Manuscript Template
Authors are encouraged to format manuscripts for initial submission to this journal using the template available at Detailed formatting instructions for final submission of revised manuscripts are provided below.
Policy on Prior Publication
When authors submit manuscripts to this journal, these manuscripts should not be under consideration, accepted for publication or in press within a different journal, book or similar entity, unless explicit permission or agreement has been sought from all entities involved. However, deposition of a preprint on the author’s personal website, in an institutional repository, or in a preprint archive shall not be viewed as prior or duplicate publication. Authors should follow the Cambridge University Press Preprint Policy regarding preprint archives and maintaining the version of record.
All individuals listed as author or co-authors must meet the following criteria:
1. They made substantial contributions to the conception and design of experiments; acquisition of data, and/or analysis and interpretation of the data. 2. They drafted the article and/or revised it critically for important intellectual content. 3. They approved the final version of the article to be published.
Contributions by individuals who do not meet all the above criteria for authorship should be recognized in the Acknowledgements section. The corresponding author must confirm that the author list is complete, that all co-authors have agreed to be included in the author list, and that all co-authors have read and agreed to submit the manuscript.
Manuscript Style
For a detailed guide, see Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers 8e, Council of Science Editors (2014)
See also published articles in recent issues of Weed Technology as guides to proper style.
Manuscript Format
Double-space everything, including pages with tables, figure legends, footnotes, and literature citations. Include line numbers in your manuscript: lines should be numbered consecutively throughout the entire document. Indent paragraphs.
Manuscript Order
Manuscripts should be in the following order: Short title for running footer, Title (no separate title page), Author(s), Abstract, Nomenclature, Keywords, Introduction (begin on a new page), Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Practical Implications, Acknowledgments, Funding, Competing Interests, References (begin on a new page), Tables (begin on a new page), and Figures (begin each on a new page).
The title page includes a short title for the running header that is not to exceed 30 characters and spaces. The full title should be no more than 200 characters and spaces, centered, in bold, sentence case, and should include words useful in computer searches. Give scientific names in full (without authority) in the title, with genera and species names italicized. Use only the common name of crops. Use only common name or code numbers of herbicides.
Place the names of the authors—with first initials only capitalized, and with “and” before the last author—centered two lines below the title, Provide the full name of each author (first, middle initial [optional], and last) and include a numbered superscript for each author. In the footnote, give the affiliation(s) of the authors and full institutional job titles at the time the study was conducted, followed by the institutional address(es). Spell out names of institutions in full. Inclusion of current addresses (if different) is optional, and they should be listed at the end. Addresses of U.S. authors should include the two-letter postal abbreviation for the state and the ZIP code. E-mail of the corresponding author should be included. We require all corresponding authors to identify themselves using ORCID when submitting a manuscript to the journal. Visit this page for more information and to register. ORCID identifiers are encouraged for all coauthors, and should be included parenthetically after the job title.
Example of an author listing and address footnote:
Vipan Kumar 1, Joel Felix2, Don Morishita3 and Prashant Jha4
1Postdoctoral Research Associate, Montana State University, Southern Agricultural Research Center, Huntley, MT, USA; 2Associate Professor, Oregon State University, Malheur Agricultural Experiment Station, Ontario, OR, USA; 3Professor, University of Idaho, Kimberly Research and Extension Center, Kimberly, ID, USA; and 4Associate Professor (ORCID 0000-000x-xxxx-xxxx), Montana State University, Southern Agricultural Research Center, Huntley, MT, USA.
Author for correspondence: Prashant Jha, Associate Professor, Montana State University, Southern Agricultural Research Center, 748 Railroad Highway, Huntley, MT, 59037.
(Email: [email protected])
Place the abstract on the same page as the title and authors. The text of the abstract should not exceed 300 words. It must be written as a single paragraph and should provide an objective and informative digest of the significant content of the paper, not simply a description of the contents. Representative quantitative data from the results often make the abstract more informative. Use only common names in the body of the abstract for herbicides, plants, animals, and microorganisms. Do not include tables, graphs, long lists of names, references to literature, or footnotes. At the first mention of the herbicide rate, express the rate either on the acid equivalent (ae) basis or active ingredient (ai) basis. Omit trade names for herbicides, other pesticides, and surfactants or other adjuvants in the abstract.
