Ever honored sr
to yours of the last of Februarie I say I will not forgett to signify your mynd to Thomas Heathe att the first commoditie. The matche with France goethe still forward and ys sayd to be accorded also in England [.] think wzth your self howe you may doe anie good and soe shale we for others doe not sleepe therein. Doct. Kellison dothe alwayes continue his good desire to bringe althinges into good order but he differethe in way of proceedinge from us. He hathe geven a procuratione to Father Anthonie in spayne for his business there which I doe not knowe what effect yt may have[.] mr pett will goe thither yf he be advised by other his frendes [.] And for my [word deleted] part I think well of his iorney thoughe he have not yet procuratione to deale for the colledge [.] For he may have yt in tyme and his presence will further the matter as I suppose and he may folowe in die meane while his owne affayre[.] I feare yf nothinge be resolved diere to Doct Kell contentment in competent tyme he will leave his place to whome will take yt: therefore as you can yt would doe well to solicit die graunt of his iust demandes lest all be brought to former despeyre. of mr maine I have writen long since.