Quaternary Research publishes Research Articles, Reviews, Forum contributions, and Comments and Replies.
Research articles
Quaternary Research primarily publishes articles that present the findings of original research, and which explore their implications for the Quaternary sciences. Articles with strong interdisciplinary elements are particularly welcomed. Articles concerning technique development are also encouraged if they clearly align with the journal's aims and scope.
Review articles
Review articles provide a broad, comprehensive overview or synthesis of rapidly evolving fields that are of interest or utility in research across disciplines. Authors interested in writing an unsolicited review article are encouraged to consult with an editor prior to submission.
Contributions to the QR Forum
Forum articles are intended to cast light on important new research directions or significant but under-emphasized aspects of a field that have broad implications. They differ from research or review articles in that they are intended to provoke discussion about a controversial topic. Authors interested in writing a Forum article are encouraged to consult with an editor prior to submission.
Comments and Replies
These are restricted to comments on a paper previously published in Quaternary Research; the author(s) of the original paper will be given the opportunity to prepare a Reply. Length should not exceed 1000 words and a figure or table. Normally, both the Comment and the Reply will be published in the same issue.
Manuscript organization
Research articles in Quaternary Research are generally organized into seven sections. Authors should be especially careful not to mix methods or approach with results.
Title Page (p.1)
The title page contains the article title, authors' names and complete affiliations. The title should be concise, informative, and suitable for indexing. Compound titles containing phrases set off by colons, semicolons, or dashes must be avoided. Only the first letter and proper nouns should be capitalized. If appropriate, the geographic area of the research should appear as part of the title.
Author names should be in Western format, with family names (surnames) last. Given first names, rather than initials, are required. The correspondence author and address, including e-mail address and telephone, should be identified.
Abstract (p.2)
The abstract must not be longer than 200 words in a single paragraph that summarizes the main findings of the paper. Descriptions of the paper, with phrases such as "are described" or "are discussed," should be avoided; instead, present the key findings themselves. After the abstract a list of up to ten keywords that will be useful for indexing or searching should be included.
The main body of the article is generally organized into an introduction, a section on methods, the results, discussion, and conclusions. Alternative organizational structures can be used but must achieve equivalent clarity for the reader. Each section is demarcated by an informative heading. Do not include figures or tables within the text, nor placement information (such as “Place Figure 1 here”). The entire text should have continuous line numbering.
Acknowledgments should be brief and precede the references. They should identify who provided financial support for the conduct of the research and/or preparation of the article, including grant number if applicable.
References cited
All references cited in the text, figures, or tables must be included in a list of references. All articles used as reference material must be at least in press and accessible by readers via a DOI number. If such articles are accepted for publication but not yet available, this should be mentioned in the cover letter to the editors and a pdf should be available for use by the reviewers.
List of tables
Include table numbers and captions. Note that the tables themselves must be submitted as separate, individual files (see below).
List of figures
Include figure numbers and captions at the end of the text document (i.e., separate from the figure files themselves). All figures are submitted as separate files (see below).
Style Guide
Manuscripts should be double-spaced and left-justified throughout; text lines should be numbered consecutively. Submit the file in its native word-processing format (.doc or docx is best).
Headings should be unnumbered, and no more than three orders of headings should be used. First level headings should be in all caps and bold font. Only the first letter and proper nouns should be capitalized in second and third level headings. Second level headings should be in bold font and third level headings should be in regular font, but italicized. Set off all headings by blank lines.
Measured ages (except radiocarbon ages) should be expressed using the abbreviation "ka" and "Ma" for thousands or millions of years before present. Ages <1000 yr should be given in full. If preferred, yr may also be used for ages younger than 1 Ma (e.g., 150,000 yr). Historical dates should be expressed as years BCE or CE (e.g., 1850 CE; 2030 BCE). Periods are not used in any of these abbreviations.
Intervals of time should also be expressed with the abbreviations "yr," "ka," or "Ma". In accordance with the recommendation of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), other abbreviations (e.g., a, kyr, ky, Myr, etc.) should not be used.
