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Editor-in-Chief: Professor Olivier Hamant INRAE, ENS Lyon | France
Editorial Board
Quantitative Plant Biology is an open access journal, co-published by Cambridge University Press and The John Innes Centre with the aim of providing an interdisciplinary forum for high quality research on ground-breaking discoveries and predictions in quantitative plant science. The journal welcomes submissions at all biological scales (from molecular through cellular and organismal to populations) and from a wide range of sources (from lab to field). The journal also welcomes the submission of quantitative studies involving citizen science. The core of the publication strategy will be to enhance our quantitative understanding of how plants function from a physiological and evolutionary perspective.

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Quantitative Plant Biology Blog

  • Quantitative Plant Biology: Making plant science research open to all
  • 18 October 2023, Dr Olivier Hamant and Alison Paskins
  • Quantitative Plant Biology (QPB) is a community-based journal, co-published by Cambridge University Press and The John Innes Centre, with a prestigious and QPB was established with the belief that plant science research is a key endeavour in a changing environment. For this, not only does the journal build on cutting-edge quantitative approaches, it also opens the field to citizen science and art & science with dedicated article formats and collections. At QPB, we believe that research is first and foremost a question of creativity. This also means that plant science should be available to everyone, everywhere, and that the processes behind the research should be fully transparent....

In this short video, the Editor-in-Chief of Quantitative Plant Biology defines Stochastic Resonance as a mathematical term.

How to know what questions to ask; taking a quantitative approach

Interview with Editor in Chief