The original version of Table 2 (page 4) in the above article contains several misattribution errors. The corrected table is presented below, with the corrected references given in bold type. In addition, authorities have been added in the first column and GenBank accession numbers are provided for novel sequence data identified in this study. All references in the table appear in the original article. The authors apologise for the errors and omissions and wish to correct them through this notice.
Table 2. Sequences used for phylogenetic analyses of the 18S, 28S and COI gene/regions

Abbreviations: AUS (Australia); TNP (Tsitsikamma section of the Garden Route National Park); SA (South Africa); UK (United Kingdom); USA (United States of America). 1Listed on GenBank as Proctoeces cf. lintoni; 2Listed on GenBank as Proctoeces lintoni; 3Listed on GenBank as Proctoeces sp.; †Host is not a fish.