And therefore, good Lord, sith it is so that I may not nor can not have no good thought be it never so little a thought but if I have it of thee, as thou sayest thyself: Sine me nihil potestis facere. Therefore, Lord, I knowledge well that thou art of my soul both the door and the key, as thy gospel saith: Ego sum ostium. And Holy Church clepith thee the key, saying O clavis David, O thou Jesu the key of David. And sithen good Lord I am of un-power and thou art the door and the key, therefore my sweet lord now at this time I fall down to thy majesty, knowing that I am not worthy to lift up mine eyes towards thee for the multitude of my sins, but with a meek will I say Domine labia mea aperies, Lord thou shalt open my lips with the key of thy mercy, and so come in and let in thyself into mine heart, thy privy chamber, I Pray thee Lord.