Immediately after the abstract, type “Nomenclature” followed by a colon and use boldface type. Then repeat each common name appearing in the title and abstract. Only include weeds and crops in the Nomenclature that are mentioned in the Abstract. For herbicides, use ISO-approved common names or other designations. Give full chemical names for herbicides, other pesticides, or safeners that have no ISO-approved common names. For plants use the common name followed by the Latin binomial and classifier; Bayer codes may be included for weeds, but are not required. For other organisms, use the common name followed by the binomial and the authority. The preferred order is herbicides, weeds, and crops, alphabetized within each group.
Example: Nomenclature: Glyphosate; 2,4-D; cheat, Bromus secalinus L. BROSE; wild oat, Avena fatua L. AVEFA; corn, Zea mays L. Note the use of commas and semicolons. A database of approved common and Latin names of weed species can be found at the USDA PLANTS Database. A list of ISO-approved common and chemical names of herbicides is available at the Compendium of Common Pesticide Names
Key words
Immediately after the nomenclature, list words, word pairs, or phrases (usually not more than five words) not included in the title or nomenclature that further describe the content of the manuscript. List only specific words or phrases that will be useful in indexes and literature database searches. Synonyms for common names and Latin binomials are optional. If provided, they should be placed in the keyword section. See for an authoritative list of synonyms.
Begin the introduction on a new page.
Materials and Methods
Sources of the material should be shown in parentheses following the first mention. Provide a brief description of the item, model number (if applicable), and the source, including the company’s address (full mailing address or city and state/country). For example: “During a single year, large plots were treated with glyphosate (Roundup WeatherMax®, 540 g ae L-1, Monsanto Canada, 900 One Research Road, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3T 6E3).” Commercially available software packages (e.g. SAS/STAT) should be cited in this way and not in the references. Freely available software described in the peer-reviewed literature (e.g. R) should be referenced by citing the relevant article in the text and in the references section.
Long herbicide treatment lists in the text are discouraged. In cases where five or more herbicides are mentioned, they should be listed in a Table providing the following details: herbicide common and trade names; herbicide formulation (if necessary); herbicide rate(s) in active ingredient or acid equivalent; name of respective herbicide manufacturer; and herbicide manufacturer city, state, and web site.
Authors are encouraged to include latitude and longitude coordinates for field locations. After each location name they should specify the coordinates in parenthesis e.g. “Vegetable Crop Research Farm in Champaign, Illinois (40.08⁰N, 88.26⁰W)”.
Results and Discussion
These are combined as one section. There is no separate Conclusion section.
Practical Implications
Following the Results and Discussion section, provide up to a one-page (double spaced) description of the importance of this work to the field practitioner. This section should not be a rewording of the abstract. Rather, it should be a clearly written explanation of how the work can be used currently or in the future for improved weed management. The Practical Implications section is only required for original research articles and not for review articles.
Acknowledgment of individuals who contributed to the research, but who do not meet the criteria for authorship listed above in the Authorship section, is at the discretion of the authors. Consult a recent issue of Weed Technology for examples.
WSSA requires that authors disclose sources of all funding received to support the research described in the manuscript. Funding sources should be appropriately described and recognized in this section. Where no specific funding has been provided for research, please provide the following statement: "This research received no specific grant from any funding agency, commercial or not-for-profit sectors."
Competing Interests
All authors must include a competing interest declaration in their main manuscript file. This declaration will be subject to editorial review and may be published in the article. Competing interests are situations that could be perceived to exert an undue influence on the content or publication of an author’s work. They may include, but are not limited to, financial, professional, contractual, or personal relationships or situations. If the manuscript has multiple authors, the author submitting must include competing interest declarations relevant to all contributing authors. Example wording for a declaration is as follows: “Competing interests: Author 1 is employed at organization A, Author 2 is on the Board of company B and is a member of organization C. Author 3 has received grants from company D.” If no competing interests exist, the declaration should state “Competing interests: The author(s) declare none.”
Begin on a separate page. Double-space the entire section (with no extra spaces between entries). List citations alphabetically by author. Each citation should include the names of all authors, year of publication, complete title, publication, volume number, and inclusive pages, in that sequence. Journal names should be abbreviated as shown in ISI guidelines, accessible at, and recent issues of Weed Technology. Initials should follow the last name of each author, with no comma after the last name and no periods or spaces between initials. For references to a specific portion of a book or similar publication, cite those pages rather than the total pages of the book. See example below. Theses and dissertations may appear in References. Do not cite or footnote abstracts more than 3 years old unless the information contained is of vital importance and has not been reported elsewhere.
