108th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, August 30–September 2, 2012
Join your colleagues in the political science community at APSA's 2012 Annual Meeting. With nearly 900 panels and roundtables, attendees can explore an array of research topics, including this year's theme “Representation and Renewal.” Along with access to timely scholarly research, attendees will benefit from a variety of social events and special programs to encourage networking and professional development. APSA invites you to take advantage of all the exciting features offered at the annual meeting.
Sessions, services, and more
With a four-day program filled with panels, roundtables, and special events, the meeting gives attendees ample opportunity to engage with fellow scholars. Mingle with colleagues at exciting evening events like the opening reception, or join APSA in celebrating outstanding achievements in the field at the awards ceremony. Delve more deeply into topics with a short course on Wednesday, or meet attendees with shared interests by participating in a working group. Along with special events and networking, the annual meeting provides attendees with worthwhile services: the eJobs placement service for onsite interviews, and an exhibit hall hosting publishers, educational foundations, computer software companies, and more.
Register now and save
Registration is available through the APSA web site www.apsanet.org . Simply log into your MyAPSA account and follow the registration links under the annual meeting header. Register by August 6 to receive the lower preregistration rates–after August 6 onsite rates apply. Current APSA members receive lower registration rates, so we encourage nonmembers to consider joining. By joining now, you can take advantage of discounted membership rates as well as lower registration rates.
Hotels in New Orleans
Special meeting rates are available at several New Orleans hotels. Visit www.apsanet.org/2012 for more information about making reservations online and by phone with APSA's official housing bureau, Travel Planners.
Discover New Orleans
APSA returns to New Orleans–a city renowned for its fascinating culture and rich history. Influences from around the world create a brilliant mosaic of traditions, food, and music. Visitors can discover the unique charms of eclectic neighborhoods, enjoy a truly unique culinary experience, and see first-hand the energy of a lively New Orleans jazz club. For more information, visit www.apsanet.org/2012.
Program Highlights
For a complete panel schedule and the most up-to-date meeting information, check the online program at www.apsanet.org/2012.
Awards Luncheon and Ceremony
Thursday, August 30, noon (ceremony beginning at 12:45 p.m.)
Graduate Student Reception
Thursday, August 30, 6:00 p.m.
Presidential Address and Opening Reception
Thursday, August 30, 8:00 p.m.
Reception Honoring Teaching
Friday, August 31, 7:15 p.m.
APSA Annual All Member Meeting
Saturday, September 1, 12:15 p.m.
Plenary Sessions
Plenary Panel: The 2012 Presidential Election
Lynn Vavreck, University of California, Los Angeles
John M. Sides, George Washington University
Larry M. Bartels, Vanderbilt University
Morris Fiorina, Stanford University
Sasha Issenberg, Philadelphia Magazine
Ezra Klein, Washington Post
Plenary Roundtable: Field Experiments: Design, Analysis, and Interpretation by Alan S. Gerber and Donald P. Green
James N. Druckman, Northwestern University
Daniel N. Posner, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Jasjeet Singh Sekhon, University of California, Berkeley
Alan Gerber, Yale University
Donald P. Green, Columbia University
Diana C. Mutz, University of Pennsylvania
APSA Committee on Siting and Engagement
Plenary Address
Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA)
Scheduled Theme Panels
Check the online program for dates, times and panelists.
Representation and Renewal in Europe
What Explains the Vote Choice in the 2012 Presidential Election?
Addressing the Democratic Deficit in Global Civil Society
Polarized Parties, Dysfunctional Politics: Roundtable on Thomas Mann and Norman Ornstein's It's Even Worse Than It Looks
Renewing Representative Institutions
Representation Against the Odds
Government and Censorship
Replacing the Electoral College: The National Public Vote Initiative
New Orleans and APSA'S Siting Decision Policy
The Spirit of Compromise
Party, Race, and Incumbency: The 2010 Redistricting Cycle
Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models (EITM): Comparative
Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models (EITM): American
Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models (EITM): International Relations
Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models (EITM): Evaluating Models
Globalization and Representation
Should Blacks Represent Blacks and Women Represent Women?
Are Blacks Representing Blacks and Women Representing Women?
Representation and Renewal in Disaster's Wake: Deepwater Horizon, Fukushima, and Public Opinion
Rebuilding the State: Disasters, Institutions, and Their Interactive Effects
City Decline and Renewal
Justices, Journalists, and the Public: Is the Supreme Court a Representative Body?
New Forms of Representation in Latin America
Perspectives on Politics Theme Panel
Domestic Representation and International Coercion
Representation and Undocumented Immigrants: Amnesty, Morality, and Democracy
Representation and Citizenship: Recasting the Boundaries of the Polity
Democracies for the Few or Many? Institutional and Political Sources of Inequality in the 50 States
Faultlines in the 99: Negotiating Difference and Inclusion in the Occupy Movement
Representation and Renewal: Views from Gaus Award Winners
British Political Development: Institutional Determinants of Representation and Responsiveness
Who's Winning and Who's Losing in Health Reform? Elections, Courts, Administrative Agencies and States as Representative Institutions
Politics in Real Time: Events, Policies, and the Role of Technology
Representative Democracies and Powerful Courts? European Constitutional Courts as Veto Players
Renewal and Historical Legacies in International Institutions