All articles are initially evaluated by our editorial assistant who then sends it to the editor with the most appropriate expertise. The editor will read the article and select two or more referees; these may be drawn from the International Advisory Board, depending on the subject matter of the article and the availability of board members. All articles are double blind reviewed; once the reviews have been returned, the editor will form a decision on the basis of the expert advice provided by the readers. In some cases a third opinion may be sought. In the case of articles where extensive revisions are required the article may be sent out to the same referees again on resubmission. This is at the discretion of the editor.
To appeal an editorial decision, contact the Editor and specify the reason for your appeal. Your appeal will be reviewed by the Editor. The final decision regarding your appeal will rest with this Editor.
Appeals should be based on rational arguments and should refer to a specific manuscript in question. New submissions take priority over appeals, so it may take a substantial period of time for the journal to reach a conclusion about your appeal.