Article Type | Limits | Description |
Review | The length of the Review article will depend on the scope of the subject area and its topicality | Introduction This should be as short as possible to introduce the reader to the purpose of the review. Main body The main body should include appropriate headings and sub heading to break up the text and guide the reader |
Observation | The length of the Observation article will depend on the scope of the subject area and its topicality but generally articles should not exceed 4,000 words for the main text and should be lightly referenced. | Introduction This should be as short as possible, normally not more than 2-3 paragraphs, and should simply serve to introduce the reader to the purpose and significance of the work described. Main body The main body of the text should use appropriate headings and subheadings to break up the text and guide the reader. |
Invited Reviews will be published at no charge to the author under a standard author publishing agreement, unless the author elects to publish their paper under an open access license (see Cambridge Open section below for more details).
Reviews should be submitted online at
Original research for the Discovery section is no longer being considered. Please submit to QRB Discovery online at
Submission of a paper will be taken to imply that it is unpublished and it is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
Manuscript Preparation
Word Count
The length of the article will depend on the scope of the subject area and its topicality. If it is likely that the printed article will exceed 80 Journal pages, authors must consult with the Editorial Board before submitting. As a very rough guide, length may be approximately estimated by using the following:
Title and Abstract: 1 page
Contents: 1 page Text: 500 words per page
References: 20 per page
Figures: 2 per page
Tables: estimated individually, depending on length
The preferred word processing packages are Word or WordPerfect in either PC or Macintosh format. Please note that currently we are unable to use LaTeX files.
Text must be provided in English, double-spaced throughout with a wide margin all round. Page numbering and line numbering are required. Tables and captions for illustrations should be typed separately at the end of the manuscript and their required positions indicated in the text. DO NOT integrate tables, captions or figures into the text. If it is necessary to refer to various passages in the text, please ensure that the relevant manuscript page number is given.
We require that all equations are provided in Mathtype.
OrganisationTitle page
The title page should include:
- The title of the article, which should be short but informative and accurately reflect the content;
- Authors' names;
- Name and address of department(s) and institution(s) to which the work should be attributed for each author;
- Name, mailing address (including town or city and country), and email address of the author responsible for correspondence about the manuscript;
- Short running title for page headings (less than 40 characters);
- Word count, including all text but excluding tables, figures and references.
Each paper should include a self-contained abstract indicating the main points of the article in fewer than 300 words. Please include up to six but no less than three keywords.
Following the abstract, Review articles should include a table of contents, which should not include reference to the abstract. Chapter and section headings and the table of contents should conform to the style in any issue from volume 32 onwards (see for examples).
These may be line drawings or photographs and all should be referred to consecutively in the text as Fig. 1, etc. In the manuscript, each figure must be on a separate page and clearly identified with the author's name, short title of the manuscript and figure number. The position of each should be indicated in the text. Component parts of figures should be labelled (a), (b), (c) etc. Where there are multiple part figures, it is requested that authors supply a preferred page layout.
Captions for figures, which should be self-explanatory, must be typed, double spaced, on a separate page at the end of the manuscript.
We recommend that only TIFF, EPS or PDF formats are used for electronic artwork. Other non-preferred but usable formats are JPG, PPT and GIF files and images created in Microsoft Word. For further information about how to prepare your figures, including sizing and resolution requirements, please see our artwork guide.
Line drawings
Line drawings should not be larger than twice the final size. The axes of graphs should be carefully chosen so as to occupy the space available to the best advantage. Lines should be bold enough to stand reduction to about 0.25-0.35 mm. Line drawings should be as simple as possible and many computer-generated figures, for example 3-dimensional graphs, with fine lines, gradations of stippling and unusual symbols, cannot be reproduced satisfactorily when reduced. Unsatisfactory line drawings will have to be redrawn at the author's expense. Preferred symbols are open and filled circles, boxes and triangles, and these should be self-explanatory and unambiguous and of sufficiently high quality and size to be clearly visible after reduction to final size. Lettering of all figures within the manuscript should be of uniform style in a sans serif typeface (Helvetica) using lower case lettering.
Photographs should be labelled and numbered as for line drawings. For microscopical preparations, scale bars with appropriate units (e.g. 50 micrometers) must be provided.
Each table should be clearly headed and submitted double-spaced on a separate page at the end of the manuscript. Tables should be numbered consecutively as Table 1, Table 2 etc. with any subsections labelled as (a), (b), etc. These must be presented to fit the page size (280 x 210 mm) without undue reduction. Oversize tables will not be accepted.
Journal Style
Contributors should note the following:
- Active voice should be used wherever feasible, and manuscripts should be written in the first person (except in the Abstract, where the third person should be used).
- Either American or British conventions of spelling and grammar are acceptable as long as used consistently throughout, except in non-British quotations and references.
- Terms that may be regarded as pejorative or contentious should be avoided.
- Footnotes should be avoided except to add information below the body of a table.
- The metric system must be used and SI units where appropriate. For further details see British Standards Institute 5775, Quantities, Units and Abbreviations.
Required Statements