Preprints and unpublished materials are not permitted in the References section but can be cited parenthetically in the text. See In-Text Citation below for details.
Citation examples:
Pline WA, Wilcut JW, Duke SO, Edmisten KL, Wells RFP (2007) Tolerance and accumulation of shikimic acid in response to glyphosate applications in glyphosate-resistant and nonglyphosate-resistant cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). J Agric Food Chem 50:506–512
Wardell DA, Parkinson D (1990) Influence of the herbicide glyphosate on soil microbial community structure. Plant Soil 21:187–204
Citation of material published online, including articles published online but not assigned to a journal issue, should include the DOI (digital object identifier). Citations from online journals should also include volume and page numbers if available. Example: Clouse JW, Adhikary D, Page JT, Ramaraj T, Deyholos MK, Udall JA, Fairbanks DJJellen EN and Maughan PJ (2016) The amaranth genome: genome, transcriptome, and physical mapassembly. Plant Genome 9, 10.3835/plantgenome2015.07.0062.
Ahrens WH, ed (1994) Herbicide Handbook. 7th edn. Champaign, IL: Weed Science Society of America. Pp 224–226
Kyle DJ, Osmond CB, Arntzen CJ, eds (1987) Photoinhibition. 4th ed. Volume 2. New York: Elsevier. 315 p
Wiese AF, Kyle, DJ (1985) Weed Control in Limited Tillage Systems. 2nd ed. Champaign, IL: Weed Science Society of America. Pp 78–96
Article in book:
Baver LD, Gardner WH (1972) Flow in stratified soil systems. Pages 343–345 in Baver LD, ed. Soil Physics. New York: Academic Press
Frankland B (1981) Germination in shade. Pages 187–204 in Smith HL, Taylor GHM, eds. Plants and the Daylight Spectrum. London: Academic Press
Forcella F, Buhler DD (1994) Dynamic environmental regulation of secondary dormancy in summer annual weeds. Pages 3–7 inProceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Plant Dormancy. Corvallis, OR: Weed Science Society of America
Report or government publication:
Taylor AG (1992) Pre-compliance Date Testing for Pesticides in Illinois' Surface Water Supplies. Springfield, IL: State of Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Rep 026. 6 p
[USDA] US Department of Agriculture (1994) Kentucky Agricultural Statistics 1993– 1994. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, p 101
Anonymous (1995) 1994–1995 Nebraska Agricultural Statistics. Nebraska Agricultural Statistics Service. 164 p
Thesis or dissertation:
Nieto-Hatem J (1963) Seed Dormancy in Setaria lutescens. Ph.D dissertation. Ames, IA: Iowa State University. 81 p
Harred JF, inventor; Dow Chemical Company, assignee (1972) April 4. Epoxidation process. US patent 3,654,317
Package labels and inserts:
Anonymous (1996) Assure® II herbicide product label. DuPont Publication No. H-59334. Wilmington, DE: DuPont. 9 p
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (2014) Market and Industry Services Branch, Horticulture and Special Crops Division. Accessed: January 29, 2016
Anonymous (2015) Project Summary Comparative Genomics of Domestication Traits in Lettuce and Sunflower.
Accessed August 23, 2016
In-Text Citations. Literature citations in the text should use the author and year system. Literature citations should be enclosed in parentheses. Authors are directed to consult the CSE Manual. A brief summary of the citation method is shown below. Entries are in alphabetical, then chronological order.
One author: Jones (2005) or (Jones 2005)
Two authors: James and Smith (2015) or (James and Smith 2015)
Three or more authors: Jones et al. (2016) or (Jones et al. 2016)
Two or more citations: James and Smith (2012), Jones (2013)
or (James and Smith 2012; Jones 2013)
Multiple citations
by one author: Jones (2001, 2012a, 2012b)
or (Jones 2001, 2012a, 2012b)
Multiple citations
by different authors: (James and Smith 2013; Jones et al. 2011; Smith 2014)
No comma is required to separate name and year, but multiple citations by the same author should be separated by commas as shown above. Multiple citations by different authors are separated by a semicolon. When referring to the authors of a paper with more than two authors, use the first author’s name, followed by et al. Unpublished data are cited parenthetically in the text using this form: (JTC Renner, unpublished data). Submitted or unpublished articles may also be cited parenthetically in the text as personal communications e.g. (KM Novosel, personal communication). If a preprint is cited in the text, it should be identified as such and the author(s), date, and DOI provided parenthetically e.g. (Casey et al. (2022) PREPRINT All citations must be listed in References (except preprints, unpublished data and personal communications), and all listed references must be cited.
