The Economic and Labour Relations Review invites contributions for a thematic issue on the Economics of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) to be published in mid-2024. The subject of contributions can consider economic aspects of OHS taken from a wide perspective including critical reviews of the intersection of economics with OHS and the political economy of OHS regulation or death/disaster. Papers may also examine specific aspects of the economic/OHS relationship, including the effects of economic drivers in supply chains, contracting and precarious/informal sector work, or the association between pay and safety, including particular industries or sectors; economic factors driving OHS; and economic welfare consequences of OHS externalities. Comparative papers are also welcome.
Submissions should follow normal ELRR guidelines. Abstracts should be submitted to the theme editors by 20 February 2024 and full manuscripts to the journal following the normal submission process by 1 May 2024. Please see
Papers accepted for the theme will be published in the September 2024 (35/3) issue of ELRR.
Inquiries can be directed to either of the theme editors.
Professor Michael Belzer
Emeritus Professor Michael Quinlan