At least for Jewish audiences, the meaning of the parable of the undeserving
servant (Luke 17.7–10) is clear enough: slaves can claim no credit for doing what they have
been ‘commanded’ (the redoubled τα
διαταχθεντα of vv. 9–10). Both the
passive voice and parallels from Jewish literature indicate that ‘Master’
and ‘slave’ are ciphers for God and the pious. Mishnah 'Abot 1.3,
for example, is widely cited: ‘Do not be like slaves who serve the Master for the sake of
reward, but be as slaves who serve the Master other than for reward, and let the fear of Heaven
be upon you.’ J. D. M. Derrett has adduced a wealth of material documenting master–slave
relations in Judaism as they relate to the circumstances depicted in
the text.