilde {L}^{\prime }_\theta = (\widetilde {e}^{\prime }_\theta - X^{\prime }_\theta \widetilde {f}^{\prime }_\theta )R_{n+1}$
thus yields the desired filtrations
$\widetilde {F}^\bullet $
$\widetilde {F}^{\prime \bullet }$
, and hence a lift of
$(A_n,A_n^{\prime },\psi _n)$
to a triple over
This completes the proof that
$\rho $
is isomorphism, and hence that
${\mathcal {O}}^{\wedge }_{\widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})},y}$
is isomorphic to

As this is a reduced complete intersection, flat of relative dimension d over
${\mathcal {O}}$
, and
$\widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}}),K}$
is smooth of dimension d over K, it follows that
$\widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
is reduced and syntomic of dimension d over
${\mathcal {O}}$
, and that the same holds for
$Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
$\widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})} \to Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
is an étale cover.
3 The Kodaira–Spencer isomorphism
3.1 The layers of a thickening
Recall that the Kodaira–Spencer isomorphism describes the dualizing sheaf of the smooth scheme
${\mathcal {O}}$
in terms of automorphic line bundles; more precisely we have a canonicalFootnote

$\omega $
$\delta $
are the line bundles on
defined in §2.3 and
${\mathcal {K}}_{Y_U/{\mathcal {O}}} = \wedge ^d_{{\mathcal {O}}_{Y_U}} \Omega ^1_{Y_U/{\mathcal {O}}}$
(see [Reference DiamondDia23, §3.3]). We will prove an analogous result for
$Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
, which by the results of the preceding section is Gorenstein over
${\mathcal {O}}$
, and hence has an invertible dualizing sheaf
${\mathcal {K}}_{Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}/{\mathcal {O}}}$
First, recall that the Kodaira–Spencer isomorphism for
was established in [Reference Reduzzi and XiaoRX17] by constructing a suitable filtration on the sheaf of relative differentials and relating its graded pieces to automorphic line bundles. In [Reference DiamondDia23, §3.3], we gave a version of the construction which can be viewed as peeling off layers of the first infinitesimal thickening of the diagonal in
$\widetilde {Y}_U \times _{{\mathcal {O}}} \widetilde {Y}_U$
. We use the same approach here to describe the layers of the first infinitesimal thickening of
$\widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
$\widetilde {Y}_U \times _{{\mathcal {O}}} \widetilde {Y}_U$

which we recall is a closed immersion for sufficiently small U by Proposition 2.1. Indeed the Kodaira–Spencer filtration for
may be viewed as the particular case where
${\mathfrak {P}} = {\mathcal {O}}_F$
, for which the proof in [Reference DiamondDia23, §3.3] requires only minor modifications to establish the desired generalization.
We assume throughout this section that U is sufficiently small that Proposition 2.1 holds. To simplify notation and render it more consistent with that of [Reference DiamondDia23, §3.3], we will write S for
$\widetilde {Y}_U$
, X for
$S \times _{{\mathcal {O}}} S$
, Y for
$\widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
${\mathcal {J}}$
for the sheaf of ideals of
${\mathcal {O}}_X$
defining the image of
$\widetilde {h}:Y \hookrightarrow X$
$\iota :Y \hookrightarrow Z = \mathbf {Spec}({\mathcal {O}}_X/{\mathcal {J}}^2)$
for the first infinitesimal thickening of Y in X, and
${\mathcal {I}} = {\mathcal {J}}/{\mathcal {J}}^2$
for the sheaf of ideals of
${\mathcal {O}}_Z$
defining the image of
$\iota $
. Since X is smooth over
${\mathcal {O}}$
of dimension
and Y is syntomic over
${\mathcal {O}}$
of dimension d (all dimensions being relative), it follows that
$\widetilde {h}$
is a regular immersion (see for example [StaX, §0638]) and its conormal bundle

is locally free of rank d on
$Y = \widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
Theorem 3.1. There exists a decomposition
$\widetilde {{\mathcal {C}}} = \bigoplus _{\tau \in \Sigma _0} \widetilde {{\mathcal {C}}}_\tau $
, together with an increasing filtration

for each
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
, such that
${\operatorname {gr}\,}^j(\widetilde {{\mathcal {C}}}_\tau ) \cong \widetilde {\pi }_1^{*}{\mathcal {M}}_\theta ^{-1} \otimes _{{\mathcal {O}}_Y} \widetilde {\pi }_2^{*}{\mathcal {L}}_\theta $
for each
$j=1,\ldots ,e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
, where
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}$
Proof. Let A denote the universal abelian scheme over S, let
$\psi :A_1 \to A_2$
denote the universal isogeny over Y, and let
$B_i = q_i^{*}A$
, where
denotes the restriction to Z of the
$i^{\mathrm {th}}$
$S \times _{{\mathcal {O}}} S \to S$
. Consider the
${\mathcal {O}}_F\otimes {\mathcal {O}}_Z$
-linear morphism

$\iota ^{*}{\mathcal {H}}^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(B_2/Z) \cong {\mathcal {H}}^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A_2/Y) \stackrel {-\psi ^{*}}{\longrightarrow } {\mathcal {H}}^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A_1/Y) \cong \iota ^{*}{\mathcal {H}}^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(B_1/Z)$
, where the isomorphisms flanking
$-\psi _{\mathrm {crys}}^{*}$
are the ones in (2.3), for
$\iota :Y \hookrightarrow Z$
. Fixing for the moment
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i} \in \Sigma _0$
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,1}$
, it follows from the definition of
${\mathcal {P}}_{\theta } = {\mathcal {G}}_\tau ^{(1)}$
that (3.1) restricts to an
${\mathcal {O}}_Z$
-linear morphism
$q_2^{*}{\mathcal {P}}_{\theta } \to q_1^{*}{\mathcal {P}}_{\theta }$
. Furthermore, the composite

has trivial pull-back to Y, so it factors through a morphism

and hence induces a morphism

We then define the sheaf of ideals
${\mathcal {I}}_{\tau }^{(1)}$
on Z to be the image of
$\Xi _\theta $
, and we let
$Z_{\tau }^{(1)}$
denote the subscheme of Z defined by
${\mathcal {I}}_{\tau }^{(1)}$
, and
$q^{(1)}_{\tau ,i}$
) the restrictions of the projection maps to
$Z_{\tau }^{(1)} \to S$
. By construction, the pull-back of
$\Xi _\theta $
$Z_{\tau }^{(1)}$
is trivial, and hence so is that of the morphism
$q_2^{*}{\mathcal {L}}_{\theta } \to q_1^{*}{\mathcal {M}}_{\theta }$
, which implies that the pull-back of (3.1) maps
$q_{\tau ,2}^{(1)*}{\mathcal {L}}_{\theta } = q_{\tau ,2}^{(1)*}{\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{(1)}$
$q_{\tau ,1}^{(1)*}{\mathcal {L}}_{\theta } = q_{\tau ,1}^{(1)*}{\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{(1)}$
. It therefore follows from the definition of
${\mathcal {G}}_\tau ^{(2)}$
and the
${\mathcal {O}}_F\otimes {\mathcal {O}}_Z$
-linearity of (3.1) that its pull-back to
$Z_\tau ^{(1)}$
restricts to an
${\mathcal {O}}_{Z_\tau ^{(1)}}$
-linear morphism
$q_{\tau ,2}^{(1)*}{\mathcal {G}}_\tau ^{(2)} \to q_{\tau ,1}^{(1)*}{\mathcal {G}}_\tau ^{(2)}$
$e_{\mathfrak {p}}> 1$
), and hence to a morphism

$\theta ' = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,2}$
. The same argument as above now yields a morphism

whose image is
${\mathcal {I}}_\tau ^{(2)}/{\mathcal {I}}_\tau ^{(1)}$
for some sheaf of ideals
${\mathcal {I}}_{\tau }^{(2)} \supset {\mathcal {I}}_{\tau }^{(1)}$
on Z.
Iterating the above construction thus yields, for each
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i} \in \Sigma _{0}$
, a chain of sheaves of ideals

on Z such that for
$j=1,\ldots ,e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}$
, the morphism (3.1) induces
${\mathcal {O}}_F \otimes {\mathcal {O}}_{Z_\tau ^{(j)}}$ -linear morphisms
$q_{\tau ,2}^{(j)*}{\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{(j)} \longrightarrow q_{\tau ,1}^{(j)*} {\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{(j)}$
• and surjections
$\Xi _\theta : \iota _* (\widetilde {\pi }_1^{*}{\mathcal {M}}_\theta ^{-1} \otimes _{{\mathcal {O}}_Y} {\mathcal {L}}_{\theta }) \twoheadrightarrow {\mathcal {I}}_{\tau }^{(j)}/{\mathcal {I}}_{\tau }^{(j-1)}$ ,
$Z_{\tau }^{(j)}$
is the closed subscheme of Z defined by
${\mathcal {I}}_\tau ^{(j)}$
, and
$q_{\tau ,1}^{(j)}$
$q_{\tau ,2}^{(j)}$
are the projections
$Z_{\tau }^{(j)} \to S$
Furthermore, we claim that the map

is surjective. Indeed, let
denote the closed subscheme of Z defined by the image, so
is the scheme-theoretic intersection of the
$Z_{\tau }^{(e_{\mathfrak {p}})}$
. For
, let
$q^{\prime }_i$
denote the projection map
$Z' \to S$
$s_i^{\prime }:B_i^{\prime } \to Z'$
the pull-back of
$s:A\to S$
. By construction, (3.1) pulls back to a morphism
$q_2^{\prime *}{\mathcal {H}}^1_{{\operatorname {dR}}}(A/S) \to q_1^{\prime *}{\mathcal {H}}^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A/S)$
under which
$q_2^{\prime *}{\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{(j)}$
maps to
$q_1^{\prime *}{\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{(j)}$
for all
$\tau $
and j. In particular,
$s_{2,*}'\Omega ^1_{B_2^{\prime }/T} = q_2^{\prime *}(s_*\Omega ^1_{A/S})$
maps to
$q_1^{\prime *}(s_*\Omega ^1_{A/S}) = s^{\prime }_{1,*} \Omega ^1_{B_1^{\prime }/T}$
, which the Grothendieck–Messing Theorem therefore implies is induced by an isogeny
$\widetilde {\psi }: B^{\prime }_1 \to B_2^{\prime }$
of abelian schemes lifting
$\psi $
, which is necessarily compatible with
${\mathcal {O}}_F$
-actions, quasi-polarizations and level structures on
$\underline {B}_i^{\prime } : = q_i^{\prime *}\underline {A}$
. Since
$\widetilde {\psi }$
also respects the Pappas–Rapoport filtrations
$q_i^{\prime *}{\mathcal {F}}^\bullet $
, it follows that the triple
$(\underline {B}_1^{\prime },\underline {B}_2^{\prime },\widetilde {\psi })$
corresponds to a morphism
$r:Z' \to Y$
such that
$\widetilde {h}\circ r$
is the closed immersion
$Z' \hookrightarrow X$
. Since
$\widetilde {h}$
is also a closed immersion, it follows that r is an isomorphism, yielding the desired surjectivity.
Now defining
$\widetilde {{\mathcal {C}}}_\tau = \iota ^{*}{\mathcal {I}}_\tau ^{(e_{\mathfrak {p}})}$
${\operatorname {Fil}\,}^j(\widetilde {{\mathcal {C}}}_\tau )= \iota ^{*}{\mathcal {I}}_{\tau }^{(j)}$
for each
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
$j=1,\ldots ,e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
, we obtain surjective morphisms

Since the
$\widetilde {\pi }_1^{*}{\mathcal {M}}_\theta ^{-1} \otimes _{{\mathcal {O}}_Y} \widetilde {\pi }_2^{*}{\mathcal {L}}_{\theta }$
are line bundles and
$\widetilde {{\mathcal {C}}}$
is a vector bundle of rank d, it follows that all the maps are isomorphisms.
Rewriting the line bundles in the statement of the theorem as

(all tensor products being over
${\mathcal {O}}_Y$
), we consequently obtain an isomorphism

Recall that the action of
${\mathcal {O}}_{F,(p),+}^\times $
on Y is defined by its action on the quasi-polarizations of both abelian schemes in the triple
$(\underline {A}_1,\underline {A}_2,\psi )$
. In particular, the action factors through
${\mathcal {O}}_{F,(p),+}^\times /(U \cap {\mathcal {O}}_F^\times )^2$
and is compatible under
$\widetilde {h}$
with the diagonal action on the product
$X = S \times _{{\mathcal {O}}} S$
. The conormal bundle
$\widetilde {{\mathcal {C}}}$
$\widetilde {h}$
is thus equipped with an action of
${\mathcal {O}}^\times _{F,(p),+}$
over its action on Y, coinciding with the action on
$\widetilde {{\mathcal {C}}}$
obtained from its identification with the pull-back of the conormal bundle of the closed immersion
$h: Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})} \hookrightarrow Y_U \otimes _{{\mathcal {O}}} Y_U$
, which we denote by
${\mathcal {C}}$
Recall also that we have a natural action of
${\mathcal {O}}^\times _{F,(p),+}$
on the line bundles
${\mathcal {L}}_\theta $
${\mathcal {M}}_\theta $
over its action on S, under which
$\nu $
acts as
$\theta (\mu )$
$\nu = \mu ^2$
$\mu \in U \cap {\mathcal {O}}_F^\times $
. It follows that the action factors through
${\mathcal {O}}_{F,(p),+}^\times /(U \cap {\mathcal {O}}_F^\times )^2$
and hence defines descent data on the line bundles
$\widetilde {\mathcal {D}}_\theta $
; we let
$\mathcal {D}_\theta $
denote the resulting line bundle on
$Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
. It is straightforward to check that the morphisms constructed in the proof of Theorem 3.1 are compatible with the actions of
${\mathcal {O}}_{F,(p),+}^\times $
on the bundles
$\widetilde {\mathcal {D}}_\theta $
$\widetilde {{\mathcal {C}}}$
, so that the decomposition and the filtrations on resulting components of
$\widetilde {{\mathcal {C}}}$
descend to ones over
$Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
, as do the isomorphisms between the graded pieces and the line bundles
$\widetilde {\mathcal {D}}_\theta $
Similarly, the constructions in the proof of Theorem 3.1 are compatible with the natural action of
$\operatorname {GL}_2({\mathbb {A}}_{F,\mathbf {f}}^{(p)})$
. More precisely, suppose that
$g \in \operatorname {GL}_2({\mathbb {A}}_{F,\mathbf {f}}^{(p)})$
is such that
$g^{-1}Ug \subset U'$
, where U,
are sufficiently small open compact subgroups of
$\operatorname {GL}_2({\mathbb {A}}_{F,\mathbf {f}})$
$\operatorname {GL}_2({\mathcal {O}}_{F,p})$
(and such that Proposition 2.1 also holds for
), and let
$\widetilde {\rho }_g$
denote the morphisms
$Y \to Y' : = \widetilde {Y}_{U^{\prime }_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
$S \to S' = \widetilde {Y}_{U'}$
defined by the action on level structures as in §2.2. Systematically annotating with
the corresponding objects for
, so for example writing
$\widetilde {{\mathcal {C}}}'$
for the conormal bundle of
$\widetilde {h}':Y' \hookrightarrow X'$
, Theorem 3.1 yields a decomposition
$\widetilde {{\mathcal {C}}}' = \oplus _{\tau \in \Sigma _0} \widetilde {{\mathcal {C}}}^{\prime }_\tau $
, filtrations
${\operatorname {Fil}\,}^j(\widetilde {{\mathcal {C}}}_\tau ')$
and isomorphisms
${\operatorname {gr}\,}^j(\widetilde {{\mathcal {C}}}_\tau ) \cong \widetilde {\mathcal {D}}^{\prime }_\theta $
, where as usual,
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}$
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
. In addition to the isomorphisms
$\widetilde {\rho }_g^{*}\widetilde {\mathcal {D}}^{\prime }_\theta \stackrel {\sim }{\longrightarrow } \widetilde {\mathcal {D}}$
defined as in §2.3, we have the isomorphism
$\widetilde {\rho }_g^{*}{\widetilde {{\mathcal {C}}}'} \stackrel {\sim }{\longrightarrow } \widetilde {{\mathcal {C}}}$
obtained from the Cartesian diagram

We then find that this isomorphism restricts to give
$\widetilde {\rho }_g^{*}{\operatorname {Fil}\,}^j(\widetilde {{\mathcal {C}}}_\tau ') \stackrel {\sim }{\longrightarrow } {\operatorname {Fil}\,}^j(\widetilde {{\mathcal {C}}}_\tau )$
for all
$\tau $
and j, and that the resulting diagram

commutes, where as usual,
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}$
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
. Combining this with the compatibility of these isomorphisms with the descent data defined by the
${\mathcal {O}}_{F,(p),+}^\times $
-actions, we obtain analogous results for the vector bundles on
$Y_{U^{\prime }_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
$Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
with respect to the morphism
$\rho _g: Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})} \to Y_{U^{\prime }_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
Summing up, we have now proved the following:
Theorem 3.2. Letting
${\mathcal {C}}$
denote the conormal bundle of the closed immersion
$h: Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})} \hookrightarrow Y_U \otimes _{{\mathcal {O}}} Y_U$
, there exists a decomposition
${{\mathcal {C}}} = \bigoplus _{\tau \in \Sigma _0} {{\mathcal {C}}}_\tau $
, together with an increasing filtration

for each
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
, such that
$\mathcal {D}_\theta \cong {\operatorname {gr}\,}^j({{\mathcal {C}}}_\tau )$
for each
$j=1,\ldots ,e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}$
. Furthermore, if
$g^{-1}U g \subset U'$
, then the canonical isomorphism
$\rho _g^{*}{\mathcal {C}}' \stackrel {\sim }{\longrightarrow } {\mathcal {C}}$
restricts to
$\rho _g^{*}{\operatorname {Fil}\,}^j({\mathcal {C}}^{\prime }_\tau ) \stackrel {\sim }{\longrightarrow } {\operatorname {Fil}\,}^j({\mathcal {C}}_\tau )$
for all
$\tau $
and j as above, and the resulting diagram

Corollary 3.3. If U is sufficiently small that Proposition 2.1 holds, then there is an isomorphism

${\mathcal {C}}$
is the conormal bundle of the closed immersion
$(\pi _1,\pi _2): Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})} \hookrightarrow Y_U \times Y_U$
. Furthermore, the isomorphisms are compatible with the action of
$g \in \operatorname {GL}_2({\mathbb {A}}_{F,\mathbf {f}}^{(p)})$
, in the sense that if
is also sufficiently small and
$g^{-1}Ug \subset U'$
, then the resulting diagram

Remark 3.4. We comment briefly on the lack of symmetry between the two degeneracy maps
$\pi _1$
$\pi _2$
in the statements. Exchanging
$\widetilde {\pi }_1$
$\widetilde {\pi }_2$
in the definition of
$\widetilde {\mathcal {D}}_\theta $
gives the line bundle

on Y, descending to a line bundle
${\mathcal {E}}_\theta $
$Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
. We may then use the isomorphism

to define an isomorphism
$\widetilde {\mathcal {D}}_\theta \stackrel {\sim }{\longrightarrow } \widetilde {{\mathcal {E}}}_\theta $
compatible with descent data, and hence inducing an isomorphism
$\mathcal {D}_\theta \cong {\mathcal {E}}_\theta $
. The isomorphisms are furthermore compatible with the action of
$\operatorname {GL}_2({\mathbb {A}}_{F,\mathbf {f}}^{(p)})$
, but are dependent (up to an element of
${\mathcal {O}}^\times $
) on the choices of
$\varpi _{\mathfrak {p}}$
. There is, however, a canonical isomorphism

$\pi _1$
$\pi _2$
interchangeable in the statement of Corollary 3.3.
3.2 Dualizing sheaves
We now combine the Kodaira–Spencer isomorphism over
with the description of the conormal bundle obtained in the preceding section in order to establish a Kodaira–Spencer isomorphism over
$Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
Recall that the Kodaira–Spencer filtration on
$\Omega ^1_{Y_U/{\mathcal {O}}}$
yields an isomorphism

(see [Reference Reduzzi and XiaoRX17, §2.8] and [Reference DiamondDia23, Thm. 3.3.1]), which is furthermore compatible with the action of
$\operatorname {GL}_2({\mathbb {A}}_{F,\mathbf {f}}^{(p)})$
in the same sense as the isomorphism of Corollary 3.3. The identification

$p_1,p_2:Y_U \times _{\mathcal {O}} Y_U \to Y_U$
are the projection maps, therefore yields an isomorphism

We recall a few general facts about dualizing sheaves (see, for example, [StaX, Ch. 0DWE]). If a scheme Y is Cohen–Macaulay (of constant dimension) over a base R, then it admits a relative dualizing sheaf
${\mathcal {K}}_{Y/R}$
, which is invertible if and only if Y is Gorenstein over R. If
$\rho :Y \to Y'$
is étale and
is Cohen–Macaulay over R, then
${\mathcal {K}}_{Y/R}$
is canonically identified with
$\rho ^{*}{\mathcal {K}}_{Y'/R}$
, and with
$\wedge _{{\mathcal {O}}_Y}^n\Omega ^1_{Y/R}$
if Y is smooth over R of dimension n. More generally, if X is smooth over R of dimension n, Y is syntomic over R of dimension
, and
$i: Y \hookrightarrow X$
is a closed immersion with conormal bundle
${\mathcal {C}}_{Y/X}$
, then

Furthermore, the isomorphism is compatible in the obvious sense with étale base-change
$X \to X'$
, and if Y itself is smooth over R, then it may be identified with the isomorphism arising from the canonical exact sequence

Combining the isomorphisms (3.2), (3.3) and 3.4), we conclude that if U is sufficiently small that Proposition 2.1 holds, then we have an isomorphism

Furthermore, the compatibility of (3.2) and (3.3) with the action of
$\operatorname {GL}_2({\mathbb {A}}_{F,\mathbf {f}}^{(p)})$
and that of (3.4) with étale base-change implies that if
is also sufficiently small for Proposition 2.1 to hold and
$g \in \operatorname {GL}_2({\mathbb {A}}_{F,\mathbf {f}}^{(p)})$
is such that
$g^{-1}Ug \subset U'$
, then the diagram

commutes, where we have written
$\rho _g$
for both morphisms
$Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})} \to Y_{U_0^{\prime }({\mathfrak {P}})}$
$Y_U \to Y_{U'}$
as usual, the top arrow is the pull-back of (3.6) for
, and the right arrow is induced by the isomorphisms
$\rho _g^{*}\delta ' \stackrel {\sim }{\longrightarrow } \delta $
$\rho _g^{*}\omega ' \stackrel {\sim }{\longrightarrow } \omega $
defined in §2.3.
Note that we may therefore remove the assumption that
$h:Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})} \to Y_U \times Y_U$
is a closed immersion. Indeed, for any
sufficiently small, we may choose U normal in
so that Proposition 2.1 holds, and the commutativity of (3.7) for
$g \in U"$
$U = U'$
implies that (3.6) descends to such an isomorphism over
$Y_{U^{\prime \prime }_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
, which is furthermore compatible with the action of
$\operatorname {GL}_2({\mathbb {A}}_{F,\mathbf {f}}^{(p)})$
in the usual sense. We have now proved the following:
Theorem 3.5. If U is a sufficiently small open compact subgroup of
$\operatorname {GL}_2({\mathbb {A}}_{F,\mathbf {f}}^{(p)})$
$\operatorname {GL}_2({\mathcal {O}}_{F,p})$
, then there is an isomorphism

furthermore, the isomorphisms for varying U are compatible with the action of
$\operatorname {GL}_2({\mathbb {A}}_{F,\mathbf {f}}^{(p)})$
in the sense that diagram (3.7) commutes.
Remark 3.6. Recall also from Remark 3.4 that
$\pi _1^{*}\delta \cong \pi _2^{*}\delta $
, so that we may exchange
$\pi _1$
$\pi _2$
in the statement of the theorem, and deduce also the existence of isomorphisms

compatible in the obvious sense with the action
$\operatorname {GL}_2({\mathbb {A}}_{F,\mathbf {f}}^{(p)})$
We will also need to relate the Kodaira–Spencer isomorphisms at level U and level
$U_0({\mathfrak {P}})$
. Consider the morphisms

induced by the universal isogeny
$\psi $
$\widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
. Tensoring over all
$\theta \in \Sigma $
then yields morphisms which descend to define

Combining these with (3.6) and the isomorphisms
$\pi _j^{*}{\mathcal {K}}_{Y_U/{\mathcal {O}}} \cong \pi _j^{*}(\delta ^{-1}\otimes \omega ) \otimes \pi _j^{*}\omega $
obtained by pull-back along
$\pi _j$
) of the Kodaira–Spencer isomorphism at level U (i.e. the case
${\mathfrak {P}} = {\mathcal {O}}_F$
), we thus obtain morphisms

(whose tensor product is
$\mathrm {Nm}_{F/\mathbb {Q}}({\mathfrak {P}})$
times the isomorphism of Remark 3.6).
We claim that the morphisms (3.8) extend the canonical isomorphisms

induced by the étale morphisms
$\pi _{1,K}$
$\pi _{2,K}$
$\cdot _K$
for base-changes from
${\mathcal {O}}$
to K).
We can again reduce to the case that U is sufficiently small that h is a closed immersion, and replace
replaced by
$\widetilde {Y}_{U,K}$
$Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}}),K}$
$\widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}}),K}$
, etc. Furthermore, it suffices to prove the desired equality holds on fibres at geometric closed points of
$\widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}}),K}$
To that end, we first recall the description on fibres of the Kodaira–Spencer isomorphism over
$\widetilde {Y}_{U,K}$
. Since we are now working in characteristic zero, the filtration on
$\Omega ^1_{\widetilde {Y}_{U,K}/K}$
obtained from [Reference DiamondDia23, Thm. 3.3.1] has a canonical splitting giving an isomorphism

It follows from its construction that it is dual to the isomorphism whose fibre at the point
$y \in \widetilde {Y}_U(\overline {K})$
, corresponding to a tuple
$\underline {A}$
, is the map

$\theta $
$d_\theta $
described as follows: Let
$\widetilde {y} \in \widetilde {Y}_U(T)$
be a lift of y to
$T:= \overline {K}[\epsilon ]/(\epsilon ^2)$
corresponding to data
$\widetilde {\underline {A}}$
$\underline {A}$
, and let
$\alpha _\theta $
denote the canonical isomorphism

$e_\theta \in H^0(A,\Omega ^1_{A/\overline {K}})_\theta $
, let
$\widetilde {e}_\theta $
be a lift of
$e_\theta $
$H^0(\widetilde {A},\Omega ^1_{\widetilde {A}/T})_\theta $
. Any two such lifts differ by an element of
$\epsilon H^0(\widetilde {A},\Omega ^1_{\widetilde {A}/T})_\theta $
, which corresponds to
$H^0(A,\Omega ^1_{A/\overline {K}})_\theta \otimes _{\overline {K}} \epsilon T$
under the above isomorphism. Therefore,

for some
$f_\theta \in H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A/\overline {K})_\theta $
whose image in
$H^1(A,{\mathcal {O}}_A)_\theta $
is independent of the choice of
$\widetilde {e}_\theta $
, and this image is
$d_\theta (\widetilde {y})(e_\theta )$
Similarly, the filtration obtained from Theorem 3.1 on the conormal bundle
$\widetilde {{\mathcal {C}}}_K$

has a canonical splitting giving an isomorphism

which combined with (3.4) gives an exact sequence

It follows from the construction (and in particular the choice of sign) in the proof of Theorem 3.1 that the first morphism is dual to the one whose fibre at the point
$z \in \widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}(\overline {K})$
corresponding to a tuple
$(\underline {A}_1,\underline {A}_2,\psi )$
is the map

