Published online by Cambridge University Press: 06 April 2009
Early in 1925 I received from Mr E. Jacobson a mite taken in 1918 from the Passalid beetle Gnaphalocnemis (Eriocnemis) burmeisteri Kaup. on the east coast of Sumatra. It clearly belonged to the genus Megisthanus, and was apparently new. I had described and figured it before I showed it to Mr Stanley Hirst of the British Museum (Natural History), South Kensington. He informed me that he had received both sexes of what he believed to be the same mite, and most kindly offered to hand over to me the material to complete my account of the new species. By the courtesy of Sir Sidney Harmer he was permitted to do this, and I have therefore been able to examine, as regards external features, four female and three male specimens.