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Editorial board

Dr Henk Kombrink, North Sea Communication Ltd, UK
[email protected]

Editorial Office

Editorial Office, Netherlands Journal of Geosciences / Geologie en Mijnbouw|P.O. Box 80015|3508 TA Utrecht|Netherlands|T +31 (0) 88 866 20 64
[email protected]

Associate Editors

Dr Fred Beekman, Department of Earth Sciences | Utrecht University | Utrecht, The Netherlands

Dr Rick Donselaar, Department of Geoscience and Engineering | Delft University of Technology | Delft, The Netherlands|

Dr Harm Jan Pierik, Landscape department | Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands | Amersfoort, The Netherlands

Dr Hanneke Verweij, TNO Geological Survey of the Netherlands | Utrecht, The Netherlands

Dr Geert-Jan Vis, TNO Geological Survey of the Netherlands | Utrecht, The Netherlands

Dr Wilma Wessels, Department of Earth Sciences | Utrecht University | Utrecht, The Netherlands

Advisory Board

Dr. Katrine Andresen, Department of Geosciences | Aarhus University, Denmark

Dr. Marit Brommer, International Geothermal Association | The Hague, The Netherlands

Dr. Ian Bull, School of Chemistry | University of Bristol | Bristol, UK

Dr. Friederike Bungenstock, Lower Saxony Institute for Historical Coastal Research | Wilhelmshaven, Germany

Em. Prof. Dr. Phillip Gibbard, Scott Polar Research Institute | University of Cambridge | Cambridge, UK

Dr. Marjolijn Haasnoot, Deltares | Delft, The Netherlands

Dr. Vanessa Heyvaert, Geological Survey of Belgium | Brussels, Belgium

Dr. Wim Hoek, Faculty of Geosciences | Utrecht University | Utrecht, The Netherlands

Prof. Dr. Aart Kroon, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management | University of Copenhagen | Copenhagen, Denmark

Dr. Elco Luijendijk, Department of Earth Sciences | University of Bergen, Norway

Dr. Annemarie Muntendam-Bos, State Supervision of Mines | Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy | The Hague, The Netherlands

Prof. Anne Schulp, Faculty of Geosciences | Utrecht University | Utrecht, The Netherlands

Prof. Dr. Ronald van Balen, Faculty of Science | Vrije University Amsterdam | Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Dr. Jeroen van der Lubbe, Faculty of Science | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Dr. Michiel van der Meulen, TNO - Geological Survey of the Netherlands | Utrecht, The Netherlands

Prof. Dr. Vera van Lancker, Directorate Natural Environment | Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences | Brussels, Belgium