$\theta $
-component described as follows: Letting
$y_1 = \widetilde {\pi }_1(z)$
correspond to
$\underline {A}_1$
$y_2 = \widetilde {\pi }_2(z)$
correspond to
$\underline {A}_2$
, the lift
$(\widetilde {y}_1,\widetilde {y}_2)$
is sent to

where we continue to write

for the maps induced by
$\psi $
. It follows that the diagram

commutes, where the horizontal isomorphisms are those of (3.9) and (3.10), the left vertical map respects the decomposition and is defined by
$(1\otimes \psi _{\theta ,{\mathcal {L}}}^{*},-\psi _{\theta ,{\mathcal {M}}}^{*\vee }\otimes 1)$
in the
$\theta $
-component, and the right vertical map is the inclusion in (3.4). Taking top exterior powers in the resulting exact sequences (and tracking signs) then yields the desired compatibility, which we can state as follows:
Proposition 3.7. The canonical isomorphism
$\pi _1^{*} {\mathcal {K}}_{Y_{U,K}/K} \to {\mathcal {K}}_{Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}}),K}/K}$
extends uniquely to the morphism
$\pi _1^{*}{\mathcal {K}}_{Y_U/{\mathcal {O}}} \to {\mathcal {K}}_{Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}/{\mathcal {O}}}$
corresponding under the Kodaira–Spencer isomorphisms to the morphism
$\pi _1^{*}(\delta ^{-1}\otimes \omega ) \to \pi _2^{*}(\delta ^{-1}\otimes \omega )$
induced by
$\psi $
; similarly the canonical isomorphism
$\pi _2^{*} {\mathcal {K}}_{Y_{U,K}/K} \to {\mathcal {K}}_{Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}}),K}/K}$
extends uniquely to the morphism
$\pi _2^{*}{\mathcal {K}}_{Y_U/{\mathcal {O}}} \to {\mathcal {K}}_{Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}/{\mathcal {O}}}$
corresponding to the morphism
$\pi _2^{*}\omega \to \pi _1^{*}\omega $
induced by
$\psi $
Note that the uniqueness in the statement follows from the flatness over
${\mathcal {O}}$
of the schemes
$Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
(and the invertibility of their dualizing sheaves).
4 Degeneracy fibres
4.1 Irreducible components
We now turn our attention to Hilbert modular varieties in characteristic p (i.e., over the residue field k of
${\mathcal {O}}$
). We fix an open compact subgroup
$U \subset \operatorname {GL}_2({\mathbb {A}}_{F,\mathbf {f}})$
, as usual sufficiently small and containing
$\operatorname {GL}_2({\mathcal {O}}_{F,p})$
, and we let
$\overline {Y} = Y_{U,k}$
$\overline {Y}_0({\mathfrak {P}}) = Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}}),k}$
Our aim is to describe the fibres of the degeneracy mapFootnote
$\overline {\pi }_1 = \pi _{1,k}: \overline {Y}_0({\mathfrak {P}}) \to \overline {Y}$
, or, more precisely, its restrictions to irreducible components of
$\overline {Y}_0({\mathfrak {P}})$
. We accomplish this by generalizing the arguments in [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23, §7], where this was carried out under the assumption that p is unramified in F. See also [Reference Emerton, Reduzzi and XiaoERX17a, §4] for partial results in this direction without this assumption.
As usual, we first carry out various constructions in the context of their étale covers by fine moduli schemes. Recall that the scheme
$T: = \widetilde {Y}_{U,k}$
is equipped with a stratification defined by the vanishing of partial Hasse invariants, constructed in the generality of Pappas–Rapoport models by Reduzzi and Xiao in [Reference Reduzzi and XiaoRX17, §3]. More precisely, for
$\theta \in \Sigma $
, define
$n_\theta = 1$
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,1}$
for some
${\mathfrak {p}}$
, i, in which case
$n_\theta = p$
, and recall that
$\sigma $
denotes the ‘right shift’ permutation of
$\Sigma $
(see §2.1). We then have a surjective morphism

induced by u if
$n_\theta = 1$
, and by the pair of surjections

$n_\theta = p$
, and for each
$J \subset \Sigma $
, the vanishing locus of the restriction of
$\widetilde {h}_\theta $
${\mathcal {L}}_\theta $
$\theta \in J$
defines a smooth subscheme of T of codimension
, which we denote
(see [Reference DiamondDia23, §4.1]).
Now consider
$S := \widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}}),k}$
, and let
$(\underline {A},\underline {A}',\psi )$
denote the universal triple over S. Recall that for each
$\theta \in \Sigma $
, the isogeny
$\psi $
induces an
${\mathcal {O}}_S$
-linear morphism
$\psi _\theta ^{*} : {\mathcal {P}}^{\prime }_\theta \to {\mathcal {P}}_\theta $
; its image is a rank one subbundle of
${\mathcal {P}}_\theta $
$\theta \in \Sigma _{\mathfrak {P}}$
and it is an isomorphism if
$\theta \not \in \Sigma _{\mathfrak {P}}$
. Furthermore,
$\psi _\theta ^{*}$
restricts to a morphism
${\mathcal {L}}^{\prime }_\theta \to {\mathcal {L}}_\theta $
of line bundles over S, which we denote
$\psi _{\theta ,{\mathcal {L}}}^{*}$
, and hence also induces one we denote
$\psi _{\theta ,{\mathcal {M}}}^{*}:{\mathcal {M}}_{\theta }' \to {\mathcal {M}}_\theta $
$J,J' \subset \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}}}$
, consider the closed subschemes
of S definedFootnote
by the vanishing of
$\psi _{\theta ,{\mathcal {M}}}^{*}$
for all
$\theta \in J$
, and
$\psi _{\theta ,{\mathcal {L}}}^{*}$
for all
$\theta \in J'$
. Note that a closed point y of S is in
if and only if
$J \subset \Sigma _y$
$J' \subset \Sigma _y^{\prime }$
, where
$\Sigma _y$
$\Sigma ^{\prime }_y$
were defined in §2.6. Furthermore, in terms of the parameters and basis elements chosen in §2.6 for stalks at y, we see that

It follows that if
$y \in S_{J,J'}$
, then
is defined in a neighborhood of y by the ideal generated by

We have the following generalizationFootnote 16 of [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23, Cor. 4.3.2]:
Proposition 4.1. The scheme
is a reduced local complete intersection of dimension
$d - |J\cap J'|$
, and is smooth over k if
$J \cup J' = \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}}}$
Proof. Let y be a closed point of
. The description of the completion
${\mathcal {O}}_{\widetilde {Y}_0({\mathfrak {P}}),y}$
at the end of §2.6 gives an isomorphism

under which
$s_\theta \mapsto X_\theta $
$s_\theta ^{\prime } \mapsto X_\theta ^{\prime }$
, where

It follows that
${\mathcal {O}}_{S_{J,J'},y}^{\wedge }$
is isomorphic to the quotient of this ring by the ideal
$\langle X_\theta \rangle _{\theta \in J} + \langle X^{\prime }_\theta \rangle _{\theta \in J'}$
, and therefore to
$\widehat {\bigotimes }_{\theta \not \in J \cap J'} R_\theta $
, where

In particular,
${\mathcal {O}}_{S_{J,J'},y}^{\wedge }$
is a reduced complete intersection of dimension
$d - |J\cap J'|$
, and is regular if
$J \cup J' = \Sigma _{\mathfrak {P}}$
$J' = \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}}} - J$
, then
is a union of irreducible components of S, which we write simply as
; furthermore, each irreducible component of S is a connected component of
for a unique
$J \subset \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}}}$
For each
$J \subset \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}}}$
, we consider the restriction of
$\widetilde {\pi }_{1,k}$
. We first note that the morphism factors through
, where
$J' = \{\,\theta \in J\,|\,\sigma ^{-1}\theta \not \in J\,\}$
. (Recall that
is the intersection of the vanishing loci of the partial Hasse invariants
${\mathcal {L}}_\theta \stackrel {\widetilde {h}_\theta }{\longrightarrow } {\mathcal {L}}_{\sigma ^{-1}\theta }^{\otimes n_\theta }$
$\theta \in J'$
.) Indeed, since
is reduced, it suffices to check the assertion on geometric closed points, which reduces to the statement that if
$(\underline {A},\underline {A}',\psi )$
corresponds to an
$\overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p$
-point of S such that
$\psi _{\theta ,{\mathcal {M}}}^{*}:M^{\prime }_\theta \to M_\theta $
$\psi _{\sigma ^{-1}\theta ,{\mathcal {L}}}^{*}:L^{\prime }_{\sigma ^{-1}\theta } \to L_{\sigma ^{-1}\theta }$
both vanish, then so does
$\widetilde {h}_\theta :L_\theta \to L_{\sigma ^{-1}\theta }^{\otimes n_\theta }$
(with the obvious notation). If
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}$
for some
$j> 1$
, then the vanishing of
$\psi _{\theta ,{\mathcal {M}}}^{*}$
means that

and hence, equality holds by comparing dimensions. However, the vanishing of
$\psi _{\sigma ^{-1}\theta ,{\mathcal {L}}}^{*}$
means that
$\psi _{\tau }^{*}(F_{\tau }^{\prime (j-1)}) = F_{\tau }^{(j-2)}$
, and it follows that
$uF_{\tau }^{(j)} = F_{\tau }^{(j-2)}$
, so
$\widetilde {h}_\theta $
vanishes. Similarly, if
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,1}$
, then we find that

$\psi _{\phi ^{-1}\tau }^{*}(F_{\phi ^{-1}\tau }^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}) = F_{\phi ^{-1}\tau }^{(e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1)}$
. Since
$\operatorname {Ver}_A^{*}\circ \psi _\tau ^{*} = \psi _{\phi ^{-1}\tau }^{*}\circ \operatorname {Ver}_{A'}^{*}$

it follows that
$\operatorname {Ver}_A^{*}(F_\tau ^{(1)}) = u^{e_{{\mathfrak {p}}}-1} (F_{\phi ^{-1}\tau }^{(e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1)})^{(p)}$
, which again means that
$\widetilde {h}_\theta $
vanishes. Similarly, one finds that the restriction of
$\widetilde {\pi }_{2,k}$
factors through
, where
$J" = \{\,\theta \not \in J\,|\,\sigma ^{-1}\theta \in J\,\}$
Now consider the scheme

where the product is fibred over
$\mathbb {P}_{T_{J'}}({\mathcal {P}}_\theta )$
denotes the projective bundle parametrizing rank one subbundles of
${\mathcal {P}}_\theta $
. (We will freely use
${\mathcal {P}}_\theta $
to denote the pull-back of the rank two vector bundle associated to the universal object over T when the base and morphism to T are clear from the context.) The image of
$\psi _\theta ^{*}: {\mathcal {P}}_\theta ^{\prime } \to {\mathcal {P}}_\theta $
is a rank one subbundle of
${\mathcal {P}}_\theta $
, so it determines a morphism
$S_J \to \mathbb {P}_{T_{J'}}({\mathcal {P}}_\theta )$
, and we let

denote their product over
$\theta \in J"$
The proof of [Reference Emerton, Reduzzi and XiaoERX17a, Prop. 4.5] shows that
$\widetilde {\xi }_J$
is bijective on closed points, and hence is a Frobenius factor, in the sense that some power of the Frobenius endomorphism on
factors through it. We will instead use relative Dieudonné theory, as in [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23, §7.1], to geometrize the pointwise construction in [Reference Emerton, Reduzzi and XiaoERX17a] of the inverse map, showing in particular that a single power of Frobenius suffices.
Before we carry this out in the next section, let us remark that the closed subschemes
of T descend to closed subschemes of
$\overline {Y}$
, which we denote by
$\overline {Y}_{J}$
, and similarly, the subschemes
(or more generally
) descend to subschemes of
$\overline {Y}_0({\mathfrak {P}})$
, which we denote
$\overline {Y}_0({\mathfrak {P}})_J$
$\overline {Y}_0({\mathfrak {P}})_{J,J'}$
). Furthermore, since we are now working in characteristic p, we may choose U sufficiently small that the natural action
$U \cap {\mathcal {O}}_F^\times $
on the vector bundles
${\mathcal {P}}_\theta $
is trivial. The action of
${\mathcal {O}}_{F,(p),+}^\times $
therefore defines descent data on the
${\mathcal {P}}_\theta $
to a vector bundle over
$\overline {Y}$
, and denoting this too by
${\mathcal {P}}_\theta $
, we obtain a morphism

4.2 Frobenius factorization
We will define a morphism
$P_J \to S$
corresponding to an isogeny from
, where A is the pull-back to
of the universal abelian scheme over
. In order to do this, we first construct a certain Raynaud
$({\mathcal {O}}_F/{\mathfrak {P}})$
-module scheme over
. To that end, we need to define a line bundle
${\mathcal {A}}_\tau $
for each
$\tau \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}$
, along with morphisms

such that
$s_\tau t_\tau = 0$
for all
$\tau $
Suppose then that
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i} \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}$
, let
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,1}$
. and consider the exact sequence

, where
${\mathcal {A}}_\tau $
${\mathcal {A}}^{\prime }_\tau $
are the line bundles defined by
${\mathcal {A}}_\tau = {\mathcal {L}}_\theta $ and
${\mathcal {A}}^{\prime }_\tau = {\mathcal {M}}_\theta $ if
$\theta \in J$ ;
${\mathcal {A}}_\tau = \ker (\widetilde {h}_\theta ) \stackrel {\sim }{\leftarrow } {\mathcal {M}}_{\sigma ^{-1}\theta }^{\otimes p}$ and
${\mathcal {A}}^{\prime }_\tau = {\mathcal {P}}_\theta /{\mathcal {A}}_\tau \stackrel {\sim }{\rightarrow } {\mathcal {L}}_{\sigma ^{-1}\theta }^{\otimes p}$ if
$\sigma ^{-1}\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i-1,e_{\mathfrak {p}}}\not \in J$ , with
$\widetilde {h}_\theta :{\mathcal {P}}_\theta \twoheadrightarrow {\mathcal {L}}_{\sigma ^{-1}\theta }^{\otimes p}$ given by (4.2) and the isomorphism
${\mathcal {M}}_{\sigma ^{-1}\theta }^{\otimes p} \stackrel {\sim }{\rightarrow } {\mathcal {A}}_\tau $ induced by
${\operatorname {Frob}}_A^{*}: ({\mathcal {G}}_{\phi ^{-1}\circ \tau }^{(e_{{\mathfrak {p}}})})^{(p)} {\rightarrow } {\mathcal {P}}_\theta $ ;
• the tautological exact sequence over
$\mathbb {P}_{T_{J'}}({\mathcal {P}}_\theta )$ if
$\theta \in J"$ .
Note that the first two conditions are both satisfied if
$\theta \in J'$
, in which case the definitions coincide since
$\ker (\widetilde {h}_\theta ) = {\mathcal {L}}_\theta $
We now show that
${\operatorname {Frob}}_A^{*}:{\mathcal {P}}_{\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,1}}^{(p)} \to {\mathcal {P}}_{\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i+1,1}}$
$\operatorname {Ver}_A^{*}:{\mathcal {P}}_{\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i+1,1}} \to {\mathcal {P}}_{\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,1}}^{(p)}$
restrict to morphisms
${\mathcal {A}}_\tau ^{\otimes p} \to {\mathcal {A}}_{\phi \circ \tau }$
${\mathcal {A}}_{\phi \circ \tau } \to {\mathcal {A}}_\tau ^{\otimes p}$
, and hence induce morphisms
${\mathcal {A}}_\tau ^{\prime \otimes p} \to {\mathcal {A}}^{\prime }_{\phi \circ \tau }$
${\mathcal {A}}^{\prime }_{\phi \circ \tau } \to {\mathcal {A}}_\tau ^{\prime \otimes p}$
• If
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,1} \in J$ , then
${\mathcal {A}}_\tau = {\mathcal {L}}_\theta = \operatorname {Ver}_A^{*}(u^{1-e_{{\mathfrak {p}}}}{\mathcal {P}}_{\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i+1,1}})$ , so
${\operatorname {Frob}}_A^{*}({\mathcal {A}}_\tau ^{\otimes p}) = 0$ and
$$ \begin{align*}\operatorname{Ver}_A^{*}({\mathcal{A}}_{\phi\circ\tau}) \subset \operatorname{Ver}_A^{*}({\mathcal{P}}_{\theta_{{\mathfrak{p}},i+1,1}}) = u^{e_{\mathfrak{p}}-1}({\mathcal{F}}_\tau^{(e_{\mathfrak{p}})})^{(p)} \subset {\mathcal{L}}_\theta^{\otimes p} = {\mathcal{A}}_\tau^{\otimes p}.\end{align*} $$
• If
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,e_{\mathfrak {p}}} \not \in J$ , then
${\mathcal {A}}_{\phi \circ \tau } = {\operatorname {Frob}}_A^{*}(({\mathcal {G}}_\tau ^{(e_{\mathfrak {p}})})^{(p)})$ , so
$\operatorname {Ver}_A^{*}({\mathcal {A}}_{\phi \circ \tau }) = 0$ and
$$ \begin{align*}{\operatorname{Frob}}_A^{*}({\mathcal{A}}_\tau^{\otimes p}) \subset {\operatorname{Frob}}_A^{*}({\mathcal{P}}_{\theta_{{\mathfrak{p}},i,1}}^{(p)}) \subset {\operatorname{Frob}}_A^{*}(({\mathcal{G}}_\tau^{(e_{\mathfrak{p}})})^{(p)}) = {\mathcal{A}}_{\phi\circ \tau}.\end{align*} $$
• If
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,1} \not \in J$ and
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,e_{\mathfrak {p}}} \in J$ , then
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j} \in J'$ for some
$j \in \{2,\ldots ,e_{\mathfrak {p}}\}$ , which implies that
$u{\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{(j)} = {\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{(j-2)}$ . We deduce that
$$ \begin{align*}{\mathcal{P}}_\theta \subset {\mathcal{G}}_{\tau}^{(j-1)} = {\mathcal{F}}_\tau^{(j)} \subset {\mathcal{F}}_\tau^{(e_{\mathfrak{p}})} \subset u{\mathcal{H}}^1_{\operatorname{dR}}(A/P_J)_\tau\end{align*} $$
$u^{e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1}{\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{(e_{\mathfrak {p}})}\subset u^{j-1}{\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{(j)} = u^{j-1}{\mathcal {G}}_\tau ^{(j-1)} = 0$ ), and hence that
${\operatorname {Frob}}_A^{*}({\mathcal {A}}_\tau ^{\otimes p}) \subset {\operatorname {Frob}}_A^{*}({\mathcal {P}}_\theta ^{(p)}) \subset {\operatorname {Frob}}_A^{*}(({\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{(e_{\mathfrak {p}})})^{(p)} = 0$ and
$\operatorname {Ver}_A^{*}({\mathcal {A}}_{\phi \circ \tau }) \subset \operatorname {Ver}_A^{*}({\mathcal {P}}_{\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i+1,1}}) = u^{e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1}({\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{(e_{\mathfrak {p}})})^{(p)} = 0$ .
We now define
$s_\tau :{\mathcal {A}}_\tau ^{\otimes p} \to {\mathcal {A}}_{\phi \circ \tau }$
$t_\tau :{\mathcal {A}}_{\phi \circ \tau } \to {\mathcal {A}}_\tau ^{\phi \circ \tau }$
as the restrictions of
${\operatorname {Frob}}_A^{*}$
$\operatorname {Ver}_A^{*}$
, yielding Raynaud data
$({\mathcal {A}}_\tau ,s_\tau ,t_\tau )_{\tau \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}}$
, and we let C denote the corresponding
$({\mathcal {O}}_F/{\mathfrak {P}})$
-module scheme over
. We similarly obtain Raynaud data from the morphisms
$s_\tau ':{\mathcal {A}}_\tau ^{\prime \otimes p} \to {\mathcal {A}}^{\prime }_{\phi \circ \tau }$
$t_\tau :{\mathcal {A}}^{\prime }_{\phi \circ \tau } \to {\mathcal {A}}_\tau ^{\prime \otimes p}$
induced by
${\operatorname {Frob}}_A^{*}$
$\operatorname {Ver}_A^{*}$
, and we let
denote the resulting
$({\mathcal {O}}_F/{\mathfrak {P}})$
-module scheme.
Recall from [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23, §7.1.2] that the Dieudonné crystal
${\mathbb {D}}(C)$
is isomorphic to
$\Pi ^{*}({\mathcal {A}})$
, with
$\Phi = \Pi ^{*}(s)$
$V = \Pi ^{*}(t)$
, where
${\mathcal {A}} = \oplus {\mathcal {A}}_\tau $
$s = \oplus s_\tau $
$t = \oplus t_\tau $
(the direct sums being over
$\tau \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}$
) and
$\Pi ^{*}$
is the functor denoted
$\Phi ^{*}$
in [Reference Berthelot, Breen and MessingBBM82, §4.3.4]. (The assertion of [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23, Prop.7.1.3] is for
$({\mathcal {O}}_F/p)$
-module schemes, but the analogous one for
$({\mathcal {O}}_F/{\mathfrak {P}})$
-module schemes is an immediate consequence.) Similarly, we have that
${\mathbb {D}}(C')$
is isomorphic to
$\Pi ^{*}({\mathcal {A}}')$
$\Phi = \Pi ^{*}(s')$
$V = \Pi ^{*}(t')$
(again letting
${\mathcal {A}}' = \oplus {\mathcal {A}}^{\prime }_\tau $
, etc.). However, we have the canonical isomorphisms

provided by [Reference Berthelot, Breen and MessingBBM82, (, (], under which
$\Phi $
(resp. V) corresponds to
$\Pi ^{*}{\operatorname {Frob}}_A$
$\Pi ^{*}\operatorname {Ver}_A$
). Combined with the isomorphism

induced by multiplication by
$u^{e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1}$
in the
${\mathfrak {p}}$
-component, it follows that (4.3) yields an exact sequence of Dieudonné crystals

. Since
is smooth over k, we may apply [Reference Berthelot and MessingBM90, Thm. 4.1.1] to conclude that this arises from an exact sequence of
$({\mathcal {O}}_F/{\mathfrak {P}})$
-module schemes

We now define
$A" = A^{(p)}/C'$
, and let
$\alpha :A^{(p)} \to A"$
denote the resulting isogeny and
$s":A" \to P_J$
the structure morphism.
We now equip
with the required auxiliary data so that the triple
$(\underline {A}^{(p)},\underline {A}",\alpha )$
will correspond to a morphism
$P_J \to S$
. First, note that
inherits an
${\mathcal {O}}_F$
-action from
, as well as a unique
-level structure with which
$\alpha $
is compatible.
The existence of a quasi-polarization
$\lambda "$
satisfying the required compatibility amounts to
$\lambda ^{(p)}$
inducing an isomorphism
${\mathfrak {P}}{\mathfrak {c}}{\mathfrak {d}}\otimes _{{\mathcal {O}}_F}A" \stackrel {\sim }{\longrightarrow } (A")^\vee $
over each connected component of
. The corresponding argument in [Reference DiamondDia23, §6.1] carries over mutatis mutandis (with A replaced by
, H by
${\mathfrak {p}}$
${\mathfrak {P}}$
${\mathcal {I}}_i$
${\mathcal {A}}_\tau ^{\otimes p}$
, now running over
$\tau \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}$
instead of
$i \in \mathbb {Z}/f\mathbb {Z}$
) to reduce this to the orthogonality of
${\mathcal {A}}_\tau ^{\otimes p}$
$u^{1-e_{\mathfrak {p}}} {\mathcal {A}}_\tau ^{\otimes p}$
under the pairing on
${\mathcal {H}}^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A^{(p)}/P_J)_\tau $
induced by
$\lambda ^{(p)}$
(via [Reference DiamondDia23, (4)]). This in turn is equivalent to the orthogonality of
${\mathcal {A}}_\tau $
$u^{1-e_{\mathfrak {p}}}{\mathcal {A}}_\tau $
under the pairing induced by
$\lambda $
, which follows from [Reference DiamondDia23, Lemma 3.1.1] via the implication that the resulting perfect pairing on
${\mathcal {P}}_{\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,1}}$
is alternating.
We now define Pappas–Rapoport filtrations for
– that is, a chain of
${\mathcal {O}}_{P_J}[u]/(u^{e_{\mathfrak {p}}})$

for each
$\tau = \tau _{\mathfrak {p},i} \in \Sigma _0$
, such that
${\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{\prime \prime (j)}/{\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{(j-1)}$
is an invertible
${\mathcal {O}}_{P_J}$
-module annihilated by u for
$j=1,\ldots ,e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
For each
$\tau \in \Sigma _0$
, consider the morphism

Zariski-locally free rank two
${\mathcal {O}}_{P_J}[u]/(u^{e_{\mathfrak {p}}})$
-modules. Note that if
$\tau \not \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}$
, then
$\alpha _\tau ^{*}$
is an isomorphism sending
$(s^{\prime \prime }_*\Omega ^1_{A"/P_J})_\tau $
$(s_*\Omega ^1_{A/P_J})_{\phi ^{-1}\circ \tau }^{(p)}$
, and we define
${\mathcal {F}}^{\prime \prime (j)}_\tau = (\alpha _\tau ^{*})^{-1}(({\mathcal {F}}_{\phi ^{-1}\tau }^{(j)})^{(p)})$
${j=1,\ldots ,e_{{\mathfrak {p}}}-1}$
We may therefore assume that
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
for some
${\mathfrak {p}}|{\mathfrak {P}}$
, so the image of
$\alpha _\tau ^{*}$
is the
${\mathcal {O}}_{P_J}$
$u^{1-e_{\mathfrak {p}}}{\mathcal {A}}_{\phi ^{-1}\circ \tau }^{\otimes p}$
of rank
$2e_{\mathfrak {p}} -1$
, and the kernel of
$\alpha _\tau ^{*}$
is a rank one subbundle of
${\mathcal {H}}^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A"/P_J)_\tau $
. For each
$j=1,\ldots ,e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1$
, we will define
${\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{\prime \prime (j)}$
as an
${\mathcal {O}}_{P_J}$
-subbundle of
${\mathcal {H}}^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A"/P_J)_\tau $
of rank j, and then verify the required inclusions on fibres at closed points.
Suppose first that
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i-1,j}\not \in J$
. Since
$u^{e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1}{\mathcal {F}}_{\phi ^{-1}\circ \tau }^{(j-1)} = 0$
, it follows that
${\mathcal {F}}^{(j-1)}_{\phi ^{-1}\circ \tau }$
is contained in
$u^{1-e_{\mathfrak {p}}}{\mathcal {A}}_{\phi ^{-1}\circ \tau }$
, so
$({\mathcal {F}}^{(j-1)}_{\phi ^{-1}\circ \tau })^{(p)} \subset {\operatorname {im}}(\alpha _\tau ^{*})$
. Therefore,
$(\alpha _\tau ^{*})^{-1}({\mathcal {F}}^{(j-1)}_{\phi ^{-1}\circ \tau })^{(p)}$
is an
${\mathcal {O}}_{P_J}$
-subbundle of
${\mathcal {H}}^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A"/P_J)_\tau $
of rank j, which we define to be
${\mathcal {F}}^{\prime \prime (j)}_\tau $
Suppose next that
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i-1,j} \in J$
. We claim that

Indeed, if
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i-1,1} \in J$
, then
${\mathcal {A}}_{\phi ^{-1}\circ \tau } = {\mathcal {F}}^{(1)}_{\phi ^{-1}\circ \tau }$

However, if
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i-1,1} \not \in J$
, then
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i-1,\ell } \in J'$
for some
$\ell \in \{2,\ldots ,j\}$
, so that
${\mathcal {F}}_{\phi ^{-1}\circ \tau }^{(\ell )} = {\mathcal {G}}_{\phi ^{-1}\circ \tau }^{(\ell -1)} = u^{-1}{\mathcal {F}}_{\phi ^{-1}\circ \tau }^{(\ell -2)}$
, which implies that
$u^{e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1}{\mathcal {G}}_{\phi ^{-1}\circ \tau }^{(e_{\mathfrak {p}})} = u^{e_{\mathfrak {p}}-2}{\mathcal {F}}_{\phi ^{-1}\circ \tau }^{(e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1)} \subset u^{\ell -1}{\mathcal {F}}^{(\ell )} = u^{\ell -2}{\mathcal {F}}^{(\ell -2)} = 0$
, and hence,

