This year brings more change to Public Health Nutrition. As our field grows, we grow with it; since 2013, the number of submissions to Public Health Nutrition has exceeded a thousand. To accommodate this growth, in 2015 we are increasing the number of issues per year from twelve to eighteen. We have also revised our categories to be inclusive of the types of submissions that we welcome, as shown in Table 1. In this first issue of 2015, we highlight articles involving structural interventions to facilitate healthful eating in a retail food environment, with an accompanying editorial by two members of our editorial board, Wilma Waterlander and Shannon Zenk.
Table 1 Categories of papers in Public Health Nutrition

Outside our journal, the year 2015 promises to bring change in the field of public health nutrition itself. These past few months have seen much movement and discussion on the UN Millennium Development Goals, sugar and sustainability. We look forward to progress in these areas.