Published online by Cambridge University Press: 06 April 2009
A coccidium belonging to the family Adeleidae was discovered in the mid-gut cells of Tipula paludosa. A new genus Rasajeyna and a new species nannyla are established because this pathogen differs from previously described coccidia. A diagnosis of R. nannyla is given.
The endogenous phase of R. nannyla is restricted to larvae. The oocysts, which are the external phase of the parasite, are swallowed by the leatherjackets and excyst in the anterior mid-gut. The sporozoites, 36·5 µm (± 5·4 µm, 95% confidence limits) long, 15·7 µm (± 1·8 µm, 95% confidence limits) wide, each containing a refractile body, enter the anterior mid-gut cells where the 1st schizogony occurs. The refractile bodies are retained during the early nuclear divisions. The sausage-shaped merozoites, 28·2 µm (± 4·3 µm, 95% confidence limits) long, 7·1 µm (± 0·9 µm, 95% confidence limits) wide, with posterior nuclei exhibit three distinct types of movement. (a) An active flexion of the body which is thought to occur during the intracellular phase. (b) A flicking action by both ends of the body. This is thought to occur during the free phase. (c) A spiralling motion which is thought to aid the entry of the merozoite into the cells.
The nucles of the intracellular merozoite divides several times, forming a multinucleate body. The merozoites of the 2nd schizogony form in groups at the poles of the schizont. The merozites are indistinguishable from each other until after a period of growth has ensued, when they are differentiated as macro- and microgametocytes. The pear-shaped macrogamete 44·3 µm (± 4·5 µm, 95% confidence limits) long, 21·6 µm (± 3·2 µm, 95% confidence limits) wide, which contains a crescent-shaped structure in the nucleus. The microgametocyte grows to 40·3 µm (± 2·7 µm, 95% confidence limits) long, 16·7 µm (± 1·5 µm, 95% confidence limits) wide and then attaches itself lengthwise to the macrogamete. A membrane is then secreted around both partners. Nuclear division produces 4 microgametes, one of which fertilizes the female. The 1st and 2nd oocyst membranes are deposited before cytoplasmic shrinkage and meiosis. The zygote is 44·6 µm (± 4·2 µm, 95% confidence limits) long and 33·7 µm (± 4·1 µm, 95% confidence limits ) wide. Cytoplasmic condensation around the nuclei forms the sporoblasts which mature into sporocysts each containing 1 sporozoite. The zygote may be expelled from the larvae at any juncture after fertilization.