Now define
${\mathcal {T}}_{\phi ^{-1}\circ \tau }^{(j+1)}$
to be
${\mathcal {F}}^{(j+1)}_{\phi ^{-1}\circ \tau }$
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i-1,j+1} \in J$
, and to be the preimage in
${\mathcal {G}}^{(j+1)}_{\phi ^{-1}\circ \tau }$
of the pull-back to
of the tautological subbundle of
${\mathcal {P}}_{\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i-1,j+1}}$
$\mathbb {P}_{T_{J'}}({\mathcal {P}}_{\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i-1,j+1}})$
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i-1,j+1}\not \in J$
(in which case
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i-1,j+1} \in J"$
). In either case,
$({\mathcal {T}}^{(j+1)}_{\phi ^{-1}\circ \tau })^{(p)}$
is contained in the image of
$\alpha _\tau ^{*}$
, so that
$(\alpha _\tau ^{*})^{-1}({\mathcal {T}}^{(j+1)}_{\phi ^{-1}\circ \tau })^{(p)}$
is an
${\mathcal {O}}_{P_J}$
-subbundle of
${\mathcal {H}}^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A"/P_J)$
of rank
. Furthermore, we have

so that
$u^{e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1}{\mathcal {H}}^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A"/P_J)_\tau $
is a rank two
${\mathcal {O}}_{P_J}$
-subbundle of
$(\alpha _\tau ^{*})^{-1}({\mathcal {T}}^{(j+1)}_{\phi ^{-1}\circ \tau })^{(p)}$
. We conclude that

is a rank j subbundle of
$u{\mathcal {H}}^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A"/P_J)_\tau $
, and hence of
${\mathcal {H}}^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A"/P_J)_\tau $
To prove that the vector bundles
${\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{\prime \prime (j)}$
define a Pappas–Rapoport filtration, we must show that

for all
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i} \in \Sigma _0$
$j=1,\ldots ,e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
, and the desired compatibility with
$\alpha $
is the statement that
$\alpha _{\phi \circ \tau }^{*}({\mathcal {F}}^{\prime \prime (j)}_{\phi \circ \tau }) \subset ({\mathcal {F}}_{\tau }^{(j)})^{(p)}$
for all such
$\tau $
and j. These inclusions are immediate from the definitions if
$\tau \not \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}$
, so we assume
$\tau \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}$
Note that since
is smooth, it suffices to prove the corresponding inclusions hold on fibres at every geometric closed point
$y \in P_J(\overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p)$
. To that end, let
$F_\tau ^{(j)}$
$F_\tau ^{\prime \prime (j)}$
) denote the fibre at y of
${\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{(j)}$
${\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{\prime \prime (j)}$
), and for each
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
and j such that
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j} \in J"$
, let
$T_\tau ^{(j)}$
denote the fibre of the the preimage in
${\mathcal {G}}_\tau ^{(j)}$
of the tautological line bundle in
${\mathcal {P}}_{\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}}$
We also let
$W = W(\overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p)$
and consider the Dieudonné module

for each
${\mathfrak {p}}|{\mathfrak {P}}$
. Thus, the modules
$H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_y/W)_\tau $
are free of rank two over
$W[u]/(E_\tau )$
, equipped with
$W[u]/(E_{\tau })$
-linear maps

induced by
${\operatorname {Frob}}_A$
$\operatorname {Ver}_A$
and satisfying
$\Phi V = V \Phi = p$
, where we use
$\cdot ^\phi $
to denote
$\cdot \otimes _{W,\phi } W$
. Consider also the Dieudonné module
${\mathbb {D}}(A^{\prime \prime }_y[{\mathfrak {p}}^\infty ]) = \oplus _{\tau \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {p}},0}} H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A^{\prime \prime }_y/W)_\tau $
, similarly equipped with morphisms
$\Phi $
and V, as well as the injective
$W[u]/(E_{\tau })$
-linear maps

compatible with
$\Phi $
and V. Furthermore, the morphisms
$\Phi $
, V and
$\widetilde {\alpha }_\tau ^{*}$
are compatible under the canonical isomorphisms
$H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_y/W)_\tau \otimes _W \overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p \cong H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A_y/\overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p)_\tau $
with the maps induced by the corresponding isogenies on de Rham cohomology. Thus, letting
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j)}$
denote the preimage of
$F_\tau ^{(j)}$
$H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_y/W)_\tau $
, and similarly defining
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime \prime (j)}$
, we are reduced to proving that

for all
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i} \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}$
$j = 1,\ldots ,e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
, or equivalently that

$\widetilde {E}_\tau ^{(j)} := (\widetilde {\alpha }_{\phi \circ \tau }^{*}(\widetilde {F}_{\phi \circ \tau }^{\prime \prime (j)}))^{\phi ^{-1}}$
We use the following description of
$\widetilde {E}_\tau ^{(j)}$
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
$j = 0,1,\ldots ,e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
, where we let
$\widetilde {T}_\tau ^{(j)}$
denote the preimage of
$T_\tau ^{(j)}$
$H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_y/W)_\tau $
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j} \in J"$
• Since
$\widetilde {\alpha }_\tau ^{*}(\widetilde {F}^{\prime \prime (0)}_\tau ) = p\widetilde {\alpha }_\tau ^{*}(H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_y^{\prime \prime }/W)_\tau ) = pu^{1-e_{\mathfrak {p}}}\widetilde {A}_{\phi ^{-1}\circ \tau }^\phi = u\widetilde {A}^\phi _{\phi ^{-1}\circ \tau }$ , where
$$ \begin{align*}\widetilde{A}_\tau = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} \widetilde{F}^{(1)}_{\tau},& \mbox{if } \theta_{{\mathfrak{p}},i,1} \in J;\\ u^{e_{\mathfrak{p}}-1} V^{-1}(\widetilde{F}_{\phi^{-1}\circ\tau}^{(e_{\mathfrak{p}}-1)})^{\phi},& \mbox{if } \theta_{{\mathfrak{p}},i-1,e_{\mathfrak{p}}} \in J;\\ \widetilde{T}^{(1)}_\tau,& \mbox{if } \theta_{{\mathfrak{p}},i,1} \in J";\end{array}\right.\end{align*} $$
$$ \begin{align*}\widetilde{E}^{(0)}_{\tau} = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} \Phi((\widetilde{F}_{\phi^{-1}\circ\tau}^{(e_{\mathfrak{p}}-1)})^{\phi}),& \mbox{if } \theta_{{\mathfrak{p}},i-1,e_{\mathfrak{p}}} \not\in J;\\ u \widetilde{F}^{(1)}_{\tau},& \mbox{if } \theta_{{\mathfrak{p}},i,1} \in J;\\ u \widetilde{T}^{(1)}_\tau,& \mbox{if } \theta_{{\mathfrak{p}},i,1} \in J".\end{array}\right.\end{align*} $$
• If
$1 \le j \le e_{{\mathfrak {p}}} -1$ , then it follows from the definition of
${\mathcal {F}}_{\phi \circ \tau }^{\prime \prime (j)}$ that
$$ \begin{align*}\widetilde{E}^{(j)}_{\tau} = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} \widetilde{F}_{\tau}^{(j-1)},& \mbox{if } \theta_{{\mathfrak{p}},i,j} \not\in J;\\ u \widetilde{F}^{(j+1)}_{\tau},& \mbox{if } \theta_{{\mathfrak{p}},i,j+1} \in J;\\ u \widetilde{T}^{(j+1)}_\tau,& \mbox{if } \theta_{{\mathfrak{p}},i,j+1} \in J".\end{array}\right.\end{align*} $$
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j} \not \in J$ and
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j+1} \in J$ , then
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j+1} \in J'$ , so that
$u\widetilde {F}^{(j+1)}_\tau = \widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j-1)}$ .)
• Since
$\Phi ((\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime \prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})})^{\phi }) = \widetilde {F}_{\phi \circ \tau }^{\prime \prime (0)}$ , we have
$(\widetilde {E}_\tau ^{(e_{\mathfrak {p}})}) = p^{-1} (V(\widetilde {E}_{\phi \circ \tau }^{(0)}))^{\phi ^{-1}}$ , so the formulas in the case
$j=0$ imply that
$$ \begin{align*}\widetilde{E}^{(e_{\mathfrak{p}})}_{\tau} = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} \widetilde{F}_{\tau}^{(e_{\mathfrak{p}}-1)} & \mbox{if } \theta_{{\mathfrak{p}},i,e_{\mathfrak{p}}} \not\in J;\\ (V(u^{1-e_{\mathfrak{p}}} \widetilde{F}^{(1)}_{\phi\circ\tau}))^{\phi^{-1}},& \mbox{if } \theta_{{\mathfrak{p}},i+1,1} \in J;\\ (V( u^{1-e_{\mathfrak{p}}} \widetilde{T}^{(1)}_{\phi\circ\tau}))^{\phi^{-1}},& \mbox{if } \theta_{{\mathfrak{p}},i+1,1} \in J".\end{array}\right.\end{align*} $$
Note in particular that

for all
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
$j = 0,\ldots ,e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
(the case of
$j=e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
being equivalent by an application of
$\Phi $
to that of
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i+1}$
). The inclusions in (4.4) are then immediate from the formulas

We have now shown that the triple
$(\underline {A}^{(p)},\underline {A}",\alpha )$
defines a morphism
$\widetilde {\zeta }_J: P_J \to S$
. Furthermore, rewriting equations (4.5) in the form

shows that
$\widetilde {\zeta }_J(y) \in S_{\phi (J)}(\overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p)$
for all
$y \in P_J(\overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p)$
(where we define
$\phi : \Sigma _{\mathfrak {P}} \to \Sigma _{\mathfrak {P}}$
$\phi (\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}) =\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i+1,j}$
). Since
is reduced, it follows that
$\widetilde {\zeta }_J$
factors through
$S_{\phi (J)}$
. Note furthermore that if
$(\underline {A},\underline {A}',\psi )$
is the universal triple over
, then its pull-back by
$\phi \in {\operatorname {Aut}\,}(k)$
is isomorphic to the universal triple over
$S_{\phi (J)}$
, yielding an identification of
$S_{\phi (J)}$
under which the relative Frobenius morphism
$S_J \to S_J^{(p)} = S_{\phi (J)}$
corresponds to the triple
$(\underline {A},\underline {A}',\psi )^{(p)}$
. Note also that
$\phi (J)' = \phi (J')$
$\phi (J)" = \phi (J")$
, and we may similarly identify
$T_{\phi (J')}$
$P_{\phi (J)}$
, under which
$\widetilde {\xi }_J^{(p)}$
corresponds to
$\widetilde {\xi }_{\phi (J)}$
$\widetilde {\zeta }_J^{(p)}$
$\widetilde {\zeta }_{\phi (J)}$
Finally, we verify that the composites

are the Frobenius morphisms (relative to
$\phi \in {\operatorname {Aut}\,}(k)$
Indeed, it suffices to check this on geometric closed points, so suppose first that
$(\underline {A},(T_\theta )_{\theta \in J"})$
corresponds to an element
$y \in P_J(\overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p)$
, where
$\underline {A}$
corresponds to an element of
$T_{J'}(\overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p)$
and each
$T_\theta $
to a line in
$P_\theta = u^{-1}\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j-1)}/\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j-1)}$
(using the above notation with y suppressed, so
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}$
, and
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\bullet }$
is the preimage in
$H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A/W)_\tau $
of the Pappas–Rapoport filtration on
$F_\tau ^{(e_{\mathfrak {p}})} = H^0(A,\Omega ^1_{A/\overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p})_\tau \subset H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A/\overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p)_\tau $
). Its image
$\widetilde {\zeta }_J(y)$
then corresponds to the triple
$(\underline {A}^{(p)},\underline {A}",\alpha )$
produced by the construction above, and
$\widetilde {\xi }_{\phi (J)}(\widetilde {\zeta }_J(y))$
is given by
$(\underline {A}^{(p)}, \alpha _{\phi (\theta )}^{*}(P_{\phi (\theta )}"))$
, where
$P^{\prime \prime }_{\phi (\theta )} = u^{-1}\widetilde {F}_{\phi \circ \tau }^{\prime \prime (j-1)}/\widetilde {F}_{\phi \circ \tau }^{\prime \prime (j-1)}$
$\alpha ^{*}_{\phi (\theta )}:P_{\phi (\theta )}" \to P_\theta ^{(p)}$
is induced by
$\widetilde {\alpha }_{\phi \circ \tau }^{*}$
. From the formulas above, we have

$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j} \in J"$
, where
$\widetilde {T}_\tau ^{(j)}$
is the preimage of
$T_\theta $
$H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A/W)_\tau $
, and it follows that
$\alpha _{\phi (\theta )}^{*}(P_{\phi (\theta )}") = T_\theta ^{(p)}$
, as required.
Suppose now that
$(\underline {A},\underline {A}',\psi )$
corresponds to an element
$x \in S_J(\overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p)$
, so that if
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i} \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}$
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}$
, then
$\widetilde {\psi }_\tau ^{*}(u^{-1}\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime (j-1)}) = \widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j)}$
$\theta \in J$
$\widetilde {\psi }_\tau ^{*}(\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime (j)}) = \widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j-1)}$
$\theta \not \in J$
(with the evident notation). Its image
$\widetilde {\xi }_J(x)$
then corresponds to
$(\underline {A},(T_\theta )_{\theta \in J"})$
, where

and we must show that the triple
$(\underline {A}^{(p)},\underline {A}",\alpha )$
obtained from it by applying
$\widetilde {\zeta }_J$
is isomorphic to
$(\underline {A}^{(p)},\underline {A}^{\prime (p)},\psi ^{(p)})$
. To that end, note that the formulas for
$\widetilde {E}_\tau ^{(j)}$
imply that
$\widetilde {\psi }_\tau ^{*}(\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime (j)}) = \widetilde {E}_\tau ^{(j)}$
for all
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i} \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}$
$j=0,1,\ldots ,e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
(using the equivalence provided by
$\Phi $
between the cases of
$j=e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
$\tau $
$\phi \circ \tau $
). In particular, it follows from the case of

have the same image for all
$\tau \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}$
. Combined with the fact that
$\widetilde {\psi }_\tau ^{*}$
$\widetilde {\alpha }_\tau ^{*}$
are isomorphisms for
$\tau \not \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}$
, we conclude that the images of

under the morphisms induced by
$\psi ^{(p)}$
$\alpha $
are the same. It follows that there is an isomorphism
$A^{\prime (p)} \stackrel {\sim }{\longrightarrow } A"$
such that the diagram

commutes. Its compatibility with all auxiliary structures is automatic, with the exception of the Pappas–Rapoport filtrations for
$\tau \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}$
, where the compatibility is implied by the equality

$\tau ' = \phi ^{-1}\circ \tau $
$j=1,\ldots ,e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1$
We have now proved the following generalization of [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23, Lemma 7.1.5]:
Lemma 4.2. There is a morphism
$\widetilde {\zeta }_J: P_J \to S_J^{(p)}$
such that the composites
$\widetilde {\xi }_J^{(p)}\circ \widetilde {\zeta }_J: P_J \to P_J^{(p)}$
$ \widetilde {\zeta }_J\circ \widetilde {\xi }_J: S_J \to S_J^{(p)}$
are the Frobenius morphisms (relative to
$\phi \in {\operatorname {Aut}\,}(k)$
4.3 First-order deformations
In this section, we compute the effect of the morphisms

on tangent spaces with a view to generalizing the results of [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23, §7.1.4].
We let
$\mathbb {F}$
denote an algebraically closed field of characteristic p. First, recall that if
$x\in T(\mathbb {F})$
corresponds to the data
$\underline {A} = (A,\iota ,\lambda ,\eta ,F^\bullet )$
, then the Kodaira–Spencer filtration on
$\Omega ^1_{T/k}$
(as described in [Reference DiamondDia23, §3.3]) equips the tangent space of T at x with a decomposition

and a decreasing filtration on each component such that

is identified with the set of lifts
$\underline {\widetilde {A}}$
$\underline {A}$
$T(\mathbb {F}[\epsilon ])$
with the property that for all
$\tau \in \Sigma _0$
$1 \le j \le j_\tau $
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j)}$
corresponds to
$F_\tau ^{(j)} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} \mathbb {F}[\epsilon ]$
under the canonical isomorphism

In particular, for each
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
$j = 1,\ldots ,e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
, the one-dimensional space

is identified with the set of lines in
$P_\theta \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} \mathbb {F}[\epsilon ]$
$L_\theta $
, or equivalently with
${\operatorname {Hom}\,}_{\mathbb {F}}(L_\theta ,M_\theta )$
, where
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}$
$M_\theta = P_\theta /L_\theta $
Furthermore, if
$x\in T_{J'}(\mathbb {F})$
, then
$\underline {\widetilde {A}}$
corresponds to an element of
$T_{J'}(\mathbb {F}[\epsilon ])$
if and only if the Pappas–Rapoport filtrations
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^\bullet $
have the property that

for all j such that
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j} \in J'$
(via the canonical isomorphism if
). It follows that
${\operatorname {Tan}}_x(T_{J'})$
inherits a decomposition into components
${\operatorname {Tan}}_x(T_{J'})_\tau $
equipped with filtrations such that

Suppose now that
$y \in P_J(\mathbb {F})$
corresponds to the data
$(\underline {A},(L_\theta ^{\prime \prime })_{\theta \in J"})$
, where
$\underline {A}$
corresponds to a point
$x \in T_{J'}(\mathbb {F})$
and each
$L^{\prime \prime }_\theta $
is a line in
$P_\theta $
. We may then decompose

and filter each component so that

is identified with the set of lifts
$(\underline {\widetilde {A}},(\widetilde {L}^{\prime \prime }_\theta )_{\theta \in J"})$
$(\underline {A},(L^{\prime \prime }_\theta )_{\theta \in J"})$
$P_J(\mathbb {F}[\epsilon ])$
such that the following hold for all
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i} \in \Sigma _0$
$1 \le j \le j_\tau $
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j)}$ corresponds to
$F_\tau ^{(j)} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} \mathbb {F}[\epsilon ]$ under the canonical isomorphism;
• if
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j} \in J"$ , then
$\widetilde {L}^{\prime \prime }_\theta $ corresponds to
$L_\theta ^{\prime \prime } \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} \mathbb {F}[\epsilon ]$ under the resulting isomorphism
$$ \begin{align*}\widetilde{P}_\theta = u^{-1}\widetilde{F}_\tau^{(j-1)}/\widetilde{F}_\tau^{j-1} \cong P_\theta \otimes_{\mathbb{F}} \mathbb{F}[\epsilon].\end{align*} $$
We then have that

Furthermore the projection
${\operatorname {Tan}}_y(P_J) \to {\operatorname {Tan}}_x(T_{J'})$
respects the decomposition and restricts to surjections
${\operatorname {Fil}\,}^j({\operatorname {Tan}}_y(P_J)_\tau ) \to {\operatorname {Fil}\,}^j({\operatorname {Tan}}_x(T_{J'})_\tau )$
inducing an isomorphism

$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j} \in J"$
, in which case we have a decomposition

$V_\theta $
$V^{\prime \prime }_\theta $
) is identified with the set of lines in
$P_\theta \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} \mathbb {F}[\epsilon ]$
$L_\theta $
$L_\theta ^{\prime \prime }$
), so that the map to
${\operatorname {gr}\,}^{j-1}({\operatorname {Tan}}_x(T_{J'})_\tau )$
has kernel
$V^{\prime \prime }_\theta $
and restricts to an isomorphism on
$V_\theta $
Finally, suppose that
$z \in S_J(\mathbb {F})$
corresponds to the data
$(\underline {A},\underline {A}',\psi )$
and identify the tangent space
${\operatorname {Tan}}_z(S_J)$
with the set of lifts
$(\underline {\widetilde {A}},\underline {\widetilde {A}}',\widetilde {\psi })$
corresponding to elements of
$S_J(\mathbb {F}[\epsilon ])$
. We may then decompose

and filter each component so that

is identified with the set of lifts
$(\underline {\widetilde {A}},\underline {\widetilde {A}}', \widetilde {\psi })$
$(\underline {A},\underline {A}',\psi )$
$S_J(\mathbb {F}[\epsilon ])$
such that the canonical isomorphisms identify
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j)}$
$F_\tau ^{(j)} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} \mathbb {F}[\epsilon ]$
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime (j)}$
$F_\tau ^{\prime (j)} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} \mathbb {F}[\epsilon ]$
for all
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i} \in \Sigma _0$
$1 \le j \le j_\tau $
. Note that if
$\tau \not \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}$
, then the isomorphism induced by
$\psi $
renders the conditions for
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j)}$
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime (j)}$
equivalent. Suppose, however, that
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i} \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}$
. If
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j} \in J$
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime (j-1)}$
corresponds to
$F_\tau ^{\prime (j-1)} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} \mathbb {F}[\epsilon ]$
, then the functoriality of the isomorphisms between crystalline and de Rham cohomology implies that
$\widetilde {G}_\tau ^{\prime (j)} = u^{-1}\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime (j)}$
corresponds to
$G_\tau ^{\prime (j)} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} \mathbb {F}[\epsilon ]$
, and consequently that
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j)}$
corresponds to
$F_\tau ^{(j)} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} \mathbb {F}[\epsilon ]$
. It follows that in this case, the
$\mathbb {F}$
-linear map
${\operatorname {gr}\,}^{j-1}({\operatorname {Tan}}_z(S_J) _\tau ) \to {\operatorname {gr}\,}^{j-1}({\operatorname {Tan}}_x(T)_\tau )$
is trivial (where
$x = \widetilde {\pi }_1$
corresponds to
$\underline {A}$
). Similarly, if
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}\not \in J$
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j-1)}$
corresponds to
$F_\tau ^{(j-1)} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} \mathbb {F}[\epsilon ]$
, then we find that
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime (j)}$
corresponds to
$F_\tau ^{\prime (j)} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} \mathbb {F}[\epsilon ]$
, so that the map

is trivial (where
$x' = \widetilde {\pi }_2(z)$
corresponds to
$\underline {A}'$
). The degeneracy maps
$\widetilde {\pi }_1$
$\widetilde {\pi }_2$
therefore induce injective maps from
${\operatorname {gr}\,}^{j-1}({\operatorname {Tan}}_z(S_J)_\tau )$
${\operatorname {gr}\,}^{j-1}({\operatorname {Tan}}_{x'}(T)_\tau ) = {\operatorname {gr}\,}^{j-1}({\operatorname {Tan}}_{x'}(T_{J"})_\tau )$ if
$\theta \in J$ ;
${\operatorname {gr}\,}^{j-1}({\operatorname {Tan}}_{x}(T)_\tau ) = {\operatorname {gr}\,}^{j-1}({\operatorname {Tan}}_{x}(T_{J'})_\tau )$ if
$\theta \in \Sigma _{\mathfrak {P}}$ but
$\theta \not \in J$ ;
• either of the above if
$\theta \not \in \Sigma _{\mathfrak {P}}$ .
${\operatorname {Tan}}_z(S_J)$
has dimension d, it follows that all these maps are isomorphisms.
We now describe the map induced by
$\widetilde {\xi }_J:S_J\to P_J$
on tangent spaces in terms of its effect on filtrations and graded pieces.
Lemma 4.3. Let
$z \in S_J(\mathbb {F})$
be a geometric point of
, and let
$y = \widetilde {\xi }_J(z)$
. Then the
$\mathbb {F}$
-linear homomorphism

respects the decompositions and filtrations. Furthermore, if
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
$\theta = \theta _{\mathfrak {p},i,j}$
, then the following hold:
1. If
$\theta ,\sigma ^{-1}\theta \not \in J$ , then t induces an isomorphism
$$ \begin{align*}{\operatorname{gr}\,}^{j-1}({\operatorname{Tan}}_z(S_J)_\tau) \stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow} {\operatorname{gr}\,}^{j-1}( {\operatorname{Tan}}_y(P_J)_\tau).\end{align*} $$
2. If
$\theta \in J$ , then
$t({\operatorname {Fil}\,}^{j-1}({\operatorname {Tan}}_z(S_J)_\tau )) \subset {\operatorname {Fil}\,}^j( {\operatorname {Tan}}_y(P_J)_\tau )$ .
3. If
$\theta ,\sigma ^{-1}\theta \in J$ and
$j \ge 2$ , then t induces an isomorphism
$$ \begin{align*}{\operatorname{gr}\,}^{j-2}({\operatorname{Tan}}_z(S_J)_\tau) \stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow} {\operatorname{gr}\,}^{j-1}( {\operatorname{Tan}}_y(P_J)_\tau).\end{align*} $$
4. If
$\theta \in J"$ , then t induces an injection
$$ \begin{align*}{\operatorname{gr}\,}^{j-1}({\operatorname{Tan}}_z(S_J)_\tau) \,\hookrightarrow\, {\operatorname{gr}\,}^{j-1}( {\operatorname{Tan}}_y(P_J)_\tau)\end{align*} $$
with image
$V_\theta $ (under the decomposition (4.6)), extending to an isomorphism
$$ \begin{align*}{\operatorname{Fil}\,}^{j-2}({\operatorname{Tan}}_z(S_J)_\tau)/{\operatorname{Fil}\,}^j({\operatorname{Tan}}_z(S_J)_\tau) \stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow} {\operatorname{gr}\,}^{j-1}( {\operatorname{Tan}}_y(P_J)_\tau)\end{align*} $$
$j \ge 2$ .
Proof. Suppose that
$(\underline {\widetilde {A}},\underline {\widetilde {A}}', \widetilde {\psi })$
corresponds to an element
$\widetilde {z} \in {\operatorname {Fil}\,}^{j-1}({\operatorname {Tan}}_z(S_J)_\tau )$
, where
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}$
, and let
$(\underline {\widetilde {A}},(\widetilde {L}_{\theta '})_{\theta '\in J"})$
correspond to its image
$\widetilde {y} \in {\operatorname {Tan}}_y(P_J)$
. We then have that
$\widetilde {F}_{\tau '}^{(j')}$
$\widetilde {F}_{\tau '}^{\prime (j')}$
) corresponds to
$F_{\tau '}^{(j')} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} \mathbb {F}[\epsilon ]$
$F_{\tau '}^{\prime (j')} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} \mathbb {F}[\epsilon ]$
) under the canonical isomorphisms

$\tau ' = \tau $
$j' \le j-1$
, and for all
$\tau ' = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}}',i'} \neq \tau $
$j'\le e_{{\mathfrak {p}}'}$
. It follows also that
$\widetilde {L}^{\prime \prime }_{\theta '}$
corresponds to
$L^{\prime \prime }_{\theta '}\otimes _{\mathbb {F}} \mathbb {F}[\epsilon ]$
for all
$\theta ' = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}}',i',j'} \in J"$
such that
$\tau ' \neq \tau $
, or
$j' \le j$
$\tau ' = \tau $
. This proves that t respects the decompositions and filtrations, and that
$\theta \in J"$
, then the image of
${\operatorname {gr}\,}^{j-1}({\operatorname {Tan}}_z(S_J)_\tau ) \to {\operatorname {gr}\,}^{j-1}( {\operatorname {Tan}}_y(P_J)_\tau )$
is contained in
$V_\theta $
. Furthermore, we have already seen that
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j)}$
corresponds to
$F_\tau ^{(j)}\otimes _{\mathbb {F}} \mathbb {F}[\epsilon ]$
$\theta \in J$
, so that 2) holds.
For the injectivity in 1) and the first part of 4), recall that
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime (j)}$
corresponds to
$F_\tau ^{\prime (j)} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} \mathbb {F}[\epsilon ] $
$\theta \not \in J$
, so if
$\widetilde {y} \in {\operatorname {Fil}\,}^j({\operatorname {Tan}}_y(P_J)_\tau )$
, then
$\widetilde {z} \in {\operatorname {Fil}\,}^j({\operatorname {Tan}}_z(S_J)_\tau )$
. The assertions concerning the image then follow from the fact that each space is one-dimensional.
Again, comparing dimensions, it suffices to prove injectivity in 3) and the second part of 4). Applying the injectivity in the first part of 4), and then shifting indices to maintain the assumption that
$\widetilde {z} \in {\operatorname {Fil}\,}^{j-1}({\operatorname {Tan}}_z(S_J)_\tau )$
, both assertions reduce to the claim that if
$j < e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
$\theta \in J$
$\widetilde {y} \in {\operatorname {Fil}\,}^{j+1}({\operatorname {Tan}}_y(P_J)_\tau )$
, then
$\widetilde {z} \in {\operatorname {Fil}\,}^{j}({\operatorname {Tan}}_z(S_J)_\tau )$
To prove the claim, let
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime \prime (j+1)}$
denote the image of
$\widetilde {G}_\tau ^{\prime (j+1)} = u^{-1}\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime (j)}$
$\widetilde {G}_\tau ^{(j+1)} = u^{-1}\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j)}$
under the morphism induced by
$\widetilde {\psi }$
. Note that if
$\sigma \theta \in J$
, then
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime \prime (j+1)} = \widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j+1)}$
, whereas if
$\sigma \theta \not \in J$
, then
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime \prime (j+1)}/\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{(j)} = \widetilde {L}^{\prime \prime }_{\sigma \theta }$
. Thus, in either case, the hypothesis that
$\widetilde {y} \in {\operatorname {Fil}\,}^{j+1}({\operatorname {Tan}}_y(P_J)_\tau )$
implies that
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime \prime (j+1)}$
corresponds to
$F_\tau ^{\prime \prime (j+1)} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} \mathbb {F}[\epsilon ]$
. Functoriality of the canonical isomorphism between crystalline and de Rham cohomology then implies that their preimages under the maps induced by
$\widetilde {\psi }$
$\psi $
correspond, that is, that
$\widetilde {G}_\tau ^{\prime (j+1)}$
corresponds to
$G_\tau ^{\prime (j+1)}\otimes _{\mathbb {F}} \mathbb {F}[\epsilon ]$
, and hence that
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime (j)}$
corresponds to
$F_\tau ^{\prime (j)} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} \mathbb {F}[\epsilon ] $
, so
$\widetilde {z} \in {\operatorname {Fil}\,}^{j}({\operatorname {Tan}}_z(S_J)_\tau )$
Lemma 4.4. Let
$t_\tau :{\operatorname {Tan}}_z(S_J)_\tau \longrightarrow {\operatorname {Tan}}_y(P_J)_\tau $
denote the
$\tau $
-component of the
$\mathbb {F}$
-linear map t, with notation as in Lemma 4.3. Then

