Published online by Cambridge University Press: 06 April 2009
Haematoloechus (Haematoloechus) exoterorchis sp.nov. and H. (H.) micrurus sp.nov. have been found in the lungs of Rana occipitalis (Gunther) in South Ghana.
62·5% of the frogs were infested with one or other or with both species.
The two species occupy different positions in the lungs of the host. H. (H.) exoterorchis is cylindrical and is wedged, anterior end foremost, into the alveoli. H. (H.) micrurus is flattened and remains free in the central lumen of the lung.
In the former case the wall of the alveolus, containing the worm, becomes stretched to a thin membrane.
The morphology of both species is described with reference to their different habitats.
A brief discussion of the genus is included.
I am most grateful to the University of Ghana and to the staff of the Zoology Department at Legon for the facilities which they placed at my disposal and without which the work could not have been done.