Good S.r since my return I have skantlie stirred from your dearest frend, wher, I take it, I find the kindlier welcome for your sake, he remayning stil extraordinarilie affected to the common cause, and you in particuler, for which both you & we al are too too much endebted, discharg it as we may. your poor mr is quite cassierd, and gone, I pray god it be not imputed to you, but the worst, you know is, what was meant you from the first: who succeedeth him is a Licentiat of the Lawes, and Divinitie, a sufficient man, as it seemeth, and wel practized in these our causes, as having in former times occasion to trie his wits. He seemeth staied, suerlie settled, sincerile affected, and of a verie good judgment in matters of government, he lyved latelie if you can remember him with D. Kell. I doubt not but he wil do good service, to god, and the common cause.