$\widetilde {V}_{\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,1}}$
is the preimage of
${V}_{\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,1}} \subset {\operatorname {gr}\,}^0({\operatorname {Tan}}_y(P_J)_\tau )$
under t he projection from
${\operatorname {Tan}}_y(P_J)_\tau $
In particular
$\ker (t)$
has dimension
$\#\{\,({\mathfrak {p}},i)\,|\,\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,e_{\mathfrak {p}}}\in J\,\}$
Proof. It is immediate from part 2) of Lemma 4.3 that if
$\widetilde {z} \in {\operatorname {Fil}\,}^{e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1}({\operatorname {Tan}}_z(S_J)_\tau )$
, then
$t(\widetilde {z}) = 0$
Suppose, however, that
$\widetilde {z} \in \ker (t_\tau )$
. We prove by induction on j that
$\widetilde {z} \in {\operatorname {Fil}\,}^{j}({\operatorname {Tan}}_z(S_J)_\tau )$
$j = 1,\ldots ,e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1$
, as well as
$j=e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,e_{\mathfrak {p}}} \not \in J$
. Indeed, if
$\widetilde {z} \in {\operatorname {Fil}\,}^{j-1}({\operatorname {Tan}}_z(S_J)_\tau )$
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j} \not \in J$
, then since
$t(\widetilde {z}) \in {\operatorname {Fil}\,}^j({\operatorname {Tan}}_y(P_J)_\tau )$
, parts 1) and 4) of Lemma 4.3 imply that
$\widetilde {z} \in {\operatorname {Fil}\,}^j({\operatorname {Tan}}_z(S_J)_\tau )$
. However, if
$\widetilde {z} \in {\operatorname {Fil}\,}^{j-1}({\operatorname {Tan}}_z(S_J)_\tau )$
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j} \in J$
$j < e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
, then since
$t(\widetilde {z}) \in {\operatorname {Fil}\,}^{j+1}({\operatorname {Tan}}_y(P_J)_\tau )$
, parts 3) and 4) of Lemma 4.3 imply that
$\widetilde {z} \in {\operatorname {Fil}\,}^j({\operatorname {Tan}}_z(S_J)_\tau )$
This completes the proof of the description of the kernel of
$t_\tau $
, which immediately implies the formula for the dimension of
$\ker (t)$
The fact that the image of
$t_\tau $
is contained in the described space is also immediate from Lemma 4.3. (Note that the first two cases in the description are not exclusive, but are consistent since
${\operatorname {gr}\,}^1({\operatorname {Tan}}_y(P_J)_\tau ) = 0$
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,1} \in J'$
.) Equality then follows on noting that their direct sum over all
$\tau $
has dimension equal to the rank of t.
Now let Z denote the fibre at x of
$\pi _J: S_J \to T_{J'}$
, defined as the restriction of
$\widetilde {\pi }_{1,k}$
, and consider the tangent space
${\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z)$
, which may be identified with the kernel of the
$\mathbb {F}$
-linear map
${\operatorname {Tan}}_z(S_J) \to {\operatorname {Tan}}_x(T_{J'})$
. We denote the map by s and write it as the composite

where the second map is the natural projection. Since each map respects the decomposition over
$\tau \in \Sigma _0$
, we may similarly decompose
${\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z) = \bigoplus _{\tau } {\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z)_\tau $
${\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z)_\tau $
is the kernel of the composite

We may furthermore consider the filtration on
${\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z)_\tau $
induced by the one on
${\operatorname {Tan}}_z(S_J)_\tau $
, so that if z corresponds to
$(\underline {A},\underline {A}',\psi )$
, then
$\bigoplus _{\tau }{\operatorname {Fil}\,}^{j_\tau }({\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z)_\tau )$
is identified with the set of its lifts
$(\underline {\widetilde {A}},\underline {\widetilde {A}}', \widetilde {\psi })$
$S_J(\mathbb {F}[\epsilon ])$
such that
$\underline {\widetilde {A}} = \underline {A}\otimes _{\mathbb {F}} \mathbb {F}[\epsilon ]$
$\widetilde {F}_\tau ^{\prime (j)}$
corresponds to
$F_\tau ^{(j)}\otimes _{\mathbb {F}}\mathbb {F}[\epsilon ]$
for all
$\tau \in \Sigma _0$
$j \le j_\tau $
. (Note that this condition is automatic for
$\tau \not \in \Sigma _{\mathfrak {P}}$
, in which case
${\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z)_\tau = 0$
Lemma 4.5. The
$\mathbb {F}$
-vector space
${\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z)$
has dimension
$|J'| + \delta = |J"| + \delta $
, where

More precisely, if
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}$
, then

Proof. It follows from the description of the image of
$t_\tau $
in Lemma 4.4 that if
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
, then
$s_\tau $
is surjective unless
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i-1,e_{\mathfrak {p}}}, \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,1} \in J$
, in which case the image of
$s_\tau $
${\operatorname {Fil}\,}^1({\operatorname {Tan}}_x(T_{J'})_\tau )$
, which has codimension one in
${\operatorname {Tan}}_x(T_{J'})_\tau $
. Therefore, the image of s has codimension
$\delta $
${\operatorname {Tan}}_x(T_{J'})$
, and the kernel of s has dimension

$\dim _{\mathbb {F}} {\operatorname {gr}\,}^{j-1}({\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z)_\tau ) \le \dim _{\mathbb {F}} {\operatorname {gr}\,}^{j-1}({\operatorname {Tan}}_z(S_J)_\tau ) = 1$
for all
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
$j = 1,\ldots ,e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
, and
$\delta $
is the total number of
$\tau $
and j such that if
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j} \in J$
and either
$\sigma \theta \not \in J$
$j = e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
, it suffices to prove that
${\operatorname {gr}\,}^{j-1}({\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z)_\tau ) = 0$
if either
$\theta \not \in J$
, or
$j < e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}, \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j+1} \in J$
. This is immediate from parts 1), 3) and 4) of Lemma 4.3, which show that the following maps induced by
$s_\tau $
are isomorphisms:
${\operatorname {gr}\,}^{j-1}({\operatorname {Tan}}_z(S_J)_\tau ) \longrightarrow {\operatorname {gr}\,}^{j-1}({\operatorname {Tan}}_y(P_J)_\tau ) \stackrel {\sim }{\longrightarrow } {\operatorname {gr}\,}^{j-1}({\operatorname {Tan}}_x(T_{J'})_\tau )$ in the case
$\sigma ^{-1}\theta ,\theta \not \in J$ ;
${\operatorname {gr}\,}^{j-1}({\operatorname {Tan}}_z(S_J)_\tau ) \longrightarrow {\operatorname {gr}\,}^{j}({\operatorname {Tan}}_y(P_J)_\tau ) \stackrel {\sim }{\longrightarrow } {\operatorname {gr}\,}^{j}({\operatorname {Tan}}_x(T_{J'})_\tau )$ in the case
$\theta ,\sigma \theta \in J$ ,
$j < e_{\mathfrak {p}}$ ;
${\operatorname {gr}\,}^{j-1}({\operatorname {Tan}}_z(S_J)_\tau ) \longrightarrow V_\theta \stackrel {\sim }{\longrightarrow } {\operatorname {gr}\,}^{j-1}({\operatorname {Tan}}_x(T_{J'})_\tau )$ in the case
$\theta \in J"$ .
4.4 Unobstructed deformations
We maintain the notation of the preceding section, so that in particular, J is a subset of
$\Sigma _{\mathfrak {P}}$
and Z is the fibre of
$\pi _J: S_J \to T_{J'}$
at a geometric point
$x \in T_{J'}(\mathbb {F})$
, where
$J' = \{\,\theta \in J\,|\, \sigma ^{-1}\theta \not \in J\,\}$
. Following on from the description of the tangent space in Lemma 4.5, we continue the study of the local structure of Z at each closed point z in order to prove a generalization of [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23, Lemma 7.1.6], showing in particular that the reduced subscheme is smooth. We remark, however, that if
${\mathfrak {P}}$
is divisible by a prime
${\mathfrak {p}}$
ramified in F, then the fibres over
$\widetilde {\xi }_J$
need not be totally inseparable, so the desired conclusions do not immediately follow as in [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23] from the commutative algebra results of [Reference Kimura and NiitsumaKN82] and the description of the morphisms on tangent spaces. We therefore resort to a more detailed analysis of the deformation theory.
$m \ge 0$
and let
$R = \mathbb {F}[[X_1,\ldots ,X_m]]$
$R_n = R/{\mathfrak {m}}^{n+1}$
$n \ge 0$
, where
${\mathfrak {m}} = {\mathfrak {m}}_{R} = (X_1,\ldots ,X_m)$
. Similarly, let
$\widetilde {R} = W_2[[X_1,\ldots ,X_m]]$
$\widetilde {R}_{n} = \widetilde {R}/I^{n+1}$
$W_2 = W_2(\mathbb {F})$
$I = (X_1,\ldots ,X_m)$
, so that
$\widetilde {R}_{n}$
is flat over
$\widetilde {R}_{n}/p\widetilde {R}_{n} = R_{n}$
. We let
$\widetilde {\phi } = \widetilde {\phi }_{n}: \widetilde {R}_{n} \to \widetilde {R}_{n}$
denote the lift of the absolute Frobenius
$\phi = \phi _{n}$
defined by
$\widetilde {\phi }(X_j) = X_j^p$
$j=1,\ldots ,m$
. We view
$\widetilde {R}_{n+1}$
(as well as
$\widetilde {R}_n$
) as a divided power thickening of
with divided powers defined by

$f \in \widetilde {R}_{n+1}$
$g \in I^{n+1}$
$i\ge 1$
We now denote the data corresponding to
$x \in T_{J'}(\mathbb {F})$
$\underline {A}_0$
, take
$(\underline {A}_n,\underline {A}_n^{\prime },\psi _n)$
corresponding to an element
$z_n \in Z(R_{n})$
, so that
$\underline {A}_n = \underline {A}_0 \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} R_n$
, and let
$F_n^{\bullet } = F_{0}^{\bullet } \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} R_n$
$F_{n}^{\prime \bullet }$
denote the associated Pappas–Rapoport filtrations. Suppose that
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
is such that
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,e_{\mathfrak {p}}} \in J$
, and consider the morphisms

of free rank two
$\widetilde {R}_n[u]/(E_\tau )$
-modules, where
$A_n^{(p^{-1})} : = A_0^{(p^{-1})}\otimes _{\mathbb {F}} R_n$
$\widetilde {V}_{\tau ,n}$
is induced by
$\operatorname {Ver}:A_0^{(p^{-1})} \to A_0$
. Note that
$H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_n/\widetilde {R}_n)_\tau = H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_0/W_2)_\tau \otimes _{W_2} \widetilde {R}_n$
$H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_n^{(p^{-1})}/\widetilde {R}_n)_\tau = H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_0^{(p^{-1})}/W_2)_\tau \otimes _{W_2} \widetilde {R}_n = H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_0/W_2)^{\phi ^{-1}}_{\phi \circ \tau } \otimes _{W_2} \widetilde {R}_n$
, identifying
$\widetilde {V}_{\tau ,n}$
$\widetilde {V}_{\tau ,0} \otimes _{W_2} \widetilde {R}_n$
. Note in particular that
$\widetilde {V}_{\tau ,n}$
has kernel and cokernel annihilated by p, and its image is
$\widetilde {F}_{\tau ,0}^{(e_{\mathfrak {p}})} \otimes _{W_2} \widetilde {R}_n$
, where
$\widetilde {F}_{\tau ,0}^{(e_{\mathfrak {p}})}$
is the preimage in
$H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_0/W_2)_\tau $
$F_{\tau ,0}^{(e_{\mathfrak {p}})} = H^0(A_0,\Omega ^1_{A_0/\mathbb {F}})$
under the canonical projection to
$H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_0/\mathbb {F})_\tau \cong H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A_0/\mathbb {F})_\tau $
. However, the kernel and cokernel of
$\widetilde {\psi }_{\tau ,n}^{*}$
are annihilated by u, and the assumption that
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,e_{\mathfrak {p}}} \in J$
implies that
$\psi _n$
induces a surjection

It follows that
$\widetilde {\psi }_{\tau ,n}^{*}$
induces a surjection

$\widetilde {G}_{\tau ,n}^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}$
is the preimage in
$H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A^{\prime }_n/\widetilde {R}_n)_\tau $
$G_{\tau ,n}^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}$
under the canonical projection to
$H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A^{\prime }_n/R_n)_\tau \cong H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A^{\prime }_n/R_n)_\tau $
. We therefore obtain from (4.7) a commutative diagram of
$\widetilde {R}_n[u]/(E_\tau )$
-linear isomorphisms

Furthermore, since
$\ker (\widetilde {\psi }_{\tau ,n}^{*}) \subset p H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A^{\prime }_n/R_n)_\tau \subset u \widetilde {G}_{\tau ,n}^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}$
, we in turn obtain
-linear isomorphisms

Finally, noting that the projection
$\widetilde {G}_{\tau ,n}^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})} \to G_{\tau ,n}^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}$
$ \widetilde {G}_{\tau ,n}^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}/ u \widetilde {G}_{\tau ,n}^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}$
$P^{\prime }_{\theta ,n} := {G}_{\tau ,n}^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}/ F_{\tau ,n}^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}} - 1)}$
, and that
$u^{e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1}$

$P_{\sigma \theta ,0} = G_{\phi \circ \tau ,0}^{(1)}$
), we obtain from (4.7) an isomorphism

of free rank two
We say that
is unobstructed if
$\varepsilon _\tau (z_n)$
$L^{\prime }_{\theta ,n}$
$L_{\sigma \theta ,0}^{(p^{-1})} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} R_n$
for all
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
such that
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,e_{\mathfrak {p}}}$
$\sigma \theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i+1,1}$
are both in J, where as usual
$L^{\prime }_{\theta ,n} = F_{\tau ,n}^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}/F_{\tau ,n}^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1)}$
$L_{\sigma \theta ,0} = F_{\phi \circ \tau ,0}^{(1)}$
. Note that the condition on
$\varepsilon _\tau (z_n)$
is equivalent to the vanishing of the induced homomorphism

of free rank one
-modules. We let
$Z(R_n)^{\operatorname {uno}\,}$
denote the set of unobstructed elements in
Note firstly that every element
$z = z_0$
$Z(\mathbb {F})$
is unobstructed. Indeed, the condition that
$\sigma \theta \in J$
implies that the image of

$u^{1-e_{\mathfrak {p}}} \widetilde {F}_{\phi \circ \tau ,0}^{(1)}$
, so the claim follows from the commutativity of the diagram

Furthermore, the construction of
$\varepsilon _\tau (z_n)$
is functorial in
for varying m and n, in the sense that if

is an
$\mathbb {F}$
-algebra morphism admitting a lift
$\widetilde {\alpha }:\widetilde {R}_n \to \widetilde {R}^{\prime }_{n'}$
, then
$\varepsilon _\tau (\alpha ^{*}z_n) = \alpha ^{*}\varepsilon _\tau (z_n)$
, so that
$\alpha ^{*}$
$Z(R_n)^{\operatorname {uno}\,}$
$Z(R^{\prime }_{n'})^{\operatorname {uno}\,}$
In particular, if
$z_1 \in {\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z)$
(viewed as an element of
, with
$R_1 = \mathbb {F}[X]/(X^2)$
), then
$\varepsilon _\tau (z_1) - \varepsilon _\tau (z) \otimes 1$
induces an
$\mathbb {F}$
-linear map

Writing this map as
$\partial _\tau (z_1) \otimes X$
for a unique
$\partial _\tau (z_1) \in {\operatorname {Hom}\,}_{\mathbb {F}} (L_{\theta ,0}', (P_{\sigma \theta ,0}/L_{\sigma \theta ,0})^{(p^{-1})} )$
, the condition on
$\varepsilon _\tau (z_1)$
in the definition of unobstructedness is then equivalent to the vanishing of
$\partial _\tau (z_1)$
More generally, if
and m is arbitrary, then to give an element
$z_1 \in Z(R_1)$
$z = z_0 \in Z(\mathbb {F})$
is equivalent to giving an m-tuple of tangent vectors
$(z^{(1)}_1,\ldots ,z_1^{(m)})$
${\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z)$
, or more functorially an element of
${\operatorname {Hom}\,}_{\mathbb {F}}(\mathbb {F}^m,{\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z))$
, the induced morphism
${\mathcal {O}}_{Z,z}^{\wedge } \to {\mathcal {O}}_{Z,z}/{\mathfrak {m}}_z^2 \to R_1$
being surjective if and only if the m-tuple is linearly independent. Furthermore, any
$\mathbb {F}$
-algebra morphism
$\alpha :R_1 \to R_1^{\prime }$
(for arbitrary
) admits a lift
$\widetilde {\alpha }:\widetilde {R}_1 \to \widetilde {R}^{\prime }_1$
, so the function

$\mathbb {F}$
-linear. (Let
$z_1 \in Z(R_1)$
correspond to a basis
$(z^{(1)}_1,\ldots ,z_1^{(m)})$
${\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z)$
, and realize an arbitrary tangent vector
$\sum a_i z_1^{(i)}$
as the image of
$X_i \mapsto a_i X$
.) The set of unobstructed elements in
${\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z)$
is thus the kernel of the resulting
$\mathbb {F}$
-linear map

$\Delta = \{\,\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}\,|\, \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,e_{\mathfrak {p}}},\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i+1,1} \in J\,\}$
, and is therefore a vector space of dimension at least
by Lemma 4.5. The functoriality of
$\varepsilon _\tau $
also implies that an element
$z_1 \in Z(R_1)$
corresponding to an m-tuple
$(z_1^{(1)},\ldots ,z_1^{(m)})$
is unobstructed if and only if each of the
is, so it follows that there is a surjective
$\mathbb {F}$
-algebra homomorphism

corresponding to an element
$z_1 \in Z(R_1)^{\operatorname {uno}\,}$
We shall in fact need the following more precise description of the set of unobstructed tangent vectors.
Lemma 4.6. If
$z \in Z(\mathbb {F})$
, then
${\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z)^{\operatorname {uno}\,} = \oplus _{\tau } {\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z)^{\operatorname {uno}\,}_\tau $
, where
${\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z)^{\operatorname {uno}\,}$
${\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z)_\tau ^{\operatorname {uno}\,}$
) is the set of unobstructed elements of
${\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z)$
${\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z)_\tau $
). Furthermore, for each
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}$
, we have

with respect to the filtration induced by the one on
${\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z)_\tau $
, so
$\dim _{\mathbb {F}}({\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z)^{{\operatorname {uno}\,}}) = |J'| = |J"|$
Proof. The assertion concerning the decomposition follows from the vanishing of the restriction of
$\partial _\tau $
$ {\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z)_{\tau '}$
$\tau \in \Delta $
$\tau ' \neq \tau $
, where
$\partial _\tau $
is defined in (4.8). The assertion concerning the filtration then follows from Lemma 4.5 and the injectivity of
$\partial _\tau $
$ {\operatorname {Fil}\,}^{e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1}({\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z)_{\tau })$
. The desired vanishing and injectivity are both consequences of the claim that if
$\tau \in \Delta $
$R_1 = \mathbb {F}[X]/(X^2)$
$z_1 \in Z(R_1)$
is a lift of z such that
$F_{\tau ,1}^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1)}$
corresponds to
$F_{\tau ,0}^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1)} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} R_1$
under the canonical isomorphism
$H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A_1^{\prime }/R_1)_\tau \cong H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_0^{\prime }/R_1)_\tau \cong H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A_0^{\prime }/\mathbb {F}) \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} R_1$
, then
$F_{\tau ,1}^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}$
corresponds to
$F_{\tau ,0}^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} R_1$
if and only if
$\partial _\tau (z_1) = 0$
$L^{\prime }_{\theta ,1}$
corresponds to
$L_{\sigma \theta ,0}^{(p^{-1})}\otimes _{\mathbb {F}} R_1$
$\varepsilon _\tau (z_1)$
). Indeed, if
$z_1 \in {\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z)_{\tau '}$
for some
$\tau ' \neq \tau $
, then
$F_{\tau ,1}^{\prime (j)}$
corresponds to
$F_{\tau ,0}^{\prime (j)} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} R_1$
$j=0,\ldots ,e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
, and if
$z_1 \in {\operatorname {Fil}\,}^{e_{\mathfrak {p}} -1}{\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z)_{\tau }$
, then
$F_{\tau ,1}^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1)}$
corresponds to
$F_{\tau ,0}^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1)} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} R_1$
, and
is trivial if and only if
$F_{\tau ,1}^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}$
corresponds to
$F_{\tau ,0}^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} R_1$
The claim follows from the commutativity of the diagram:

(where the top arrow is the canonical isomorphism), which in turn follows from that of

where the top arrow is induced by the morphisms
$(\mathbb {F},W_2) \to (\mathbb {F},\widetilde {R}_1) \leftarrow (R_1,\widetilde {R}_1)$
of divided power thickenings. This in turn is implied by the commutativity of

which in turn results from
$\widetilde {\psi }_{\tau ,0}^{*}$
$\widetilde {\psi }_{\tau ,1}^{*}$
being evaluations of the morphism of crystals over
induced by
$\psi _1$
Suppose now that m is fixed (for example, as
) and consider the thickening
$R_{n+1} \to R_n$
(with trivial divided powers), and consider the natural map
$Z(R_{n+1})^{\operatorname {uno}\,} \to Z(R_n)^{\operatorname {uno}\,}$
. We will prove (Lemma 4.7 below) that this map is surjective, explaining why we call such deformations unobstructed. Before doing so, however, we illustrate the construction of the desired liftings with some examples.
Suppose first that
$[F:{\mathbb {Q}}] =2$
. If p splits in F, then
$J' = J" = \emptyset $
$\Delta = J$
. Therefore, Lemma 4.6 implies that all unobstructed deformations are trivial (i.e.,
$Z(R_n)^{\operatorname {uno}\,} = Z({\mathbb {F}})$
), so there is nothing to prove. The same holds if p is inert in F, and either
$J = \Sigma $
$\emptyset $
. More explicitly, it is well-known that in the preceding cases, Z is isomorphic to
$({\operatorname {Spec}\,}(\mathbb {F}[X]/(X^p)))^\delta $
(see, for example, [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23, (43)]), so
$Z(R_n)^{\operatorname {uno}\,}$
consists of a single element.
Suppose, however, that p is inert in F and
$J = \{\tau _0\}$
, where
${\mathfrak {P}} = p{\mathcal {O}}_F$
$\Sigma = \{\,\tau _0,\tau _1\,\}$
, so
$J' = \{\tau _0\}$
$J' = \{\tau _1\}$
$\Delta = \emptyset $
. In particular, the condition in the definition of unobstructed is vacuous, so
$Z(R_n)^{\operatorname {uno}\,} = Z(R_n)$
for all
$n \ge 1$
. Therefore, the surjectivity of
$Z(R_{n+1})^{{\operatorname {uno}\,}} \to Z(R_n)^{{\operatorname {uno}\,}}$
in this case amounts to the smoothness of Z, which follows for example from [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23, Lemma] (or alternatively, from Lemmas 4.2 and 4.5 above). To illustrate the proof of Lemma 4.7 more explicitly in this case, suppose that
$z_n \in Z(R_n)$
and let
$(\underline {A}_n,\underline {A}^{\prime }_n,\psi _n)$
be the corresponding tuple. So in particular,
$\underline {A}_n = \underline {A}_0 \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} R_n$
$\psi _n:A_n \to A^{\prime }_n$
is an isogeny such that the morphisms

induced by
$\psi _n$
are trivial, where

, and similarly,
$L^{\prime }_{i,n} = H^0(A_n^{\prime },\Omega ^1_{A_n^{\prime }/R_n})$
$L_{i,n} = H^0(A_0,\Omega ^1_{A_0/{\mathbb {F}}})\otimes _{{\mathbb {F}}} R_n$
. By the Grothendieck–Messing Theorem, lifts of
$\underline {A}^{\prime }_n$
correspond to lifts of the

to free rank one
$L^{\prime }_{i,n+1}$
$P^{\prime }_{i,n+1}:= H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_n^{\prime }/R_{n+1})_{\tau _i}$
. Furthermore,
$\psi _n$
lifts to an isogeny
$\psi _{n+1}:A_{n+1} = A_0\otimes R_{n+1} \to A^{\prime }_{n+1}$
(necessarily unique and compatible with the auxiliary data) if and only if the morphisms

induced by
$\psi _n$
$L^{\prime }_{i,n+1}$
$L_{i,n+1} = L_{i,0}\otimes _{{\mathbb {F}}} R_{n+1}$
. Moreover, the resulting point of
$Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}(R_{n+1})$
lies in
, and hence in
, if and only if

Choosing an arbitrary lift
$L^{\prime }_{0,n+1}$
$L^{\prime }_{0,n}$
and setting
$L^{\prime }_{1,n+1} = \ker (\psi _{1,n+1}^{*})$
ensures these conditions are satisfied (see the first part of the proof of Lemma 4.7 for the former). Note that these imply that
$\psi _{i,n+1}^{*}(L^{\prime }_{i,n+1}) \subset L_{i,n+1}$
, and hence supply the desired lift of
to an element
$z_{n+1} \in Z(R_{n+1})$
Continue to assume that
$[F:{\mathbb {Q}}] = 2$
, but suppose now that p is ramified in F. Let
${\mathfrak {P}}$
be the unique prime over p, and write
$\Sigma _0=\{\tau \}$
$\Sigma = \{\theta _1,\theta _2\}$
. If
$J = \Sigma $
$\emptyset $
, then we again have
$J' = J" = \emptyset $
$\Delta = \Sigma _0$
$\emptyset $
, according to whether
$J = \Sigma $
$\emptyset $
). Again, it follows from Lemma 4.5 that all unobstructed lifts are trivial, so there is nothing to prove.
However, if
$J = \{\theta _1\}$
$\{\theta _2\}$
, then
$\Delta = \emptyset $
, so again all lifts are unobstructed and the desired surjectivity amounts to the smoothness of Z, which can again be deduced from Lemmas 4.2 and 4.5. To see the surjectivity more explicitly, we can proceed to construct a lift of
$z_n \in Z(R_n)$
as in the inert case, the task at hand now being to lift the Pappas–Rapoport filtration:

to one in
$H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_n^{\prime }/R_{n+1})$
with the desired properties. In particular, if
$J = \{\theta _1\}$
, then we require both
$G^{\prime (1)}_{n+1} = u H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_n^{\prime }/R_{n+1})$
$F^{\prime (2)}_{n+1}$
be sent to
$F_0^{(1)} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} R_{n+1}$
under the induced map

Note that in this case,
$J" = \{\theta _2\}$
, so
$F^{\prime (2)}_n = u H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A_n^{\prime }/R_n)$
; furthermore, the first part of the proof of Lemma 4.7 shows that the image of
$\psi _{n+1}^{*}$
$u^{-1}F_0^{(1)} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} R_{n+1}$
. So we obtain a lift with the desired properties by setting
$F^{\prime (2)}_{n+1} = u H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A_n^{\prime }/R_{n+1})$
, within which we choose an arbitrary lift
$F^{\prime (1)}_{n+1}$
$F^{\prime (1)}_n$
. However, if
$J = \{\theta _2\}$
, then we require
$\psi _{n+1}^{*}$
to send
$F^{\prime (1)}_{n+1}$
$G^{\prime (2)}_{n+1} = u^{-1} F^{\prime (1)}_{n+1}$
$F^{(2)}_0\otimes _{{\mathbb {F}}} R_{n+1}$
. Note that in this case,
$J' = \{\theta _2\}$
, so
$F^{(2)}_0 = u H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A_0/{\mathbb {F}})$
, and we obtain a lift with the desired properties by setting
$F^{\prime (1)}_{n+1} = \ker (\psi _{n+1}^{*})$
and defining
$F^{\prime (2)}_{n+1}$
by arbitrarily lifting
$L_n^{\prime } := F^{\prime (2)}_n/F^{\prime (1)}_n \subset P^{\prime }_n = G^{\prime (2)}_n/F^{\prime (1)}_n$
to a line
$P^{\prime }_{n+1} = G^{\prime (2)}_{n+1}/F^{\prime (1)}_{n+1}$
, where
$G^{\prime (2)}_\ell = u^{-1}F^{\prime (1)}_\ell $
$\ell = n,n+1$
The notion of unobstructedness can only play a more serious role if
$[F:{\mathbb {Q}}] \ge 3$
. Suppose, for example, that
$[F:{\mathbb {Q}}] = 4$
$S_p = \{{\mathfrak {p}}\}$
$e_{\mathfrak {p}} = f_{\mathfrak {p}} = 2$
. Write
$\Sigma _0 = \{\,\tau _0,\tau _1\}$
$\Sigma = \{\,\theta _{0,1},\theta _{0,2},\theta _{1,1},\theta _{1,2}\}$
, and consider the case
$J = \{\theta _{0,1}, \theta _{1,1}, \theta _{1,2}\}$
, so that