Present each table on a separate page following the References section. First reference to tables included primarily to present results should be in the Results and Discussion section, and tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals in the sequence of first reference in the text. Include titles for all tables. Use common name for weeds and other non-crop species in the table title. Redefine all abbreviations used in the table, even if the definition has already been given in the text. All text within each table should be in lower case letters except for the first word of a phrase or sentence, and proper nouns that should have initial capitals. Column headings should relate to data or information in the body of the table, not just to other information in column headings, as in this example (note separation of thousands by a comma):
Avoid the use of exponents in column headings. When reporting data for a number of years or locations, group the data in adjacent columns under each factor measured. This facilitates comparison for repeatability of responses. The unit of measurement for a column of figures should be abbreviated and placed at the top of the column. Do not place the unit of measurement in parentheses. Footnotes to tables should be designated with superscript lowercase letters at the highest appropriate level within the table, except probability values, which should use asterisks. For sample layouts, see published tables in a recent issue of Weed Technology. A checklist for table formatting is available at our Table Checklist.
Figures should be attached to the end of the manuscript with the figure legends (as editable text) directly beneath them. Color graphics and color photographs are welcome. Experimental data may be presented in graphic or tabular form, but the same data will not be published in both forms. Data points should be included with plotted curves. Equations must be given with predicted curves or in figure legends. Legends for the axes of graphs must follow the 'Parameter (unit)' format; e.g., Time (h). Capitalize only the first word of each axis label. If an explanation of symbols is required, include the key in the figure. Scale bars included in photomicrographs should be placed directly on the image.
Number all figures, including photographs, consecutively with Arabic numerals in the sequence of first reference in the text. Figures should be cited in the text as Figure 1, Figure 2 etc.Do not give the scientific name of a weed or crop if it has already been given in the text. Redefine all abbreviations used in the figure even if the definition has already been given in the text.
For details of image formatting and acceptable file types, see
Supplementary Material
The reader should be able to fully understand the author’s work through a reading of the article alone. However, the provision of Supplementary Material may be beneficial to readers if it supports reproducibility and transparency. Additional material too extensive for publication in a journal issue can be submitted as supplementary files to be made available online (e.g. figures, videos, 3-D structures/images, extensive datasets, etc).
Supplementary tables should be identified and referenced in the text as "Supplementary Table S1", "Supplementary Table S2" etc.; supplementary figures should be identified and referenced as "Supplementary Figure S1", "Supplementary Figure S2" etc. Any supplementary file that is not a table or figure should be referenced and identified as "Supplementary Appendix S1", "Supplementary Appendix S2" etc. All Supplementary Material should be uploaded in Editorial Manager at the time of parent article submission and clearly cited in a “Supplementary Materials” references list at the end of the body text. Supplementary Material will be made available for peer review for both relevance to the parent article and accuracy, but will be neither copyedited nor typeset.
Supplementary materials will be published with the same metadata as your parent article, and are considered a formal part of the academic record, so cannot be retracted or modified other than via our article correction processes. Supplementary materials will not be typeset or copyedited, so should be supplied exactly as they are to appear online. Please make sure you are familiar with our detailed guidance on supplementary materials prior to submission.
Detailed Instructions
Abbreviations. Abbreviations should be introduced in parentheses immediately after the first use of the term: e.g., days after treatment (DAT), thin-layer chromatography (TLC). Avoid excessive use of acronyms. See WSSA Approved Abbreviations for Frequently Used Terms for approved abbreviations for frequently used terms or phrases that need not be defined.
Adjuvant Names. Consult Young B, F Whitford and J Matthews (2016) Compendium of Herbicide Adjuvants 13e (available at
Enzymes. Use the nomenclature and numbering system recommended by the Committee on Nomenclature and Classification of Enzymes of the International Union of Biochemistry
Equations. Center display equations on a separate line, number sequentially starting with 1, and place the number in square brackets at the right-hand margin. Example:
Y= mx +b [1]
Equations must be included in figures with predicted curves or put in the figure legend. Refer to equations in the text, tables, or figures by number: Equation 1 or (Equation 1).
