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Counter-Terrorism Medicine Collection

Counterterrorism Medicine Collection

Prehospital and Disaster Medicine Counter-Terrorism Medicine Collection 

Prehospital and Disaster Medicine (PDM) is privileged to present a series of articles previously published in the Journal on the topic of the health and medical effects of acts of terrorism. For more than two decades, PDM has published papers that explore the consequences of terrorist events on the global community and individual health. The PDM Counter-Terrorism Medicine Collection is a sample of years of research conducted on this topic.

Terrorism is an irrational and non-natural threat for all populations, but the threat can be addressed by the classic approach to disasters including assessing the risks of occurrence of a terror attack, taking actions to mitigate the risks, planning for a coordinated response to a terrorist attack, actively responding, recovering from the event, and learning from the terrorist experience to improve knowledge and performance in emergency response. These concepts are supported by quality research in this unique area of disaster health and medicine. This collection provides an overview of the terrorism research published in PDM. The collection is aimed at increasing overall knowledge of terrorism impacts on health and medicine and to encourage more quality research in this special disaster-related area.

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Special Report

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