$(\underline {A}_n,\underline {A}_n^{\prime },\psi _n)$
correspond to an element
$z_n \in Z(R_n)^{\operatorname {uno}\,}$
, and consider the associated Pappas–Rapoport filtrations

. The task now is to lift these to filtrations in
$H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_n^{\prime }/R_{n+1})_{\tau _i}$
with the desired properties relative to the
-linear maps

More precisely, lifting
is equivalent (by the Grothendieck–Messing Theorem) to defining chains of free

$H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_n^{\prime }/R_{n+1})_{\tau _i}$
such that
$F_{i,n+1}^{\prime (j)} \otimes _{R_{n+1}} R_n = F_{i,n}^{\prime (j)}$ for
$i = 0,1$ ,
$j=1,2$ ;
$u F_{i,n+1}^{\prime (1)} = 0$ and
$u F_{i,n+1}^{\prime (2)} \subset F_{i,n+1}^{\prime (1)}$ for
$i=0,1$ ;
$\psi _{n+1}^{*}(G_{i,n+1}^{\prime (j)}) \subset F_{i,0}^{(j)} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} R_{n+1}$ if
$\theta _{i,j} \in J$ , where
$G_{i,n+1}^{\prime (j)}: = u^{-1} F_{i,n+1}^{\prime (j-1)}$ ;
$\psi _{n+1}^{*}(F_{0,n+1}^{\prime (2)}) \subset F_{0,0}^{(1)} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} R_{n+1}$ ;
and we must furthermore ensure that the resulting lift
$z_{n+1} \in Z(R_{n+1})$
is unobstructed.
Note that since
$G^{\prime (1)}_{i,n+1} = uH^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_n^{\prime }/R_{n+1})$
, the cases with
$j =1$
in the third bullet amount to requiring the image of
$\psi _{i,n+1}^{*}$
to be
$u^{-1}F_{i,0}^{(1)}\otimes _{{\mathbb {F}}} R_{n+1}$
. This is again a special case of the assertion established in the first part of the proof of Lemma 4.7; we remark that for
$\sigma ^{-1}\theta ,\theta \in J$
$\phi ^{-1}\circ \tau \in \Delta $
, where
$\theta = \theta _{0,1}$
$\tau = \tau _0$
), the argument makes crucial use of the assumption that
is unobstructed. Furthermore, since
$\theta _{0,2} \in J"$
, we have
$F^{\prime (2)}_{0,n} = uH^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A^{\prime }_n/R_n)_{\tau _0}$
. It follows that all the conditions with
are satisfied if we set
$F^{\prime (2)}_{0,n+1} = uH^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A^{\prime }_n/R_{n+1})_{\tau _0}$
and choose within it an arbitrary lift
$F^{\prime (1)}_{0,n+1}$
$F^{\prime (1)}_{0,n}$
The third bullet for
$j =2$
translates into the requirement that

which forces equality since each is free of rank
. Note also that

so we obtain the desired lift of
$F_{1,n}^{\prime (1)}$
by setting
$F^{\prime (1)}_{1,n+1} = u(\psi _{1,n+1}^{*})^{-1}(F^{(2)}_{1,0}\otimes _{\mathbb {F}} R_{n+1})$
. Finally, we could choose
$F^{\prime (2)}_{1,n+1}$
so that
$F^{\prime (2)}_{1,n+1}/F^{\prime (1)}_{1,n+1}$
is an arbitrary lift of the line
$F^{\prime (2)}_{1,n}/F^{\prime (1)}_{1,n} \subset G^{\prime (2)}_{1,n}/F^{\prime (1)}_{1,n}$
to one in
$G^{\prime (2)}_{1,n+1}/F^{\prime (1)}_{1,n+1}$
, thus defining a lift of
to an [element
$z_{n+1} \in Z(R_{n+1})$
. However, the requirement that it be unobstructed determines a unique such line, specifically via the isomorphism (4.11) constructed in the proof of Lemma 4.7.
We now return to the general setting.
Lemma 4.7. For all
$n \ge 0$
, the map
$Z(R_{n+1})^{\operatorname {uno}\,} \to Z(R_n)^{\operatorname {uno}\,}$
is surjective.
Proof. Let
$(\underline {A}_n,\underline {A}^{\prime }_n,\psi _n)$
correspond to an element
$z_n \in Z(R_n)^{\operatorname {uno}\,}$
. For
$\ell = n,n+1$
, we let

denote the morphism induced by
$\psi $
, so that
$\psi _{\tau ,n+1}^{*} \otimes _{R_{n+1}} R_n$
is identified with

under the canonical isomorphisms

$B = A_n,A^{\prime }_n$
. Similarly, let
$\widetilde {\psi }_{\tau ,\ell }^{*}$
denote the morphism

$\ell = n,n+1$
, so that
$\widetilde {\psi }_{\tau ,n+1} \otimes _{W_2} \mathbb {F} = \psi _{\tau ,n+1}^{*}$
$\widetilde {\psi }_{\tau ,n+1}^{*} \otimes _{\widetilde {R}_{n+1}} \widetilde {R}_n = \widetilde {\psi }_{\tau ,n}^{*}$
Recall that to give an element of
$Z(R_{n+1})^{\operatorname {uno}\,}$
amounts to defining suitable chains of
$R_{n+1}[u]/(u^{e_{\mathfrak {p}}})$

lifting the Pappas–Rapoport filtrations on
$F^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}_{\tau ,n}$
for all
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i} \in \Sigma _0$
. Before carrying this out, we prove that if
$\tau $
is such that
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,1} \in J$
, then the image of
$\psi _{\tau ,n+1}^{*}$
$u^{1-e_{\mathfrak {p}}}F_{\tau ,0}^{(1)} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} R_{n+1}$
Suppose first that
$\sigma ^{-1}\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i-1,e_{\mathfrak {p}}} \not \in J$
, so that
$\theta \in J'$
$(F_{\phi ^{-1}\circ \tau ,0}^{(e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1)})^{(p)}$
has preimage
$u^{1-e_{\mathfrak {p}}}F_{\tau ,0}^{(1)}$
under the morphism

induced by
$\operatorname {Ver}: A_0^{(p)} \to A_0$
. Consider the commutative diagram

where the first horizontal maps are induced by the Verschiebung morphisms, the horizontal isomorphisms by base-change relative to absolute Frobenius morphisms (and crystalline-de Rham isomorphisms), top vertical maps by
$\psi _n$
$\psi _n^{(p)}$
) and vertical isomorphisms by base-change (and crystalline-de Rham isomorphisms again). The image across the top of the diagram is
$F^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}_{\phi ^{-1}\circ \tau ,n} \otimes _{R_n,\phi } R_{n+1}$
, and since
$z_n \in S_J(R_n)$
$\sigma ^{-1}\theta \not \in J$
, this maps to
$F^{(e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1)}_{\phi ^{-1}\circ \tau ,0} \otimes _{\mathbb {F},\phi } R_{n+1}$
along the right side of the diagram. Therefore, the image along the left side of the diagram must be contained in the preimage of this, which is
$u^{1-e_{\mathfrak {p}}}F_{\tau ,0}^{(1)} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} R_{n+1}$
, and equality follows on comparing ranks.
Suppose, however, that
$\sigma ^{-1}\theta \in J$
, so that
$\phi ^{-1}\circ \tau \in \Delta $
. In this case, we consider the commutative diagram:

where the downwards arrows are induced by
$\psi _n$
(and its base-changes), the northeastward arrows by Verschiebung morphisms, all the isomorphisms are crystalline transition (and base-change) maps, and
$\widetilde {\phi }$
denotes both the restriction of the map
$\widetilde {\phi }_{n+1}: \widetilde {R}_{n+1} \to \widetilde {R}_{n+1}$
and its factorization through
$\widetilde {R}_n \to \widetilde {R}_{n+1}$
We have that the image of
$H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_n^{\prime }/\widetilde {R}_{n+1})_\tau $
$H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_n^{\prime (p)}/\widetilde {R}_{n+1})$
under the morphism induced by
$\operatorname {Ver}:A_n^{\prime (p)} \to A_n^{\prime }$
corresponds to

(this being an inclusion since
$\widetilde {R}_{n+1}$
is flat over
$H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_n^{\prime }/\widetilde {R}_n)_{\phi ^{-1}\circ \tau }/\widetilde {F}^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}_{\phi ^{-1}\circ \tau ,n}$
is free over
$\widetilde {R}_n/p\widetilde {R}_n = R_n$
). Since
is unobstructed, this submodule has the same the image along the right-hand side of the diagram as that of

under the morphism induced by
$\operatorname {Ver}:A_0 \to A_0^{(p^{-1})}$
. It follows that the image of
$H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_n^{\prime }/\widetilde {R}_{n+1})_\tau $
along the sides of the top left parallelogram is the same as that of
$u^{1-e_{\mathfrak {p}}}\widetilde {F}^{(1)}_{\tau ,0} \otimes _{W_2} \widetilde {R}_{n+1} \cong u^{1-e_{\mathfrak {p}}}\widetilde {F}^{(1)}_{\tau ,n+1}$
under the morphism

induced by Verschiebung. Furthermore, the kernel of this morphism is contained in
$p H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_n/\widetilde {R}_{n+1})_\tau \subset u^{1-e_{\mathfrak {p}}}\widetilde {F}^{(1)}_{\tau ,n+1}$
, so we conclude that the image of
$\widetilde {\psi }_{\tau ,n+1}^{*}$
is contained in
$u^{1-e_{\mathfrak {p}}}\widetilde {F}^{(1)}_{\tau ,n+1}$
. Therefore, the image of
$\psi _{\tau ,n+1}^{*}$
is contained in
$u^{1-e_{\mathfrak {p}}}F^{(1)}_{\tau ,n+1}$
, and equality follows on comparing ranks.
We now proceed to define the lifts of the Pappas-Rapoport filtration as in (4.10). If
$\tau \not \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}$
, then
$\psi _{\tau ,n+1}^{*}$
is an isomorphism, under which we require that
$F^{\prime (j)}_{\tau ,n+1}$
correspond to
$F^{(j)}_{\tau ,n+1} = F^{(j)}_{\tau ,0} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} R_{n+1}$
for all j. If
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i} \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}$
, then the definition of
$F^{\prime (j)}_{\tau ,n+1}$
will depend on whether
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}$
$\sigma \theta $
are in J (and whether
$j=e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
• Let
$F^{\prime (0)}_{\tau ,n+1} = 0$ and
$G^{\prime (1)}_{\tau ,n+1} = H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_n^{\prime }/R_{n+1})_\tau [u] = u^{e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1}H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_n^{\prime }/R_{n+1})_\tau $ .
• If
$\theta \not \in J$ , then we let
$F^{\prime (j)}_{\tau ,n+1}$ denote the preimage of
$F_{\tau ,n+1}^{(j-1)}$ under
$\psi _{\tau ,n+1}^{*}$ , and if
$j < e_{\mathfrak {p}}$ , then let
$G^{\prime (j+1)}_{\tau ,n+1} = u^{-1}F^{\prime (j)}_{\tau ,n+1}$ . Note that since
$$ \begin{align*}F_{\tau,n+1}^{(j-1)} \subset u^{e_{\mathfrak{p}} - j + 1} H^1_{\mathrm{crys}}(A_n/R_{n+1})_\tau \subset u H^1_{\mathrm{crys}}(A_n/R_{n+1})_\tau \subset {\operatorname{im}}(\psi_{\tau,n+1}^{*})\end{align*} $$
$\ker (\psi _{\tau ,n+1}^{*})$ is free of rank one over
$R_{n+1}$ , it follows that
$F^{\prime (j)}_{\tau ,n+1}$ is free of rank j over
$R_{n+1}$ . In particular,
$F^{\prime (j)}_{\tau ,n+1}$ is annihilated by
$u^j$ , so if
$j < e_{\mathfrak {p}}$ , then
$G^{\prime (j+1)}_{\tau ,n+1}$ is free of rank
$j+2$ over
$R_{n+1}$ . Furthermore,
$F^{\prime (j)}_{\tau ,n+1} \otimes _{R_{n+1}} R_n$ is identified with the preimage of
$F_{\tau ,n}^{(j-1)}$ under
$\psi _{\tau ,n}^{*}$ , which is
$F^{\prime (j)}_{\tau ,n}$ since
$\theta \not \in J$ , and hence also
$G^{\prime (j+1)}_{\tau ,n+1} \otimes _{R_{n+1}} R_n = G^{\prime (j+1)}_{\tau ,n}$ if
$j < e_{\mathfrak {p}}$ .
• If
$\theta \in J$ ,
$\sigma \theta \in J$ and
$j < e_{\mathfrak {p}}$ , then let
$G^{\prime (j+1)}_{\tau ,n+1}$ denote the preimage of
$F_{\tau ,n+1}^{(j+1)}$ under
$\psi _{\tau ,n+1}^{*}$ and let
$F_{\tau ,n+1}^{\prime (j)} = uG_{\tau ,n+1}^{\prime (j+1)}$ . Note that if
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,1} \not \in J$ , then
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,\ell } \in J'$ for some
$\ell $ such that
$2 \le \ell \le j$ , so
$uF_{\tau ,n+1}^{(\ell )} = F_{\tau ,n+1}^{(\ell -2)}$ , which implies that
$$ \begin{align*}u^{e_{\mathfrak{p}} - 1} H^1_{\mathrm{crys}}(A_n/R_{n+1})_\tau \subset F_{\tau,n+1}^{(j+1)} \subset u H^1_{\mathrm{crys}}(A_n/R_{n+1})_\tau \subset {\operatorname{im}}(\psi_{\tau,n+1}^{*}).\end{align*} $$
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,1} \in J$ , then we have shown that
${\operatorname {im}}(\psi _{\tau ,n+1}^{*}) = u^{1-e_{\mathfrak {p}}} F_{\tau ,n+1}^{(1)}$ , which again contains
$F_{\tau ,n+1}^{(j+1)}$ , and
$$ \begin{align*}\psi_{\tau,n+1}^{*}(u^{e_{\mathfrak{p}}-1} H^1_{\mathrm{crys}}(A_n^{\prime}/R_{n+1} )_\tau) \subset F_{\tau,n+1}^{(1)} \subset F_{\tau,n+1}^{(j+1)}.\end{align*} $$
$G_{\tau ,n+1}^{\prime (j+1)}$ is free over
$R_{n+1}$ of rank
$j+2$ and contains
$u^{e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1} H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_n^{\prime }/R_{n+1})_\tau $ , so that
$F^{\prime (j)}_{\tau ,n+1}$ is free of rank j over
$R_{n+1}$ . Furthermore,
$G^{\prime (j+1)}_{\tau ,n+1} \otimes _{R_{n+1}} R_n$ is identified with the preimage of
$F_{\tau ,n}^{(j+1)}$ under
$\psi _{\tau ,n}^{*}$ , which is
$G^{\prime (j+1)}_{\tau ,n}$ since
$\sigma \theta \in J$ , and hence also
$F^{\prime (j)}_{\tau ,n+1} \otimes _{R_{n+1}} R_n = F^{\prime (j)}_{\tau ,n}$ .
• If
$\theta \in J$ and
$\sigma \theta \not \in J$ , then we have defined
$F^{\prime (j-1)}_{\tau ,n+1}$ and
$G^{\prime (j)}_{\tau ,n+1}$ above, with the property that
$P^{\prime }_{\theta ,n+1} := G^{\prime (j)}_{\tau ,n+1}/F^{\prime (j-1)}_{\tau ,n+1}$ is free of rank two over
$R_{n+1}$ and annihilated by u. Furthermore,
$P^{\prime }_{\theta ,n+1} \otimes _{R_{n+1}} R_n$ is identified with
$P^{\prime }_{\theta ,n} = G^{\prime (j)}_{\tau ,n}/F^{\prime (j-1)}_{\tau ,n}$ , and we define
$F^{\prime (j)}_{\tau ,n+1}$ so that
$$ \begin{align*}F^{\prime(j-1)}_{\tau,n+1} \subset F^{\prime(j)}_{\tau,n+1} \subset G^{\prime(j)}_{\tau,n+1}\end{align*} $$
$L^{\prime }_{\theta ,n+1} := F^{\prime (j)}_{\tau ,n+1}/F^{\prime (j-1)}_{\tau ,n+1}$ is an arbitrary lift of
$L^{\prime }_{\theta ,n} = F^{\prime (j)}_{\tau ,n}/F^{\prime (j-1)}_{\tau ,n}$ to a free rank one submodule of
$P^{\prime }_{\theta ,n+1}$ .
• Finally, if
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,e_{\mathfrak {p}}} \in J$ and
$\sigma \theta \in J$ (so
$\tau \in \Delta $ ), then we have already defined
$F^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1)}_{\tau ,n+1} \subset G^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}_{\tau ,n+1}$ lifting
$F^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1)}_{\tau ,n} \subset G^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}_{\tau ,n}$ . Furthermore, we claim that
$\psi _{\tau ,n+1}^{*}(G^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}_{\tau ,n+1}) = F^{(e_{\mathfrak {p}})}_{\tau ,n+1}$ . Note that it suffices to prove
$\psi _{\tau ,n+1}^{*}(G^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}_{\tau ,n+1}) \subset F^{(e_{\mathfrak {p}})}_{\tau ,n+1}$ since
$G^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}$ is free of rank
$e_{\mathfrak {p}}+1$ over
$R_{n+1}$ and contains
$\ker (\psi _{\tau ,n+1}^{*})$ , which is free of rank one. If
$e_{\mathfrak {p}} = 1$ , then the desired equality is a special case of the fact that if
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,1} \in J$ , then
$\psi _{\tau ,n+1}^{*}(H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_n^{\prime }/R_{n+1})_\tau ) = u^{1-e_{\mathfrak {p}}}F^{(1)}_{\tau ,n+1}$ , so assume
$e_{\mathfrak {p}}> 1$ . If
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1} \not \in J$ , then
$\theta \in J'$ , so
$uF^{(e_{\mathfrak {p}})}_{\tau ,n+1} = F^{(e_{\mathfrak {p}}-2)}_{\tau ,n+1}$ , whose preimage under
$\psi _{\tau ,n+1}^{*}$ is defined to be
$F^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1)}_{\tau ,n+1}$ , so
$\psi _{\tau ,n+1}^{*}$ maps
$G^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}_{\tau ,n+1} = u^{-1}F^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1)}_{\tau ,n+1}$ to
$u^{-1}F^{(e_{\mathfrak {p}}-2)}_{\tau ,n+1} = F^{(e_{\mathfrak {p}})}_{\tau ,n+1}$ . Finally, if
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1} \in J$ , then we defined
$G^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}_{\tau ,n+1}$ as the preimage of
$F^{(e_{\mathfrak {p}})}_{\tau ,n+1}$ . This completes the proof of the claim, which implies that the restriction of
$\widetilde {\psi }_{\tau ,n+1}^{*}$ defines a surjection
$\widetilde {G}^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}_{\tau ,n+1} \to \widetilde {F}^{(e_{\mathfrak {p}})}_{\tau ,n+1} = \widetilde {F}^{(e_{\mathfrak {p}})}_{\tau ,0} \otimes _{W_2} \widetilde {R}_{n+1}$ , where as usual
$\widetilde {G}^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}_{\tau ,n+1}$ denotes the preimage of
$G^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}_{\tau ,n+1}$ in
$H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_n^{\prime }/\widetilde {R}_{n+1})_\tau $ . We thus obtain an isomorphism
(4.11)exactly as in the construction of$$ \begin{align} P^{\prime}_{\theta,n+1} := G^{\prime(e_{\mathfrak{p}})}_{\tau,n+1}/F^{\prime(e_{\mathfrak{p}}-1)}_{\tau,n+1} \longrightarrow P^{(p^{-1})}_{\sigma\theta,0} \otimes_{\mathbb{F}} R_{n+1} \end{align} $$
$\varepsilon _\tau (z_n)$ , and we define
$F^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}_{\tau ,n+1}$ so that
$$ \begin{align*}F^{\prime(e_{\mathfrak{p}}-1)}_{\tau,n+1} \subset F^{\prime(e_{\mathfrak{p}})}_{\tau,n+1} \subset G^{\prime(e_{\mathfrak{p}})}_{\tau,n+1}\end{align*} $$
$F^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}_{\tau ,n+1}/F^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1)}_{\tau ,n+1}$ corresponds under (4.11) to
$L_{\sigma \theta ,0}^{(p^{-1})} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} R_{n+1}$ . Note that
$F^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}_{\tau ,n+1}$ is free of rank
$e_{\mathfrak {p}}$ over
$R_{n+1}$ , and lifts
$F^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}_{\tau ,n}$ since (4.11) lifts
$\varepsilon _\tau (z_n)$ .
We have now defined an
$R_{n+1}[u]/u^{e_{\mathfrak {p}}}$
$F^{\prime (j)}_{\tau ,n+1}$
$H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A^{\prime }_n/R_{n+1})_\tau $
$F^{\prime (j)}_{\tau ,n} \subset H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A^{\prime }_n/R_n)_\tau \cong H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A^{\prime }_n/R_n)_\tau $
for all
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
$j=1,\ldots ,e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
. Furthermore, each
$F^{\prime (j)}_{\tau ,n+1}$
is free of rank j over
, and corresponds to
$F^{(j)}_{\tau ,n+1}$
$\psi _{\tau ,n+1}^{*}$
$\tau \not \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}$
, so to complete the proof of the lemma, it suffices to show that the following hold for all
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i} \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}$
• The inclusions (4.10) hold with successive quotients annihilated by u, and hence (by the Grothendieck–Messing Theorem, as explained at the end of §2.4) determine data
$\underline {A}^{\prime }_{n+1}$ corresponding to a point of
$\widetilde {Y}(R_{n+1})$ lifting
$\underline {A}^{\prime }_n$ so that (4.10) corresponds to the Pappas–Rapoport filtration under the canonical isomorphism
$H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A^{\prime }_{n+1}/R_{n+1}) \cong H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A^{\prime }_{n+1}/R_{n+1})$ .
• If
$1 \le j \le e_{\mathfrak {p}}$ and
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j} \not \in J$ (resp.
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j} \in J$ ), then
$\psi _{\tau ,n+1}^{*}$ sends
$F^{\prime (j)}_{\tau ,n+1}$ to
$F^{(j-1)}_{\tau ,n+1}$ (resp.
$G^{\prime (j)}_{\tau ,n+1} = u^{-1}F^{\prime (j-1)}_{\tau ,n+1}$ to
$F^{(j)}_{\tau ,n+1}$ ), so that
$\psi _n$ extends (again by the Grothendieck–Messing Theorem) to an isogeny
$\psi _{n+1}$ and
$(\underline {A}_{n+1},\underline {A}^{\prime }_{n+1},\psi _{n+1})$ corresponds to a point
$z_{n+1} \in Z(R_{n+1})$ lifting
$z_n$ (where
$\underline {A}_{n+1} = \underline {A}_0 \otimes _{{\mathbb {F}}} R_{n+1}$ ).
• If
$\tau \in \Delta $ (i.e.,
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,e_{\mathfrak {p}}}$ and
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i+1,1}$ are both in J), then
$F^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}_{\tau ,n+1}/F^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1)}_{\tau ,n+1}$ corresponds to
$(F^{(1)}_{\phi \circ \tau ,0})^{(p^{-1})} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} R_{n+1}$ under
$\varepsilon _\tau (z_{n+1})$ , so that
$z_{n+1} \in Z^{\operatorname {uno}\,}(R_{n+1})$ .
We start with the second assertion, which is immediate from the definition of
$F^{\prime (j)}_{\tau ,n+1}$
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}\not \in J$
, so suppose that
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j} \in J$
. Recall we proved that if
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,1} \in J$
, then
$\psi _{\tau ,n+1}^{*}(H^1_{\mathrm {crys}}(A_n/R_{n+1})_\tau ) = u^{1-e_{\mathfrak {p}}}F^{(1)}_{\tau ,n+1}$
, so it follows that

Therefore, the assertion holds for
$j = 1$
. Note also that if
$j> 1$
$\sigma ^{-1}\theta \in J$
, then the assertion is immediate from the definition of
$G^{\prime (j)}_{\tau ,n+1}$
. However, if
$j> 1$
$\sigma ^{-1}\theta \not \in J$
, then
$\theta \in J'$
, so
$F^{(j)}_{\tau ,n+1} = u^{-1}F^{(j-2)}_{\tau ,n+1}$
, and therefore,

For the first assertion, we need to show that if
$1 \le j \le e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
, then

Suppose that
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j} \not \in J$
, so
$F^{\prime (j)}_{\tau ,n+1} = (\psi ^{*}_{\tau ,n+1})^{-1}(F_{\tau ,n+1}^{(j-1)})$
. In particular, if
, then
$F^{\prime (1)}_{\tau ,n+1} = \ker (\psi _{\tau ,n+1}^{*}) \subset G^{\prime (1)}_{\tau ,n+1}$
, so we may assume
$j \ge 2$
. If
$\sigma ^{-1}\theta \not \in J$
, then (4.12) is immediate from the fact that
$uF_{\tau ,n+1}^{(j-1)} \subset F_{\tau ,n+1}^{(j-2)} \subset F_{\tau ,n+1}^{(j-1)}$
, and if
$\sigma ^{-1}\theta \in J$
, then we have shown that
$u^{-1}F_{\tau ,n+1}^{\prime (j-2)} = G_{\tau ,n+1}^{\prime (j-1)} = F_{\tau ,n+1}^{\prime (j)}$
, so the inclusions in (4.12) are precisely the ones in the definition of
$F^{\prime (j-1)}_{\tau ,n+1}$
. However, if
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j} \in J$
, then (4.12) is immediate from the definition of
$F^{\prime (j)}_{\tau ,n+1}$
if either
$\sigma \theta \not \in J$
$j = e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
, so suppose that
$\theta ,\sigma \theta \in J$
$j < e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
. Since
$G_{\tau ,n+1}^{\prime (\ell )} = (\psi _{\tau ,n+1}^{*})^{-1}(F^{(\ell )}_{\tau ,n+1})$
$\ell = j,j+1$
, we have

which in turn implies (4.12).
Finally, the third assertion is immediate from the definition of
$F^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}_{\tau ,n+1}$
and the fact that (4.11) is identified with
$\varepsilon _\tau (z_{n+1})$
via the canonical isomorphism

4.5 Local structure
We now use the results of the previous sections to prove a generalization of [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23, Lemma 7.1.6], describing the local structure of the fibres of the projection
$\pi _J: S_J \to T_{J'}$
at geometric points. As before, we let
$z \in S_J(\mathbb {F})$
$x = \pi _J(z) \in T_{J'}(\mathbb {F})$
, and Z denote the (geometric) fibre of
$\pi _J$
at x.
Lemma 4.8. There are isomorphisms

$m = |J'| = |J"|$
$\delta = |\Delta |$
. In particular,
$Z_{\operatorname {red}}$
is smooth of dimension m over
$\mathbb {F}$
. Moreover, the closed immersion
$Z_{\operatorname {red}} \hookrightarrow Z$
${\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z_{\operatorname {red}})$
${\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z)^{\operatorname {uno}\,}$
Proof. First, consider the morphism
$\chi _J = \widetilde {\zeta }_J^{(p^{-1})}:P_J^{(p^{-1})} \to S_J$
, where
$\zeta _J$
is the morphism of Lemma 4.2; thus
$\chi _J$
is finite, flat, and bijective on closed points. Let W denote the fibre of
$\pi _J\circ \chi _J$
at x, so that the fibre of
$\chi _J$
at x is a finite, flat morphism
$W \to Z$
which is bijective on closed points, and let
$w = \widetilde {\xi }_J(z)^{(p^{-1})}$
denote the unique element of
$W(\mathbb {F})$
mapping to z. Since the completion of W at w is the same as its completion at the fibre of
$\chi _J$
at z, the resulting morphism
$\widehat {{\mathcal {O}}}_{Z,z} \longrightarrow \widehat {{\mathcal {O}}}_{W,w}$
is finite, flat, and in particular injective. Furthermore, choosing parameters on
$P_{J,\mathbb {F}}$
$y:= \widetilde {\xi }_J(z) = w^{(p)}$
so that the morphism on completions induced by the projection
$P_J \to T_{J'}$
takes the form

we see that
$\widehat {{\mathcal {O}}}_{W,w} \cong \mathbb {F}[[Y_1^{1/p},\ldots ,Y_d^{1/p}]]/(Y_{m+1},\ldots ,Y_{d})$
. Note in particular that
$\widehat {{\mathcal {O}}}^{{\operatorname {red}}}_{W,w}$
is a domain of dimension m and that if r is in the nilradical of
$\widehat {{\mathcal {O}}}_{W,w}$
, then
$r^p = 0$
. It follows that the same assertions hold with
$\widehat {{\mathcal {O}}}_{W,w}$
replaced by
$\widehat {{\mathcal {O}}}_{Z,z}$
Now we apply the results of §4.4 to obtain a surjective
$\mathbb {F}$
-algebra morphism

