In power electronics, magnetic components, such as inductors or transformers, are one of the main device which raise problems. Reliability for a large proportion depends on thermal stresses which are not easy to model nowadays. Moreover, both electrical and magnetic characteristics of magnetic components strongly depend on the temperature. In this case, it is very important to determine operating temperatures of such devices, in order to model correctly the magnetic components.This paper describes a thermal measurement equipment suitable for thermal characterization of magnetic components used in power electronics. Such equipment is essential for developing thermal models. The final aim is to define easy to use thermal models which are able to provide magnetic component operating temperatures for both transient and steady state conditions versus copper and core losses.The described thermal equipment in this paper is a powerful and original tool for magnetic component thermal characterization, because without any device modification, this equipment is able to measure operating magnetic component temperatures in both static and dynamic modes of testing. Temperatures are measured with an accuracy of 2 °C or better. Such accuracy is sufficient for determining steady-state thermal resistance with few temperature points.