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Review process

The Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union publishes conference proceedings, and as such there is no peer review process. Symposia editors check submissions for correctness.

Appeals Process

Appeals of editorial decisions will only be considered if they refer to a specific manuscript and must be based on evidence that the integrity of the editorial decision making process was compromised. In general, only one appeal per manuscript per decision stage will be considered.

To make appeal against an editorial decision please send a rebuttal letter to [email protected]. Your letter should include details of your manuscript (title, author details, manuscript number) and explain clearly why you disagree with the editorial decision.

The journals Editorial Board will consider your appeal. All appeal requests are handled on a case by case basis and the Editorial Board's decision is final. If the appeal is rejected, then the original rejection decision is upheld and no further consideration of that article is possible.

New submissions to the journal take priority over appeals, so it may take a substantial period of time to reach a conclusion about your appeal.