More precisely, by Lemma 4.7 there exists an element of

lifting the morphism (4.9), whose surjectivity implies that of the morphism (4.13) induced by
${\operatorname {Spec}\,}(R) \to Z$
. Since the morphism (4.13) factors through
$\widehat {{\mathcal {O}}}_{Z,z}^{\operatorname {red}}$
, which is a domain of dimension m, the resulting morphism
$\widehat {{\mathcal {O}}}_{Z,z}^{\operatorname {red}} \to R$
must be injective, and hence an isomorphism. Furthermore, since Z is Nagata, it follows that

is formally smooth of dimension m, and hence,
$Z^{\operatorname {red}}$
is smooth of dimension m. Note also that the image of
${\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z_{\operatorname {red}})$
${\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z)$
is the same as that of the tangent space of
${\operatorname {Spec}\,}(R)$
at its closed point under the morphism induced by (4.13), which is
${\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z)^{\operatorname {uno}\,}$
by construction of (4.9).
Turning to the task of describing
$\widehat {{\mathcal {O}}}_{Z,z}$
, let
${\mathfrak {m}}$
denote its maximal ideal and
${\mathfrak {n}}$
its nilradical, and consider the exact sequence

Recall that
${\mathfrak {m}}/{\mathfrak {m}}^2$
has dimension
$m+\delta $
$\mathbb {F}$
) by Lemma 4.5, and we have just seen that
${\mathfrak {m}}/({\mathfrak {n}},{\mathfrak {m}}^2)$
has dimension m, so
${\mathfrak {n}}/({\mathfrak {n}}\cap {\mathfrak {m}}^2)$
has dimension
$\delta $
. We may therefore choose elements
$r_1,\ldots ,r_\delta \in {\mathfrak {n}}$
$s_1,\ldots ,s_m \in {\mathfrak {m}}$
so that
$(r_1,\ldots ,r_\delta ,s_1,\ldots ,s_m)$
lifts a basis of
${\mathfrak {m}}/{\mathfrak {m}}^2$
, and consider the surjective
$\mathbb {F}$
-algebra morphism

$i=1,\ldots ,\delta $
$i=1,\ldots ,m$
. Note that the kernel of the composite
$ \mathbb {F}[[T_1,\ldots ,T_\delta ,X_1,\ldots ,X_m]] \stackrel {\mu }{\twoheadrightarrow } \widehat {{\mathcal {O}}}_{Z,z} \twoheadrightarrow \widehat {{\mathcal {O}}}_{Z,z}^{\operatorname {red}}$
$I := (T_1,\ldots ,T_\delta )$
, so must in fact equal I, and therefore,
$\ker (\mu ) \subset I$
. However, from the first paragraph of the proof, we have
$r_i^p = 0$
$i=1,\ldots ,\delta $
, so
$I^{(p)} := (T_1^p,\ldots ,T_\delta ^p) \subset \ker (\mu )$
. We have now shown that

for some ideal J of
$\mathbb {F}[[T_1,\ldots ,T_\delta ,X_1,\ldots ,X_m]]$
such that
$I^{(p)} \subset J \subset I$
It remains to prove that
$J = I^{(p)}$
. To that end, consider the morphism
$\widehat {{\mathcal {O}}}_{P_{J,\mathbb {F}},y} \to \widehat {{\mathcal {O}}}_{S_{J,\mathbb {F}},z}$
induced by
$\xi _J$
. As it is a morphism of regular local
$\mathbb {F}$
-algebras of the same dimension, namely d, and its image contains that of the Frobenius endomorphism, it is (by [Reference Kimura and NiitsumaKN82, Cor. 2]) finite flat of degree
where n is the dimension of the kernel of the induced map on tangent spaces, which by Lemma 4.4 is
$\#\{\,({\mathfrak {p}},i)\,|\,\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,e_{\mathfrak {p}}}\in J\,\}$
. It follows that the induced morphism

is also finite flat of degree
, where
$Y \cong (\mathbb {P}^1_{\mathbb {F}})^m$
is the fibre of
over x. Similarly, the composite

is also a morphism of regular local
$\mathbb {F}$
-algebras of the same dimension (now m) whose image contains that of the Frobenius endomorphism, so it is finite flat of degree
is the dimension of the kernel of the composite

Since the first inclusion identifies
${\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z_{\operatorname {red}})$
${\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z)^{\operatorname {uno}\,} \subset {\operatorname {Tan}}_z(Z)$
, it follows from Lemmas 4.4 and 4.6 that
$n' = n - \delta $
. Now consider the commutative diagram:

$Q = \mathbb {F}[[T_1,\ldots ,T_\delta ,X_1,\ldots ,X_m]]/I^{(p)}$
and the dashed arrow is any
$\mathbb {F}$
-algebra morphism lifting
$\mathbb {F}[[Y_1,\ldots ,Y_m]] \to \mathbb {F}[[T_1,\ldots ,T_\delta ,X_1,\ldots ,X_m]]/J$
. Note that
${\operatorname {gr}\,}_I Q$
naturally has the structure of a finite
$\widehat {{\mathcal {O}}}_{Z_{\operatorname {red}},z} \cong Q/IQ$
-algebra, compatible with its structure as an
$\widehat {{\mathcal {O}}}_{Y,y}$
-algebra. Furthermore,
${\operatorname {gr}\,}_I Q$
is free of rank
$p^\delta $
$\widehat {{\mathcal {O}}}_{Z_{\operatorname {red}},z}$
, and hence free of rank
$p^{n'}p^\delta = p^n$
$\widehat {{\mathcal {O}}}_{Y,y}$
; therefore, Q is also free of rank
$\widehat {{\mathcal {O}}}_{Y,y}$
. Since the rank is the same as that of
$\widehat {{\mathcal {O}}}_{Z,z}$
, it follows that the surjection
$Q\to \widehat {{\mathcal {O}}}_{Z,z}$
is an isomorphism.
Remark 4.9. It would in fact suffice for our purposes to know that
$\widehat {{\mathcal {O}}}_{Z,z}$
is isomorphic to
$\mathbb {F}[[T_1,\ldots ,T_\delta ,X_1,\ldots ,X_m]]/J$
for some J such that
$I^{(p)} \subset J \subset I$
, and the equality
$J = I^{(p)}$
would follow from later considerations, but we find it interesting and satisfying to recognize it also as a consequence of the tangent space calculations via the commutative algebra argument in the proof of the lemma.
4.6 Reduced fibres
In this section, we give a complete description of
$Z_{\operatorname {red}}$
, the reduced subscheme of the fibre Z of
$\pi _J:S_J \to T_{J'}$
at any geometric point x of
. This generalizes Theorem 7.2.2 of [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23], where it is assumed p is unramified in F. With the ingredients put in place in the preceding sections, we may now proceed by an argument similar to the one in [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23, §7.2].
Recall from §4.2 that we have a morphism

which is bijective on closed points, where the product is a fibre product over
. Taking fibres over
$x \in T_{J'}(\mathbb {F})$
therefore yields such a morphism

where the product is over
$\mathbb {F}$
$P_{\theta ,0} = G_{\tau ,0}^{(j)}/F_{\tau ,0}^{(j-1)} = u^{-1}F_{\tau ,0}^{(j-1)}/F_{\tau ,0}^{(j-1)}$
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}$
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
$F_0^\bullet $
is the Pappas–Rapoport filtration in the data associated to x. We saw, however (in the proof of Lemma 4.8, where the target is denoted Y) that (4.14) may not be an isomorphism, but is in fact finite flat of degree
$n' = \#\{\,({\mathfrak {p}},i)\,|\,\theta _{p,i,1} \in J"\,\}$
. We will use the approach in [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23, §7.2.2] to remove a factor of Frobenius from the relevant projections
$Z_{\operatorname {red}} \to \mathbb {P}^1$
. We will, however, need the following slight generalization of the crystallization lemma stated in [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23, §7.2.1], now allowing p to be ramified in F and requiring only an inclusion relation (rather than equality) between images of components of Dieudonné modules. We omit the proof, which is essentially the same as that of [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23, Lemma 7.2.1].
Lemma 4.10. Suppose that S is a smooth scheme over an algebraically closed field
$\mathbb {F}$
of characteristic p, A,
are abelian schemes over S with
-action, and
$\tau \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {p}},0}$
. Let
$\alpha _i:A \to B_i$
-linear isogenies such that
$\ker (\alpha _i) \cap A[p^\infty ] \subset A[p]$ for
$i=1,2$ , and
$\widetilde {\alpha }_{1,s}^{*} {\mathbb {D}}(B_{1,s}[p^\infty ])_\tau \subset \widetilde {\alpha }_{2,s}^{*} {\mathbb {D}}(B_{2,s}[p^\infty ])_\tau $ for all
$s \in S(\mathbb {F})$
Then there is a unique morphism
${\mathcal {H}}^1_{{\operatorname {dR}}}(B_1/S)_\tau \to {\mathcal {H}}^1_{{\operatorname {dR}}}(B_2/S)_\tau $
${\mathcal {O}}_S[u]/(u^{e_{\mathfrak {p}}})$
-modules whose fibres are compatible with the injective maps

induced by
$(\widetilde {\alpha }_{2,s}^{*})^{-1}\widetilde {\alpha }_{1,s}^{*}$
for all
$s \in S(\mathbb {F})$
. Furthermore, if
$j:{\operatorname {Spec}\,}(R_1) = S_1 \to S$
denotes the first infinitesimal neighborhood of s, then the morphism is also compatible with the isomorphisms

induced by their canonical isomorphisms with
$H^1_{\operatorname {crys}}(B_{i,s}/R_1)$
Now let
$(\underline {A},\underline {A}',\psi )$
denote the restriction to
$Z_{\operatorname {red}}$
of the universal triple, and suppose that
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
is such that
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,e_{\mathfrak {p}}} \in J$
. Then for any closed point z of
$Z_{\operatorname {red}}$
, we have

where as usual, we write
$\underline {A}_0$
for the fibre of
$\underline {A}$
at z (or x) and
$F^{(j)}_{\tau ,0}$
for (the sections of)
${\mathcal {F}}_{\tau ,0}^\bullet $
, and similarly
$\underline {A}^{\prime }_z$
for the fibre of
$\underline {A}'$
$F^{\prime (j)}_{\tau ,z}$
${\mathcal {F}}^{\prime (j)}_{\tau ,z}$
$G^{\prime (j)}_{\tau ,z} = u^{-1}F^{\prime (j-1)}_{\tau ,z}$
. We may therefore apply Lemma 4.10 with
$S = Z_{\operatorname {red}}$
$B_1 = A_0^{(p^{-1})} \times _{\mathbb {F}} Z_{\operatorname {red}}$
$B_2 = A'$
$\alpha _2 = \psi $
$\alpha _1 = \operatorname {Ver} \times _{\mathbb {F}} Z_{\operatorname {red}}$
$\operatorname {Ver}:A_0 \to A_0^{(p^{-1})}$
) to obtain an
${\mathcal {O}}_{Z_{\operatorname {red}}}[u]/u^{e_{\mathfrak {p}}}$
-linear morphism

which at closed points is compatible in the evident sense with the injective morphisms induced by
$\psi $
$\operatorname {Ver}$
on Dieudonné modules and with the isomorphisms over first-order thickenings provided by crystalline-de Rham comparisons (cf. diagrams (39) and (40) of [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23]). In particular, the fibre
$\beta _z$
at each closed point z is given by the reduction mod p of the unique injective homomorphism
$\widetilde {\beta }_z$
of free rank two
$W({\mathbb {F}})[u]/(E_\tau )$
-modules making the diagram

commute. It follows from (4.15) that the image of
$\widetilde {\beta }_z$
is the preimage
$\widetilde {G}_{\tau ,z}^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}$
${G}_{\tau ,z}^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}$
under reduction mod p, and therefore that of
$\beta _z$
${G}_{\tau ,z}^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}$
. Since this holds for each closed pont z, the image of
$\beta $
${\mathcal {G}}_\tau ^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}$
, and hence, it induces an isomorphism

We can thus define the morphism

such that the tautological line bundle pulls back to the subbundle corresponding to
${\mathcal {L}}_\theta ^{\prime }$
under (4.16). The commutativity of the diagram

implies that on the fibre at z, the line
$L_{\theta ,z}'$
$P_{\theta ,z}'$
corresponds under (4.16) to the image of the morphism

(cf. the proof of [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23, Thm.]). If
$\sigma \theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i+1,1} \in J$
, then this image is
$L_{\sigma \theta ,0}^{(p^{-1})}$
for all z, so
$\mu _{\sigma \theta }$
is a constant morphism. However, if
$\sigma \theta \not \in J$
, so
$\sigma \theta \in J"$
, then the composite of
$\mu _{\sigma \theta }$
with the Frobenius morphism

is precisely the factor indexed by
$\sigma \theta $
in (4.14).
Now for any
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j} \in \Sigma $
, let

Replacing the
$\theta $
-factor in (4.14) with
$\mu _\theta $
for each
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j} \in J"$
such that
$j = 1$
therefore yields a commutative diagram

where the right diagonal map is the Frobenius morphism (resp. identity) on the factors indexed by
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}$
such that
$j> 1$
). Since the schemes are all smooth over
$\mathbb {F}$
and the diagonal morphisms are finite flat of the same degree (namely
), it follows that the horizontal map is an isomorphism.
In order to obtain the above isomorphism, we factored out a power of Frobenius in each component of the form
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,1}$
by describing the corresponding morphism to
$\mathbb {P}^1$
in terms of the data associated to
(i.e., pull-backs via
$\pi _2$
of vector bundles on
$\widetilde {Y}_{U,{\mathbb {F}}}$
). We can similarly describe the other components of the isomorphism in terms of the bundles associated to
, again with a shift in the index, but the relation is easier to obtain since no Frobenius factor intervenes. To that end, suppose that
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j} \in J$
for some
$j < e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
, and consider the
${\mathcal {O}}_{Z_{\operatorname {red}}} [u]/(u^{e_{\mathfrak {p}}})$
-linear morphism

induced by the unique isogeny
$\xi :A' \to {\mathfrak {P}}^{-1} \otimes _{{\mathcal {O}}_F} A$
such that
$\xi \circ \psi $
is the canonical isogeny
$A \to {\mathfrak {P}}^{-1} \otimes _{{\mathcal {O}}_F} A$
. Since the image of
${\mathcal {G}}_\tau ^{\prime (j)}$
$\psi _\tau ^{*}$
${\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{(j)}$
, it follows that the image of
${\mathfrak {p}}{\mathcal {O}}_{F,{\mathfrak {p}}} \otimes _{{\mathcal {O}}_{F,{\mathfrak {p}}}} {\mathcal {F}}_{\tau }^{(j)}$
$\xi _\tau ^{*}$
${\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{\prime (j-1)}$
. We thus obtain an
${\mathcal {O}}_{Z_{\operatorname {red}}}$
-linear isomorphism

under which
${\mathcal {L}}^{\prime }_\theta $
corresponds to the image of the morphism
${\mathcal {P}}^{\prime }_{\sigma \theta } \to {\mathcal {P}}_{\sigma \theta }$
induced by
$\psi $
. Recall that if
$\sigma \theta \not \in J$
$\sigma \theta \in J"$
), then this is precisely the subbundle of
${\mathcal {P}}_{\sigma \theta } = P_{\sigma ,\theta } \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} {\mathcal {O}}_{Z_{\operatorname {red}}}$
defining the factor indexed by
$\sigma \theta $
in the morphism (4.14). However, if
$\theta ,\sigma \theta \in J$
, then this subbundle is
$L_{\sigma \theta ,0} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} {\mathcal {O}}_{Z_{\operatorname {red}}}$
Theorem 4.11. For
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j} \in \Sigma $
such that
$\sigma ^{-1}\theta \in J$
, let

denote the isomorphism defined by (4.16) or (4.17), according to whether
$j> 1$
(and applied with
$\sigma ^{-1}\theta $
in place of
$\theta $
), and let

denote the morphism such that the tautological line bundle pulls back to the subbundle corresponding to
${\mathcal {L}}^{\prime }_{\sigma ^{-1}\theta }$
$\delta _\theta $
. Then
1. the resulting morphism
$$ \begin{align*}Z_{\operatorname{red}} \stackrel{(\mu_\theta)_\theta}{\longrightarrow} \prod_{\theta \in J"} \mathbb{P}(P_{\theta,0}^{(n_\theta^{-1})})\end{align*} $$
is an isomorphism,
2. and if
$\sigma ^{-1}\theta ,\theta \in J$ , then the morphism
$\mu _\theta $ is the projection to the point corresponding to
$L_{\theta ,0}^{(n_\theta ^{-1})}$ .
Remark 4.12. The theorem above is asserted in [Reference Emerton, Reduzzi and XiaoERX17a, §4.9(1)] for fibres of
$\widetilde {\xi }_J$
at geometric generic points of
. There is, however, a serious error in their argument (as already noted in [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23, §7]), specifically in the unjustified claim in the paragraph after [Reference Emerton, Reduzzi and XiaoERX17a, (4.9.3)] that one can rearrange the choices of local parameters… Theorem 4.11 thus fills the resulting gap in the proof of Proposition 3.19 of [Reference Emerton, Reduzzi and XiaoERX17a]. We note also that the latter is a cohomological vanishing result, a stronger version of which follows from the results in this paper (see Remark 5.10), and its application in [Reference Emerton, Reduzzi and XiaoERX17a] (as well as [Reference Dimitrov and WieseDW20]) is to the construction of Hecke operators, which is ultimately achieved in greater generality in §5.4 of this paper.
4.7 Thickening
We will now give a complete description of Z, generalizing [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23, Thm. 7.2.4]. Our approach is based on that of [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23]: we will use the isomorphism of (4.16), for
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,e_{\mathfrak {p}}} \in J$
such that
$\sigma \theta \in J$
, in order to extend the isomorphism Theorem 4.11(1) to one between Z and a suitable thickening of the target.
To that end, let T denote the fibre product

where the bottom arrow is defined by
$L_{\theta ,0}$
and the right vertical arrow is defined by the Frobenius morphism
$M_\theta \mapsto M_\theta ^{(p)}$
on the factors indexed by
$\theta $
such that
$n_\theta = p$
. (Recall that these are the
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}$
such that
$j= 1$
, and note that we could have omitted the other factors from the definition, but we maintain them for the sake of uniformity in later formulas.)
We then let
$\widetilde {Z}_{\operatorname {red}} = Z_{\operatorname {red}} \times _{\mathbb {F}} T$
, and let
$i: Z_{\operatorname {red}} \hookrightarrow \widetilde {Z}_{\operatorname {red}}$
denote the resulting divided power thickening (i.e., the unique section of the projection
$q:\widetilde {Z}_{\operatorname {red}} \to Z_{\operatorname {red}}$
). We thus have canonical isomorphisms
${\mathcal {O}}_{\widetilde {Z}_{\operatorname {red}}}[u]/(u^{e_{\mathfrak {p}}})$
-linear morphisms

for all
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i} \in \Sigma _0$
(where we continue to let
$(\underline {A},\underline {A}',\psi )$
denote the universal triple over
$Z_{\operatorname {red}}$
, and
$s':A' \to Z_{\operatorname {red}}$
is the structure morphism). Furthermore, recall that to give a lift of the closed immersion
$Z_{\operatorname {red}} \hookrightarrow Z$
to a morphism
$\widetilde {Z}_{\operatorname {red}} \to Z$
is equivalent to giving a lift of
${\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{\prime (j)}$
(for each
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
$j= 1,\ldots ,e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
) to an
${\mathcal {O}}_{\widetilde {Z}_{\operatorname {red}}}[u]/(u^{e_{\mathfrak {p}}})$
$\widetilde {{\mathcal {F}}}_\tau ^{\prime (j)}$
$q^{*}{\mathcal {H}}^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A'/Z_{\operatorname {red}})_\tau $
such that
$\widetilde {{\mathcal {F}}}_\tau ^{\prime (j-1)} \subset \widetilde {{\mathcal {F}}}_\tau ^{\prime (j)}$ and
$\widetilde {{\mathcal {F}}}_\tau ^{\prime (j)}/\widetilde {{\mathcal {F}}}_\tau ^{\prime (j-1)}$ is a line bundle on
$Z_{\operatorname {red}}$ annihilated by u;
• the morphism
$$ \begin{align*}q^{*}\psi_\tau^{*}: q^{*}{\mathcal{H}}^1_{\operatorname{dR}}(A'/Z_{\operatorname{red}})_\tau \longrightarrow q^{*}{\mathcal{H}}^1_{\operatorname{dR}}(A/Z_{\operatorname{red}}) = H^1_{\operatorname{dR}}(A_0/\mathbb{F})_\tau \otimes_{\mathbb{F}} {\mathcal{O}}_{\widetilde{Z}_{\operatorname{red}}}\end{align*} $$
$\widetilde {{\mathcal {F}}}_\tau ^{\prime (j)}$ to
$F_{\tau ,0}^{(j)} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} {\mathcal {O}}_{\widetilde {Z}_{\operatorname {red}}}$ if
$\tau \not \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}$ , sends
$\widetilde {{\mathcal {G}}}_\tau ^{\prime (j)} := u^{-1}\widetilde {{\mathcal {F}}}_\tau ^{\prime (j-1)}$ to
$F_{\tau ,0}^{(j)} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} {\mathcal {O}}_{\widetilde {Z}_{\operatorname {red}}}$ if
$\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j} \in J$ , and sends
$\widetilde {{\mathcal {F}}}_\tau ^{\prime (j)}$ to
$F_{\tau ,0}^{(j-1)} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} {\mathcal {O}}_{\widetilde {Z}_{\operatorname {red}}}$ otherwise.
We construct such a lift by setting
$\widetilde {{\mathcal {F}}}_{\tau }^{\prime (j)} = q^{*}{\mathcal {F}}_{\tau }^{\prime (j)}$
$j=e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
$\sigma ^{-1}\theta ,\theta \in J$
, where
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i+1,1}\in J$
, in which case we define
$\widetilde {{\mathcal {F}}}_{\tau }^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}$
so that

corresponds to the pull-back of the tautological line bundle on
$\mathbb {P}(P_{\theta ,0}^{(p^{-1})})$
$q^{*}\delta _\theta $
. Note that
$i^{*}\widetilde {{\mathcal {L}}}^{\prime }_{\sigma ^{-1}\theta } = {\mathcal {L}}^{\prime }_{\sigma ^{-1}\theta }$
since each corresponds to
$L_{\theta ,0}^{(p^{-1})} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} {\mathcal {O}}_{Z_{\operatorname {red}}}$
$\delta _\theta $
. The fact that the resulting sheaves
$\widetilde {{\mathcal {F}}}_\tau ^{\prime (j)}$
, including those with
$j=e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
, satisfy the required properties is immediate from their definition and the corresponding properties of the
${\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{\prime (j)}$
. The Grothendieck–Messing Theorem thus yields a triple
$(\underline {\widetilde {A}},\underline {\widetilde {A}}',\widetilde {\psi })$
$\widetilde {Z}_{\operatorname {red}}$
such that
$i^{*}\widetilde {A}' = A'$
$\widetilde {{\mathcal {F}}}^{\prime \bullet }$
corresponds to the Pappas–Rapoport filtration under the canonical isomorphism

We claim that the resulting morphism

is an isomorphism. We first note that the induced morphism is injective on tangent spaces at all closed points
$\widetilde {z} = (z,t)$
$\widetilde {Z}_{\operatorname {red}}(\mathbb {F}) = Z(\mathbb {F}) \times T(\mathbb {F}) \stackrel {\sim }{\to } Z(\mathbb {F})$
. Indeed let
$R_1 = \mathbb {F}[\epsilon ]$
and suppose that
$\widetilde {z}_1 = (z_1,t_1) \in Z_{\operatorname {red}}(R_1) \times T(R_1) = \widetilde {Z}_{\operatorname {red}}(R_1)$
corresponds to an element of the kernel of the induced map

(i.e., that the triple
$(\underline {\widetilde {A}}_1^{\prime },\underline {\widetilde {A}}_1,\psi _1)$
associated to
$\widetilde {z}_1$
is (isomorphic to) the pull-back of the triple
$(\underline {A}_0,\underline {A}_0^{\prime },\psi _0)$
corresponding to z). The fact that
$Z_{\operatorname {red}} \hookrightarrow Z$
is a closed immersion then implies that
is trivial, and the fact that
$\widetilde {F}_{\tau ,1}^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}$
corresponds to
$F_{\tau ,0}^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} R_1$
under the canonical isomorphism
$H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(\widetilde {A}^{\prime }_1/R_1) \cong H^1_{\operatorname {dR}}(A^{\prime }_0/\mathbb {F}) \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} R_1$
implies that
$\widetilde {L}^{\prime }_{\sigma ^{-1}\theta ,1}$
corresponds to
$L_{\sigma ^{-1}\theta ,0}^{(p^{-1})}\otimes _{\mathbb {F}} R_1$
under the isomorphisms
$\widetilde {P}^{\prime }_{\sigma ^{-1}\theta ,1} \cong P^{\prime }_{\sigma ^{-1}\theta ,0} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} R_1 \cong P_{\theta ,0}^{(p^{-1})} \otimes _{\mathbb {F}} R_1$
, and hence that
is trivial.
$\widetilde {Z}_{\operatorname {red}} \longrightarrow Z$
is injective on tangent spaces, it is a closed immersion, and the same argument as in the proof of [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23, Lemma 7.2.3] shows that it is an isomorphism. Alternatively, note that the diagram

commutes, where the right vertical map is the fibre of
$\widetilde {\xi }_J$
over x and the bottom horizontal arrow is its restriction (i.e. (4.14)). Recall from the proof of Lemma 4.8 that these morphisms are finite flat of degree
, respectively. Since q is finite flat of degree
$p^\delta $
, the composite morphism
$\widetilde {Z}_{\operatorname {red}} \to Z \to \prod _{\theta \in J"} \mathbb {P}(P_{\theta ,0})$
is finite flat of degree
, and since
$\widetilde {Z}_{\operatorname {red}} \to Z$
is a closed immersion, it follows that it must be an isomorphism.
Note in particular that the above construction extends the isomorphisms
$\delta _\theta $
of (4.16) and (4.17) to isomorphisms

$\widetilde {Z}_{\operatorname {red}} \cong Z$
for all
$\theta \in J$
. We thus obtain the following extension of Theorem 4.11, maintaining the same notation except that now we write
${\mathcal {L}}^{\prime }_\theta \subset {\mathcal {P}}_\theta ^{\prime }$
for the vector bundles
${\mathcal {G}}_\tau ^{\prime (j)}/{\mathcal {F}}_{\tau }^{\prime (j-1)}$
associated to the data
$\underline {A}'$
, where
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}$
$(\underline {A},\underline {A}',\psi )$
is the universal triple over Z, and we let

denote the inverse of the isomorphism just constructed over Z.
Theorem 4.13. The morphism

defined so the tautological line bundle on
$\mathbb {P}(P_{\theta ,0}^{(n_\theta ^{-1})})$
pulls back to
$\varepsilon _\theta ({\mathcal {L}}^{\prime }_{\sigma ^{-1}\theta })$
, is a closed immersion, identifying Z with the fibre over
$(L_{\theta ,0})_{\theta \in J-J'}$
of the morphism

We remark that the constructions in the proof of the theorem are independent of the quasi-polarizations in the data, and hence compatible with the action of
${\mathcal {O}}_{F,(p),+}^\times $
on the various schemes and vector bundles. One therefore obtains an identical description of the geometric fibres of the morphism
$\overline {Y}_0({\mathfrak {P}})_J \to \overline {Y}_{J'}$
for sufficiently small U, with
${\mathcal {L}}^{\prime }_{\sigma ^{-1}\theta } \subset {\mathcal {P}}^{\prime }_{\sigma ^{-1}\theta }$
$L_{\theta ,0} \subset P_{\theta ,0}$
) replaced by restrictions (resp. fibres) of descents to
$\overline {Y}_0({\mathfrak {P}})_{J,\mathbb {F}}$
$\overline {Y}_{J',\mathbb {F}}$
). Furthermore, the resulting descriptions are compatible with the action of
$\operatorname {GL}_2({\mathbb {A}}_{F,\mathbf {f}}^{(p)})$
in the obvious sense. Since we will not make use of this, we leave it to the interested reader to make precise, and simply record the following cruder, more immediate consequence of Theorem 4.13, generalizing Theorem D of [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23].
Corollary 4.14. Every geometric fibre of the morphism
$\overline {Y}_0({\mathfrak {P}})_J \to \overline {Y}_{J'}$
is isomorphic to

where m and
$\delta $
are as in Lemma 4.8, i.e.,
$m = |J'| = |J"|$
$\delta = |\Delta | = \#\{\,\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}\,|\,\theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,e_{\mathfrak {p}}}, \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i+1,1}\in J\,\}$
5 Cohomological vanishing
5.1 Level
$U_1({\mathfrak {P}})$
One of our main results will be the vanishing of the higher direct images of both the structure and dualizing sheaves of
$Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
under the projection to
. We will prove this also holds with
$U_0({\mathfrak {P}})$
replaced by its open compact subgroup
$U_1({\mathfrak {P}}):= \{\, g \in U \,|\, g_{\mathfrak {p}} \in I_1({\mathfrak {p}}) \mbox { for all } {\mathfrak {p}}|{\mathfrak {P}}\,\}$
, where

