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Editorial board

Yujin Nagasawa, Department of Philosophy|University of Birmingham|Edgbaston|Birmingham, B15 2TT|

Book Review Editors

Simon Hewitt, School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science University of Leeds|Woodhouse Lane|Leeds, LS2 9JT |UK
[email protected]

Tasia Scrutton, School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science University of Leeds|Woodhouse Lane|Leeds, LS2 9JT |UK
[email protected]

Emeritus Editors

Peter Byrne

David Efird †

Robin Le Poidevin

H.D. Lewis †

Stewart Sutherland †

Keith Ward

Mark Wynn

Editorial Assistant

Asha Lancaster-Thomas, University of Birmingham, UK

Editorial Board

David Basinger, Roberts Wesleyan College, USA

Jc Beall, University of Notre Dame, USA

John Bishop, The University of Auckland, New Zealand

Mikel Burley, University of Leeds, UK

Elizabeth Burns, University of London, UK

Ryan Byerly, University of Sheffield, UK

Clare Carlisle, King’s College London, UK

Sophie-Grace Chappell, Open University, UK

Oliver D. Crisp, University of St Andrews, UK

Helen De Cruz, Saint Louis University, USA

Jeanine Diller, University of Toledo, USA

Paul Draper, Purdue University, USA

Nikk Effingham, University of Birmingham, UK

Fiona Ellis, University of Roehamption, UK

Jerome Gellman, Ben-Gurion University, Israel

Victoria Harrison, University of Macau, China

Daniel Howard-Snyder, Western Washington University, USA

Elizabeth Jackson, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada

Sam Lebens, University of Haifa, Israel

Joanna Leidenhag, University of Leeds, UK

Timothy Mawson, St. Peter’s College, Oxford, UK

Thaddeus Metz, University of Johannesburg, South Africa

Michael Murray, Arthur Vining Davis Foundations and Franklin and Marshall College|, USA

Graham Oppy, Monash University, Australia

John Schellenberg, Mount Saint Vincent University, Canada

Michael Scott, University of Manchester, UK

Thomas Senor, University of Arkansas, USA

Richard Swinburne, Oriel College, Oxford, UK

Thomas Talbott, Willamette University, USA

Patrick Todd, The University of Edinburgh, UK

Edward Wierenga, University of Rochester, USA

Mohammad Saleh Zarepour, University of Manchester, UK