Herbicide and other Pesticide Names. At the first mention in the text of a herbicide or other pesticide, give its common name or other designation. A list of ISO-approved common and chemical names of herbicides is available at the Compendium of Common Pesticide Names ( The full chemical name is required for any herbicide, other pesticide, growth regulator, or safener that does not have an ISO-approved common name. A chemical referred to by a code designation must be followed by its full chemical name enclosed by parentheses, brackets, or braces, unless already included in “Nomenclature.” Use only the common name or other designation thereafter. Do not repeat in the text chemical names that have been given in “Nomenclature”. If the particular commercial formulation of a herbicide used affects results, identify the formulation in parentheses.
When the common name of the herbicide refers to the parent acid, the salt or ester portion of the active ingredient should be identified at first mention. Example: the methyl ester of diclofop or the isopropylamine salt of glyphosate. Use the approved common name in the remainder of the paper unless there is a need to distinguish between the active ingredient and the parent acid in the text. In such cases, a modifier can be added to the common name (e.g., 2,4-D-amine), and can be used in the text to identify the active ingredient. Recent issues of Weed Technology can be used to determine appropriate modifiers. When rates of acid herbicides are expressed as weight per volume or weight per area, indicate at first mention whether weight refers to the acid equivalent (ae) or the active ingredient (ai), (kg ae ha-1 or kg ai ha-1).
Measurements and Units. Use exponents rather than a slash (/) or dot (·) in reporting units of measure. e.g., kg ha-1 and µmol m–2 s-1, not kg/ha or µmol · m–2 · s -1. Report all measurements in SI units or SI-derived units (see CSE Manual). Do not use quintals or metric tons. Describe lighting conditions as irradiance (W m-2) of photosynthetically active radiation or as photosynthetic photon flux density (µmol m–2 s-1). Leave a space between units in a series. Use nanometers (nm) to designate wavelength, and give spectrophotometric readings in absorbance units (A) rather than optical density (OD). In laboratory studies, express concentration of acids and bases in normality (N) and of herbicide and salt solutions in molarity (M) rather than ppm. Express pressure in kPa (kilopascals) rather than kg cm-2 or bars. Express radioactivity in Bq (Bequerels). Use kg rather than Mg (megagrams). Use L or ml rather than cc for measurements of volume. Express the makeup of solid systems as in the following: sand and peat (1:1 by wt). Words are preferred when units of measure are not involved; e.g., use buds per rhizome and tillers per plant. In field or laboratory studies, indicate whether ppm and percentages are on a w/w or v/v basis. Do not use w/v as a ratio. Use only the weight/volume units e.g. 100 g L-1, rather than 1:9 (w/v). Express the makeup of solvent systems as follows: methyl alcohol, water, and kerosene (1:2:1 by vol).
Numbers. Use Arabic numerals for all numbers with two or more digits and for all measurements such as time, weight, length, area, quantity, concentration, or temperature, with the following exceptions. Spell out a number if it is the first word in a sentence or if it is less than 10 and not a measurement, except in a series in which one number has two or more digits. Do not use a hyphen for the preposition 'to', or × for the preposition 'by' except in tables and figures. Write 100 by 20 rather than 100×20 and 1 to 3 rather than 1–3. Separate thousands with a comma (1,000, 10,000, 100,000). Omit non-significant numbers. Herbicide dosages and injury levels usually are not known more accurately than to the nearest 10%. Yields, enzyme levels, and photosynthetic rates often are not known more accurately than to the nearest 1% (10% of LSD or a similar statistic). Therefore, report a herbicide rate as 0.9 kg ha-1 rather than 0.89 kg ha-1 and a grain yield as 590 kg ha-1) 593 kg ha-1.
Plant and Animal Names. At the first mention in the text of a plant or animal that is not included in the nomenclature, give its common name followed by the approved scientific name enclosed in parentheses or in brackets when parentheses occur within the binomial. Give the genus, species, and author or authors for the binomial. Underline or italicize the genus and species. Enclose the cultivated variety of a crop plant, if known, in single quotation marks at first mention; thereafter, omit the quotation marks. Example: Corn (Zea mays L. ‘Dixie 18'), but later Dixie 18 corn or just corn if only one cultivated variety is used. Do not repeat scientific names in the text that have been given in Nomenclature. For cultivar names that are registered trade names, insert the registered trademark (®) after the name. Refer to for approved scientific and common names. After the first mention, use only common names. Describe animals and microorganisms in the same way at first mention. For the scientific and common names of crops, refer to Standardized Plant Names, 2nd edition, prepared for the Joint Committee on Horticultural Nomenclature and the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants whenever a more recent, authoritative taxonomic reference is not available.