We first recall the definition of suitable integral models for Hilbert modular varieties of level
$U_1({\mathfrak {P}})$
, following [Reference PappasPap95]. We consider the functor which, to a locally Noetherian
${\mathcal {O}}$
-scheme S, associates the set of isomorphism classes of data
$(\underline {A},\underline {A}',\psi ,P)$
, where
$(\underline {A},\underline {A}',\psi ,P)$
corresponds to an element of
$\widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}(S)$
, and
$P \in A(S)$
is an
$({\mathcal {O}}_F/{\mathfrak {P}})$
-generator of
$\ker (\psi )$
. The functor is represented by an
${\mathcal {O}}$
-scheme which we denote
$\widetilde {Y}_{U_1({\mathfrak {P}})}$
, and the forgetful morphism
$\widetilde {f}:\widetilde {Y}_{U_1({\mathfrak {P}})} \to \widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
is finite flat.
The scheme
$\widetilde {Y}_{U_1({\mathfrak {P}})}$
can be described explicitly as follows in terms of
$H = \ker (\psi )$
, where
$(\underline {A},\underline {A}',\psi )$
is the universal triple over
$S: = \widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
. Firstly, the same argument as when p is unramified in F shows that H is a Raynaud
$({\mathcal {O}}_F/{\mathfrak {P}})$
-module scheme (in the sense that
$H[{\mathfrak {p}}]$
is a Raynaud
$({\mathcal {O}}_F/{\mathfrak {p}})$
-vector space scheme for each
${\mathfrak {p}}|{\mathfrak {P}}$
). The correspondence of [Reference RaynaudRay74, Thm. 1.4.1] thus associates to H an invertible
${\mathcal {O}}_S$
${\mathcal {R}}_\tau $
for each
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i} \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}$
, together with morphisms

such that
$s_\tau \circ t_\tau = w_{{\mathfrak {p}}}$
for a certain fixed element
$w_{\mathfrak {p}} \in p{\mathcal {O}}^\times $
. We then have

${\mathcal {R}} = \bigoplus _{\tau \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}} {\mathcal {R}}_\tau $
$\alpha \in {\mathcal {O}}_F$
acts on
${\mathcal {R}}_\tau $
as the Teichmüller lift of
$\overline {\tau }(\alpha )$
, and
${\mathcal {I}}$
is the sheaf of ideals generated by the
${\mathcal {O}}_{S}$
$(s_\tau - 1){\mathcal {R}}_\tau ^{\otimes p}$
$\tau \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}$
. The comultiplication on H is given via duality by the scheme structure on the Cartier dual

${\mathcal {R}}^\vee = \bigoplus _{\tau \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}} {\mathcal {R}}_\tau ^{-1}$
, and
${\mathcal {J}}$
is generated by
$(t_\tau - 1)({\mathcal {R}}_\tau ^{-1})^{\otimes p}$
$\tau \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}$
, where
$t_\tau $
is regarded as a morphism
$({\mathcal {R}}_\tau ^{-1})^{\otimes p} \to {\mathcal {R}}_{\phi \circ \tau }^{-1}$
. The same argument as in [Reference PappasPap95, 5.1] then shows that
$\widetilde {Y}_{U_1({\mathfrak {P}})}$
can be identified with the closed subscheme of H defined by the sheaf of ideals generated by the

${\mathfrak {p}}|{\mathfrak {P}}$
, where
$s_{\mathfrak {p}} := \bigotimes _{\tau \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {p}},0}} s_\tau $
is viewed as a morphism
$\bigotimes _{\tau \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {p}},0}}{\mathcal {R}}_\tau ^{\otimes (p-1)} \to {\mathcal {O}}_S$
Note that the scheme
$\widetilde {Y}_{U_1({\mathfrak {P}})}$
is equipped with a natural action of
$({\mathcal {O}}_F/{\mathfrak {P}})^\times $
$\widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
, defined by
$\alpha \cdot (\underline {A},\underline {A}',\psi ,P) = (\underline {A},\underline {A}',\psi ,\alpha P)$
. Furthermore, we may write

$\chi $
runs over all characters
$({\mathcal {O}}_F/{\mathfrak {P}})^\times \to {\mathcal {O}}^\times $
, and each summand may be written as

where the integers
$m_{\tau ,\chi }$
are uniquely determined by the conditions
$0 \le m_{\chi ,\tau } \le p - 1$ for all
$\tau \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}$ ;
$m_{\chi ,\tau } < p - 1$ for some
$\tau \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {p}},0}$ for each
${\mathfrak {p}}|{\mathfrak {P}}$ ;
$\overline {\chi }(\alpha ) = \prod _{\tau } \overline {\tau }(\alpha )^{m_{\chi ,\tau }}$ for all
$\alpha \in ({\mathcal {O}}_F/{\mathfrak {P}})^\times $ .
$\widetilde {f}$
is finite flat, we may similarly decompose the direct image of the dualizing sheaf as

Assuming as usual that U is sufficiently small, and in particular
$\alpha - 1 \in {\mathfrak {P}}$
for all
$\alpha \in U \cap F^\times $
, the action of
${\mathcal {O}}_{F,(p),+}^\times $
$\widetilde {Y}_{U_1({\mathfrak {P}})}$
via multiplication on quasi-polarizations factors through a free action of
${\mathcal {O}}_{F,(p),+}^\times /(U\cap F^\times )^2$
, and we let
$Y_{U_1({\mathfrak {P}})}$
denote the quotient scheme. The morphism
$\widetilde {f}$
descends to a finite flat morphism
$f:Y_{U_1({\mathfrak {P}})} \to Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
, so
$Y_{U_1({\mathfrak {P}})}$
is Cohen–Macaulay and quasi-projective of relative dimension d over
${\mathcal {O}}$
. Furthermore, for sufficiently small U,
of level prime to p and
$g \in \operatorname {GL}_2({\mathbb {A}}_{F,\mathbf {f}}^{(p)})$
such that
$g^{-1}Ug \subset U'$
, we obtain a finite étale morphism
$\tilde {\rho }_g:\widetilde {Y}_{U_1({\mathfrak {P}})} \to \widetilde {Y}_{U^{\prime }_1({\mathfrak {P}})}$
, descending to
${\rho }_g:{Y}_{U_1({\mathfrak {P}})} \to {Y}_{U^{\prime }_1({\mathfrak {P}})}$
and satisfying the usual compatibilities.
Note that the assumption on U implies that the canonical isomorphism
$\nu ^{*}\underline {A} \cong \underline {A}$
$\widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
is the identity on H for all
$\nu \in (U\cap F^\times )^2$
, so H descends to a Raynaud
${\mathcal {O}}_F/{\mathfrak {P}}$
-module scheme on
$Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
, which we also denote by H. Furthermore, the line bundles
${\mathcal {R}}_\tau $
and morphisms
$s_\tau $
$t_\tau $
all descend to give the same descriptions of H,
$H^\vee $
$Y_{U_1({\mathfrak {P}})}$
as spectra of finite flat
${\mathcal {O}}_{Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}}$
-algebras (with
$({\mathcal {O}}_F/{\mathfrak {P}})^\times $
-actions) over
$Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
, and we obtain analogous decompositions of
$f_*{\mathcal {O}}_{Y_{U_1({\mathfrak {P}})}}$
$f_*{\mathcal {K}}_{Y_{U_1({\mathfrak {P}})}/{\mathcal {O}}}$
5.2 Dicing
We will use the method of ‘dicing’, introduced in [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23, §6.2], to reduce the proofs of the cohomological vanishing results to consideration of line bundles on irreducible componentsFootnote
of the special fibre of
$\widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
, or equivalently of the schemes denoted
Recall from §4.1 that for any subset
$J \subset \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}}}$
, the closed subscheme
$\overline {S} := \widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}}),k}$
is defined by the vanishing of

$\psi :A \to A'$
is the universal isogeny over
$\overline {S}$

are the morphisms induced by
$\psi $
on the indicated subquotients of de Rham cohomology sheaves of A and
Following [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23, §6.2], we consider the sheaves of ideals
${\mathcal {I}}_j \subset {\mathcal {O}}_{\overline {S}}$
corresponding to the closed subscheme of
$\overline {S}$
defined by the vanishing of

or equivalently the image of the morphism

induced by the
$\psi _{\theta ,{\mathcal {L}}}^{*}$
. We thus have

$d_{{\mathfrak {P}}} = |\Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}}}| = \sum _{{\mathfrak {p}}|{\mathfrak {P}}} e_{\mathfrak {p}} f_{\mathfrak {p}}$
. Letting
denote the closed immersion
$S_J \hookrightarrow \overline {S}$
${\mathcal {I}}_J$
the sheaf of ideals on
defining the vanishing locus of
$\bigotimes _{\theta \in J} \psi _{\theta ,{\mathcal {L}}}^{*}$
, we see exactly as in [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23, §6.2.1] that
${\mathcal {I}}_J$
is invertible and the proof of [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23, Lemma 6.2.1] carries over mutatis mutandis to give the following:
Lemma 5.1. The natural map
${\operatorname {gr}\,}^j {\mathcal {O}}_{\overline {S}} \longrightarrow \bigoplus _{|J| = j} i_{J,*} {\mathcal {I}}_J$
is an isomorphism for all
$j=0,\ldots , d_{\mathfrak {P}}$
Similarly, letting
${\mathcal {J}}_J$
denote the (invertible) sheaf of ideals on
defining the vanishing locus ofFootnote
$\bigotimes _{\theta \not \in J} \psi _{\theta ,{\mathcal {M}}}^{*}$
, the same argument as in [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23, §6.2.2] yields the following description of the graded pieces of the induced filtration
${\operatorname {Fil}\,}^j{\mathcal {K}}_{\overline {S}/k} := {\mathcal {I}}_j{\mathcal {K}}_{\overline {S}/k}$
on the dualizing sheaf:
Lemma 5.2. The natural map
${\operatorname {gr}\,}^j {\mathcal {K}}_{\overline {S}/k} \longrightarrow \bigoplus _{|J| = j} i_{J,*} ({\mathcal {J}}_J^{-1}{\mathcal {K}}_{S_J/k})$
is an isomorphism for all
$j=0,\ldots , d_{\mathfrak {P}}$
Furthermore, letting
$\overline {S}_1 = \widetilde {Y}_{U_1({\mathfrak {P}}),k}$
, the decompositions (5.1) and (5.2) restrict to give the decompositions

where we again write
$\widetilde {f}:\overline {S}_1 \to \overline {S}$
for the natural projection and
${\mathcal {R}}_\chi $
for the Raynaud bundles associated to
$H = \ker (\psi )$
$\overline {S}$
. Note also that we may now view the decompositions as being over characters
$\chi :({\mathcal {O}}_F/{\mathfrak {P}})^\times \to k^\times $
Following the method of [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23, §7.3] will reduce the proof of the desired cohomological vanishing to a computation involving the line bundles
${\mathcal {I}}_J$
${\mathcal {J}}_J$
${\mathcal {K}}_{{S}_J/k}$
and (the pull-back of) the
${\mathcal {R}}_\tau $
. We will now describe all of these in terms of the line bundles
${\mathcal {L}}_\theta $
${\mathcal {L}}_\theta ^{\prime }$
${\mathcal {M}}_\theta $
${\mathcal {M}}_\theta ^{\prime }$
We start with the Raynaud bundles
${\mathcal {R}}_\tau $
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i} \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}$
. Suppose first that
$\theta := \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,e_{\mathfrak {p}}} \not \in J$
, so that
$\psi _{{\mathcal {L}},\theta }^{*}$
vanishes on
, and therefore

${\mathcal {F}}^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}_\tau $
${\mathcal {F}}^{e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1}_\tau $
(where we are now writing
$(\underline {A},\underline {A}',\psi )$
for the universal object over
). It follows that the cokernel of
$(s^{\prime }_*\Omega ^1_{A'/S_J})_\tau \to (s_*\Omega ^1_{A/S_J})_\tau $
is isomorphic to the invertible sheaf
${\mathcal {L}}_\theta = {\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{(e_{\mathfrak {p}})}/{\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{(e_{\mathfrak {p}}-1)}$
, so

is isomorphic to
${\mathcal {L}}_\theta ^{-1}$
, and therefore,
$i_J^{*} {\mathcal {R}}_\tau \cong {\mathcal {L}}_\theta $
(as in the proof of [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23, Lem. 5.1.1]).
Similarly, if
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,e_{\mathfrak {p}}} \in J$
, then
${\mathcal {G}}^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}_\tau $
is the preimage of
${\mathcal {F}}^{(e_{\mathfrak {p}})}_\tau $
$\psi _\tau ^{*}$
, so the kernel of
$R^1s^{\prime }_*{\mathcal {O}}_{A'} \to R^1s_*{\mathcal {O}}_A$
is isomorphic to
${\mathcal {M}}_\theta ^{\prime } = {\mathcal {G}}_\tau ^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}/{\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{\prime (e_{\mathfrak {p}})}$
. It follows that

is isomorphic to
${\mathcal {M}}_\theta ^{\prime }$
, and therefore so is
$i_J^{*}{\mathcal {R}}_\tau $
. Summing up, we have constructed a canonical isomorphism

$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i} \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}$
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,e_{\mathfrak {p}}}$
Next, considering
${\mathcal {I}}_J$
, its definition (and invertibility) imply that
$\bigotimes _{\theta \in J} \psi _{\theta ,{\mathcal {L}}}^{*}$
induces an isomorphism

Similarly, we have that
$\bigotimes _{\theta \not \in J} \psi _{\theta ,{\mathcal {M}}}^{*}$
induces an isomorphism

but we will need to further relate the
${\mathcal {M}}_\theta ^{\prime }$
$\theta \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}}} - J$
) to other line bundles on
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}$
for some
${\mathfrak {p}}|{\mathfrak {P}}$
, and let
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
, and suppose first that
$\theta ,\sigma ^{-1}\theta \not \in J$
. If
$j> 1$
, then consider the commutative diagram

Note that the image of
$u: {\mathcal {P}}_{\theta }' \to {\mathcal {P}}_{\sigma ^{-1}\theta }'$
${\mathcal {L}}_{\sigma ^{-1}\theta }' = \ker (\psi _{\sigma ^{-1}\theta }^{*})$
$\sigma ^{-1}\theta \not \in J$
), so the image of
$\psi _\theta ^{*}$
is contained in the kernel of
$u: {\mathcal {P}}_{\theta } \to {\mathcal {P}}_{\sigma ^{-1}\theta }$
, which is
${\mathcal {M}}_{\sigma ^{-1}\theta } = {\mathcal {G}}_\tau ^{(j-1)}/{\mathcal {F}}_\tau ^{(j-1)}$
. Since each is a rank one subbundle of
${\mathcal {P}}_{\sigma ^{-1}\theta }$
, it follows that

Similarly, if
, then we consider instead the commutative diagram

where the vertical maps are defined by the partial Hasse invariant (see (4.1) and (4.2)). The same reasoning as above then shows that
${\mathcal {M}}_\theta ^{\prime }$
is isomorphic to the kernel of

which in this case is isomorphic to
${\mathcal {M}}_{\sigma ^{-1}\theta }^{(p)}$
, via the morphism induced by the restriction of
${\operatorname {Frob}}^{*}$

Suppose, however, that
$\theta \not \in J$
, but
$\sigma ^{-1}\theta \in J$
, so
$\theta \in J"$
. Since
$\underline {A}"$
corresponds to an element of
, we have that the kernel of

${\mathcal {L}}^{\prime }_\theta $
, and hence that
${\mathcal {M}}_\theta ^{\prime }$
is isomorphic to
$ {\mathcal {L}}^{\prime (n_\theta )}_{\sigma ^{-1}\theta }$
Summing up, we have shown that if
$\theta \in \Sigma _{\mathfrak {P}} - J$
, then there is a canonical isomorphism

Finally, although we will not need the following description of the line bundles
${\mathcal {K}}_{S_J/k}$
, we provide it for completeness and coherence with the theme of Kodaira–Spencer isomorphisms. Recall that the isomorphism of Theorem 3.5 arises from a canonical isomorphism

$\widetilde {\cdot }$
for universal data over
$\widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
). However, the proof of Lemma 5.2 (see [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23, §6.2.2]) also gives a canonical isomorphism

Combining these with (5.5) and (5.6), we obtain a canonical isomorphism

(Recall that for
$\theta \not \in \Sigma _{\mathfrak {P}}$
, we have
${\mathcal {L}}_\theta \cong {\mathcal {L}}_\theta ^{\prime }$
${\mathcal {M}}_\theta \cong {\mathcal {M}}_\theta ^{\prime }$
, so these factors could just as well have been included with
$\theta \in J$
instead of
$\theta \in \Sigma _{\mathfrak {P}} - J$
We remark that (5.8) can also be proved more directly using a deformation-theoretic argument, which furthermore produces a filtration on
$\Omega ^1_{S_J/k}$
analogous to the one on
$\Omega ^1_{Y_U/{\mathcal {O}}}$
defined by Reduzzi and Xiao in [Reference Reduzzi and XiaoRX17, §2.8] (or more precisely [Reference DiamondDia23, §3.3] for the current setup).
We remark also that the various isomorphisms of line bundles established in this section should be compatible in the usual sense with descent data and Hecke action, but we will not need this for the purpose of proving the desired cohomological vanishing theorems.
5.3 Vanishing, duality and flatness results
We are now ready to prove the main result, which is a generalization of Theorem E of [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23]. Indeed, all the ingredients are now in place to apply the same argument as in [Reference Diamond, Kassaei and SasakiDKS23, §7.3]. Recall that U is any sufficiently small open compact subgroup of
$\operatorname {GL}_2({\mathcal {O}}_{F,p})$
${\mathfrak {P}}$
is the product of any set of primes of
${\mathcal {O}}_F$
dividing p, and

are the natural degeneracy maps induced by the forgetful morphisms
$\widetilde {f}: \widetilde {Y}_{U_1({\mathfrak {P}})} \to \widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
$\widetilde {\pi }_1: \widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})} \to \widetilde {Y}_U$
. We will write simply Y (resp.
$Y_0({\mathfrak {P}})$
$Y_1({\mathfrak {P}})$
) for
$Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
$Y_{U_1({\mathfrak {P}})}$
) when Y is fixed, and similarly abbreviate
$\widetilde {Y}_U$
, etc. We let
$\widetilde {\varphi }$
$\varphi $
) denote the composite
$\widetilde {\pi }_1\circ \widetilde {f}$
$\pi _1\circ f$
Theorem 5.3. The higher direct image sheaves

vanish for all
$i> 0$
Proof. First, note that since
$\widetilde {Y} \to Y$
is étale and
$\widetilde {Y}_1({\mathfrak {P}}) = \widetilde {Y} \times _{Y} Y_1({\mathfrak {P}})$
, we may replace Y (resp.
$Y_1({\mathfrak {P}})$
$\varphi $
) by
$\widetilde {Y}$
$\widetilde {Y}_1({\mathfrak {P}})$
$\widetilde {\varphi }$
). Next, note that since
$\widetilde {\varphi }$
is projective and
$\widetilde {\varphi }_K$
is finite, we may replace these in turn by their special fibres. Furthermore, since
$\widetilde {f}$
is finite, we have

(where we again let
$\overline {S}_1 = \widetilde {Y}_1({\mathfrak {P}})_k$
and suppress the subscript k from the notation for the morphisms). Using the decompositions given in (5.2) and the filtrations whose graded pieces are described in Lemmas 5.1 and 5.2, we are therefore reduced to proving the vanishing of

for all
$i> 0$
$J \subset \Sigma _{\mathfrak {P}}$
$\chi : ({\mathcal {O}}_F/{\mathfrak {P}})^\times \to k^\times $
, where
is the closed immersion
$S_J \hookrightarrow \overline {S}$
$\pi _J:S_J \to T_{J'}$
is the restriction of
$\widetilde {\pi }_1$
Let us now fix J and
$\chi $
, and write
$\chi = \prod \overline {\tau }^{m_\tau }$
, where the product is over
$\tau \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}},0}$
$0 \le m_\tau \le p -1$
for each
$\tau $
, and
$m_\tau < p - 1$
for some
$\tau \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {p}},0}$
for each
${\mathfrak {p}}|{\mathfrak {P}}$
. We now apply the results of the preceding section to write the line bundles
${\mathcal {I}}_J$
${\mathcal {J}}_J$
$i_J^{*}{\mathcal {R}}_\chi $
in terms of
${\mathcal {L}}_\theta $
${\mathcal {M}}_\theta $
${\mathcal {L}}_\theta ^{\prime }$
${\mathcal {M}}_\theta ^{\prime }$
Firstly, by formula (5.4), we have

$m_\theta = m_\tau $
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,e_{\mathfrak {p}}}$
$\tau = \tau _{{\mathfrak {p}},i}$
, and
$m_\theta = 0$
$\theta = \theta _{{\mathfrak {p}},i,j}$
for some
$j < e_{\mathfrak {p}}$
. Combining (5.9) with (5.5) and the isomorphisms
${\mathcal {L}}^{\prime }_\theta \otimes {\mathcal {M}}^{\prime }_\theta = {\mathcal {N}}^{\prime }_\theta \cong {\mathcal {N}}_\theta = {\mathcal {L}}_\theta \otimes {\mathcal {M}}_\theta $
(see Remark 3.4), we obtain an isomorphism

However, combining (5.9) with (5.6) and (5.7) gives

Combined with the isomorphisms
${\mathcal {N}}_\theta \cong {\mathcal {N}}^{\prime }_\theta $
${\mathcal {N}}_\theta ^{\otimes n_{\sigma \theta }} \cong {\mathcal {N}}_{\sigma \theta }$
(see the last paragraph of [Reference DiamondDia23, §4.1] for the latter), this simplifies to

$\pi _J$
is flat and projective, it suffices to prove the vanishing of cohomology of fibres, that is, that

for all
$x \in T_{J'}(\overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p)$
, where
$j:Z \to S_J$
is the closed immersion of the fibre of
$\pi _J$
over x. Furthermore, since
$\pi _J$
is Cohen-Macaulay, we have
$j^{*}{\mathcal {K}}_{S_J/k} = {\mathcal {K}}_{Z/\overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p}$
. Since the line bundles
$j^{*}{\mathcal {L}}_\theta = L_{\theta ,x}\otimes _{\overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p}{\mathcal {O}}_Z$
$j^{*}{\mathcal {M}}_\theta = M_{\theta ,x}\otimes _{\overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p}{\mathcal {O}}_Z$
are trivial on Z, the isomorphisms (5.10) and (5.11) give

$\ell _\theta = n_{\sigma \theta } - m_\theta $
$\sigma \theta \not \in J$
$\ell _\theta = - m_\theta $
$\sigma \theta \in J$
We now appeal to the description of Z in Theorem 4.13, which provides an isomorphism

for a finite (Gorenstein)
$\overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p$
-algebra C, such that if
$\theta \in J$
, then
$j^{*}{\mathcal {M}}_\theta ^{\prime }$
corresponds to the pull-back of
${\mathcal {O}}(1)_{\sigma \theta }$
(resp. an invertible C-module) if
$\sigma \theta \not \in J$
$\sigma \theta \in J$
). It therefore follows from (5.12) that

which vanishes since
$m_{\sigma ^{-1}\theta } \ge 0$
for all
$\theta \in J"$
. Similarly, since
${\mathcal {K}}_{Z/\overline {{\mathbb {F}}}_p}$
corresponds to the dualizing sheaf of
${\operatorname {Spec}\,} C \times \prod _{\theta \in J"} \mathbb {P}^1$
, which is isomorphic to
$\otimes _{\theta \in J"} {\mathcal {O}}(-2)_\theta $
, we have

which vanishes since
$\ell _{\sigma ^{-1}\theta } = n_\theta - m_{\sigma ^{-1}\theta } \ge 1$
for all
$\theta \in J"$
Corollary 5.4. The higher direct image sheaves

vanish for all
$i> 0$
Proof. As in the proof of the theorem, we may replace
$\pi _j$
$\widetilde {\pi }_j: \widetilde {Y}_0({\mathfrak {P}}) \to \widetilde {Y}$
. By formula (5.1), the line bundle
${\mathcal {O}}_{\widetilde {Y}_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
is a direct summand of
$\widetilde {f}_*{\mathcal {O}}_{\widetilde {Y}_1({\mathfrak {P}})}$
, so the vanishing of

for all
$i> 0$
implies that of
$R^i\widetilde {\pi }_{1,*}{\mathcal {O}}_{\widetilde {Y}_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
. Similarly, the vanishing of
$R^i\widetilde {\pi }_{1,*}{\mathcal {K}}_{\widetilde {Y}_0({\mathfrak {P}})/{\mathcal {O}}}$
follows from (5.2) and the theorem.
For the analogous assertions for
$\widetilde {\pi }_2$
, note that there is an automorphism
$\widetilde {w}_{{\mathfrak {P}}}$
$\widetilde {Y}_0({\mathfrak {P}})$
such that
$\widetilde {\pi }_2 = \widetilde {\pi }_1\circ \widetilde {w}_{\mathfrak {P}}$
. Indeed, define
$\widetilde {w}_{{\mathfrak {P}}}$
by the triple
$(\underline {A}',{\mathfrak {P}}^{-1}\otimes _{{\mathcal {O}}_F}\underline {A},\xi )$
, where
$(\underline {A},\underline {A}',\psi )$
is the universal triple over
$\widetilde {Y}_0({\mathfrak {P}})$
${\mathfrak {P}}^{-1} \otimes _{{\mathcal {O}}_F} \underline {A}$
${\mathfrak {P}}^{-1}\otimes _{{\mathcal {O}}_F} A$
endowed with the evident auxiliary data, in particular quasi-polarization

$\xi :A' \to {\mathfrak {P}}^{-1} \otimes _{{\mathcal {O}}_F} A$
is such that
$\xi \circ \psi $
is the canonical isogeny
$A \to {\mathfrak {P}}^{-1} \otimes _{{\mathcal {O}}_F} A$
. The desired vanishing of higher direct images under
$\widetilde {\pi }_2$
therefore follows from the corresponding assertions for
$\widetilde {\pi }_1$
and the identifications
$\widetilde {w}_{{\mathfrak {P}},*}{\mathcal {O}}_{\widetilde {Y}_0({\mathfrak {P}})} = {\mathcal {O}}_{\widetilde {Y}_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
$\widetilde {w}_{{\mathfrak {P}},*}{\mathcal {K}}_{\widetilde {Y}_0({\mathfrak {P}})/{\mathcal {O}}} = {\mathcal {K}}_{\widetilde {Y}_0({\mathfrak {P}})/{\mathcal {O}}}$
Remark 5.5. We caution that the automorphism
$w_{\mathfrak {P}}$
$\widetilde {Y}_0({\mathfrak {P}})$
does not lift to an automorphism of
$\widetilde {Y}_1({\mathfrak {P}})$
, so the argument handling the case of
$\pi _2$
in in the proof of the corollary cannot be used to deduce of vanishing of higher direct images under
$\pi _2 \circ f$
from the theorem.
Corollary 5.6. The direct image sheaves
$\varphi _*{\mathcal {K}}_{Y_1({\mathfrak {P}})/{\mathcal {O}}}$
$\varphi _*{\mathcal {O}}_{Y_1({\mathfrak {P}})}$
are locally free over
${\mathcal {O}}_{Y}$
, of rank
$\prod _{{\mathfrak {p}}|{\mathfrak {P}}} (p^{2f_{\mathfrak {p}}} - 1)$
. Furthermore, there is a perfect Hecke-equivariantFootnote

Proof. We apply Grothendieck–Serre duality to the proper morphism
$\varphi $
. Since
$R^i\varphi _*{\mathcal {O}}_{Y_1({\mathfrak {P}})}$
vanishes for all
$i> 0$
, the duality isomorphism of [StaX, §0AU3(4c)] (taking K there to be
${\mathcal {O}}_{Y_1({\mathfrak {P}})}[d]$
) degenerates to

