Semiparametric generalized additive models are a powerful tool in
quantitative econometrics. With response Y, covariates
X,T, the considered model is E(Y
|X;T) =
G{XTβ + α +
m1(T1) +
··· +
Here, G is a known link, α and β are unknown
parameters, and
m1,…,md are
unknown (smooth) functions of possibly higher dimensional covariates
Estimates of
m1,…,md, α,
and β are presented, and asymptotic distributions are given for
both the nonparametric and the parametric part. The main focus of the
paper is application of bootstrap methods. It is shown how bootstrap
can be used for bias correction, hypothesis testing (e.g.,
component-wise analysis), and the construction of uniform confidence
bands. Further, bootstrap tests for model specification and
parametrization are given, in particular for testing additivity and
link function specification. The practical performance of the methods
is illustrated in a simulation study.This
research was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft,
Sonderforschungsbereich 373 “Quantifikation und Simulation
ökonomischer Prozesse,” Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,
DFG project MA 1026/6-2, the Spanish “Dirección General
de Enseñanza Superior,” no. BEC2001-1270, and the grant
“Nonparametric methods in finance and insurance” from the
Danish Social Science Research Council. We thank Marlene Müller,
Oliver Linton, and two anonymous referees for helpful discussion.