Soil Terminology. Include the soil series with textural classification and the subgroup name, using the terminology of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Services publication, Soil Taxonomy, 1988 (U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.). For soils outside the United States, use the local official terminology.
Statistical Analyses. The design of experiments reported in the manuscript should allow appropriate statistical analysis; in most cases that requires replication in time and/or space. Progress reports and simple observational information are not acceptable. Data should be analyzed statistically, and results of the analyses should be included in the tables or figures where the data are presented. Authors are encouraged to refer to Onofri et al. (2010) Current statistical issues in Weed Research. Weed Res. 50:5-24; and to Ritz et al. (2015) Research Methods in Weed Science: Statistics. Weed Sci. 63sp1:166-187.
All estimated values (e.g. model parameters, means, differences etc.) should be presented together with an appropriate measure of variability in text, tables, and graphs. Multiple comparison tests (LSD and Duncan's multiple range) may be used when appropriate, but not on structured data such as quantitative series of treatments (e.g., herbicide rates in stepwise increments) or factorial treatments. The least significant difference (LSD) is appropriate for paired multiple comparison procedures. In quantitative series, the correct procedure is use of regression or other curve-fitting techniques that can be included in an analysis of variance (ANOVA). An assumption with ANOVA is that variances are homogeneous, but this is unlikely for proportions, percentages, or values differing by orders of magnitude. In such cases, transformations of the raw data must be used if ANOVA is to be valid. For regression, the R should be used to delineate multivariate coefficient of variation, r bivariate correlation coefficients, and R2, the coefficient of determination. Clearly identify all statistical procedures used, including methods of analysis, numbers of replicates and subsamples, transformations used, and statistical tests per-formed. Give literature citations for statistical analyses.
Trade Names. Use trade names sparingly and only if necessary to describe materials or methods. If a trade name is necessary, use it with the generic name in the text and include, where appropriate, the symbol ®. The capitalized trade name along with the name and address of the manufacturer or supplier, if not widely known, should be shown in parentheses immediately following the first mention. Submissions including five or more herbicides should be listed in a Table: see the Materials and Methods section for details.
Competing Interests
All authors must include a competing interest declaration in their main manuscript file. This declaration will be subject to editorial review and may be published in the article.
Competing interests are situations that could be perceived to exert an undue influence on the content or publication of an author’s work. They may include, but are not limited to, financial, professional, contractual or personal relationships or situations.
If the manuscript has multiple authors, the author submitting must include competing interest declarations relevant to all contributing authors.
Example wording for a declaration is as follows: “Competing interests: Author 1 is employed at organisation A, Author 2 is on the Board of company B and is a member of organisation C. Author 3 has received grants from company D.” If no competing interests exist, the declaration should state “Competing interests: The author(s) declare none”.
English language editing services
Authors, particularly those whose first language is not English, may wish to have their English-language manuscripts checked by a native speaker before submission. This step is optional, but may help to ensure that the academic content of the paper is fully understood by the Editor and any reviewers.
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Supplementary materials
Material that is not essential to understanding or supporting a manuscript, but which may nonetheless be relevant or interesting to readers, may be submitted as supplementary material. Supplementary material will be published online alongside your article, but will not be published in the pages of the journal. Types of supplementary material may include, but are not limited to, appendices, additional tables or figures, datasets, videos, and sound files.
Supplementary materials will not be typeset or copyedited, so should be supplied exactly as they are to appear online. Please see our general guidance on supplementary materials for further information.
Where relevant we encourage authors to publish additional qualitative or quantitative research outputs in an appropriate repository, and cite these in manuscripts.
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Authorship and contributorship
All authors listed on any papers submitted to this journal must be in agreement that the authors listed would all be considered authors according to disciplinary norms, and that no authors who would reasonably be considered an author have been excluded. For further details on this journal’s authorship policy, please see this journal's publishing ethics policies
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