In particular, we obtain an isomorphism

Furthermore, since
$R^i\varphi _* {\mathcal {K}}_{Y_1({\mathfrak {P}})/{\mathcal {O}}}$
vanishes for all
$i> 0$
, it follows that so does
${\mathcal {E}xt}_{{\mathcal {O}}_{Y}}^i (\varphi _*{\mathcal {O}}_{Y_1({\mathfrak {P}})},{\mathcal {K}}_{Y/{\mathcal {O}}})$
, and hence,

for all
$i> 0$
. Since Y is regular, it follows that
$\varphi _*{\mathcal {O}}_{Y_1({\mathfrak {P}})}$
is locally free, with rank given by the degree of the finite morphism
$\varphi _K$
– namely,

The same argument with the roles of
${\mathcal {K}}_{Y_1({\mathfrak {P}})/{\mathcal {O}}}$
${\mathcal {O}}_{Y_1({\mathfrak {P}})}$
exchanged shows that
$\varphi _*{\mathcal {K}}_{Y_1({\mathfrak {P}})/{\mathcal {O}}}$
is locally free of the same rank.
Furthermore, it follows from the construction of the duality isomorphism that (5.13) is induced by the trace morphism denoted
${\operatorname {Tr}\,}_{\varphi ,{\mathcal {K}}_{Y/{\mathcal {O}}}}$
in [StaX, §0AWG], which may be viewed as a morphism

$R^i\varphi _* {\mathcal {K}}_{Y_1({\mathfrak {P}})/{\mathcal {O}}}$
vanishes for all
$i> 0$
Suppose then that U and
are sufficiently small and that
$g \in \operatorname {GL}_2(\mathbb {A}_{F,\mathbf {f}}^{(p)})$
is such that
$g^{-1} U' g \subset U'$
, giving étale morphisms
$\rho _g: Y_{U'} \to Y_{U}$
$\rho _g': Y_{U^{\prime }_1({\mathfrak {P}})} \to Y_{U_1({\mathfrak {P}})}$
such that the diagram

is Cartesian, and identifications
$\rho _g^{*}{\mathcal {K}}_{Y_U/{\mathcal {O}}} = {\mathcal {K}}_{Y_{U'}/{\mathcal {O}}}$
$\rho _g^{\prime *}{\mathcal {K}}_{Y_{U_1({\mathfrak {P}})}/{\mathcal {O}}} = {\mathcal {K}}_{Y_{U^{\prime }_1({\mathfrak {P}})}/{\mathcal {O}}}$
. The commutativity of the resulting diagram

then follows from [StaX, Lemma 0B6J] and implies that of

where the vertical maps are base-change isomorphisms, the horizontal maps on the left are the canonical morphisms, and the ones on the right are composition with
$\rho _g^{*}({\operatorname {Tr}\,})$
${\operatorname {Tr}\,}'$
. This in turn gives the Hecke-equivariance of the pairing – that is, the commutativity of

where the top (resp. bottom) horizontal arrow is induced by
${\operatorname {Tr}\,}$
${\operatorname {Tr}\,}'$
) and the vertical maps are the canonical isomorphisms.
Recall that for sufficiently small U, the finite flat Raynaud
$({\mathcal {O}}_F/{\mathfrak {P}})$
-module scheme H over
$\widetilde {Y}_0({\mathfrak {P}})$
descends to
$Y_0({\mathfrak {P}})$
, and hence so do the decompositions (5.1) and (5.2), giving

where the line bundles
${\mathcal {R}}_\chi $
(now on
$Y_0({\mathfrak {P}})$
) are indexed by the characters
$\chi : ({\mathcal {O}}_F/{\mathfrak {P}})^\times \to {\mathcal {O}}^\times $
. Theorem 5.3 thus implies the vanishing of
$R^i\pi _{1,*}{\mathcal {R}}_\chi $
$R^i\pi _{1,*}({\mathcal {R}}_\chi ^{-1}{\mathcal {K}}_{Y_0({\mathfrak {P}})/{\mathcal {O}}})$
for all
$i> 0$
and characters
$\chi $
, and Corollary 5.6 implies that
$\pi _{1,*}{\mathcal {R}}_\chi $
$\pi _{1,*}({\mathcal {R}}_\chi ^{-1}{\mathcal {K}}_{Y_0({\mathfrak {P}})/{\mathcal {O}}})$
are locally free, now of rank
$\prod _{{\mathfrak {p}}|{\mathfrak {P}}} (p^{f_{\mathfrak {p}}} + 1)$
. Furthermore, the same argument as in the proof of its Hecke-equivariance shows that the pairing defined in the corollary is compatible with the natural action of
$({\mathcal {O}}_F/{\mathfrak {P}})^\times $
$Y_1({\mathfrak {P}})$
, and hence respects the decompositions and restricts to perfect Hecke-equivariant pairings

for all characters
$\chi $
. We record this in the case of the trivial character:
Corollary 5.7. The direct image sheaves
$\pi _{1,*} {\mathcal {K}}_{Y_0({\mathfrak {P}})/{\mathcal {O}}}$
$\pi _{1,*}{\mathcal {O}}_{Y_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
are locally free of rank
${\prod _{{\mathfrak {p}}|{\mathfrak {P}}} (p^{f_{\mathfrak {p}}} + 1)}$
${\mathcal {O}}_{Y}$
, and there is a perfect Hecke-equivariant pairing

Remark 5.8. The same argument as in the proof of Corollary 5.4 shows that we can replace
$\pi _1$
$\pi _2$
in the statement of Corollary 5.7. (In fact, the automorphism
$\widetilde {w}_{\mathfrak {P}}$
descends to an automorphism
$w_{\mathfrak {P}}$
$Y_0({\mathfrak {P}})$
such that
$\pi _2 = \pi _1 \circ w_{\mathfrak {P}}$
.) Note, however, that this argument does not allow one to replace
$\pi _1$
$\pi _2$
in the assertions for the twists by the bundles
${\mathcal {R}}_\chi $
(cf. Remark 5.5).
Suppose now that R is any (Noetherian)
${\mathcal {O}}$
-algebra and consider the base extensions from
${\mathcal {O}}$
to R of the schemes Y and
$Y_i({\mathfrak {P}})$
$i = 0,1$
and morphisms
$\varphi $
$\pi _j$
$j = 1,2$
, which we denote
, etc. We then have the following:
Corollary 5.9. For
${\mathcal {E}} = {\mathcal {O}}_{Y_1({\mathfrak {P}})}$
${\mathcal {K}}_{Y_1({\mathfrak {P}})/{\mathcal {O}}}$
, the base-change morphisms

are isomorphisms for all
$i \ge 0$
. In particular,
$R^i\varphi _{R,*}({\mathcal {E}}_R) = 0$
for all
$i> 0$
$\varphi _{R,*}({\mathcal {E}}_R)$
is locally free over
${\mathcal {O}}_{Y_R}$
of rank
$\prod _{{\mathfrak {p}}|{\mathfrak {P}}} (p^{2f_{\mathfrak {p}}} - 1)$
, and there is a perfect Hecke-equivariant pairing

Furthermore, analogous assertions hold with
$U_1({\mathfrak {P}})$
replaced by
$U_0({\mathfrak {P}})$
$\varphi $
replaced by
$\pi _j$
Proof. Since Y and
$Y_1({\mathfrak {P}})$
are flat over
${\mathcal {O}}$
, the schemes
$Y_1({\mathfrak {P}})$
are Tor independent over Y (in the sense of [StaX, Defn. 08IA]). The assertions in the case of
$U_1({\mathfrak {P}})$
are then immediate from [StaX, Lem. 08IB], Theorem 5.3, Corollary 5.6, and the compatibility with base-change of formation of dualizing sheaves for Cohen–Macaulay morphisms (see [Reference ConradCon00, Thm. 3.6.1] or Lemmas 0E2Y and 0E9W of [StaX]). The same argument applies for
$U_0({\mathfrak {P}})$
, but using Corollaries 5.4 and 5.7 and Remark 5.8.
Remark 5.10. Our method also yields an improvement on the cohomological vanishing results asserted in [Reference Emerton, Reduzzi and XiaoERX17a, Prop. 3.19]. More precisely, suppose that
$\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m} \in \mathbb {Z}^\Sigma $
and consider the automorphic line bundle
$\widetilde {{\mathcal {A}}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m}}$
$\widetilde {Y}$
(as defined in §5.4). Applying the same analysis as above to the line bundle
$\widetilde {\pi }_2^{*} \widetilde {{\mathcal {A}}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m}}$
$\widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {P}})}$
instead of
${\mathcal {R}}_\chi $
, one obtains a filtration on
$\widetilde {\pi }_2^{*} \widetilde {{\mathcal {A}}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m},k}$
for which the graded pieces have fibres (relative to
$\widetilde {\pi }_1$
) described exactly as in the first formula of (5.12), but with the exponentsFootnote
$m_\theta $
replaced by
$n_{\sigma \theta }k_{\sigma \theta } - k_\theta $
. (This refines a similar analysis carried out in [Reference Emerton, Reduzzi and XiaoERX17a, §4.9] for reduced fibres at generic points, whose description is completed by our Theorem 4.11; see Remark 4.12.) The same argument as in the proof of Theorem 5.3 therefore shows that if
$n_{\sigma \theta }k_{\sigma \theta } \ge k_\theta $
for all
$\theta \in \Sigma _{{\mathfrak {P}}}$
, then
$R^i\widetilde {\pi }_{1,*}(\widetilde {\pi }_2^{*}\widetilde {{\mathcal {A}}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m}})$
for all
$i> 0$
. Furthermore, the same argument as in the proof of Corollary 5.9 shows that, for such
$\mathbf {k}$
, the base-change morphism
$(\widetilde {\pi }_{1,*}\widetilde {\pi }_2^{*}\widetilde {{\mathcal {A}}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m}})_R \to \widetilde {\pi }_{1,*}(\widetilde {\pi }_2^{*}\widetilde {{\mathcal {A}}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m},R})$
is an isomorphism and
$R^i\widetilde {\pi }_{1,*}(\widetilde {\pi }_2^{*}\widetilde {{\mathcal {A}}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m},R}) = 0$
for all
$i> 0$
. It follows also that if
$\prod _\theta \theta (\mu )^{k_\theta + 2 m_\theta }$
has trivial image in R for all
$\mu \in U \cap {\mathcal {O}}_F^\times $
, then
$R^i{\pi }_{1,*}({\pi }_2^{*}{{\mathcal {A}}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m},R}) = 0$
for all
$i> 0$
, and the base-change map
$({\pi }_{1,*}({\pi }_2^{*}{{\mathcal {A}}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m},R}))_{R'} \to {\pi }_{1,*}({\pi }_2^{*}{{\mathcal {A}}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m},R'})$
is an isomorphism for all Noetherian R-algebras
. (Note, however, that the proof of Corollary 5.6 does not carry over, as it would require analogous results for
$\widetilde {{\mathcal {A}}}^{-1}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m}}{\mathcal {K}}_{\widetilde {Y}_0({\mathfrak {P}})/{\mathcal {O}}}$
, for which the corresponding inequalities do not necessary hold.)
We may also use the results above to construct integral models for Hilbert modular varieties of levels of
$U_0({\mathfrak {P}})$
$U_1({\mathfrak {P}})$
which are finite and flat over the smooth models of level U. Indeed, consider the Stein factorizations

$Y^{\prime }_1({\mathfrak {P}}) := \mathbf {Spec} (\varphi _*{\mathcal {O}}_{Y_1({\mathfrak {P}})})$
$Y^{\prime }_0({\mathfrak {P}}):= \mathbf {Spec}( \pi _{1,*} {\mathcal {O}}_{Y_0({\mathfrak {P}})})$
. Note that
$Y_i({\mathfrak {P}})_K = Y^{\prime }_i({\mathfrak {P}})_K$
and that Corollaries 5.6 and 5.7 immediately imply the following:
Corollary 5.11. The schemes
$Y^{\prime }_0({\mathfrak {P}})$
$Y^{\prime }_1({\mathfrak {P}})$
are finite and flat over Y; in particular, they are Cohen–Macaulay over
${\mathcal {O}}$
Note that the same conclusions apply to
$Y^{\prime \prime }_0({\mathfrak {P}}) := \mathbf {Spec}( \pi _{2,*} {\mathcal {O}}_{Y_0({\mathfrak {P}})})$
; in fact
$w_{\mathfrak {P}}$
induces an isomorphism
$Y^{\prime \prime }_0({\mathfrak {P}}) \stackrel {\sim }{\to } Y^{\prime }_0({\mathfrak {P}})$
over Y. Note also that the natural map
$Y^{\prime }_1({\mathfrak {P}}) \to Y$
factors through
$Y^{\prime }_0({\mathfrak {P}})$
. Furthermore, if U,
are sufficiently small and
$g \in \operatorname {GL}_2(\mathbb {A}_{F,\mathbf {f}}^{(p)})$
is such that
$g^{-1}U'g \subset U$
, then (with the obvious notation) the morphisms
$\rho _g: Y_{U^{\prime }_i({\mathfrak {P}})} \to Y_{U_i({\mathfrak {P}})}$
induce morphisms
$\rho _g':Y^{\prime }_{U^{\prime }_i({\mathfrak {P}})} \to Y^{\prime }_{U_i({\mathfrak {P}})}$
satisfying the usual compatibilities.
Finally, we note the following consequence of Corollary 5.11, pointed out to us by G. Pappas.
Corollary 5.12. The normalization of Y in
$Y_0({\mathfrak {P}})_K$
relative to
$\pi _{1}$
(or to
$\pi _{2}$
) is flat over Y.
Proof. First, recall that
$Y_0({\mathfrak {P}})$
is normal, since, for example, it is regular in codimension one and Cohen–Macaulay. Therefore, it follows from [StaX, Lem. 035L] that
$Y^{\prime }_0({\mathfrak {P}})$
is normal. Since
$Y^{\prime }_0({\mathfrak {P}})$
is also finite over Y, it is the normalization of Y in
$Y^{\prime }_0({\mathfrak {P}})_K = Y_0({\mathfrak {P}})_K$
(relative to
$\pi _{1}$
), and its flatness over
follows from Corollary 5.11.
The same argument applies with
$\pi _1$
$Y^{\prime }_0({\mathfrak {P}})$
) replaced by
$\pi _2$
$Y^{\prime \prime }_0({\mathfrak {P}})$
5.4 Hecke operators
We now specialize to the case of
${\mathfrak {P}} = {\mathfrak {p}}$
and consider the morphisms

Y (resp.
$Y_0({\mathfrak {p}})$
) for
$Y_{U_0({\mathfrak {p}})}$
) when U is fixed.
The pairing of Corollary 5.7 thus defines an isomorphism

under which the image of the unit section is the trace morphism

(defined as in (5.14) since
$R^i\pi _{1,*} {\mathcal {K}}_{Y_0({\mathfrak {p}})/{\mathcal {O}}} =0 $
for all
$i> 0$
). However, we have the morphism
$\pi _1^{*} {\mathcal {K}}_{Y/{\mathcal {O}}} \to {\mathcal {K}}_{Y_0({\mathfrak {p}})/{\mathcal {O}}}$
defined in (3.8), which by Proposition 3.7 extends the canonical isomorphism over
$Y_0({\mathfrak {p}})_K$
. It follows that the composite of its direct image with
${\operatorname {Tr}\,}$

extends the trace morphism over
(associated to the finite flat morphism
$\pi _{1,K}$
). Thus, if
${\mathcal {F}}$
is any locally free sheaf over Y, we obtain an extension of the trace over
to a morphism

by tensoring (5.18) with
${\mathcal {K}}_{Y/{\mathcal {O}}}^{-1} \otimes {\mathcal {F}}$
and applying the projection formula.
Recall that we have the Kodaira–Spencer isomorphism
${\mathcal {K}}_{Y/{\mathcal {O}}} \cong \delta ^{-1}\omega ^{\otimes 2}$
on Y, and that Theorem 3.5 gives
${\mathcal {K}}_{Y_0({\mathfrak {p}})/{\mathcal {O}}} \cong \pi _1^{*}\omega \otimes \pi _2^{*}(\delta ^{-1}\omega )$
. Recall also that the universal isogeny on
$\widetilde {Y}_0({\mathfrak {p}})$
induces an isomorphism
$\widetilde {\pi }_2^{*}\widetilde {\delta } \stackrel {\sim }{\to } p^{f_{\mathfrak {p}}} \widetilde {\pi }_1^{*}\widetilde {\delta }$
which descends to
$Y_0({\mathfrak {p}})$
, so composing with multiplication by
$p^{-f_{\mathfrak {p}}}$
yields an isomorphism
$\pi _2^{*}\delta \stackrel {\sim }{\to } \pi _1^{*}\delta $
, or equivalently
$\pi _1^{*}\delta ^{-1} \stackrel {\sim }{\to } \pi _2^{*}\delta ^{-1}$
. We may therefore view (5.16) as giving rise to an isomorphism

and we call the image of the unit section the saving trace

It follows from Proposition 3.7 and the definition of the saving trace that the diagram

commutes, where the top arrow is the direct image of the descent of the morphism over
$\widetilde {Y}_{U_0({\mathfrak {p}})}$
induced by the universal isogeny.
More generally, consider the morphisms
$\pi _{1},\pi _{2}: Y_0({\mathfrak {p}})_R \to Y_R$
for any (Noetherian)
${\mathcal {O}}$
-algebra R (omitting the subscript R from the notation for the degeneracy maps). It follows from Theorem 3.5 and Corollary 5.9 (for
${\mathcal {E}} = {\mathcal {K}}_{Y_0({\mathfrak {p}})/{\mathcal {O}}}$
) that
$(\pi _{1,*}\pi _2^{*}\omega )_R \stackrel {\sim }{\to } \pi _{1,*}\pi _2^{*}(\omega _R)$
so the base-change of (5.20) defines a saving trace over R:

Note also that Theorem 3.5 and Corollary 5.9 imply that
$R^i\pi _{1,*}(\pi _2^{*}\omega _R) \cong \omega _R^{-1}R^i\pi _{1,*}{\mathcal {K}}_{Y_0({\mathfrak {p}})_R/R} = 0$
for all
$i> 0$
. More generally, it follows that if
${\mathcal {F}}$
is any locally free sheaf on
, then

for all
$i> 0$
, and hence that

$(\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m}) \in \mathbb {Z}^\Sigma $
, we let
$\widetilde {{\mathcal {A}}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m}}$
denote the line bundle
$\bigotimes _\theta ({\mathcal {L}}_{\theta }^{\otimes k_\theta }\otimes {\mathcal {N}}_\theta ^{\otimes m_\theta })$
$\widetilde {Y}$
. Recall that if
$\mu ^{\mathbf {k}+2\mathbf {m}}: = \prod _\theta \theta (\mu )^{k_\theta + 2 m_\theta }$
has trivial image in R for all
$\mu \in U \cap {\mathcal {O}}_F^\times $
, then
$\widetilde {{\mathcal {A}}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m},R}$
descends to a line bundle on
which we denote
${\mathcal {A}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m},R}$
. We will now explain how to use the saving trace to construct a Hecke operator
$T_{\mathfrak {p}}$
$H^i(Y_R,{\mathcal {A}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m},R})$
for suitable
$\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m} \in \mathbb {Z}^\Sigma $
(and in particular whenever
$k_\theta \ge 1$
$m_\theta \ge 0$
for all
$\theta $
). Our main interest is in the case
$F \neq \mathbb {Q}$
, in which case

is the space of Hilbert modular forms of weight
$(\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m})$
and level U with coefficients in R.
Recall that the universal isogeny
$\psi :A_1 \to A_2$
$\widetilde {Y}_0({\mathfrak {p}})$
induces morphisms
$\psi _\theta ^{*}: \widetilde {\pi }_2^{*}{\mathcal {P}}_{\theta } \to \widetilde {\pi }_1^{*}{\mathcal {P}}_{\theta }$
, and in turn
$\widetilde {\pi }_2^{*}{\mathcal {L}}_{\theta } \to \widetilde {\pi }_1^{*}{\mathcal {L}}_{\theta }$
$\wedge ^2\psi _\theta ^{*}: \widetilde {\pi }_2^{*}{\mathcal {N}}_{\theta } \to \widetilde {\pi }_1^{*}{\mathcal {N}}_{\theta }$
such that

$v_{\mathcal {O}}(\theta (\varpi _{\mathfrak {p}}))$
is independent of
$\theta \in \Sigma _{\mathfrak {p}}$
and trivial for
$\theta \not \in \Sigma _{\mathfrak {p}}$
, it follows that if

$\psi _\theta ^{*}$
induces a morphism
$\widetilde {\pi }_2^{*}\widetilde {{\mathcal {A}}}_{\mathbf {k} - \mathbf {1},\mathbf {m}} \to \widetilde {\pi }_1^{*}\widetilde {{\mathcal {A}}}_{\mathbf {k} - \mathbf {1},\mathbf {m}}$
. Furthermore, its base-change to
$\widetilde {Y}_0({\mathfrak {p}})_R$
descends to a morphism

$(\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m})$
satisfying (5.23), we define the endomorphism
$T_{\mathfrak {p}}$
$H^i(Y_R,{\mathcal {A}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m},R})$
as the composite

where the second arrow is induced by (5.24) and the third is (5.22).
It follows from the construction that the operator
$T_{\mathfrak {p}}$
is compatible with base-change, in the sense that if
$R \to R'$
is any homomorphism of
${\mathcal {O}}$
-algebras, then the resulting diagram

commutes. Furthermore, it is straightforward to check that
$T_{\mathfrak {p}}$
is compatible with the action of
$g \in \operatorname {GL}_2(\mathbb {A}_{F,\mathbf {f}}^{(p)})$
, in the sense that if U and
are sufficiently small and
$g^{-1}Ug \subset U'$
, then the resulting diagram

commutes, where
$\rho _g: Y_R \to Y^{\prime }_R := Y_{U',R}$
$\rho _g^{*}{\mathcal {A}}^{\prime }_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m},R} \stackrel {\sim }{\to } {\mathcal {A}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m},R}$
are defined in §2.3. Finally, the commutativity of (5.21) implies that
$T_{\mathfrak {p}}$
coincides with the classical Hecke operator so denoted on the space
$H^0(Y_K,{\mathcal {A}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m},K})$
of Hilbert modular forms of level U and weight
$(\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m})$
over K.
We record the result as follows:
Theorem 5.13. For sufficiently small open compact subgroups
$U \subset \operatorname {GL}_2(\mathbb {A}_{F,\mathbf {f}})$
$\operatorname {GL}_2({\mathcal {O}}_{F,p})$
, Noetherian
${\mathcal {O}}$
-algebras R, and
$\mathbf {k}, \mathbf {m} \in \mathbb {Z}^\Sigma $
such that
$\mu ^{\mathbf {k} + 2\mathbf {m}}$
has trivial image in R for all
$\mu \in U \cap {\mathcal {O}}_F^\times $

the operators
$T_{\mathfrak {p}}$
defined on
$H^i(Y_{U,R}, {\mathcal {A}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m},R})$
by (5.25) are compatible with base-change and the action of
$\operatorname {GL}_2(\mathbb {A}_{F,\mathbf {f}}^{(p)})$
, and coincide with the classical Hecke operator
$T_{\mathfrak {p}}$
if R is a K-algebra and
Remark 5.14. The inequality (5.23) is needed to ensure integrality, but results for more general
$\mathbf {k}$
$\mathbf {m}$
follow from twisting arguments. Indeed, for fixed
$\mathbf {k}$
and varying
$\mathbf {m}$
, the modules
$H^i(Y_{U,R}, {\mathcal {A}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m},R})$
are isomorphic for sufficiently small U. The isomorphisms are not canonical, but one can keep track of its twisting effect on the action of
$\operatorname {GL}_2(\mathbb {A}_{F,\mathbf {f}}^{(p)})$
(see, for example, [Reference Diamond and SasakiDS23, Lemma 4.6.1] and [Reference DiamondDia23, Prop. 3.2.2]), and the same considerations apply to its effect on
$T_{\mathfrak {p}}$
. In particular, if R has characteristic zero (so
$\mathbf {k} + 2\mathbf {m}$
is parallel), then we recover the same integrality conditions as in [Reference Fakhruddin and PilloniFP23] if p is unramified in F.
However, if R has finite characteristic, then there is no restriction on
$\mathbf {k}$
$\mathbf {m}$
, and the critical case for
$\mathbf {m} = \mathbf {0}$
. Note that the hypothesis (5.23) is then equivalent to
$k_\theta \ge 1$
for all
$\theta \in \Sigma _{\mathfrak {p}}$
, which is known to hold in the cases of primary interest thanks to the main result of [Reference Diamond and KassaeiDK23] and [Reference Deo, Dimitrov and WieseDDW24, Prop. 1.13] (see also [Reference DiamondDia23, Thm. D]).
Note also that if
$\mathbf {m} = \mathbf {0}$
, then the inequality (5.23) becomes an equality. By contrast, if the inequality is strict one finds that
$T_{\mathfrak {p}} = 0$
if R is a k-algebra, and more generally that
$T_{\mathfrak {p}}$
is nilpotent if
$p^nR = 0$
Remark 5.15. Interchanging the roles of
$\pi _1$
$\pi _2$
, one can similarly define a saving trace
$\operatorname {st}': \pi _{2,*}\pi _1^{*}\omega \to \omega $
(without using the isomorphism
$\pi _2^{*}\delta \cong \pi _1^{*}\delta $
). A construction analogous to the one above then defines an operator
$T_{\mathfrak {p}}^{\prime }$
$H^i(Y_R,{\mathcal {A}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m},R})$
$\sum _{\theta \in \Sigma _{\mathfrak {p}}} \max \{m_\theta ,m_\theta +k_\theta -1\} \le 0$
, and the analogue of the commutativity of (5.21) is then that of the diagram

${\operatorname {tr}\,}^{\prime }_\omega $
extends the trace relative to
$\pi _{2,K}$
Note that if
$\mathbf {k} = \mathbf {1}$
$\mathbf {m} = \mathbf {0}$
(or more generally
$k_\theta = 1$
for all
$\theta \in \Sigma _{\mathfrak {p}}$
$\sum _{\theta \in \Sigma _{\mathfrak {p}}} m_\theta = 0$
), then both
$T_{\mathfrak {p}}$
$T_{\mathfrak {p}}^{\prime }$
are defined. Using the commutativity of (5.21) and (5.26), it is straightforward to check that
$T_{\mathfrak {p}}$
is the composite of
$T_{\mathfrak {p}}^{\prime }$
with the automorphism of
$H^i(Y_R,\omega _R)$
induced by the map
$\sigma _{\mathfrak {p}}: Y \stackrel {\sim }{\to }{Y}$
obtained by descent from
$\underline {A} \mapsto \underline {A} \otimes _{{\mathcal {O}}_F} {\mathfrak {p}}^{-1}$
, together with the isomorphism
$\sigma _{\mathfrak {p}}^{*}{\omega } = \mathrm {Nm}_{F/{\mathbb {Q}}}({\mathfrak {p}}) \otimes _{{\mathbb {Z}}} {\omega } \stackrel {\sim }{\to } \omega $
defined by
$p^{-f_{\mathfrak {p}}}$
Remark 5.16. The main results of this paper, in particular Theorem 3.2.1 and Theorem 5.3.1 (and its corollaries), are extended in [Reference DiamondDia24, §5] to toroidal compactifications. Furthermore, the effect of the saving trace on q-expansions is given by Proposition 5.3.1 of [Reference DiamondDia24], leading to that of
$T_{\mathfrak {p}}$
in Proposition 6.8.1. In particular, this implies the commutativity of the Hecke operators
$T_{\mathfrak {p}}$
(whenever defined) on
$H^0(Y_R,{\mathcal {A}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m},R})$
for varying
${\mathfrak {p}}$
By contrast, checking this directly from their construction leads to a formidable diagram whose commutativity ultimately seems to require analogues of some of the results in §5.3 for direct images under the projections
$Y_0({\mathfrak {p}}{\mathfrak {p}}') \to Y_0({\mathfrak {p}}')$
. While these might follow from arguments along similar lines to those for direct images under
$Y_0({\mathfrak {p}}) \to Y$
or from their compatibility with more general base-changes than we considered (more precisely, with respect to
$Y_0({\mathfrak {p}})$
instead of
${\mathcal {O}}$
), we have not carried these out. Consequently, we have not shown the commutativity of the operators
$T_{\mathfrak {p}}$
$H^i(Y_R,{\mathcal {A}}_{\mathbf {k},\mathbf {m},R})$
$i> 0$
The author would like to thank Payman Kassaei and Shu Sasaki for helpful discussions related to this work in the context of our collaborations, and George Pappas for correspondence pointing out Corollary D. The author is also grateful to Liang Xiao for communication clarifying several points in relation to an error in [Reference Emerton, Reduzzi and XiaoERX17a], and to David Loeffler, Vincent Pilloni and Preston Wake for illuminating comments on an earlier version of the paper. Finally, we thank the referee for their careful reading and for numerous comments that helped improve the exposition.
Competing interest
The author has no competing interests to declare.