Calibrated 14C ages should be reported as "cal" (e.g., 2450–2950 cal yr BP or 11.3–11.9 cal ka BP). Alongside the calibrated age and its uncertainty, the following should also be reported, either in a table or the text: (1) the material used for dating, (2) the radiocarbon age (e.g., 5900±180 14C yr BP), (3) the sigma metrics of the uncertainty (e.g., 2s), (4) the calibration curve (e.g., SHCal 20; Hogg et al., 2020) and (5) software (e.g., OxCal) used.
Other radiometric (e.g., K/Ar, luminescence) ages should also include the uncertainty, with an explicitly stated zero age datum if appropriate.
For reporting luminescence ages, authors should make it clear which datum year is used for their ages. This could include the year of measurement or sampling, or expressed to AD 2000, or corrected to AD 1950 for comparison with radiocarbon ages (for further explanation see Duller, 2011, Ancient TL 29: 1-3 at http://ancienttl.org/ATL_29-1_2011/ATL_29-1_Duller_p1-4.pdf).
For cosmic ray exposure ages, the zero-age datum and production rates used must be stated clearly in the manuscript, and the source of these production rates cited. The measured nuclide concentrations should be tabulated. See Frankel et al. (2010, EOS 91: 31–32) for a complete list of parameters to report for the calculation of ages.
For all ages, any laboratory number(s) that has been assigned should be given in parentheses following the age [e.g., 2.43 ± 0.10 Ma (QLK-10)].
Historical dates should be expressed as years BC or AD (e.g., AD 1850; 2030 BC) (alternatively, BCE or CE). Periods are not used in any of these abbreviations
Notation and nomenclature
Chemical: International notation should be employed in all cases (e.g., 18O, 14C, 40K).
Temperature: degrees Celsius (C) (e.g., 67°C) or Kelvins (K).
Follow internationally accepted rules and conventions: use the international system of units (SI). If other units are mentioned, include in parentheses following their SI equivalent.
Use a virgule, also known as a forward slash (/), in units: mm/yr, not mm yr-1.
Geographic locations: Latitude and longitude should be used consistently throughout the manuscript, preferably in degrees and decimal minutes and with no spaces (e.g., 122°14.35'W). The datum used (e.g., WGS 84) should be specified. Formally defined geographic locations should be capitalized (e.g., "the Great Lakes"), but informal descriptors (e.g., "the northern Ural Mountains") should not.
Stratigraphic nomenclature: Follow standard practice and procedures as detailed in the 2005 update to the North American Stratigraphic Code (###a href="http://www.agiweb.org/nacsn/code2.html" target="_blank">http://www.agiweb.org/nacsn/code2.html). Authors dealing with stratigraphic nomenclature of archaeological sites are referred to the Guide to Archaeostratigraphic Classification and Terminology (Gasche, H., Tunca, O., 1983. Journal of Field Archaeology 10, 325-335).
Glacial-geologic and geologic-climate nomenclature: Use grammatically appropriate noun and adjective forms for glacial/interglacial ages: e.g., the Würm glaciation (not Würm glacial), the last glaciation or last glacial period (not the last glacial), the Würm glacial age and last interglacial age (where glacial and interglacial are used as modifying adjectives). Comparable noun and adjective forms should be used for stadial/interstadial subages (e.g., the Younger Dryas stade, Allerød interstade, Younger Dryas stadial deposits). Formally defined or widely used and well-understood stratigraphic names should be capitalized (e.g., Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage 2, abbreviated "MIS 2"). Note that "glaciation," "stade," and "last glacial maximum" are not stratigraphic terms formally recognized by the 2005 Code and so are not capitalized. Avoid exclusive reference to local or regional stratigraphic terms (e.g., the Eemian interglacial period) unless the corresponding global terminology (e.g., MIS 5e) is also included for interpretation by an international readership.
Biological names: Scientific names of plants and animals must be italicized. Common names of species or plants and animals may be used only if they are accompanied by scientific names upon first usage (e.g., "quaking aspen, Populus tremuloides"). The second and subsequent appearance of a name can use its shortened form (e.g., P. tremuloides).
Figure and table citations
All illustrations and tables must be cited somewhere in the body of the paper and in sequence [e.g., "...as illustrated in Figure 5"; "...in that region (Fig. 5)"; "...in Alaska and California (Figs. 4 and 5)"; "The values in Table 6 are taken from ..."; "the data obtained in this study (Table 6)...").
