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Plant morphogenesis: Quantitative Aspects and Emerging Novel Concepts
31 Oct 2024

Like all living organisms, plants also exhibit dynamic shapes and forms. Morphogenesis involves a complex interplay of molecular, mechanical, and environmental cues, an understanding of which requires an integrative approach. Classical studies using model plants such as Arabidopsis thaliana have been instrumental in identifying the fundamental aspects of growth control and arrest, shape robustness, tissue curvature generation, and evolution. These foundation studies have propelled translational research, allowing for predictive studies through computational modeling, leading to the identification of key conserved mechanisms and pathways. However, despite our progress, we still lack a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms that regulate plant growth and what their evolutionary adaptations are. This special collection aims to showcase quantitative studies that bear significance to plant morphogenesis and challenge our current understanding, by providing groundbreaking concepts emerging from a broader realm of quantitative plant biology.

Keeping our aim in mind, in this special collection, we welcome submissions encompassing all biological scales (from molecular to cellular processes, organismal to population level) and from a wide range of environments (lab-scale to field-based studies), while focusing on the fundamental aspects of plant morphogenesis. The core of the publication strategy will be to enhance our quantitative understanding of how plants function from a physiological and evolutionary perspective.

Submissions of original research (conceptual and/or methodological) articles, reviews, insights and perspectives, and citizen science articles covering but not restricted to the following areas are welcome: Spatiotemporal development/ Tissue and organ development/ Cell division and expansion/ Morphogenetic trajectories/ Growth kinematics/ Environmental impacts on morphogenesis/ Quantitative approaches/ imaging techniques/ (3D)-modeling etc.

Please note that descriptive studies and those defining gene families or cataloging transcripts, proteins, or metabolites, will not be considered for review. The submissions must expand beyond mere description, to provide mechanistic and/or physiological insights into the biological system or process being studied, with a clear quantitative focus.


Please submit your articles via the Quantitative Plant Biology ScholarOne site and select ‘Plant morphogenesis: Quantitative Aspects and Emerging Novel Concepts' from the special collection dropdown menu. Please email Alison Paskins with any questions about the collection.

Guest Editors:

Ali Ferjani, University of Tokyo, Japan

Jiyan Qi, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China

Avilash Singh Yadav, Cornell University, USA 

Ya Min, University of Connecticut, USA