Jean-François Saliège passed away on Friday, 1 June 2012, following a heart attack at age 68. Jean-François was born in Chartres and spent his entire career in Paris, a city that he particularly enjoyed. He was hired in 1965 as a junior technician at the Laboratoire de Géologie Dynamique de la Faculté des Sciences de Paris at La Sorbonne University (Director Louis Glangeaud), where he participated in the creation of the radiocarbon and mass spectrometry laboratory under supervision of René Létolle, Jean-Charles Fontes, and Colette Vergnaud-Grazzini. In 1975, he moved to the University of Paris VI and worked more specifically with J-C Fontes in the 14C laboratory as an engineer. In 1981, he helped J-C Fontes to create the Hydrology and Isotope Geochemistry lab at Orsay University. The following year, he returned to the University of Paris VI and joined the team led by Colette Vergnaud-Grazzini at the Laboratoire de Géologie Dynamique, where Jean-François set up the new stable isotope and radiocarbon lab. Between 1990 and 2008, he continued to work at the University of Paris VI at the LODYC lab (Dir. Lilianne Merlivat), then at the LOCEAN lab (Dir. Laurence Eymard) on Catherine Pierre's team.