In the text
These should be cited in the text by the author's surname and date. Grouped citations should be separated by semicolons and given in chronological order: e.g., (Smith, 1964; Anderson and Muller, 1975; Anshari et al., 2001, 2004).
Only articles that have been published or are in press can be included in the references. Unpublished results or personal communications should be avoided if possible; if critical and otherwise unavailable for inclusion in the manuscript, they may be cited as such in the text and should include the surname and initials of the source as well as the year of communication, e.g., (Smith, L.G., personal communication, 2006).
Except for well-maintained databases, references to Web sites should be made parenthetically in the text or in footnotes and should include the date last accessed. Authors are referred to the Geoscience Information Society Web site at http://www.geoinfo.org/TFGeosciData.html for information on citing unpublished databases and collections.
In References Cited
The reference section should be arranged alphabetically according to the author's surname. Journal names should be spelled out in full. Digital object identifiers may be given for those journals that use this form. List all the authors, but if there are more than ten you may use 'et al.' instead.
Bradley, R.S., 1999. Paleoclimatology: Reconstructing Climates of the Quaternary. Academic Press, San Diego.
Jibson, R.W., 1996. Using landslides for paleoseismic analysis. In: McCalpin, J.P. (Ed.), Paleoseismology. Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 397-438.
Kettles, I.M., Garneau, M., Jetté, H., 2000. Macrofossil, pollen, and geochemical records of peatlands in the Kinosheo Lake and Detour Lake areas, northern Ontario. Bulletin 606. Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa.
Porter, S.C., 2000. High-resolution paleoclimatic information from Chinese eolian sediments based on grayscale intensity profiles. Quaternary Research 53, 70-77.
Figures should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Label all axes. Minimize differences in font size, and aim for a font size of 7 or 8 points at publication scale. Use a sans serif font, such as Helvetica, Geneva, or Arial, for legibility after reduction. All maps should have longitude and latitude coordinates indicated, as well as a bar scale in metric units. Figures should not include images of identifiable persons. Recommended file formats for all figures are EPS, TIFF, and PDF. Non-preferred but usable formats also include JPEG, PPT, or images created in MS Word, but do not prepare line drawings using a .jpg format at any stage in their rendering. Halftone images must be saved at 300 dpi (dots per inch) at approximately the final publication size. Line drawings should be saved at 1000 dpi, or 1200 dpi if very fine line weights have been used. Combination figures must be saved at a minimum of 600 dpi.
Color artwork
Color figures will appear in color on the Web regardless of whether or not these illustrations are reproduced in color in the printed version. If grayscale figures only will be shown in the print version, make sure that the main information will still be apparent. If you desire color reproduction in print, you must indicate this when submitting your accepted article and then will receive information regarding the costs after receipt of your accepted article.
For further information on artwork preparation, please see
Number tables consecutively with Arabic numerals in order of appearance in the text. Each table should be submitted as a separate file in .doc or .docx format. Units should be clearly indicated for each of the column entries in a table. In formatting tables do not use grids or vertical lines. Format the table to fit on a page in normal (portrait) orientation if at all possible (maximum width 171 mm or 6.75 inches). Landscape-oriented tables are best utilized only if they will fill the entire page.
Supplementary material
Supplementary files offer additional possibilities for archiving supporting text and applications, movies, animation sequences, high-resolution images, background datasets, sound clips, and more. They will be published online alongside the electronic version of your article, but will not appear in the printed journal. Supply a concise and descriptive caption for each supplementary table or figure. Reference in the text should be to "Supplementary Table 1" or "Supplementary Figure 1."
Supplementary materials are normally not reviewed or proofed, and they are not copyedited or typeset - they are posted online in the exact format provided by the author.
Data Archives
The Neotoma Paleoecology Database (http://www.neotomadb.org) is a recommended data resource and repository for all paleoecological and paleoenvironmental data included or referenced by articles published in Quaternary Research. Please see this article for more information on the types of suitable data and the process for their archiving. Any type of supplementary data can also be deposited in the data library PANGAEA (external link http://www.pangaea.de). After processing, the author receives an identifier (DOI) linking to the supplements for checking, and for citation; these data supplements and the article will be automatically linked.
The Dryad Consortium provides another permanent data repository that authors might like to use (https://datadryad.org/stash) for diverse data types.